您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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12 KiB

using System;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Networking.Transport;
namespace Unity.Netcode.Transports.UTP
/// <summary>Queue for batched messages meant to be sent through UTP.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Messages should be pushed on the queue with <see cref="PushMessage"/>. To send batched
/// messages, call <see cref="FillWriterWithMessages"/> or <see cref="FillWriterWithBytes"/>
/// with the <see cref="DataStreamWriter"/> obtained from <see cref="NetworkDriver.BeginSend"/>.
/// This will fill the writer with as many messages/bytes as possible. If the send is
/// successful, call <see cref="Consume"/> to remove the data from the queue.
/// This is meant as a companion to <see cref="BatchedReceiveQueue"/>, which should be used to
/// read messages sent with this queue.
/// </remarks>
internal struct BatchedSendQueue : IDisposable
// Note that we're using NativeList basically like a growable NativeArray, where the length
// of the list is the capacity of our array. (We can't use the capacity of the list as our
// queue capacity because NativeList may elect to set it higher than what we'd set it to
// with SetCapacity, which breaks the logic of our code.)
private NativeList<byte> m_Data;
private NativeArray<int> m_HeadTailIndices;
private int m_MaximumCapacity;
private int m_MinimumCapacity;
/// <summary>Overhead that is added to each message in the queue.</summary>
public const int PerMessageOverhead = sizeof(int);
internal const int MinimumMinimumCapacity = 4096;
// Indices into m_HeadTailIndicies.
private const int k_HeadInternalIndex = 0;
private const int k_TailInternalIndex = 1;
/// <summary>Index of the first byte of the oldest data in the queue.</summary>
private int HeadIndex
get { return m_HeadTailIndices[k_HeadInternalIndex]; }
set { m_HeadTailIndices[k_HeadInternalIndex] = value; }
/// <summary>Index one past the last byte of the most recent data in the queue.</summary>
private int TailIndex
get { return m_HeadTailIndices[k_TailInternalIndex]; }
set { m_HeadTailIndices[k_TailInternalIndex] = value; }
public int Length => TailIndex - HeadIndex;
public int Capacity => m_Data.Length;
public bool IsEmpty => HeadIndex == TailIndex;
public bool IsCreated => m_Data.IsCreated;
/// <summary>Construct a new empty send queue.</summary>
/// <param name="capacity">Maximum capacity of the send queue.</param>
public BatchedSendQueue(int capacity)
// Make sure the maximum capacity will be even.
m_MaximumCapacity = capacity + (capacity & 1);
// We pick the minimum capacity such that if we keep doubling it, we'll eventually hit
// the maximum capacity exactly. The alternative would be to use capacities that are
// powers of 2, but this can lead to over-allocating quite a bit of memory (especially
// since we expect maximum capacities to be in the megabytes range). The approach taken
// here avoids this issue, at the cost of not having allocations of nice round sizes.
m_MinimumCapacity = m_MaximumCapacity;
while (m_MinimumCapacity / 2 >= MinimumMinimumCapacity)
m_MinimumCapacity /= 2;
m_Data = new NativeList<byte>(m_MinimumCapacity, Allocator.Persistent);
m_HeadTailIndices = new NativeArray<int>(2, Allocator.Persistent);
HeadIndex = 0;
TailIndex = 0;
public void Dispose()
if (IsCreated)
/// <summary>Write a raw buffer to a DataStreamWriter.</summary>
private unsafe void WriteBytes(ref DataStreamWriter writer, byte* data, int length)
writer.WriteBytesUnsafe(data, length);
writer.WriteBytes(data, length);
/// <summary>Append data at the tail of the queue. No safety checks.</summary>
private void AppendDataAtTail(ArraySegment<byte> data)
var writer = new DataStreamWriter((byte*)m_Data.GetUnsafePtr() + TailIndex, Capacity - TailIndex);
fixed (byte* dataPtr = data.Array)
WriteBytes(ref writer, dataPtr + data.Offset, data.Count);
TailIndex += sizeof(int) + data.Count;
/// <summary>Append a new message to the queue.</summary>
/// <param name="message">Message to append to the queue.</param>
/// <returns>
/// Whether the message was appended successfully. The only way it can fail is if there's
/// no more room in the queue. On failure, nothing is written to the queue.
/// </returns>
public bool PushMessage(ArraySegment<byte> message)
if (!IsCreated)
return false;
// Check if there's enough room after the current tail index.
if (Capacity - TailIndex >= sizeof(int) + message.Count)
return true;
// Move the data at the beginning of of m_Data. Either it will leave enough space for
// the message, or we'll grow m_Data and will want the data at the beginning anyway.
if (HeadIndex > 0 && Length > 0)
UnsafeUtility.MemMove(m_Data.GetUnsafePtr(), (byte*)m_Data.GetUnsafePtr() + HeadIndex, Length);
TailIndex = Length;
HeadIndex = 0;
// If there's enough space left at the end for the message, now is a good time to trim
// the capacity of m_Data if it got very large. We define "very large" here as having
// more than 75% of m_Data unused after adding the new message.
if (Capacity - TailIndex >= sizeof(int) + message.Count)
while (TailIndex < Capacity / 4 && Capacity > m_MinimumCapacity)
m_Data.ResizeUninitialized(Capacity / 2);
return true;
// If we get here we need to grow m_Data until the data fits (or it's too large).
while (Capacity - TailIndex < sizeof(int) + message.Count)
// Can't grow m_Data anymore. Message simply won't fit.
if (Capacity * 2 > m_MaximumCapacity)
return false;
m_Data.ResizeUninitialized(Capacity * 2);
// If we get here we know there's now enough room for the message.
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Fill as much of a <see cref="DataStreamWriter"/> as possible with data from the head of
/// the queue. Only full messages (and their length) are written to the writer.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This does NOT actually consume anything from the queue. That is, calling this method
/// does not reduce the length of the queue. Callers are expected to call
/// <see cref="Consume"/> with the value returned by this method afterwards if the data can
/// be safely removed from the queue (e.g. if it was sent successfully).
/// This method should not be used together with <see cref="FillWriterWithBytes"> since this
/// could lead to a corrupted queue.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="writer">The <see cref="DataStreamWriter"/> to write to.</param>
/// <returns>How many bytes were written to the writer.</returns>
public int FillWriterWithMessages(ref DataStreamWriter writer)
if (!IsCreated || Length == 0)
return 0;
var reader = new DataStreamReader(m_Data.AsArray());
var writerAvailable = writer.Capacity;
var readerOffset = HeadIndex;
while (readerOffset < TailIndex)
var messageLength = reader.ReadInt();
if (writerAvailable < sizeof(int) + messageLength)
var messageOffset = HeadIndex + reader.GetBytesRead();
WriteBytes(ref writer, (byte*)m_Data.GetUnsafePtr() + messageOffset, messageLength);
writerAvailable -= sizeof(int) + messageLength;
readerOffset += sizeof(int) + messageLength;
return writer.Capacity - writerAvailable;
/// <summary>
/// Fill the given <see cref="DataStreamWriter"/> with as many bytes from the queue as
/// possible, disregarding message boundaries.
/// </summary>
/// This does NOT actually consume anything from the queue. That is, calling this method
/// does not reduce the length of the queue. Callers are expected to call
/// <see cref="Consume"/> with the value returned by this method afterwards if the data can
/// be safely removed from the queue (e.g. if it was sent successfully).
/// This method should not be used together with <see cref="FillWriterWithMessages"/> since
/// this could lead to reading messages from a corrupted queue.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="writer">The <see cref="DataStreamWriter"/> to write to.</param>
/// <returns>How many bytes were written to the writer.</returns>
public int FillWriterWithBytes(ref DataStreamWriter writer)
if (!IsCreated || Length == 0)
return 0;
var copyLength = Math.Min(writer.Capacity, Length);
WriteBytes(ref writer, (byte*)m_Data.GetUnsafePtr() + HeadIndex, copyLength);
return copyLength;
/// <summary>Consume a number of bytes from the head of the queue.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This should only be called with a size that matches the last value returned by
/// <see cref="FillWriter"/>. Anything else will result in a corrupted queue.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="size">Number of bytes to consume from the queue.</param>
public void Consume(int size)
// Adjust the head/tail indices such that we consume the given size.
if (size >= Length)
HeadIndex = 0;
TailIndex = 0;
// This is a no-op if m_Data is already at minimum capacity.
HeadIndex += size;