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using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine;
using Cinemachine;
public class RotateVirtualCameraNode : Unit
public ControlInput enter { get; private set; }
public ControlOutput exit { get; private set; }
public ValueInput sensitivityInput { get; private set; }
public ValueInput minRotationInput { get; private set; } // Minimum rotation limit
public ValueInput maxRotationInput { get; private set; } // Maximum rotation limit
private float rotationX = 0f; // Track the rotation around the X axis
protected override void Definition()
enter = ControlInput("enter", (flow) =>
// Get the current game object (target object)
var targetObject = flow.stack.gameObject;
// Get the Virtual Camera from the child object
var vcam = targetObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<CinemachineVirtualCamera>();
// Get sensitivity
float sensitivity = flow.GetValue<float>(sensitivityInput);
// Get rotation limits
float minRotation = flow.GetValue<float>(minRotationInput);
float maxRotation = flow.GetValue<float>(maxRotationInput);
// Get input (mouse or touch)
float inputX, inputY;
if (Input.touchSupported && Input.touchCount > 0)
Touch touch = Input.GetTouch(0);
inputX = touch.deltaPosition.x;
inputY = touch.deltaPosition.y;
inputX = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
inputY = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
// Rotate around the Y axis
vcam.transform.RotateAround(targetObject.transform.position, Vector3.up, inputX * sensitivity);
// Calculate the desired rotation around the X axis
float desiredRotationX = rotationX - inputY * sensitivity;
desiredRotationX = Mathf.Clamp(desiredRotationX, minRotation, maxRotation); // Limit the rotation to the specified range
// Calculate the actual rotation difference
float rotationDifferenceX = desiredRotationX - rotationX;
// Apply the rotation around the X axis
vcam.transform.RotateAround(targetObject.transform.position, vcam.transform.right, rotationDifferenceX);
// Update the tracked rotation
rotationX = desiredRotationX;
return exit; // Continue execution
exit = ControlOutput("exit");
sensitivityInput = ValueInput<float>("sensitivity", 2f); // Default sensitivity
minRotationInput = ValueInput<float>("minRotation", -45f); // Default minimum rotation
maxRotationInput = ValueInput<float>("maxRotation", 45f); // Default maximum rotation