您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
namespace Unity.Netcode
/// <summary>
/// Helper class for doing bitwise writes for a FastBufferWriter.
/// Ensures all bitwise writes end on proper byte alignment so FastBufferWriter doesn't have to be concerned
/// with misaligned writes.
/// </summary>
public ref struct BitWriter
private FastBufferWriter m_Writer;
private unsafe byte* m_BufferPointer;
private readonly int m_Position;
private int m_BitPosition;
private int m_AllowedBitwiseWriteMark;
private const int k_BitsPerByte = 8;
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not the current BitPosition is evenly divisible by 8. I.e. whether or not the BitPosition is at a byte boundary.
/// </summary>
public bool BitAligned
get => (m_BitPosition & 7) == 0;
private int BytePosition => m_BitPosition >> 3;
internal unsafe BitWriter(FastBufferWriter writer)
m_Writer = writer;
m_BufferPointer = writer.Handle->BufferPointer + writer.Handle->Position;
m_Position = writer.Handle->Position;
m_BitPosition = 0;
m_AllowedBitwiseWriteMark = (m_Writer.Handle->AllowedWriteMark - m_Writer.Handle->Position) * k_BitsPerByte;
/// <summary>
/// Pads the written bit count to byte alignment and commits the write back to the writer
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
var bytesWritten = m_BitPosition >> 3;
if (!BitAligned)
// Accounting for the partial write
/// <summary>
/// Allows faster serialization by batching bounds checking.
/// When you know you will be writing multiple fields back-to-back and you know the total size,
/// you can call TryBeginWriteBits() once on the total size, and then follow it with calls to
/// WriteBit() or WriteBits().
/// Bitwise write operations will throw OverflowException in editor and development builds if you
/// go past the point you've marked using TryBeginWriteBits(). In release builds, OverflowException will not be thrown
/// for performance reasons, since the point of using TryBeginWrite is to avoid bounds checking in the following
/// operations in release builds. Instead, attempting to write past the marked position in release builds
/// will write to random memory and cause undefined behavior, likely including instability and crashes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bitCount">Number of bits you want to write, in total</param>
/// <returns>True if you can write, false if that would exceed buffer bounds</returns>
public unsafe bool TryBeginWriteBits(int bitCount)
var newBitPosition = m_BitPosition + bitCount;
var totalBytesWrittenInBitwiseContext = newBitPosition >> 3;
if ((newBitPosition & 7) != 0)
// Accounting for the partial write
if (m_Position + totalBytesWrittenInBitwiseContext > m_Writer.Handle->Capacity)
if (m_Position + totalBytesWrittenInBitwiseContext > m_Writer.Handle->MaxCapacity)
return false;
if (m_Writer.Handle->Capacity < m_Writer.Handle->MaxCapacity)
m_BufferPointer = m_Writer.Handle->BufferPointer + m_Writer.Handle->Position;
return false;
m_AllowedBitwiseWriteMark = newBitPosition;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Write s certain amount of bits to the stream.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Value to get bits from.</param>
/// <param name="bitCount">Amount of bits to write</param>
public unsafe void WriteBits(ulong value, uint bitCount)
if (bitCount > 64)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(bitCount), "Cannot write more than 64 bits from a 64-bit value!");
int checkPos = (int)(m_BitPosition + bitCount);
if (checkPos > m_AllowedBitwiseWriteMark)
throw new OverflowException($"Attempted to write without first calling {nameof(TryBeginWriteBits)}()");
int wholeBytes = (int)bitCount / k_BitsPerByte;
byte* asBytes = (byte*)&value;
if (BitAligned)
if (wholeBytes != 0)
WritePartialValue(value, wholeBytes);
for (var i = 0; i < wholeBytes; ++i)
for (var count = wholeBytes * k_BitsPerByte; count < bitCount; ++count)
WriteBit((value & (1UL << count)) != 0);
/// <summary>
/// Write bits to stream.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Value to get bits from.</param>
/// <param name="bitCount">Amount of bits to write.</param>
public void WriteBits(byte value, uint bitCount)
int checkPos = (int)(m_BitPosition + bitCount);
if (checkPos > m_AllowedBitwiseWriteMark)
throw new OverflowException($"Attempted to write without first calling {nameof(TryBeginWriteBits)}()");
for (int i = 0; i < bitCount; ++i)
WriteBit(((value >> i) & 1) != 0);
/// <summary>
/// Write a single bit to the buffer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bit">Value of the bit. True represents 1, False represents 0</param>
public unsafe void WriteBit(bool bit)
int checkPos = (m_BitPosition + 1);
if (checkPos > m_AllowedBitwiseWriteMark)
throw new OverflowException($"Attempted to write without first calling {nameof(TryBeginWriteBits)}()");
int offset = m_BitPosition & 7;
int pos = BytePosition;
m_BufferPointer[pos] = (byte)(bit ? (m_BufferPointer[pos] & ~(1 << offset)) | (1 << offset) : (m_BufferPointer[pos] & ~(1 << offset)));
private unsafe void WritePartialValue<T>(T value, int bytesToWrite, int offsetBytes = 0) where T : unmanaged
byte* ptr = ((byte*)&value) + offsetBytes;
byte* bufferPointer = m_BufferPointer + BytePosition;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(bufferPointer, ptr, bytesToWrite);
m_BitPosition += bytesToWrite * k_BitsPerByte;
private unsafe void WriteMisaligned(byte value)
int off = m_BitPosition & 7;
int pos = m_BitPosition >> 3;
int shift1 = 8 - off;
m_BufferPointer[pos + 1] = (byte)((m_BufferPointer[pos + 1] & (0xFF << off)) | (value >> shift1));
m_BufferPointer[pos] = (byte)((m_BufferPointer[pos] & (0xFF >> shift1)) | (value << off));
m_BitPosition += 8;