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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Unity.Netcode.RuntimeTests;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace Unity.Netcode.TestHelpers.Runtime
/// <summary>
/// The default Netcode for GameObjects integration test helper class
/// </summary>
public abstract class NetcodeIntegrationTest
/// <summary>
/// Used to determine if a NetcodeIntegrationTest is currently running to
/// determine how clients will load scenes
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsRunning { get; private set; }
protected static TimeoutHelper s_GlobalTimeoutHelper = new TimeoutHelper(8.0f);
protected static WaitForSecondsRealtime s_DefaultWaitForTick = new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1.0f / k_DefaultTickRate);
public NetcodeLogAssert NetcodeLogAssert;
/// <summary>
/// Registered list of all NetworkObjects spawned.
/// Format is as follows:
/// [ClientId-side where this NetworkObject instance resides][NetworkObjectId][NetworkObject]
/// Where finding the NetworkObject with a NetworkObjectId of 10 on ClientId of 2 would be:
/// s_GlobalNetworkObjects[2][10]
/// To find the client or server player objects please see:
/// <see cref="m_PlayerNetworkObjects"/>
/// </summary>
protected static Dictionary<ulong, Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject>> s_GlobalNetworkObjects = new Dictionary<ulong, Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject>>();
public static void RegisterNetworkObject(NetworkObject networkObject)
if (!s_GlobalNetworkObjects.ContainsKey(networkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId))
s_GlobalNetworkObjects.Add(networkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId, new Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject>());
if (s_GlobalNetworkObjects[networkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId].ContainsKey(networkObject.NetworkObjectId))
if (s_GlobalNetworkObjects[networkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId] == null)
Assert.False(s_GlobalNetworkObjects[networkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId][networkObject.NetworkObjectId] != null,
$"Duplicate NetworkObjectId {networkObject.NetworkObjectId} found in {nameof(s_GlobalNetworkObjects)} for client id {networkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId}!");
s_GlobalNetworkObjects[networkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId][networkObject.NetworkObjectId] = networkObject;
s_GlobalNetworkObjects[networkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId].Add(networkObject.NetworkObjectId, networkObject);
public static void DeregisterNetworkObject(NetworkObject networkObject)
if (networkObject.IsSpawned && networkObject.NetworkManager != null)
DeregisterNetworkObject(networkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId, networkObject.NetworkObjectId);
public static void DeregisterNetworkObject(ulong localClientId, ulong networkObjectId)
if (s_GlobalNetworkObjects.ContainsKey(localClientId) && s_GlobalNetworkObjects[localClientId].ContainsKey(networkObjectId))
if (s_GlobalNetworkObjects[localClientId].Count == 0)
protected int TotalClients => m_UseHost ? m_NumberOfClients + 1 : m_NumberOfClients;
protected const uint k_DefaultTickRate = 30;
private int m_NumberOfClients;
protected abstract int NumberOfClients { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Set this to false to create the clients first.
/// Note: If you are using scene placed NetworkObjects or doing any form of scene testing and
/// get prefab hash id "soft synchronization" errors, then set this to false and run your test
/// again. This is a work-around until we can resolve some issues with NetworkManagerOwner and
/// NetworkManager.Singleton.
/// </summary>
protected bool m_CreateServerFirst = true;
public enum NetworkManagerInstatiationMode
PerTest, // This will create and destroy new NetworkManagers for each test within a child derived class
AllTests, // This will create one set of NetworkManagers used for all tests within a child derived class (destroyed once all tests are finished)
DoNotCreate // This will not create any NetworkManagers, it is up to the derived class to manage.
public enum HostOrServer
protected GameObject m_PlayerPrefab;
protected NetworkManager m_ServerNetworkManager;
protected NetworkManager[] m_ClientNetworkManagers;
/// <summary>
/// Contains each client relative set of player NetworkObject instances
/// [Client Relative set of player instances][The player instance ClientId][The player instance's NetworkObject]
/// Example:
/// To get the player instance with a ClientId of 3 that was instantiated (relative) on the player instance with a ClientId of 2
/// m_PlayerNetworkObjects[2][3]
/// </summary>
protected Dictionary<ulong, Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject>> m_PlayerNetworkObjects = new Dictionary<ulong, Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject>>();
protected bool m_UseHost = true;
protected int m_TargetFrameRate = 60;
private NetworkManagerInstatiationMode m_NetworkManagerInstatiationMode;
protected bool m_EnableVerboseDebug { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// When set to true, this will bypass the entire
/// wait for clients to connect process.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Setting this to true will bypass other helper
/// identification related code, so this should only
/// be used for connection failure oriented testing
/// </remarks>
protected bool m_BypassConnectionTimeout { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Used to display the various integration test
/// stages and can be used to log verbose information
/// for troubleshooting an integration test.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="msg"></param>
protected void VerboseDebug(string msg)
if (m_EnableVerboseDebug)
/// <summary>
/// Override this and return true if you need
/// to troubleshoot a hard to track bug within an
/// integration test.
/// </summary>
protected virtual bool OnSetVerboseDebug()
return false;
/// <summary>
/// The very first thing invoked during the <see cref="OneTimeSetup"/> that
/// determines how this integration test handles NetworkManager instantiation
/// and destruction. <see cref="NetworkManagerInstatiationMode"/>
/// Override this method to change the default mode:
/// <see cref="NetworkManagerInstatiationMode.AllTests"/>
/// </summary>
protected virtual NetworkManagerInstatiationMode OnSetIntegrationTestMode()
return NetworkManagerInstatiationMode.PerTest;
protected virtual void OnOneTimeSetup()
public void OneTimeSetup()
Application.runInBackground = true;
m_NumberOfClients = NumberOfClients;
IsRunning = true;
m_EnableVerboseDebug = OnSetVerboseDebug();
IntegrationTestSceneHandler.VerboseDebugMode = m_EnableVerboseDebug;
VerboseDebug($"Entering {nameof(OneTimeSetup)}");
m_NetworkManagerInstatiationMode = OnSetIntegrationTestMode();
// Enable NetcodeIntegrationTest auto-label feature
VerboseDebug($"Exiting {nameof(OneTimeSetup)}");
/// <summary>
/// Called before creating and starting the server and clients
/// Note: For <see cref="NetworkManagerInstatiationMode.AllTests"/> and
/// <see cref="NetworkManagerInstatiationMode.PerTest"/> mode integration tests.
/// For those two modes, if you want to have access to the server or client
/// <see cref="NetworkManager"/>s then override <see cref="OnServerAndClientsCreated"/>.
/// <see cref="m_ServerNetworkManager"/> and <see cref="m_ClientNetworkManagers"/>
/// </summary>
protected virtual IEnumerator OnSetup()
yield return null;
public IEnumerator SetUp()
VerboseDebug($"Entering {nameof(SetUp)}");
NetcodeLogAssert = new NetcodeLogAssert();
yield return OnSetup();
if (m_NetworkManagerInstatiationMode == NetworkManagerInstatiationMode.AllTests && m_ServerNetworkManager == null ||
m_NetworkManagerInstatiationMode == NetworkManagerInstatiationMode.PerTest)
yield return StartServerAndClients();
VerboseDebug($"Exiting {nameof(SetUp)}");
/// <summary>
/// Override this to add components or adjustments to the default player prefab
/// <see cref="m_PlayerPrefab"/>
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnCreatePlayerPrefab()
private void CreatePlayerPrefab()
VerboseDebug($"Entering {nameof(CreatePlayerPrefab)}");
// Create playerPrefab
m_PlayerPrefab = new GameObject("Player");
NetworkObject networkObject = m_PlayerPrefab.AddComponent<NetworkObject>();
// Make it a prefab
VerboseDebug($"Exiting {nameof(CreatePlayerPrefab)}");
/// <summary>
/// This is invoked before the server and client(s) are started.
/// Override this method if you want to make any adjustments to their
/// NetworkManager instances.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnServerAndClientsCreated()
/// <summary>
/// Will create <see cref="NumberOfClients"/> number of clients.
/// To create a specific number of clients <see cref="CreateServerAndClients(int)"/>
/// </summary>
protected void CreateServerAndClients()
private void AddRemoveNetworkManager(NetworkManager networkManager, bool addNetworkManager)
var clientNetworkManagersList = new List<NetworkManager>(m_ClientNetworkManagers);
if (addNetworkManager)
m_ClientNetworkManagers = clientNetworkManagersList.ToArray();
m_NumberOfClients = clientNetworkManagersList.Count;
/// <summary>
/// CreateAndStartNewClient Only
/// Invoked when the newly created client has been created
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnNewClientCreated(NetworkManager networkManager)
/// <summary>
/// CreateAndStartNewClient Only
/// Invoked when the newly created client has been created and started
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnNewClientStarted(NetworkManager networkManager)
/// <summary>
/// CreateAndStartNewClient Only
/// Invoked when the newly created client has been created, started, and connected
/// to the server-host.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnNewClientStartedAndConnected(NetworkManager networkManager)
/// <summary>
/// This will create, start, and connect a new client while in the middle of an
/// integration test.
/// </summary>
protected IEnumerator CreateAndStartNewClient()
var networkManager = NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers.CreateNewClient(m_ClientNetworkManagers.Length);
networkManager.NetworkConfig.PlayerPrefab = m_PlayerPrefab;
// Notification that the new client (NetworkManager) has been created
// in the event any modifications need to be made before starting the client
if (LogAllMessages)
networkManager.MessagingSystem.Hook(new DebugNetworkHooks());
AddRemoveNetworkManager(networkManager, true);
// Wait for the new client to connect
yield return WaitForClientsConnectedOrTimeOut();
if (s_GlobalTimeoutHelper.TimedOut)
AddRemoveNetworkManager(networkManager, false);
AssertOnTimeout($"{nameof(CreateAndStartNewClient)} timed out waiting for the new client to be connected!");
VerboseDebug($"[{networkManager.name}] Created and connected!");
/// <summary>
/// This will stop a client while in the middle of an integration test
/// </summary>
protected IEnumerator StopOneClient(NetworkManager networkManager, bool destroy = false)
NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers.StopOneClient(networkManager, destroy);
AddRemoveNetworkManager(networkManager, false);
yield return WaitForConditionOrTimeOut(() => !networkManager.IsConnectedClient);
/// <summary>
/// Creates the server and clients
/// </summary>
/// <param name="numberOfClients"></param>
protected void CreateServerAndClients(int numberOfClients)
VerboseDebug($"Entering {nameof(CreateServerAndClients)}");
// Create multiple NetworkManager instances
if (!NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers.Create(numberOfClients, out NetworkManager server, out NetworkManager[] clients, m_TargetFrameRate, m_CreateServerFirst))
Debug.LogError("Failed to create instances");
Assert.Fail("Failed to create instances");
m_ClientNetworkManagers = clients;
m_ServerNetworkManager = server;
if (m_ServerNetworkManager != null)
s_DefaultWaitForTick = new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1.0f / m_ServerNetworkManager.NetworkConfig.TickRate);
// Set the player prefab for the server and clients
m_ServerNetworkManager.NetworkConfig.PlayerPrefab = m_PlayerPrefab;
foreach (var client in m_ClientNetworkManagers)
client.NetworkConfig.PlayerPrefab = m_PlayerPrefab;
// Provides opportunity to allow child derived classes to
// modify the NetworkManager's configuration before starting.
VerboseDebug($"Exiting {nameof(CreateServerAndClients)}");
/// <summary>
/// Override this method and return false in order to be able
/// to manually control when the server and clients are started.
/// </summary>
protected virtual bool CanStartServerAndClients()
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Invoked after the server and clients have started.
/// Note: No connection verification has been done at this point
/// </summary>
protected virtual IEnumerator OnStartedServerAndClients()
yield return null;
/// <summary>
/// Invoked after the server and clients have started and verified
/// their connections with each other.
/// </summary>
protected virtual IEnumerator OnServerAndClientsConnected()
yield return null;
private void ClientNetworkManagerPostStart(NetworkManager networkManager)
networkManager.name = $"NetworkManager - Client - {networkManager.LocalClientId}";
Assert.NotNull(networkManager.LocalClient.PlayerObject, $"{nameof(StartServerAndClients)} detected that client {networkManager.LocalClientId} does not have an assigned player NetworkObject!");
// Go ahead and create an entry for this new client
if (!m_PlayerNetworkObjects.ContainsKey(networkManager.LocalClientId))
m_PlayerNetworkObjects.Add(networkManager.LocalClientId, new Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject>());
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
// Get all player instances for the current client NetworkManager instance
var clientPlayerClones = Object.FindObjectsByType<NetworkObject>(FindObjectsSortMode.None).Where((c) => c.IsPlayerObject && c.OwnerClientId == networkManager.LocalClientId).ToList();
// Get all player instances for the current client NetworkManager instance
var clientPlayerClones = Object.FindObjectsOfType<NetworkObject>().Where((c) => c.IsPlayerObject && c.OwnerClientId == networkManager.LocalClientId).ToList();
// Add this player instance to each client player entry
foreach (var playerNetworkObject in clientPlayerClones)
// When the server is not the host this needs to be done
if (!m_PlayerNetworkObjects.ContainsKey(playerNetworkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId))
m_PlayerNetworkObjects.Add(playerNetworkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId, new Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject>());
if (!m_PlayerNetworkObjects[playerNetworkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId].ContainsKey(networkManager.LocalClientId))
m_PlayerNetworkObjects[playerNetworkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId].Add(networkManager.LocalClientId, playerNetworkObject);
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
// For late joining clients, add the remaining (if any) cloned versions of each client's player
clientPlayerClones = Object.FindObjectsByType<NetworkObject>(FindObjectsSortMode.None).Where((c) => c.IsPlayerObject && c.NetworkManager == networkManager).ToList();
// For late joining clients, add the remaining (if any) cloned versions of each client's player
clientPlayerClones = Object.FindObjectsOfType<NetworkObject>().Where((c) => c.IsPlayerObject && c.NetworkManager == networkManager).ToList();
foreach (var playerNetworkObject in clientPlayerClones)
if (!m_PlayerNetworkObjects[networkManager.LocalClientId].ContainsKey(playerNetworkObject.OwnerClientId))
m_PlayerNetworkObjects[networkManager.LocalClientId].Add(playerNetworkObject.OwnerClientId, playerNetworkObject);
protected void ClientNetworkManagerPostStartInit()
// Creates a dictionary for all player instances client and server relative
// This provides a simpler way to get a specific player instance relative to a client instance
foreach (var networkManager in m_ClientNetworkManagers)
if (m_UseHost)
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
var clientSideServerPlayerClones = Object.FindObjectsByType<NetworkObject>(FindObjectsSortMode.None).Where((c) => c.IsPlayerObject && c.OwnerClientId == m_ServerNetworkManager.LocalClientId);
var clientSideServerPlayerClones = Object.FindObjectsOfType<NetworkObject>().Where((c) => c.IsPlayerObject && c.OwnerClientId == m_ServerNetworkManager.LocalClientId);
foreach (var playerNetworkObject in clientSideServerPlayerClones)
// When the server is not the host this needs to be done
if (!m_PlayerNetworkObjects.ContainsKey(playerNetworkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId))
m_PlayerNetworkObjects.Add(playerNetworkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId, new Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject>());
if (!m_PlayerNetworkObjects[playerNetworkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId].ContainsKey(m_ServerNetworkManager.LocalClientId))
m_PlayerNetworkObjects[playerNetworkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId].Add(m_ServerNetworkManager.LocalClientId, playerNetworkObject);
protected virtual bool LogAllMessages => false;
/// <summary>
/// This starts the server and clients as long as <see cref="CanStartServerAndClients"/>
/// returns true.
/// </summary>
protected IEnumerator StartServerAndClients()
if (CanStartServerAndClients())
VerboseDebug($"Entering {nameof(StartServerAndClients)}");
// Start the instances and pass in our SceneManagerInitialization action that is invoked immediately after host-server
// is started and after each client is started.
if (!NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers.Start(m_UseHost, m_ServerNetworkManager, m_ClientNetworkManagers))
Debug.LogError("Failed to start instances");
Assert.Fail("Failed to start instances");
if (LogAllMessages)
// Notification that the server and clients have been started
yield return OnStartedServerAndClients();
// When true, we skip everything else (most likely a connection oriented test)
if (!m_BypassConnectionTimeout)
// Wait for all clients to connect
yield return WaitForClientsConnectedOrTimeOut();
AssertOnTimeout($"{nameof(StartServerAndClients)} timed out waiting for all clients to be connected!");
if (m_UseHost || m_ServerNetworkManager.IsHost)
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
// Add the server player instance to all m_ClientSidePlayerNetworkObjects entries
var serverPlayerClones = Object.FindObjectsByType<NetworkObject>(FindObjectsSortMode.None).Where((c) => c.IsPlayerObject && c.OwnerClientId == m_ServerNetworkManager.LocalClientId);
// Add the server player instance to all m_ClientSidePlayerNetworkObjects entries
var serverPlayerClones = Object.FindObjectsOfType<NetworkObject>().Where((c) => c.IsPlayerObject && c.OwnerClientId == m_ServerNetworkManager.LocalClientId);
foreach (var playerNetworkObject in serverPlayerClones)
if (!m_PlayerNetworkObjects.ContainsKey(playerNetworkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId))
m_PlayerNetworkObjects.Add(playerNetworkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId, new Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject>());
m_PlayerNetworkObjects[playerNetworkObject.NetworkManager.LocalClientId].Add(m_ServerNetworkManager.LocalClientId, playerNetworkObject);
// Notification that at this time the server and client(s) are instantiated,
// started, and connected on both sides.
yield return OnServerAndClientsConnected();
VerboseDebug($"Exiting {nameof(StartServerAndClients)}");
/// <summary>
/// Override this method to control when clients
/// can fake-load a scene.
/// </summary>
protected virtual bool CanClientsLoad()
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Override this method to control when clients
/// can fake-unload a scene.
/// </summary>
protected virtual bool CanClientsUnload()
return true;
/// <summary>
/// De-Registers from the CanClientsLoad and CanClientsUnload events of the
/// ClientSceneHandler (default is IntegrationTestSceneHandler).
/// </summary>
protected void DeRegisterSceneManagerHandler()
IntegrationTestSceneHandler.CanClientsLoad -= ClientSceneHandler_CanClientsLoad;
IntegrationTestSceneHandler.CanClientsUnload -= ClientSceneHandler_CanClientsUnload;
/// <summary>
/// Registers the CanClientsLoad and CanClientsUnload events of the
/// ClientSceneHandler.
/// The default is: <see cref="IntegrationTestSceneHandler"/>.
/// </summary>
protected void RegisterSceneManagerHandler()
IntegrationTestSceneHandler.CanClientsLoad += ClientSceneHandler_CanClientsLoad;
IntegrationTestSceneHandler.CanClientsUnload += ClientSceneHandler_CanClientsUnload;
NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers.RegisterSceneManagerHandler(m_ServerNetworkManager, true);
private bool ClientSceneHandler_CanClientsUnload()
return CanClientsUnload();
private bool ClientSceneHandler_CanClientsLoad()
return CanClientsLoad();
protected bool OnCanSceneCleanUpUnload(Scene scene)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// This shuts down all NetworkManager instances registered via the
/// <see cref="NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers"/> class and cleans up
/// the test runner scene of any left over NetworkObjects.
/// <see cref="DestroySceneNetworkObjects"/>
/// </summary>
protected void ShutdownAndCleanUp()
VerboseDebug($"Entering {nameof(ShutdownAndCleanUp)}");
// Shutdown and clean up both of our NetworkManager instances
catch (Exception e) { throw e; }
if (m_PlayerPrefab != null)
m_PlayerPrefab = null;
// Cleanup any remaining NetworkObjects
// reset the m_ServerWaitForTick for the next test to initialize
s_DefaultWaitForTick = new WaitForSecondsRealtime(1.0f / k_DefaultTickRate);
VerboseDebug($"Exiting {nameof(ShutdownAndCleanUp)}");
/// <summary>
/// Note: For <see cref="NetworkManagerInstatiationMode.PerTest"/> mode
/// this is called before ShutdownAndCleanUp.
/// </summary>
protected virtual IEnumerator OnTearDown()
yield return null;
public IEnumerator TearDown()
VerboseDebug($"Entering {nameof(TearDown)}");
yield return OnTearDown();
if (m_NetworkManagerInstatiationMode == NetworkManagerInstatiationMode.PerTest)
VerboseDebug($"Exiting {nameof(TearDown)}");
/// <summary>
/// Override this method to do handle cleaning up once the test(s)
/// within the child derived class have completed
/// Note: For <see cref="NetworkManagerInstatiationMode.AllTests"/> mode
/// this is called before ShutdownAndCleanUp.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnOneTimeTearDown()
public void OneTimeTearDown()
IntegrationTestSceneHandler.VerboseDebugMode = false;
VerboseDebug($"Entering {nameof(OneTimeTearDown)}");
if (m_NetworkManagerInstatiationMode == NetworkManagerInstatiationMode.AllTests)
// Disable NetcodeIntegrationTest auto-label feature
VerboseDebug($"Exiting {nameof(OneTimeTearDown)}");
IsRunning = false;
/// <summary>
/// Override this to filter out the <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s that you
/// want to allow to persist between integration tests.
/// <see cref="DestroySceneNetworkObjects"/>
/// <see cref="ShutdownAndCleanUp"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="networkObject">the network object in question to be destroyed</param>
protected virtual bool CanDestroyNetworkObject(NetworkObject networkObject)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Destroys all NetworkObjects at the end of a test cycle.
/// </summary>
protected void DestroySceneNetworkObjects()
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
var networkObjects = Object.FindObjectsByType<NetworkObject>(FindObjectsSortMode.InstanceID);
var networkObjects = Object.FindObjectsOfType<NetworkObject>();
foreach (var networkObject in networkObjects)
// This can sometimes be null depending upon order of operations
// when dealing with parented NetworkObjects. If NetworkObjectB
// is a child of NetworkObjectA and NetworkObjectA comes before
// NetworkObjectB in the list of NeworkObjects found, then when
// NetworkObjectA's GameObject is destroyed it will also destroy
// NetworkObjectB's GameObject which will destroy NetworkObjectB.
// If there is a null entry in the list, this is the most likely
// scenario and so we just skip over it.
if (networkObject == null)
if (CanDestroyNetworkObject(networkObject))
networkObject.NetworkManagerOwner = m_ServerNetworkManager;
// Destroy the GameObject that holds the NetworkObject component
/// <summary>
/// For debugging purposes, this will turn on verbose logging of all messages and batches sent and received
/// </summary>
protected void EnableMessageLogging()
m_ServerNetworkManager.MessagingSystem.Hook(new DebugNetworkHooks());
foreach (var client in m_ClientNetworkManagers)
client.MessagingSystem.Hook(new DebugNetworkHooks());
/// <summary>
/// Waits for the function condition to return true or it will time out.
/// This will operate at the current m_ServerNetworkManager.NetworkConfig.TickRate
/// and allow for a unique TimeoutHelper handler (if none then it uses the default)
/// Notes: This provides more stability when running integration tests that could be
/// impacted by:
/// -how the integration test is being executed (i.e. in editor or in a stand alone build)
/// -potential platform performance issues (i.e. VM is throttled or maxed)
/// Note: For more complex tests, <see cref="ConditionalPredicateBase"/> and the overloaded
/// version of this method
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerator WaitForConditionOrTimeOut(Func<bool> checkForCondition, TimeoutHelper timeOutHelper = null)
if (checkForCondition == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException($"checkForCondition cannot be null!");
// If none is provided we use the default global time out helper
if (timeOutHelper == null)
timeOutHelper = s_GlobalTimeoutHelper;
// Start checking for a timeout
while (!timeOutHelper.HasTimedOut())
// Update and check to see if the condition has been met
if (checkForCondition.Invoke())
// Otherwise wait for 1 tick interval
yield return s_DefaultWaitForTick;
// Stop checking for a timeout
/// <summary>
/// This version accepts an IConditionalPredicate implementation to provide
/// more flexibility for checking complex conditional cases.
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerator WaitForConditionOrTimeOut(IConditionalPredicate conditionalPredicate, TimeoutHelper timeOutHelper = null)
if (conditionalPredicate == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException($"checkForCondition cannot be null!");
// If none is provided we use the default global time out helper
if (timeOutHelper == null)
timeOutHelper = s_GlobalTimeoutHelper;
yield return WaitForConditionOrTimeOut(conditionalPredicate.HasConditionBeenReached, timeOutHelper);
/// <summary>
/// Validates that all remote clients (i.e. non-server) detect they are connected
/// to the server and that the server reflects the appropriate number of clients
/// have connected or it will time out.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientsToCheck">An array of clients to be checked</param>
protected IEnumerator WaitForClientsConnectedOrTimeOut(NetworkManager[] clientsToCheck)
var remoteClientCount = clientsToCheck.Length;
var serverClientCount = m_ServerNetworkManager.IsHost ? remoteClientCount + 1 : remoteClientCount;
yield return WaitForConditionOrTimeOut(() => clientsToCheck.Where((c) => c.IsConnectedClient).Count() == remoteClientCount &&
m_ServerNetworkManager.ConnectedClients.Count == serverClientCount);
/// <summary>
/// Overloaded method that just passes in all clients to
/// <see cref="WaitForClientsConnectedOrTimeOut(NetworkManager[])"/>
/// </summary>
protected IEnumerator WaitForClientsConnectedOrTimeOut()
yield return WaitForClientsConnectedOrTimeOut(m_ClientNetworkManagers);
internal IEnumerator WaitForMessageReceived<T>(List<NetworkManager> wiatForReceivedBy, ReceiptType type = ReceiptType.Handled) where T : INetworkMessage
// Build our message hook entries tables so we can determine if all clients received spawn or ownership messages
var messageHookEntriesForSpawn = new List<MessageHookEntry>();
foreach (var clientNetworkManager in wiatForReceivedBy)
var messageHook = new MessageHookEntry(clientNetworkManager, type);
// Used to determine if all clients received the CreateObjectMessage
var hooks = new MessageHooksConditional(messageHookEntriesForSpawn);
yield return WaitForConditionOrTimeOut(hooks);
internal IEnumerator WaitForMessagesReceived(List<Type> messagesInOrder, List<NetworkManager> wiatForReceivedBy, ReceiptType type = ReceiptType.Handled)
// Build our message hook entries tables so we can determine if all clients received spawn or ownership messages
var messageHookEntriesForSpawn = new List<MessageHookEntry>();
foreach (var clientNetworkManager in wiatForReceivedBy)
foreach (var message in messagesInOrder)
var messageHook = new MessageHookEntry(clientNetworkManager, type);
// Used to determine if all clients received the CreateObjectMessage
var hooks = new MessageHooksConditional(messageHookEntriesForSpawn);
yield return WaitForConditionOrTimeOut(hooks);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a basic NetworkObject test prefab, assigns it to a new
/// NetworkPrefab entry, and then adds it to the server and client(s)
/// NetworkManagers' NetworkConfig.NetworkPrefab lists.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="baseName">the basic name to be used for each instance</param>
/// <returns>NetworkObject of the GameObject assigned to the new NetworkPrefab entry</returns>
protected GameObject CreateNetworkObjectPrefab(string baseName)
var prefabCreateAssertError = $"You can only invoke this method during {nameof(OnServerAndClientsCreated)} " +
$"but before {nameof(OnStartedServerAndClients)}!";
Assert.IsNotNull(m_ServerNetworkManager, prefabCreateAssertError);
Assert.IsFalse(m_ServerNetworkManager.IsListening, prefabCreateAssertError);
var gameObject = new GameObject();
gameObject.name = baseName;
var networkObject = gameObject.AddComponent<NetworkObject>();
networkObject.NetworkManagerOwner = m_ServerNetworkManager;
var networkPrefab = new NetworkPrefab() { Prefab = gameObject };
foreach (var clientNetworkManager in m_ClientNetworkManagers)
return gameObject;
/// <summary>
/// Overloaded method <see cref="SpawnObject(NetworkObject, NetworkManager, bool)"/>
/// </summary>
protected GameObject SpawnObject(GameObject prefabGameObject, NetworkManager owner, bool destroyWithScene = false)
var prefabNetworkObject = prefabGameObject.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
Assert.IsNotNull(prefabNetworkObject, $"{nameof(GameObject)} {prefabGameObject.name} does not have a {nameof(NetworkObject)} component!");
return SpawnObject(prefabNetworkObject, owner, destroyWithScene);
/// <summary>
/// Spawn a NetworkObject prefab instance
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prefabNetworkObject">the prefab NetworkObject to spawn</param>
/// <param name="owner">the owner of the instance</param>
/// <param name="destroyWithScene">default is false</param>
/// <returns>GameObject instance spawned</returns>
private GameObject SpawnObject(NetworkObject prefabNetworkObject, NetworkManager owner, bool destroyWithScene = false)
Assert.IsTrue(prefabNetworkObject.GlobalObjectIdHash > 0, $"{nameof(GameObject)} {prefabNetworkObject.name} has a {nameof(NetworkObject.GlobalObjectIdHash)} value of 0! Make sure to make it a valid prefab before trying to spawn!");
var newInstance = Object.Instantiate(prefabNetworkObject.gameObject);
var networkObjectToSpawn = newInstance.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
networkObjectToSpawn.NetworkManagerOwner = m_ServerNetworkManager; // Required to assure the server does the spawning
if (owner == m_ServerNetworkManager)
if (m_UseHost)
networkObjectToSpawn.SpawnWithOwnership(owner.LocalClientId, destroyWithScene);
networkObjectToSpawn.SpawnWithOwnership(owner.LocalClientId, destroyWithScene);
return newInstance;
/// <summary>
/// Overloaded method <see cref="SpawnObjects(NetworkObject, NetworkManager, int, bool)"/>
/// </summary>
protected List<GameObject> SpawnObjects(GameObject prefabGameObject, NetworkManager owner, int count, bool destroyWithScene = false)
var prefabNetworkObject = prefabGameObject.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
Assert.IsNotNull(prefabNetworkObject, $"{nameof(GameObject)} {prefabGameObject.name} does not have a {nameof(NetworkObject)} component!");
return SpawnObjects(prefabNetworkObject, owner, count, destroyWithScene);
/// <summary>
/// Will spawn (x) number of prefab NetworkObjects
/// <see cref="SpawnObject(NetworkObject, NetworkManager, bool)"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prefabNetworkObject">the prefab NetworkObject to spawn</param>
/// <param name="owner">the owner of the instance</param>
/// <param name="count">number of instances to create and spawn</param>
/// <param name="destroyWithScene">default is false</param>
private List<GameObject> SpawnObjects(NetworkObject prefabNetworkObject, NetworkManager owner, int count, bool destroyWithScene = false)
var gameObjectsSpawned = new List<GameObject>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
gameObjectsSpawned.Add(SpawnObject(prefabNetworkObject, owner, destroyWithScene));
return gameObjectsSpawned;
/// <summary>
/// Default constructor
/// </summary>
public NetcodeIntegrationTest()
/// <summary>
/// Optional Host or Server integration tests
/// Constructor that allows you To break tests up as a host
/// and a server.
/// Example: Decorate your child derived class with TestFixture
/// and then create a constructor at the child level.
/// Don't forget to set your constructor public, else Unity will
/// give you a hard to decipher error
/// [TestFixture(HostOrServer.Host)]
/// [TestFixture(HostOrServer.Server)]
/// public class MyChildClass : NetcodeIntegrationTest
/// {
/// public MyChildClass(HostOrServer hostOrServer) : base(hostOrServer) { }
/// }
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hostOrServer"></param>
public NetcodeIntegrationTest(HostOrServer hostOrServer)
m_UseHost = hostOrServer == HostOrServer.Host ? true : false;
/// <summary>
/// Just a helper function to avoid having to write the entire assert just to check if you
/// timed out.
/// </summary>
protected void AssertOnTimeout(string timeOutErrorMessage, TimeoutHelper assignedTimeoutHelper = null)
var timeoutHelper = assignedTimeoutHelper != null ? assignedTimeoutHelper : s_GlobalTimeoutHelper;
Assert.False(timeoutHelper.TimedOut, timeOutErrorMessage);
private void UnloadRemainingScenes()
// Unload any remaining scenes loaded but the test runner scene
// Note: Some tests only unload the server-side instance, and this
// just assures no currently loaded scenes will impact the next test
for (int i = 0; i < SceneManager.sceneCount; i++)
var scene = SceneManager.GetSceneAt(i);
if (!scene.IsValid() || !scene.isLoaded || scene.name.Contains(NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers.FirstPartOfTestRunnerSceneName) || !OnCanSceneCleanUpUnload(scene))
VerboseDebug($"Unloading scene {scene.name}-{scene.handle}");
var asyncOperation = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(scene);