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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace UniVRM10
/// <summary>
/// VRM全体を制御するRoot
/// Importer(scripted importer) -> Prefab(editor/asset) -> Instance(scene/MonoBehavior) -> Runtime(play時)
/// * DefaultExecutionOrder(11000) means calculate springbone after FinalIK( VRIK )
/// </summary>
public class Vrm10Instance : MonoBehaviour
/// <summary>
/// シリアライズ情報
/// </summary>
[SerializeField, Header("VRM1")]
public VRM10Object Vrm;
/// <summary>
/// SpringBone のシリアライズ情報
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Vrm10InstanceSpringBone SpringBone = new Vrm10InstanceSpringBone();
public enum UpdateTypes
[SerializeField, Header("Runtime")]
public UpdateTypes UpdateType = UpdateTypes.LateUpdate;
[SerializeField, Header("LookAt")]
public bool DrawLookAtGizmo = true;
/// <summay>
/// The model looks at position of the Transform specified in this field.
/// That behaviour is available only when LookAtTargetType is SpecifiedTransform.
/// モデルはここで指定した Transform の位置の方向に目を向けます。
/// LookAtTargetType を SpecifiedTransform に設定したときのみ有効です。
/// </summary>
[SerializeField, FormerlySerializedAs("Gaze")]
public Transform LookAtTarget;
/// <summary>
/// Specify "LookAt" behaviour at runtime.
/// 実行時の目の動かし方を指定します。
/// </summary>
public VRM10ObjectLookAt.LookAtTargetTypes LookAtTargetType;
private UniHumanoid.Humanoid m_humanoid;
private Vrm10Runtime m_runtime;
/// <summary>
/// ControlRig の生成オプション
/// </summary>
private bool m_useControlRig;
/// <summary>
/// VRM ファイルに記録された Humanoid ボーンに対応します。
/// これは、コントロールリグのボーンとは異なります。
/// </summary>
public UniHumanoid.Humanoid Humanoid
if (m_humanoid == null)
m_humanoid = GetComponent<UniHumanoid.Humanoid>();
return m_humanoid;
/// <summary>
/// ランタイム情報
/// </summary>
public Vrm10Runtime Runtime
if (m_runtime == null)
m_runtime = new Vrm10Runtime(this, m_useControlRig);
return m_runtime;
internal void InitializeAtRuntime(bool useControlRig)
m_useControlRig = useControlRig;
void Start()
if (Vrm == null)
Debug.LogError("no VRM10Object");
enabled = false;
// cause new Vrm10Runtime.
// init LookAt init rotation.
var _ = Runtime;
private void Update()
if (UpdateType == UpdateTypes.Update)
private void LateUpdate()
if (UpdateType == UpdateTypes.LateUpdate)
private void OnDestroy()
private void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
Gizmos.color = Color.green;
foreach (var spring in SpringBone.Springs)
foreach (var (head, tail) in spring.EnumHeadTail())
Gizmos.DrawLine(head.transform.position, tail.transform.position);
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(tail.transform.position, head.m_jointRadius);
public bool TryGetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones bone, out Transform t)
t = Humanoid.GetBoneTransform(bone);
if (t == null)
return false;
return true;
#region Obsolete
public Transform Gaze
get => LookAtTarget;
set => LookAtTarget = value;