主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Multiplayer.Tools.MetricTypes;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
using Unity.Netcode.TestHelpers.Runtime;
using Unity.Netcode.TestHelpers.Runtime.Metrics;
namespace Unity.Netcode.RuntimeTests.Metrics
/// <summary>
/// Note: This is one way to easily identify each specific test.
/// Since the test only tested 1 and then 2 clients, I made this
/// and enum, but you can always remove the enum in the constructor,
/// replace it with an int, and then test from 1 to 9 clients.
/// Just an example of how you can accomplish the same task using
/// the NetcodeIntegrationTest
/// </summary>
internal class RttMetricsTests : NetcodeIntegrationTest
protected override int NumberOfClients => m_ClientCount;
public enum ClientCount
private int m_ClientCount;
public RttMetricsTests(ClientCount numberOfClients)
m_ClientCount = numberOfClients == ClientCount.OneClient ? 1 : 2;
public IEnumerator TrackRttMetricServerToClient()
var waitForMetricValues = new WaitForGaugeMetricValues((m_ServerNetworkManager.NetworkMetrics as NetworkMetrics).Dispatcher, NetworkMetricTypes.RttToServer);
using (var writer = new FastBufferWriter(sizeof(uint), Allocator.Temp))
yield return WaitForConditionOrTimeOut(() => waitForMetricValues.MetricFound());
Assert.False(s_GlobalTimeoutHelper.TimedOut, $"{nameof(TrackRttMetricServerToClient)} timed out waiting for metric to be found for {m_ClientCount} clients!");
var rttValue = waitForMetricValues.AssertMetricValueHaveBeenFound();
Assert.AreEqual(0f, rttValue);
public IEnumerator TrackRttMetricClientToServer()
var clientGaugeMetricValues = new List<WaitForGaugeMetricValues>();
foreach (var client in m_ClientNetworkManagers)
clientGaugeMetricValues.Add(new WaitForGaugeMetricValues((client.NetworkMetrics as NetworkMetrics).Dispatcher, NetworkMetricTypes.RttToServer, metric => metric > 0f));
using (var writer = new FastBufferWriter(sizeof(uint), Allocator.Temp))
yield return WaitForConditionOrTimeOut(() => clientGaugeMetricValues.Where((c) => c.MetricFound()).Count() == NumberOfClients);
Assert.False(s_GlobalTimeoutHelper.TimedOut, $"{nameof(TrackRttMetricClientToServer)} timed out waiting for metric to be found for {m_ClientCount} clients!");
foreach (var clientGaugeMetricValue in clientGaugeMetricValues)
var rttValue = clientGaugeMetricValue.AssertMetricValueHaveBeenFound();
Assert.That(rttValue, Is.GreaterThanOrEqualTo(1e-3f));