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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace Unity.Netcode
/// <summary>
/// A component used to identify that a GameObject in the network
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("Netcode/Network Object", -99)]
public sealed class NetworkObject : MonoBehaviour
internal uint GlobalObjectIdHash;
private void OnValidate()
internal void GenerateGlobalObjectIdHash()
// do NOT regenerate GlobalObjectIdHash for NetworkPrefabs while Editor is in PlayMode
if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameObject.scene.name))
// do NOT regenerate GlobalObjectIdHash if Editor is transitioning into or out of PlayMode
if (!UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying && UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode)
var globalObjectIdString = UnityEditor.GlobalObjectId.GetGlobalObjectIdSlow(this).ToString();
GlobalObjectIdHash = XXHash.Hash32(globalObjectIdString);
#endif // UNITY_EDITOR
/// <summary>
/// Gets the NetworkManager that owns this NetworkObject instance
/// </summary>
public NetworkManager NetworkManager => NetworkManagerOwner ?? NetworkManager.Singleton;
/// <summary>
/// The NetworkManager that owns this NetworkObject.
/// This property controls where this NetworkObject belongs.
/// This property is null by default currently, which means that the above NetworkManager getter will return the Singleton.
/// In the future this is the path where alternative NetworkManagers should be injected for running multi NetworkManagers
/// </summary>
internal NetworkManager NetworkManagerOwner;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the unique Id of this object that is synced across the network
/// </summary>
public ulong NetworkObjectId { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the ClientId of the owner of this NetworkObject
/// </summary>
public ulong OwnerClientId { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// If true, the object will always be replicated as root on clients and the parent will be ignored.
/// </summary>
public bool AlwaysReplicateAsRoot;
/// <summary>
/// Gets if this object is a player object
/// </summary>
public bool IsPlayerObject { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets if the object is the personal clients player object
/// </summary>
public bool IsLocalPlayer => NetworkManager != null && IsPlayerObject && OwnerClientId == NetworkManager.LocalClientId;
/// <summary>
/// Gets if the object is owned by the local player or if the object is the local player object
/// </summary>
public bool IsOwner => NetworkManager != null && OwnerClientId == NetworkManager.LocalClientId;
/// <summary>
/// Gets Whether or not the object is owned by anyone
/// </summary>
public bool IsOwnedByServer => NetworkManager != null && OwnerClientId == NetworkManager.ServerClientId;
/// <summary>
/// Gets if the object has yet been spawned across the network
/// </summary>
public bool IsSpawned { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets if the object is a SceneObject, null if it's not yet spawned but is a scene object.
/// </summary>
public bool? IsSceneObject { get; internal set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets whether or not the object should be automatically removed when the scene is unloaded.
/// </summary>
public bool DestroyWithScene { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Delegate type for checking visibility
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientId">The clientId to check visibility for</param>
public delegate bool VisibilityDelegate(ulong clientId);
/// <summary>
/// Delegate invoked when the netcode needs to know if the object should be visible to a client, if null it will assume true
/// </summary>
public VisibilityDelegate CheckObjectVisibility = null;
/// <summary>
/// Delegate type for checking spawn options
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientId">The clientId to check spawn options for</param>
public delegate bool SpawnDelegate(ulong clientId);
/// <summary>
/// Delegate invoked when the netcode needs to know if it should include the transform when spawning the object, if null it will assume true
/// </summary>
public SpawnDelegate IncludeTransformWhenSpawning = null;
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not to destroy this object if it's owner is destroyed.
/// If true, the objects ownership will be given to the server.
/// </summary>
public bool DontDestroyWithOwner;
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not to enable automatic NetworkObject parent synchronization.
/// </summary>
public bool AutoObjectParentSync = true;
internal readonly HashSet<ulong> Observers = new HashSet<ulong>();
private string m_CachedNameForMetrics;
internal string GetNameForMetrics()
return m_CachedNameForMetrics ??= name;
return null;
private readonly HashSet<ulong> m_EmptyULongHashSet = new HashSet<ulong>();
/// <summary>
/// Returns Observers enumerator
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Observers enumerator</returns>
public HashSet<ulong>.Enumerator GetObservers()
if (!IsSpawned)
return m_EmptyULongHashSet.GetEnumerator();
return Observers.GetEnumerator();
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not this object is visible to a specific client
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientId">The clientId of the client</param>
/// <returns>True if the client knows about the object</returns>
public bool IsNetworkVisibleTo(ulong clientId)
if (!IsSpawned)
return false;
return Observers.Contains(clientId);
/// <summary>
/// In the event the scene of origin gets unloaded, we keep
/// the most important part to uniquely identify in-scene
/// placed NetworkObjects
/// </summary>
internal int SceneOriginHandle = 0;
private Scene m_SceneOrigin;
/// <summary>
/// The scene where the NetworkObject was first instantiated
/// Note: Primarily for in-scene placed NetworkObjects
/// We need to keep track of the original scene of origin for
/// the NetworkObject in order to be able to uniquely identify it
/// using the scene of origin's handle.
/// </summary>
internal Scene SceneOrigin
return m_SceneOrigin;
// The scene origin should only be set once.
// Once set, it should never change.
if (SceneOriginHandle == 0 && value.IsValid() && value.isLoaded)
m_SceneOrigin = value;
SceneOriginHandle = value.handle;
/// <summary>
/// Helper method to return the correct scene handle
/// Note: Do not use this within NetworkSpawnManager.SpawnNetworkObjectLocallyCommon
/// </summary>
internal int GetSceneOriginHandle()
if (SceneOriginHandle == 0 && IsSpawned && IsSceneObject != false)
throw new Exception($"{nameof(GetSceneOriginHandle)} called when {nameof(SceneOriginHandle)} is still zero but the {nameof(NetworkObject)} is already spawned!");
return SceneOriginHandle != 0 ? SceneOriginHandle : gameObject.scene.handle;
private void Awake()
SceneOrigin = gameObject.scene;
/// <summary>
/// Makes the previously hidden <see cref="NetworkObject"/> "netcode visible" to the targeted client.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Usage: Use to start sending updates for a previously hidden <see cref="NetworkObject"/> to the targeted client.<br />
/// <br />
/// Dynamically Spawned: <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s will be instantiated and spawned on the targeted client side.<br />
/// In-Scene Placed: The instantiated but despawned <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s will be spawned on the targeted client side.<br />
/// <br />
/// See Also:<br />
/// <see cref="NetworkShow(ulong)"/><br />
/// <see cref="NetworkHide(ulong)"/> or <see cref="NetworkHide(List{NetworkObject}, ulong)"/><br />
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="clientId">The targeted client</param>
public void NetworkShow(ulong clientId)
if (!IsSpawned)
throw new SpawnStateException("Object is not spawned");
if (!NetworkManager.IsServer)
throw new NotServerException("Only server can change visibility");
if (Observers.Contains(clientId))
throw new VisibilityChangeException("The object is already visible");
NetworkManager.SpawnManager.SendSpawnCallForObject(clientId, this);
/// <summary>
/// Makes a list of previously hidden <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s "netcode visible" for the client specified.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Usage: Use to start sending updates for previously hidden <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s to the targeted client.<br />
/// <br />
/// Dynamically Spawned: <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s will be instantiated and spawned on the targeted client's side.<br />
/// In-Scene Placed: Already instantiated but despawned <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s will be spawned on the targeted client's side.<br />
/// <br />
/// See Also:<br />
/// <see cref="NetworkShow(ulong)"/><br />
/// <see cref="NetworkHide(ulong)"/> or <see cref="NetworkHide(List{NetworkObject}, ulong)"/><br />
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="networkObjects">The objects to become "netcode visible" to the targeted client</param>
/// <param name="clientId">The targeted client</param>
public static void NetworkShow(List<NetworkObject> networkObjects, ulong clientId)
if (networkObjects == null || networkObjects.Count == 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException("At least one " + nameof(NetworkObject) + " has to be provided");
NetworkManager networkManager = networkObjects[0].NetworkManager;
if (!networkManager.IsServer)
throw new NotServerException("Only server can change visibility");
// Do the safety loop first to prevent putting the netcode in an invalid state.
for (int i = 0; i < networkObjects.Count; i++)
if (!networkObjects[i].IsSpawned)
throw new SpawnStateException("Object is not spawned");
if (networkObjects[i].Observers.Contains(clientId))
throw new VisibilityChangeException($"{nameof(NetworkObject)} with NetworkId: {networkObjects[i].NetworkObjectId} is already visible");
if (networkObjects[i].NetworkManager != networkManager)
throw new ArgumentNullException("All " + nameof(NetworkObject) + "s must belong to the same " + nameof(NetworkManager));
foreach (var networkObject in networkObjects)
/// <summary>
/// Hides the <see cref="NetworkObject"/> from the targeted client.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Usage: Use to stop sending updates to the targeted client, "netcode invisible", for a currently visible <see cref="NetworkObject"/>.<br />
/// <br />
/// Dynamically Spawned: <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s will be despawned and destroyed on the targeted client's side.<br />
/// In-Scene Placed: <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s will only be despawned on the targeted client's side.<br />
/// <br />
/// See Also:<br />
/// <see cref="NetworkHide(List{NetworkObject}, ulong)"/><br />
/// <see cref="NetworkShow(ulong)"/> or <see cref="NetworkShow(List{NetworkObject}, ulong)"/><br />
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="clientId">The targeted client</param>
public void NetworkHide(ulong clientId)
if (!IsSpawned)
throw new SpawnStateException("Object is not spawned");
if (!NetworkManager.IsServer)
throw new NotServerException("Only server can change visibility");
if (!Observers.Contains(clientId))
throw new VisibilityChangeException("The object is already hidden");
if (clientId == NetworkManager.ServerClientId)
throw new VisibilityChangeException("Cannot hide an object from the server");
var message = new DestroyObjectMessage
NetworkObjectId = NetworkObjectId,
DestroyGameObject = !IsSceneObject.Value
// Send destroy call
var size = NetworkManager.SendMessage(ref message, NetworkDelivery.ReliableSequenced, clientId);
NetworkManager.NetworkMetrics.TrackObjectDestroySent(clientId, this, size);
/// <summary>
/// Hides a list of <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s from the targeted client.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Usage: Use to stop sending updates to the targeted client, "netcode invisible", for the currently visible <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s.<br />
/// <br />
/// Dynamically Spawned: <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s will be despawned and destroyed on the targeted client's side.<br />
/// In-Scene Placed: <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s will only be despawned on the targeted client's side.<br />
/// <br />
/// See Also:<br />
/// <see cref="NetworkHide(ulong)"/><br />
/// <see cref="NetworkShow(ulong)"/> or <see cref="NetworkShow(List{NetworkObject}, ulong)"/><br />
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="networkObjects">The <see cref="NetworkObject"/>s that will become "netcode invisible" to the targeted client</param>
/// <param name="clientId">The targeted client</param>
public static void NetworkHide(List<NetworkObject> networkObjects, ulong clientId)
if (networkObjects == null || networkObjects.Count == 0)
throw new ArgumentNullException("At least one " + nameof(NetworkObject) + " has to be provided");
var networkManager = networkObjects[0].NetworkManager;
if (!networkManager.IsServer)
throw new NotServerException("Only server can change visibility");
if (clientId == NetworkManager.ServerClientId)
throw new VisibilityChangeException("Cannot hide an object from the server");
// Do the safety loop first to prevent putting the netcode in an invalid state.
for (int i = 0; i < networkObjects.Count; i++)
if (!networkObjects[i].IsSpawned)
throw new SpawnStateException("Object is not spawned");
if (!networkObjects[i].Observers.Contains(clientId))
throw new VisibilityChangeException($"{nameof(NetworkObject)} with {nameof(NetworkObjectId)}: {networkObjects[i].NetworkObjectId} is already hidden");
if (networkObjects[i].NetworkManager != networkManager)
throw new ArgumentNullException("All " + nameof(NetworkObject) + "s must belong to the same " + nameof(NetworkManager));
foreach (var networkObject in networkObjects)
private void OnDestroy()
if (NetworkManager != null && NetworkManager.IsListening && NetworkManager.IsServer == false && IsSpawned &&
(IsSceneObject == null || (IsSceneObject.Value != true)))
throw new NotServerException($"Destroy a spawned {nameof(NetworkObject)} on a non-host client is not valid. Call {nameof(Destroy)} or {nameof(Despawn)} on the server/host instead.");
if (NetworkManager != null && NetworkManager.SpawnManager != null &&
NetworkManager.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects.TryGetValue(NetworkObjectId, out var networkObject))
if (this == networkObject)
NetworkManager.SpawnManager.OnDespawnObject(networkObject, false);
private void SpawnInternal(bool destroyWithScene, ulong ownerClientId, bool playerObject)
if (!NetworkManager.IsListening)
throw new NotListeningException($"{nameof(NetworkManager)} is not listening, start a server or host before spawning objects");
if (!NetworkManager.IsServer)
throw new NotServerException($"Only server can spawn {nameof(NetworkObject)}s");
NetworkManager.SpawnManager.SpawnNetworkObjectLocally(this, NetworkManager.SpawnManager.GetNetworkObjectId(), IsSceneObject.HasValue && IsSceneObject.Value, playerObject, ownerClientId, destroyWithScene);
for (int i = 0; i < NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList.Count; i++)
if (Observers.Contains(NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList[i].ClientId))
NetworkManager.SpawnManager.SendSpawnCallForObject(NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsList[i].ClientId, this);
/// <summary>
/// Spawns this <see cref="NetworkObject"/> across the network. Can only be called from the Server
/// </summary>
/// <param name="destroyWithScene">Should the object be destroyed when the scene is changed</param>
public void Spawn(bool destroyWithScene = false)
SpawnInternal(destroyWithScene, NetworkManager.ServerClientId, false);
/// <summary>
/// Spawns a <see cref="NetworkObject"/> across the network with a given owner. Can only be called from server
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientId">The clientId to own the object</param>
/// <param name="destroyWithScene">Should the object be destroyed when the scene is changed</param>
public void SpawnWithOwnership(ulong clientId, bool destroyWithScene = false)
SpawnInternal(destroyWithScene, clientId, false);
/// <summary>
/// Spawns a <see cref="NetworkObject"/> across the network and makes it the player object for the given client
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clientId">The clientId who's player object this is</param>
/// <param name="destroyWithScene">Should the object be destroyed when the scene is changed</param>
public void SpawnAsPlayerObject(ulong clientId, bool destroyWithScene = false)
SpawnInternal(destroyWithScene, clientId, true);
/// <summary>
/// Despawns the <see cref="GameObject"/> of this <see cref="NetworkObject"/> and sends a destroy message for it to all connected clients.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="destroy">(true) the <see cref="GameObject"/> will be destroyed (false) the <see cref="GameObject"/> will persist after being despawned</param>
public void Despawn(bool destroy = true)
NetworkManager.SpawnManager.DespawnObject(this, destroy);
/// <summary>
/// Removes all ownership of an object from any client. Can only be called from server
/// </summary>
public void RemoveOwnership()
/// <summary>
/// Changes the owner of the object. Can only be called from server
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newOwnerClientId">The new owner clientId</param>
public void ChangeOwnership(ulong newOwnerClientId)
NetworkManager.SpawnManager.ChangeOwnership(this, newOwnerClientId);
internal void InvokeBehaviourOnLostOwnership()
// Server already handles this earlier, hosts should ignore, all clients should update
if (!NetworkManager.IsServer)
NetworkManager.SpawnManager.UpdateOwnershipTable(this, OwnerClientId, true);
for (int i = 0; i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; i++)
internal void InvokeBehaviourOnGainedOwnership()
// Server already handles this earlier, hosts should ignore and only client owners should update
if (!NetworkManager.IsServer && NetworkManager.LocalClientId == OwnerClientId)
NetworkManager.SpawnManager.UpdateOwnershipTable(this, OwnerClientId);
for (int i = 0; i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; i++)
if (ChildNetworkBehaviours[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
Debug.LogWarning($"{ChildNetworkBehaviours[i].gameObject.name} is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support disabled NetworkBehaviours! The {ChildNetworkBehaviours[i].GetType().Name} component was skipped during ownership assignment!");
internal void InvokeBehaviourOnNetworkObjectParentChanged(NetworkObject parentNetworkObject)
for (int i = 0; i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; i++)
private ulong? m_LatestParent; // What is our last set parent NetworkObject's ID?
private Transform m_CachedParent; // What is our last set parent Transform reference?
private bool m_CachedWorldPositionStays = true; // Used to preserve the world position stays parameter passed in TrySetParent
internal void SetCachedParent(Transform parentTransform)
m_CachedParent = parentTransform;
internal ulong? GetNetworkParenting() => m_LatestParent;
internal void SetNetworkParenting(ulong? latestParent, bool worldPositionStays)
m_LatestParent = latestParent;
m_CachedWorldPositionStays = worldPositionStays;
/// <summary>
/// Set the parent of the NetworkObject transform.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parent">The new parent for this NetworkObject transform will be the child of.</param>
/// <param name="worldPositionStays">If true, the parent-relative position, scale and rotation are modified such that the object keeps the same world space position, rotation and scale as before.</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not reparenting was successful.</returns>
public bool TrySetParent(Transform parent, bool worldPositionStays = true)
var networkObject = parent.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
// If the parent doesn't have a NetworkObjet then return false, otherwise continue trying to parent
return networkObject == null ? false : TrySetParent(networkObject, worldPositionStays);
/// <summary>
/// Set the parent of the NetworkObject transform.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parent">The new parent for this NetworkObject transform will be the child of.</param>
/// <param name="worldPositionStays">If true, the parent-relative position, scale and rotation are modified such that the object keeps the same world space position, rotation and scale as before.</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not reparenting was successful.</returns>
public bool TrySetParent(GameObject parent, bool worldPositionStays = true)
// If we are removing ourself from a parent
if (parent == null)
return TrySetParent((NetworkObject)null, worldPositionStays);
var networkObject = parent.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
// If the parent doesn't have a NetworkObjet then return false, otherwise continue trying to parent
return networkObject == null ? false : TrySetParent(networkObject, worldPositionStays);
/// <summary>
/// Used when despawning the parent, we want to preserve the cached WorldPositionStays value
/// </summary>
internal bool TryRemoveParentCachedWorldPositionStays()
return TrySetParent((NetworkObject)null, m_CachedWorldPositionStays);
/// <summary>
/// Removes the parent of the NetworkObject's transform
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is a more convenient way to remove the parent without having to cast the null value to either <see cref="GameObject"/> or <see cref="NetworkObject"/>
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="worldPositionStays">If true, the parent-relative position, scale and rotation are modified such that the object keeps the same world space position, rotation and scale as before.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool TryRemoveParent(bool worldPositionStays = true)
return TrySetParent((NetworkObject)null, worldPositionStays);
/// <summary>
/// Set the parent of the NetworkObject transform.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parent">The new parent for this NetworkObject transform will be the child of.</param>
/// <param name="worldPositionStays">If true, the parent-relative position, scale and rotation are modified such that the object keeps the same world space position, rotation and scale as before.</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not reparenting was successful.</returns>
public bool TrySetParent(NetworkObject parent, bool worldPositionStays = true)
if (!AutoObjectParentSync)
return false;
if (NetworkManager == null || !NetworkManager.IsListening)
return false;
if (!NetworkManager.IsServer)
return false;
if (!IsSpawned)
return false;
if (parent != null && !parent.IsSpawned)
return false;
m_CachedWorldPositionStays = worldPositionStays;
if (parent == null)
transform.SetParent(null, worldPositionStays);
transform.SetParent(parent.transform, worldPositionStays);
return true;
private void OnTransformParentChanged()
if (!AutoObjectParentSync)
if (transform.parent == m_CachedParent)
if (NetworkManager == null || !NetworkManager.IsListening)
transform.parent = m_CachedParent;
Debug.LogException(new NotListeningException($"{nameof(NetworkManager)} is not listening, start a server or host before reparenting"));
if (!NetworkManager.IsServer)
transform.parent = m_CachedParent;
Debug.LogException(new NotServerException($"Only the server can reparent {nameof(NetworkObject)}s"));
if (!IsSpawned)
transform.parent = m_CachedParent;
Debug.LogException(new SpawnStateException($"{nameof(NetworkObject)} can only be reparented after being spawned"));
var removeParent = false;
var parentTransform = transform.parent;
if (parentTransform != null)
if (!transform.parent.TryGetComponent<NetworkObject>(out var parentObject))
transform.parent = m_CachedParent;
Debug.LogException(new InvalidParentException($"Invalid parenting, {nameof(NetworkObject)} moved under a non-{nameof(NetworkObject)} parent"));
if (!parentObject.IsSpawned)
transform.parent = m_CachedParent;
Debug.LogException(new SpawnStateException($"{nameof(NetworkObject)} can only be reparented under another spawned {nameof(NetworkObject)}"));
m_LatestParent = parentObject.NetworkObjectId;
m_LatestParent = null;
removeParent = m_CachedParent != null;
var message = new ParentSyncMessage
NetworkObjectId = NetworkObjectId,
IsLatestParentSet = m_LatestParent != null && m_LatestParent.HasValue,
LatestParent = m_LatestParent,
RemoveParent = removeParent,
WorldPositionStays = m_CachedWorldPositionStays,
Position = m_CachedWorldPositionStays ? transform.position : transform.localPosition,
Rotation = m_CachedWorldPositionStays ? transform.rotation : transform.localRotation,
Scale = transform.localScale,
// We need to preserve the m_CachedWorldPositionStays value until after we create the message
// in order to assure any local space values changed/reset get applied properly. If our
// parent is null then go ahead and reset the m_CachedWorldPositionStays the default value.
if (parentTransform == null)
m_CachedWorldPositionStays = true;
var maxCount = NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsIds.Count;
ulong* clientIds = stackalloc ulong[maxCount];
int idx = 0;
foreach (var clientId in NetworkManager.ConnectedClientsIds)
if (Observers.Contains(clientId))
clientIds[idx++] = clientId;
NetworkManager.SendMessage(ref message, NetworkDelivery.ReliableSequenced, clientIds, idx);
// We're keeping this set called OrphanChildren which contains NetworkObjects
// because at the time we initialize/spawn NetworkObject locally, we might not have its parent replicated from the other side
// For instance, if we're spawning NetworkObject 5 and its parent is 10, what should happen if we do not have 10 yet?
// let's say 10 is on the way to be replicated in a few frames and we could fix that parent-child relationship later.
// If you couldn't find your parent, we put you into OrphanChildren set and every time we spawn another NetworkObject locally due to replication,
// we call CheckOrphanChildren() method and quickly iterate over OrphanChildren set and see if we can reparent/adopt one.
internal static HashSet<NetworkObject> OrphanChildren = new HashSet<NetworkObject>();
internal bool ApplyNetworkParenting(bool removeParent = false, bool ignoreNotSpawned = false)
if (!AutoObjectParentSync)
return false;
// The ignoreNotSpawned is a special case scenario where a late joining client has joined
// and loaded one or more scenes that contain nested in-scene placed NetworkObject children
// yet the server's synchronization information does not indicate the NetworkObject in question
// has a parent. Under this scenario, we want to remove the parent before spawning and setting
// the transform values. This is the only scenario where the ignoreNotSpawned parameter is used.
if (!IsSpawned && !ignoreNotSpawned)
return false;
// Handle the first in-scene placed NetworkObject parenting scenarios. Once the m_LatestParent
// has been set, this will not be entered into again (i.e. the later code will be invoked and
// users will get notifications when the parent changes).
var isInScenePlaced = IsSceneObject.HasValue && IsSceneObject.Value;
if (transform.parent != null && !removeParent && !m_LatestParent.HasValue && isInScenePlaced)
var parentNetworkObject = transform.parent.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
// If parentNetworkObject is null then the parent is a GameObject without a NetworkObject component
// attached. Under this case, we preserve the hierarchy but we don't keep track of the parenting.
// Note: We only start tracking parenting if the user removes the child from the standard GameObject
// parent and then re-parents the child under a GameObject with a NetworkObject component attached.
if (parentNetworkObject == null)
// If we are parented under a GameObject, go ahead and mark the world position stays as false
// so clients synchronize their transform in local space. (only for in-scene placed NetworkObjects)
m_CachedWorldPositionStays = false;
return true;
else // If the parent still isn't spawned add this to the orphaned children and return false
if (!parentNetworkObject.IsSpawned)
return false;
// If we made it this far, go ahead and set the network parenting values
// with the WorldPoisitonSays value set to false
// Note: Since in-scene placed NetworkObjects are parented in the scene
// the default "assumption" is that children are parenting local space
// relative.
SetNetworkParenting(parentNetworkObject.NetworkObjectId, false);
// Set the cached parent
m_CachedParent = parentNetworkObject.transform;
return true;
// If we are removing the parent or our latest parent is not set, then remove the parent
// removeParent is only set when:
// - The server-side NetworkObject.OnTransformParentChanged is invoked and the parent is being removed
// - The client-side when handling a ParentSyncMessage
// When clients are synchronizing only the m_LatestParent.HasValue will not have a value if there is no parent
// or a parent was removed prior to the client connecting (i.e. in-scene placed NetworkObjects)
if (removeParent || !m_LatestParent.HasValue)
m_CachedParent = null;
// We must use Transform.SetParent when taking WorldPositionStays into
// consideration, otherwise just setting transform.parent = null defaults
// to WorldPositionStays which can cause scaling issues if the parent's
// scale is not the default (Vetctor3.one) value.
transform.SetParent(null, m_CachedWorldPositionStays);
return true;
// If we have a latest parent id but it hasn't been spawned yet, then add this instance to the orphanChildren
// HashSet and return false (i.e. parenting not applied yet)
if (m_LatestParent.HasValue && !NetworkManager.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects.ContainsKey(m_LatestParent.Value))
return false;
// If we made it here, then parent this instance under the parentObject
var parentObject = NetworkManager.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects[m_LatestParent.Value];
m_CachedParent = parentObject.transform;
transform.SetParent(parentObject.transform, m_CachedWorldPositionStays);
return true;
internal static void CheckOrphanChildren()
var objectsToRemove = new List<NetworkObject>();
foreach (var orphanObject in OrphanChildren)
if (orphanObject.ApplyNetworkParenting())
foreach (var networkObject in objectsToRemove)
internal void InvokeBehaviourNetworkSpawn()
NetworkManager.SpawnManager.UpdateOwnershipTable(this, OwnerClientId);
for (int i = 0; i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; i++)
if (ChildNetworkBehaviours[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
Debug.LogWarning($"{ChildNetworkBehaviours[i].gameObject.name} is disabled! Netcode for GameObjects does not support spawning disabled NetworkBehaviours! The {ChildNetworkBehaviours[i].GetType().Name} component was skipped during spawn!");
for (int i = 0; i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; i++)
if (ChildNetworkBehaviours[i].gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
internal void InvokeBehaviourNetworkDespawn()
NetworkManager.SpawnManager.UpdateOwnershipTable(this, OwnerClientId, true);
for (int i = 0; i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; i++)
private List<NetworkBehaviour> m_ChildNetworkBehaviours;
internal List<NetworkBehaviour> ChildNetworkBehaviours
if (m_ChildNetworkBehaviours != null)
return m_ChildNetworkBehaviours;
m_ChildNetworkBehaviours = new List<NetworkBehaviour>();
var networkBehaviours = GetComponentsInChildren<NetworkBehaviour>(true);
for (int i = 0; i < networkBehaviours.Length; i++)
if (networkBehaviours[i].NetworkObject == this)
return m_ChildNetworkBehaviours;
internal void WriteNetworkVariableData(FastBufferWriter writer, ulong targetClientId)
for (int i = 0; i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; i++)
var behavior = ChildNetworkBehaviours[i];
behavior.WriteNetworkVariableData(writer, targetClientId);
internal void MarkVariablesDirty(bool dirty)
for (int i = 0; i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; i++)
var behavior = ChildNetworkBehaviours[i];
// NGO currently guarantees that the client will receive spawn data for all objects in one network tick.
// Children may arrive before their parents; when they do they are stored in OrphanedChildren and then
// resolved when their parents arrived. Because we don't send a partial list of spawns (yet), something
// has gone wrong if by the end of an update we still have unresolved orphans
// if and when we have different systems for where it is expected that orphans survive across ticks,
// then this warning will remind us that we need to revamp the system because then we can no longer simply
// spawn the orphan without its parent (at least, not when its transform is set to local coords mode)
// - because then you'll have children popping at the wrong location not having their parent's global position to root them
// - and then they'll pop to the correct location after they get the parent, and that would be not good
internal static void VerifyParentingStatus()
if (NetworkLog.CurrentLogLevel <= LogLevel.Normal)
if (OrphanChildren.Count > 0)
NetworkLog.LogWarning($"{nameof(NetworkObject)} ({OrphanChildren.Count}) children not resolved to parents by the end of frame");
/// <summary>
/// Only invoked during first synchronization of a NetworkObject (late join or newly spawned)
/// </summary>
internal void SetNetworkVariableData(FastBufferReader reader, ulong clientId)
for (int i = 0; i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; i++)
var behaviour = ChildNetworkBehaviours[i];
behaviour.SetNetworkVariableData(reader, clientId);
internal ushort GetNetworkBehaviourOrderIndex(NetworkBehaviour instance)
// read the cached index, and verify it first
if (instance.NetworkBehaviourIdCache < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count)
if (ChildNetworkBehaviours[instance.NetworkBehaviourIdCache] == instance)
return instance.NetworkBehaviourIdCache;
// invalid cached id reset
instance.NetworkBehaviourIdCache = default;
for (ushort i = 0; i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; i++)
if (ChildNetworkBehaviours[i] == instance)
// cache the id, for next query
instance.NetworkBehaviourIdCache = i;
return i;
return 0;
internal NetworkBehaviour GetNetworkBehaviourAtOrderIndex(ushort index)
if (index >= ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count)
if (NetworkLog.CurrentLogLevel <= LogLevel.Error)
NetworkLog.LogError($"{nameof(NetworkBehaviour)} index {index} was out of bounds for {name}. NetworkBehaviours must be the same, and in the same order, between server and client.");
if (NetworkLog.CurrentLogLevel <= LogLevel.Developer)
var currentKnownChildren = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
currentKnownChildren.Append($"Known child {nameof(NetworkBehaviour)}s:");
for (int i = 0; i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; i++)
var childNetworkBehaviour = ChildNetworkBehaviours[i];
currentKnownChildren.Append($" [{i}] {childNetworkBehaviour.__getTypeName()}");
currentKnownChildren.Append(i < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count - 1 ? "," : ".");
return null;
return ChildNetworkBehaviours[index];
internal struct SceneObject
private byte m_BitField;
public uint Hash;
public ulong NetworkObjectId;
public ulong OwnerClientId;
public bool IsPlayerObject
get => ByteUtility.GetBit(m_BitField, 0);
set => ByteUtility.SetBit(ref m_BitField, 0, value);
public bool HasParent
get => ByteUtility.GetBit(m_BitField, 1);
set => ByteUtility.SetBit(ref m_BitField, 1, value);
public bool IsSceneObject
get => ByteUtility.GetBit(m_BitField, 2);
set => ByteUtility.SetBit(ref m_BitField, 2, value);
public bool HasTransform
get => ByteUtility.GetBit(m_BitField, 3);
set => ByteUtility.SetBit(ref m_BitField, 3, value);
public bool IsLatestParentSet
get => ByteUtility.GetBit(m_BitField, 4);
set => ByteUtility.SetBit(ref m_BitField, 4, value);
public bool WorldPositionStays
get => ByteUtility.GetBit(m_BitField, 5);
set => ByteUtility.SetBit(ref m_BitField, 5, value);
public ulong ParentObjectId;
public struct TransformData : INetworkSerializeByMemcpy
public Vector3 Position;
public Quaternion Rotation;
public Vector3 Scale;
public TransformData Transform;
public ulong? LatestParent;
public NetworkObject OwnerObject;
public ulong TargetClientId;
public int NetworkSceneHandle;
public void Serialize(FastBufferWriter writer)
BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(writer, NetworkObjectId);
BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(writer, OwnerClientId);
if (HasParent)
BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(writer, ParentObjectId);
if (IsLatestParentSet)
BytePacker.WriteValueBitPacked(writer, LatestParent.Value);
var writeSize = 0;
writeSize += HasTransform ? FastBufferWriter.GetWriteSize<TransformData>() : 0;
writeSize += IsSceneObject ? FastBufferWriter.GetWriteSize<int>() : 0;
if (!writer.TryBeginWrite(writeSize))
throw new OverflowException("Could not serialize SceneObject: Out of buffer space.");
if (HasTransform)
// In-Scene NetworkObjects are uniquely identified NetworkPrefabs defined by their
// NetworkSceneHandle and GlobalObjectIdHash. Client-side NetworkSceneManagers use
// this to locate their local instance of the in-scene placed NetworkObject instance.
// Only written for in-scene placed NetworkObjects.
if (IsSceneObject)
// Synchronize NetworkVariables and NetworkBehaviours
var bufferSerializer = new BufferSerializer<BufferSerializerWriter>(new BufferSerializerWriter(writer));
OwnerObject.SynchronizeNetworkBehaviours(ref bufferSerializer, TargetClientId);
public void Deserialize(FastBufferReader reader)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out m_BitField);
reader.ReadValueSafe(out Hash);
ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, out NetworkObjectId);
ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, out OwnerClientId);
if (HasParent)
ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, out ParentObjectId);
if (IsLatestParentSet)
ByteUnpacker.ReadValueBitPacked(reader, out ulong latestParent);
LatestParent = latestParent;
var readSize = 0;
readSize += HasTransform ? FastBufferWriter.GetWriteSize<TransformData>() : 0;
readSize += IsSceneObject ? FastBufferWriter.GetWriteSize<int>() : 0;
// Try to begin reading the remaining bytes
if (!reader.TryBeginRead(readSize))
throw new OverflowException("Could not deserialize SceneObject: Reading past the end of the buffer");
if (HasTransform)
reader.ReadValue(out Transform);
// In-Scene NetworkObjects are uniquely identified NetworkPrefabs defined by their
// NetworkSceneHandle and GlobalObjectIdHash. Client-side NetworkSceneManagers use
// this to locate their local instance of the in-scene placed NetworkObject instance.
// Only read for in-scene placed NetworkObjects
if (IsSceneObject)
reader.ReadValue(out NetworkSceneHandle);
internal void PostNetworkVariableWrite()
for (int k = 0; k < ChildNetworkBehaviours.Count; k++)
/// <summary>
/// Handles synchronizing NetworkVariables and custom synchronization data for NetworkBehaviours.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is where we determine how much data is written after the associated NetworkObject in order to recover
/// from a failed instantiated NetworkObject without completely disrupting client synchronization.
/// </remarks>
internal void SynchronizeNetworkBehaviours<T>(ref BufferSerializer<T> serializer, ulong targetClientId = 0) where T : IReaderWriter
if (serializer.IsWriter)
var writer = serializer.GetFastBufferWriter();
var positionBeforeSynchronizing = writer.Position;
var sizeToSkipCalculationPosition = writer.Position;
// Synchronize NetworkVariables
WriteNetworkVariableData(writer, targetClientId);
// Reserve the NetworkBehaviour synchronization count position
var networkBehaviourCountPosition = writer.Position;
// Parse through all NetworkBehaviours and any that return true
// had additional synchronization data written.
// (See notes for reading/deserialization below)
var synchronizationCount = (byte)0;
foreach (var childBehaviour in ChildNetworkBehaviours)
if (childBehaviour.Synchronize(ref serializer))
var currentPosition = writer.Position;
// Write the total number of bytes written for NetworkVariable and NetworkBehaviour
// synchronization.
// We want the size of everything after our size to skip calculation position
var size = (ushort)(currentPosition - sizeToSkipCalculationPosition);
// Write the number of NetworkBehaviours synchronized
// seek back to the position after writing NetworkVariable and NetworkBehaviour
// synchronization data.
var reader = serializer.GetFastBufferReader();
reader.ReadValueSafe(out ushort sizeOfSynchronizationData);
var seekToEndOfSynchData = reader.Position + sizeOfSynchronizationData;
// Apply the network variable synchronization data
SetNetworkVariableData(reader, targetClientId);
// Read the number of NetworkBehaviours to synchronize
reader.ReadValueSafe(out byte numberSynchronized);
var networkBehaviourId = (ushort)0;
// If a NetworkBehaviour writes synchronization data, it will first
// write its NetworkBehaviourId so when deserializing the client-side
// can find the right NetworkBehaviour to deserialize the synchronization data.
for (int i = 0; i < numberSynchronized; i++)
serializer.SerializeValue(ref networkBehaviourId);
var networkBehaviour = GetNetworkBehaviourAtOrderIndex(networkBehaviourId);
networkBehaviour.Synchronize(ref serializer);
internal SceneObject GetMessageSceneObject(ulong targetClientId)
var obj = new SceneObject
NetworkObjectId = NetworkObjectId,
OwnerClientId = OwnerClientId,
IsPlayerObject = IsPlayerObject,
IsSceneObject = IsSceneObject ?? true,
Hash = HostCheckForGlobalObjectIdHashOverride(),
OwnerObject = this,
TargetClientId = targetClientId
NetworkObject parentNetworkObject = null;
if (!AlwaysReplicateAsRoot && transform.parent != null)
parentNetworkObject = transform.parent.GetComponent<NetworkObject>();
// In-scene placed NetworkObjects parented under GameObjects with no NetworkObject
// should set the has parent flag and preserve the world position stays value
if (parentNetworkObject == null && obj.IsSceneObject)
obj.HasParent = true;
obj.WorldPositionStays = m_CachedWorldPositionStays;
if (parentNetworkObject != null)
obj.HasParent = true;
obj.ParentObjectId = parentNetworkObject.NetworkObjectId;
obj.WorldPositionStays = m_CachedWorldPositionStays;
var latestParent = GetNetworkParenting();
var isLatestParentSet = latestParent != null && latestParent.HasValue;
obj.IsLatestParentSet = isLatestParentSet;
if (isLatestParentSet)
obj.LatestParent = latestParent.Value;
if (IncludeTransformWhenSpawning == null || IncludeTransformWhenSpawning(OwnerClientId))
obj.HasTransform = true;
// We start with the default AutoObjectParentSync values to determine which transform space we will
// be synchronizing clients with.
var syncRotationPositionLocalSpaceRelative = obj.HasParent && !m_CachedWorldPositionStays;
var syncScaleLocalSpaceRelative = obj.HasParent && !m_CachedWorldPositionStays;
// If auto object synchronization is turned off
if (!AutoObjectParentSync)
// We always synchronize position and rotation world space relative
syncRotationPositionLocalSpaceRelative = false;
// Scale is special, it synchronizes local space relative if it has a
// parent since applying the world space scale under a parent with scale
// will result in the improper scale for the child
syncScaleLocalSpaceRelative = obj.HasParent;
obj.Transform = new SceneObject.TransformData
// If we are parented and we have the m_CachedWorldPositionStays disabled, then use local space
// values as opposed world space values.
Position = syncRotationPositionLocalSpaceRelative ? transform.localPosition : transform.position,
Rotation = syncRotationPositionLocalSpaceRelative ? transform.localRotation : transform.rotation,
// We only use the lossyScale if the NetworkObject has a parent. Multi-generation nested children scales can
// impact the final scale of the child NetworkObject in question. The solution is to use the lossy scale
// which can be thought of as "world space scale".
// More information:
// https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Transform-lossyScale.html
Scale = syncScaleLocalSpaceRelative ? transform.localScale : transform.lossyScale,
return obj;
/// <summary>
/// Used to deserialize a serialized scene object which occurs
/// when the client is approved or during a scene transition
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sceneObject">Deserialized scene object data</param>
/// <param name="reader">FastBufferReader for the NetworkVariable data</param>
/// <param name="networkManager">NetworkManager instance</param>
/// <returns>optional to use NetworkObject deserialized</returns>
internal static NetworkObject AddSceneObject(in SceneObject sceneObject, FastBufferReader reader, NetworkManager networkManager)
//Attempt to create a local NetworkObject
var networkObject = networkManager.SpawnManager.CreateLocalNetworkObject(sceneObject);
if (networkObject == null)
// Log the error that the NetworkObject failed to construct
if (networkManager.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Normal)
NetworkLog.LogError($"Failed to spawn {nameof(NetworkObject)} for Hash {sceneObject.Hash}.");
// If we failed to load this NetworkObject, then skip past the Network Variable and (if any) synchronization data
reader.ReadValueSafe(out ushort networkBehaviourSynchronizationDataLength);
reader.Seek(reader.Position + networkBehaviourSynchronizationDataLength);
catch (Exception ex)
// We have nothing left to do here.
return null;
// This will get set again when the NetworkObject is spawned locally, but we set it here ahead of spawning
// in order to be able to determine which NetworkVariables the client will be allowed to read.
networkObject.OwnerClientId = sceneObject.OwnerClientId;
// Synchronize NetworkBehaviours
var bufferSerializer = new BufferSerializer<BufferSerializerReader>(new BufferSerializerReader(reader));
networkObject.SynchronizeNetworkBehaviours(ref bufferSerializer, networkManager.LocalClientId);
// Spawn the NetworkObject
networkManager.SpawnManager.SpawnNetworkObjectLocally(networkObject, sceneObject, false);
return networkObject;
/// <summary>
/// Only applies to Host mode.
/// Will return the registered source NetworkPrefab's GlobalObjectIdHash if one exists.
/// Server and Clients will always return the NetworkObject's GlobalObjectIdHash.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
internal uint HostCheckForGlobalObjectIdHashOverride()
if (NetworkManager.IsHost)
if (NetworkManager.PrefabHandler.ContainsHandler(this))
var globalObjectIdHash = NetworkManager.PrefabHandler.GetSourceGlobalObjectIdHash(GlobalObjectIdHash);
return globalObjectIdHash == 0 ? GlobalObjectIdHash : globalObjectIdHash;
else if (NetworkManager.NetworkConfig.OverrideToNetworkPrefab.ContainsKey(GlobalObjectIdHash))
return NetworkManager.NetworkConfig.OverrideToNetworkPrefab[GlobalObjectIdHash];
return GlobalObjectIdHash;
/// <summary>
/// Removes a NetworkBehaviour from the ChildNetworkBehaviours list when destroyed
/// while the NetworkObject is still spawned.
/// </summary>
internal void OnNetworkBehaviourDestroyed(NetworkBehaviour networkBehaviour)
if (networkBehaviour.IsSpawned && IsSpawned)
if (NetworkManager.LogLevel == LogLevel.Developer)
NetworkLog.LogWarning($"{nameof(NetworkBehaviour)}-{networkBehaviour.name} is being destroyed while {nameof(NetworkObject)}-{name} is still spawned! (could break state synchronization)");