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using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace Unity.Netcode
/// <summary>
/// The different types of scene events communicated between a server and client. <br/>
/// Used by <see cref="NetworkSceneManager"/> for <see cref="SceneEventMessage"/> messages.<br/>
/// <em>Note: This is only when <see cref="NetworkConfig.EnableSceneManagement"/> is enabled.</em><br/>
/// See also: <br/>
/// <seealso cref="SceneEvent"/>
/// </summary>
public enum SceneEventType : byte
/// <summary>
/// Load a scene<br/>
/// <b>Invocation:</b> Server Side<br/>
/// <b>Message Flow:</b> Server to client<br/>
/// <b>Event Notification:</b> Both server and client are notified a load scene event started
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Unload a scene<br/>
/// <b>Invocation:</b> Server Side<br/>
/// <b>Message Flow:</b> Server to client<br/>
/// <b>Event Notification:</b> Both server and client are notified an unload scene event started.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Synchronizes current game session state for newly approved clients<br/>
/// <b>Invocation:</b> Server Side<br/>
/// <b>Message Flow:</b> Server to client<br/>
/// <b>Event Notification:</b> Server and Client receives a local notification (<em>server receives the ClientId being synchronized</em>).
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Game session re-synchronization of NetworkObjects that were destroyed during a <see cref="Synchronize"/> event<br/>
/// <b>Invocation:</b> Server Side<br/>
/// <b>Message Flow:</b> Server to client<br/>
/// <b>Event Notification:</b> Both server and client receive a local notification<br/>
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// All clients have finished loading a scene<br/>
/// <b>Invocation:</b> Server Side<br/>
/// <b>Message Flow:</b> Server to Client<br/>
/// <b>Event Notification:</b> Both server and client receive a local notification containing the clients that finished
/// as well as the clients that timed out(<em>if any</em>).
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// All clients have unloaded a scene<br/>
/// <b>Invocation:</b> Server Side<br/>
/// <b>Message Flow:</b> Server to Client<br/>
/// <b>Event Notification:</b> Both server and client receive a local notification containing the clients that finished
/// as well as the clients that timed out(<em>if any</em>).
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A client has finished loading a scene<br/>
/// <b>Invocation:</b> Client Side<br/>
/// <b>Message Flow:</b> Client to Server<br/>
/// <b>Event Notification:</b> Both server and client receive a local notification.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A client has finished unloading a scene<br/>
/// <b>Invocation:</b> Client Side<br/>
/// <b>Message Flow:</b> Client to Server<br/>
/// <b>Event Notification:</b> Both server and client receive a local notification.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A client has finished synchronizing from a <see cref="Synchronize"/> event<br/>
/// <b>Invocation:</b> Client Side<br/>
/// <b>Message Flow:</b> Client to Server<br/>
/// <b>Event Notification:</b> Both server and client receive a local notification.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Used by <see cref="NetworkSceneManager"/> for <see cref="SceneEventMessage"/> messages
/// <em>Note: This is only when <see cref="NetworkConfig.EnableSceneManagement"/> is enabled.</em><br/>
/// See also: <seealso cref="SceneEvent"/>
/// </summary>
internal class SceneEventData : IDisposable
internal SceneEventType SceneEventType;
internal LoadSceneMode LoadSceneMode;
internal ForceNetworkSerializeByMemcpy<Guid> SceneEventProgressId;
internal uint SceneEventId;
internal uint SceneHash;
internal int SceneHandle;
// Used by the client during synchronization
internal uint ClientSceneHash;
internal int NetworkSceneHandle;
/// Only used for <see cref="SceneEventType.Synchronize"/> scene events, this assures permissions when writing
/// NetworkVariable information. If that process changes, then we need to update this
internal ulong TargetClientId;
private Dictionary<uint, List<NetworkObject>> m_SceneNetworkObjects;
private Dictionary<uint, long> m_SceneNetworkObjectDataOffsets;
/// <summary>
/// Client or Server Side:
/// Client side: Generates a list of all NetworkObjects by their NetworkObjectId that was spawned during th synchronization process
/// Server side: Compares list from client to make sure client didn't drop a message about a NetworkObject being despawned while it
/// was synchronizing (if so server will send another message back to the client informing the client of NetworkObjects to remove)
/// spawned during an initial synchronization.
/// </summary>
private List<NetworkObject> m_NetworkObjectsSync = new List<NetworkObject>();
private List<NetworkObject> m_DespawnedInSceneObjectsSync = new List<NetworkObject>();
private Dictionary<int, List<uint>> m_DespawnedInSceneObjects = new Dictionary<int, List<uint>>();
/// <summary>
/// Server Side Re-Synchronization:
/// If there happens to be NetworkObjects in the final Event_Sync_Complete message that are no longer spawned,
/// the server will compile a list and send back an Event_ReSync message to the client.
/// </summary>
private List<ulong> m_NetworkObjectsToBeRemoved = new List<ulong>();
private bool m_HasInternalBuffer;
internal FastBufferReader InternalBuffer;
private NetworkManager m_NetworkManager;
internal List<ulong> ClientsCompleted;
internal List<ulong> ClientsTimedOut;
internal Queue<uint> ScenesToSynchronize;
internal Queue<uint> SceneHandlesToSynchronize;
/// <summary>
/// Server Side:
/// Add a scene and its handle to the list of scenes the client should load before synchronizing
/// Since scene handles are not the same per instance, the client builds a server scene handle to
/// client scene handle lookup table.
/// Why include the scene handle? In order to support loading of the same additive scene more than once
/// we must distinguish which scene we are talking about when the server tells the client to unload a scene.
/// The server will always communicate its local relative scene's handle and the client will determine its
/// local relative handle from the table being built.
/// Look for <see cref="NetworkSceneManager.m_ServerSceneHandleToClientSceneHandle"/> usage to see where
/// entries are being added to or removed from the table
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sceneIndex"></param>
/// <param name="sceneHandle"></param>
internal void AddSceneToSynchronize(uint sceneHash, int sceneHandle)
/// <summary>
/// Client Side:
/// Gets the next scene hash to be loaded for approval and/or late joining
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
internal uint GetNextSceneSynchronizationHash()
return ScenesToSynchronize.Dequeue();
/// <summary>
/// Client Side:
/// Gets the next scene handle to be loaded for approval and/or late joining
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
internal int GetNextSceneSynchronizationHandle()
return (int)SceneHandlesToSynchronize.Dequeue();
/// <summary>
/// Client Side:
/// Determines if all scenes have been processed during the synchronization process
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true/false</returns>
internal bool IsDoneWithSynchronization()
if (ScenesToSynchronize.Count == 0 && SceneHandlesToSynchronize.Count == 0)
return true;
else if (ScenesToSynchronize.Count != SceneHandlesToSynchronize.Count)
// This should never happen, but in the event it does...
throw new Exception($"[{nameof(SceneEventData)}-Internal Mismatch Error] {nameof(ScenesToSynchronize)} count != {nameof(SceneHandlesToSynchronize)} count!");
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Server Side:
/// Called just before the synchronization process
/// </summary>
internal void InitializeForSynch()
if (m_SceneNetworkObjects == null)
m_SceneNetworkObjects = new Dictionary<uint, List<NetworkObject>>();
if (ScenesToSynchronize == null)
ScenesToSynchronize = new Queue<uint>();
if (SceneHandlesToSynchronize == null)
SceneHandlesToSynchronize = new Queue<uint>();
internal void AddSpawnedNetworkObjects()
foreach (var sobj in m_NetworkManager.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjectsList)
if (sobj.Observers.Contains(TargetClientId))
// Sort by parents before children
// Sort by INetworkPrefabInstanceHandler implementation before the
// NetworkObjects spawned by the implementation
// This is useful to know what NetworkObjects a client is going to be synchronized with
// as well as the order in which they will be deserialized
if (m_NetworkManager.LogLevel == LogLevel.Developer)
var messageBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(0xFFFF);
messageBuilder.Append("[Server-Side Client-Synchronization] NetworkObject serialization order:");
foreach (var networkObject in m_NetworkObjectsSync)
internal void AddDespawnedInSceneNetworkObjects()
// Find all active and non-active in-scene placed NetworkObjects
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
var inSceneNetworkObjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsByType<NetworkObject>(UnityEngine.FindObjectsInactive.Include, UnityEngine.FindObjectsSortMode.InstanceID).Where((c) => c.NetworkManager == m_NetworkManager);
var inSceneNetworkObjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<NetworkObject>(includeInactive: true).Where((c) => c.NetworkManager == m_NetworkManager);
foreach (var sobj in inSceneNetworkObjects)
if (sobj.IsSceneObject.HasValue && sobj.IsSceneObject.Value && !sobj.IsSpawned)
/// <summary>
/// Server Side:
/// Used during the synchronization process to associate NetworkObjects with scenes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sceneIndex"></param>
/// <param name="networkObject"></param>
internal void AddNetworkObjectForSynch(uint sceneIndex, NetworkObject networkObject)
if (!m_SceneNetworkObjects.ContainsKey(sceneIndex))
m_SceneNetworkObjects.Add(sceneIndex, new List<NetworkObject>());
/// <summary>
/// Client and Server:
/// Determines if the scene event type was intended for the client ( or server )
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true (client should handle this message) false (server should handle this message)</returns>
internal bool IsSceneEventClientSide()
switch (SceneEventType)
case SceneEventType.Load:
case SceneEventType.Unload:
case SceneEventType.Synchronize:
case SceneEventType.ReSynchronize:
case SceneEventType.LoadEventCompleted:
case SceneEventType.UnloadEventCompleted:
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Server Side:
/// Sorts the NetworkObjects to assure proper instantiation order of operations for
/// registered INetworkPrefabInstanceHandler implementations
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first"></param>
/// <param name="second"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private int SortNetworkObjects(NetworkObject first, NetworkObject second)
var doesFirstHaveHandler = m_NetworkManager.PrefabHandler.ContainsHandler(first);
var doesSecondHaveHandler = m_NetworkManager.PrefabHandler.ContainsHandler(second);
if (doesFirstHaveHandler != doesSecondHaveHandler)
if (doesFirstHaveHandler)
return 1;
return -1;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Sorts the synchronization order of the NetworkObjects to be serialized
/// by parents before children.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This only handles late joining players. Spawning and nesting several children
/// dynamically is still handled by the orphaned child list when deserialized out of
/// hierarchical order (i.e. Spawn parent and child dynamically, parent message is
/// dropped and re-sent but child object is received and processed)
/// </remarks>
private int SortParentedNetworkObjects(NetworkObject first, NetworkObject second)
// If the first has a parent, move the first down
if (first.transform.parent != null)
return 1;
else // If the second has a parent and the first does not, then move the first up
if (second.transform.parent != null)
return -1;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Client and Server Side:
/// Serializes data based on the SceneEvent type (<see cref="SceneEventType"/>)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="writer"><see cref="FastBufferWriter"/> to write the scene event data</param>
internal void Serialize(FastBufferWriter writer)
// Write the scene event type
// Write the scene loading mode
// Write the scene event progress Guid
if (SceneEventType != SceneEventType.Synchronize)
// Write the scene index and handle
switch (SceneEventType)
case SceneEventType.Synchronize:
case SceneEventType.Load:
case SceneEventType.SynchronizeComplete:
case SceneEventType.ReSynchronize:
case SceneEventType.LoadEventCompleted:
case SceneEventType.UnloadEventCompleted:
/// <summary>
/// Server Side:
/// Called at the end of a <see cref="SceneEventType.Load"/> event once the scene is loaded and scene placed NetworkObjects
/// have been locally spawned
/// </summary>
internal void WriteSceneSynchronizationData(FastBufferWriter writer)
// Write the scenes we want to load, in the order we want to load them
// Store our current position in the stream to come back and say how much data we have written
var positionStart = writer.Position;
// Size Place Holder -- Start
// !!NOTE!!: Since this is a placeholder to be set after we know how much we have written,
// for stream offset purposes this MUST not be a packed value!
int totalBytes = 0;
// Write the number of NetworkObjects we are serializing
// Serialize all NetworkObjects that are spawned
for (var i = 0; i < m_NetworkObjectsSync.Count; ++i)
var noStart = writer.Position;
var sceneObject = m_NetworkObjectsSync[i].GetMessageSceneObject(TargetClientId);
var noStop = writer.Position;
totalBytes += (int)(noStop - noStart);
// Write the number of despawned in-scene placed NetworkObjects
// Write the scene handle and GlobalObjectIdHash value
for (var i = 0; i < m_DespawnedInSceneObjectsSync.Count; ++i)
var noStart = writer.Position;
var noStop = writer.Position;
totalBytes += (int)(noStop - noStart);
// Size Place Holder -- End
var positionEnd = writer.Position;
var bytesWritten = (uint)(positionEnd - (positionStart + sizeof(uint)));
// Write the total size written to the stream by NetworkObjects being serialized
/// <summary>
/// Server Side:
/// Called at the end of a <see cref="SceneEventType.Load"/> event once the scene is loaded and scene placed NetworkObjects
/// have been locally spawned
/// Maximum number of objects that could theoretically be synchronized is 65536
/// </summary>
internal void SerializeScenePlacedObjects(FastBufferWriter writer)
var numberOfObjects = (ushort)0;
var headPosition = writer.Position;
// Write our count place holder (must not be packed!)
foreach (var keyValuePairByGlobalObjectIdHash in m_NetworkManager.SceneManager.ScenePlacedObjects)
foreach (var keyValuePairBySceneHandle in keyValuePairByGlobalObjectIdHash.Value)
if (keyValuePairBySceneHandle.Value.Observers.Contains(TargetClientId))
// Serialize the NetworkObject
var sceneObject = keyValuePairBySceneHandle.Value.GetMessageSceneObject(TargetClientId);
// Write the number of despawned in-scene placed NetworkObjects
// Write the scene handle and GlobalObjectIdHash value
for (var i = 0; i < m_DespawnedInSceneObjectsSync.Count; ++i)
var tailPosition = writer.Position;
// Reposition to our count position to the head before we wrote our object count
// Write number of NetworkObjects serialized (must not be packed!)
// Set our position back to the tail
/// <summary>
/// Client and Server Side:
/// Deserialize data based on the SceneEvent type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader"></param>
internal void Deserialize(FastBufferReader reader)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out SceneEventType);
reader.ReadValueSafe(out byte loadSceneMode);
LoadSceneMode = (LoadSceneMode)loadSceneMode;
if (SceneEventType != SceneEventType.Synchronize)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out SceneEventProgressId);
reader.ReadValueSafe(out SceneHash);
reader.ReadValueSafe(out SceneHandle);
switch (SceneEventType)
case SceneEventType.Synchronize:
case SceneEventType.SynchronizeComplete:
case SceneEventType.Load:
// We store off the trailing in-scene placed serialized NetworkObject data to
// be processed once we are done loading.
m_HasInternalBuffer = true;
// We use Allocator.Persistent since scene loading could take longer than 4 frames
InternalBuffer = new FastBufferReader(reader.GetUnsafePtrAtCurrentPosition(), Allocator.Persistent, reader.Length - reader.Position);
case SceneEventType.ReSynchronize:
case SceneEventType.LoadEventCompleted:
case SceneEventType.UnloadEventCompleted:
/// <summary>
/// Client Side:
/// Prepares for a scene synchronization event and copies the scene synchronization data
/// into the internal buffer to be used throughout the synchronization process.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader"></param>
internal void CopySceneSynchronizationData(FastBufferReader reader)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out uint[] scenesToSynchronize);
reader.ReadValueSafe(out uint[] sceneHandlesToSynchronize);
ScenesToSynchronize = new Queue<uint>(scenesToSynchronize);
SceneHandlesToSynchronize = new Queue<uint>(sceneHandlesToSynchronize);
// is not packed!
reader.ReadValueSafe(out int sizeToCopy);
if (!reader.TryBeginRead(sizeToCopy))
throw new OverflowException("Not enough space in the buffer to read recorded synchronization data size.");
m_HasInternalBuffer = true;
// We use Allocator.Persistent since scene synchronization will most likely take longer than 4 frames
InternalBuffer = new FastBufferReader(reader.GetUnsafePtrAtCurrentPosition(), Allocator.Persistent, sizeToCopy);
/// <summary>
/// Client Side:
/// This needs to occur at the end of a <see cref="SceneEventType.Load"/> event when the scene has finished loading
/// Maximum number of objects that could theoretically be synchronized is 65536
/// </summary>
internal void DeserializeScenePlacedObjects()
// is not packed!
InternalBuffer.ReadValueSafe(out ushort newObjectsCount);
for (ushort i = 0; i < newObjectsCount; i++)
var sceneObject = new NetworkObject.SceneObject();
if (sceneObject.IsSceneObject)
// Set our relative scene to the NetworkObject
NetworkObject.AddSceneObject(sceneObject, InternalBuffer, m_NetworkManager);
// Now deserialize the despawned in-scene placed NetworkObjects list (if any)
m_HasInternalBuffer = false;
/// <summary>
/// Client Side:
/// If there happens to be NetworkObjects in the final Event_Sync_Complete message that are no longer spawned,
/// the server will compile a list and send back an Event_ReSync message to the client. This is where the
/// client handles any returned values by the server.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader"></param>
internal void ReadClientReSynchronizationData(FastBufferReader reader)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out uint[] networkObjectsToRemove);
if (networkObjectsToRemove.Length > 0)
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
var networkObjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsByType<NetworkObject>(UnityEngine.FindObjectsSortMode.InstanceID);
var networkObjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<NetworkObject>();
var networkObjectIdToNetworkObject = new Dictionary<ulong, NetworkObject>();
foreach (var networkObject in networkObjects)
if (!networkObjectIdToNetworkObject.ContainsKey(networkObject.NetworkObjectId))
networkObjectIdToNetworkObject.Add(networkObject.NetworkObjectId, networkObject);
foreach (var networkObjectId in networkObjectsToRemove)
if (networkObjectIdToNetworkObject.ContainsKey(networkObjectId))
var networkObject = networkObjectIdToNetworkObject[networkObjectId];
networkObject.IsSpawned = false;
if (m_NetworkManager.PrefabHandler.ContainsHandler(networkObject))
if (m_NetworkManager.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects.ContainsKey(networkObjectId))
if (m_NetworkManager.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjectsList.Contains(networkObject))
/// <summary>
/// Server Side:
/// If there happens to be NetworkObjects in the final Event_Sync_Complete message that are no longer spawned,
/// the server will compile a list and send back an Event_ReSync message to the client.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="writer"></param>
internal void WriteClientReSynchronizationData(FastBufferWriter writer)
//Write how many objects need to be removed
/// <summary>
/// Server Side:
/// Determines if the client needs to be slightly re-synchronized if during the deserialization
/// process the server finds NetworkObjects that the client still thinks are spawned.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
internal bool ClientNeedsReSynchronization()
return (m_NetworkObjectsToBeRemoved.Count > 0);
/// <summary>
/// Server Side:
/// Determines if the client needs to be re-synchronized if during the deserialization
/// process the server finds NetworkObjects that the client still thinks are spawned but
/// have since been despawned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader"></param>
internal void CheckClientSynchronizationResults(FastBufferReader reader)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out uint networkObjectIdCount);
for (int i = 0; i < networkObjectIdCount; i++)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out uint networkObjectId);
if (!m_NetworkManager.SpawnManager.SpawnedObjects.ContainsKey(networkObjectId))
/// <summary>
/// Client Side:
/// During the deserialization process of the servers Event_Sync, the client builds a list of
/// all NetworkObjectIds that were spawned. Upon responding to the server with the Event_Sync_Complete
/// this list is included for the server to review over and determine if the client needs a minor resynchronization
/// of NetworkObjects that might have been despawned while the client was processing the Event_Sync.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="writer"></param>
internal void WriteClientSynchronizationResults(FastBufferWriter writer)
//Write how many objects were spawned
foreach (var networkObject in m_NetworkObjectsSync)
/// <summary>
/// For synchronizing any despawned in-scene placed NetworkObjects that were
/// despawned by the server during synchronization or scene loading
/// </summary>
private void DeserializeDespawnedInScenePlacedNetworkObjects()
// Process all de-spawned in-scene NetworkObjects for this network session
InternalBuffer.ReadValueSafe(out int despawnedObjectsCount);
var sceneCache = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<uint, NetworkObject>>();
for (int i = 0; i < despawnedObjectsCount; i++)
// We just need to get the scene
InternalBuffer.ReadValueSafe(out int networkSceneHandle);
InternalBuffer.ReadValueSafe(out uint globalObjectIdHash);
var sceneRelativeNetworkObjects = new Dictionary<uint, NetworkObject>();
if (!sceneCache.ContainsKey(networkSceneHandle))
if (m_NetworkManager.SceneManager.ServerSceneHandleToClientSceneHandle.ContainsKey(networkSceneHandle))
var localSceneHandle = m_NetworkManager.SceneManager.ServerSceneHandleToClientSceneHandle[networkSceneHandle];
if (m_NetworkManager.SceneManager.ScenesLoaded.ContainsKey(localSceneHandle))
var objectRelativeScene = m_NetworkManager.SceneManager.ScenesLoaded[localSceneHandle];
// Find all active and non-active in-scene placed NetworkObjects
#if UNITY_2023_1_OR_NEWER
var inSceneNetworkObjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsByType<NetworkObject>(UnityEngine.FindObjectsInactive.Include, UnityEngine.FindObjectsSortMode.InstanceID).Where((c) =>
c.GetSceneOriginHandle() == localSceneHandle && (c.IsSceneObject != false)).ToList();
var inSceneNetworkObjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<NetworkObject>(includeInactive: true).Where((c) =>
c.GetSceneOriginHandle() == localSceneHandle && (c.IsSceneObject != false)).ToList();
foreach (var inSceneObject in inSceneNetworkObjects)
if (!sceneRelativeNetworkObjects.ContainsKey(inSceneObject.GlobalObjectIdHash))
sceneRelativeNetworkObjects.Add(inSceneObject.GlobalObjectIdHash, inSceneObject);
// Add this to a cache so we don't have to run this potentially multiple times (nothing will spawn or despawn during this time
sceneCache.Add(networkSceneHandle, sceneRelativeNetworkObjects);
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError($"In-Scene NetworkObject GlobalObjectIdHash ({globalObjectIdHash}) cannot find its relative local scene handle {localSceneHandle}!");
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError($"In-Scene NetworkObject GlobalObjectIdHash ({globalObjectIdHash}) cannot find its relative NetworkSceneHandle {networkSceneHandle}!");
else // Use the cached NetworkObjects if they exist
sceneRelativeNetworkObjects = sceneCache[networkSceneHandle];
// Now find the in-scene NetworkObject with the current GlobalObjectIdHash we are looking for
if (sceneRelativeNetworkObjects.ContainsKey(globalObjectIdHash))
// Since this is a NetworkObject that was never spawned, we just need to send a notification
// out that it was despawned so users can make adjustments
if (!m_NetworkManager.SceneManager.ScenePlacedObjects.ContainsKey(globalObjectIdHash))
m_NetworkManager.SceneManager.ScenePlacedObjects.Add(globalObjectIdHash, new Dictionary<int, NetworkObject>());
if (!m_NetworkManager.SceneManager.ScenePlacedObjects[globalObjectIdHash].ContainsKey(sceneRelativeNetworkObjects[globalObjectIdHash].GetSceneOriginHandle()))
m_NetworkManager.SceneManager.ScenePlacedObjects[globalObjectIdHash].Add(sceneRelativeNetworkObjects[globalObjectIdHash].GetSceneOriginHandle(), sceneRelativeNetworkObjects[globalObjectIdHash]);
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError($"In-Scene NetworkObject GlobalObjectIdHash ({globalObjectIdHash}) could not be found!");
/// <summary>
/// Client Side:
/// During the processing of a server sent Event_Sync, this method will be called for each scene once
/// it is finished loading. The client will also build a list of NetworkObjects that it spawned during
/// this process which will be used as part of the Event_Sync_Complete response.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="networkManager"></param>
internal void SynchronizeSceneNetworkObjects(NetworkManager networkManager)
// Process all spawned NetworkObjects for this network session
InternalBuffer.ReadValueSafe(out int newObjectsCount);
for (int i = 0; i < newObjectsCount; i++)
var sceneObject = new NetworkObject.SceneObject();
// If the sceneObject is in-scene placed, then set the scene being synchronized
if (sceneObject.IsSceneObject)
var spawnedNetworkObject = NetworkObject.AddSceneObject(sceneObject, InternalBuffer, networkManager);
// If we failed to deserialize the NetowrkObject then don't add null to the list
if (spawnedNetworkObject != null)
if (!m_NetworkObjectsSync.Contains(spawnedNetworkObject))
// Now deserialize the despawned in-scene placed NetworkObjects list (if any)
m_HasInternalBuffer = false;
/// <summary>
/// Writes the all clients loaded or unloaded completed and timed out lists
/// </summary>
/// <param name="writer"></param>
internal void WriteSceneEventProgressDone(FastBufferWriter writer)
foreach (var clientId in ClientsCompleted)
foreach (var clientId in ClientsTimedOut)
/// <summary>
/// Reads the all clients loaded or unloaded completed and timed out lists
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader"></param>
internal void ReadSceneEventProgressDone(FastBufferReader reader)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out ushort completedCount);
ClientsCompleted = new List<ulong>();
for (int i = 0; i < completedCount; i++)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out ulong clientId);
reader.ReadValueSafe(out ushort timedOutCount);
ClientsTimedOut = new List<ulong>();
for (int i = 0; i < timedOutCount; i++)
reader.ReadValueSafe(out ulong clientId);
/// <summary>
/// Used to release the pooled network buffer
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
if (m_HasInternalBuffer)
m_HasInternalBuffer = false;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor for SceneEventData
/// </summary>
internal SceneEventData(NetworkManager networkManager)
m_NetworkManager = networkManager;
SceneEventId = XXHash.Hash32(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());