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using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.Netcode
internal enum NetworkPrefabOverride
/// <summary>
/// Class that represents a NetworkPrefab
/// </summary>
internal class NetworkPrefab
/// <summary>
/// The override setttings for this NetworkPrefab
/// </summary>
public NetworkPrefabOverride Override;
/// <summary>
/// Asset reference of the network prefab
/// </summary>
public GameObject Prefab;
/// <summary>
/// Used when prefab is selected for the source prefab to override value (i.e. direct reference, the prefab is within the same project)
/// We keep a separate value as the user might want to have something different than the default Prefab for the SourcePrefabToOverride
/// </summary>
public GameObject SourcePrefabToOverride;
/// <summary>
/// Used when hash is selected for the source prefab to override value (i.e. a direct reference is not possible such as in a multi-project pattern)
/// </summary>
public uint SourceHashToOverride;
/// <summary>
/// The prefab to replace (override) the source prefab with
/// </summary>
public GameObject OverridingTargetPrefab;