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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Additional documentation and release notes are available at Multiplayer Documentation.

[1.2.0] - 2022-11-21


  • Added protected method NetworkBehaviour.OnSynchronize which is invoked during the initial NetworkObject synchronization process. This provides users the ability to include custom serialization information that will be applied to the NetworkBehaviour prior to the NetworkObject being spawned. (#2298)
  • Added support for different versions of the SDK to talk to each other in circumstances where changes permit it. Starting with this version and into future versions, patch versions should be compatible as long as the minor version is the same. (#2290)
  • Added NetworkObject auto-add helper and Multiplayer Tools install reminder settings to Project Settings. (#2285)
  • Added public string DisconnectReason getter to NetworkManager and string Reason to ConnectionApprovalResponse. Allows connection approval to communicate back a reason. Also added public void DisconnectClient(ulong clientId, string reason) allowing setting a disconnection reason, when explicitly disconnecting a client. (#2280)


  • Changed 3rd-party XXHash (32 & 64) implementation with an in-house reimplementation (#2310)
  • When NetworkConfig.EnsureNetworkVariableLengthSafety is disabled NetworkVariable fields do not write the additional ushort size value (which helps to reduce the total synchronization message size), but when enabled it still writes the additional ushort value. (#2298)
  • Optimized bandwidth usage by encoding most integer fields using variable-length encoding. (#2276)


  • Fixed issue where NetworkTransform components nested under a parent with a NetworkObject component (i.e. network prefab) would not have their associated GameObject's transform synchronized. (#2298)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkObjects that failed to instantiate could cause the entire synchronization pipeline to be disrupted/halted for a connecting client. (#2298)
  • Fixed issue where in-scene placed NetworkObjects nested under a GameObject would be added to the orphaned children list causing continual console warning log messages. (#2298)
  • Custom messages are now properly received by the local client when they're sent while running in host mode. (#2296)
  • Fixed issue where the host would receive more than one event completed notification when loading or unloading a scene only when no clients were connected. (#2292)
  • Fixed an issue in UnityTransport where an error would be logged if the 'Use Encryption' flag was enabled with a Relay configuration that used a secure protocol. (#2289)
  • Fixed issue where in-scene placed NetworkObjects were not honoring the AutoObjectParentSync property. (#2281)
  • Fixed the issue where NetworkManager.OnClientConnectedCallback was being invoked before in-scene placed NetworkObjects had been spawned when starting NetworkManager as a host. (#2277)
  • Creating a FastBufferReader with Allocator.None will not result in extra memory being allocated for the buffer (since it's owned externally in that scenario). (#2265)


  • Removed the NetworkObject auto-add and Multiplayer Tools install reminder settings from the Menu interface. (#2285)

[1.1.0] - 2022-10-21


  • Added NetworkManager.IsApproved flag that is set to true a client has been approved.(#2261)
  • UnityTransport now provides a way to set the Relay server data directly from the RelayServerData structure (provided by the Unity Transport package) throuh its SetRelayServerData method. This allows making use of the new APIs in UTP 1.3 that simplify integration of the Relay SDK. (#2235)
  • IPv6 is now supported for direct connections when using UnityTransport. (#2232)
  • Added WebSocket support when using UTP 2.0 with UseWebSockets property in the UnityTransport component of the NetworkManager allowing to pick WebSockets for communication. When building for WebGL, this selection happens automatically. (#2201)
  • Added position, rotation, and scale to the ParentSyncMessage which provides users the ability to specify the final values on the server-side when OnNetworkObjectParentChanged is invoked just before the message is created (when the Transform values are applied to the message). (#2146)
  • Added NetworkObject.TryRemoveParent method for convenience purposes opposed to having to cast null to either GameObject or NetworkObject. (#2146)


  • Updated UnityTransport dependency on com.unity.transport to 1.3.0. (#2231)
  • The send queues of UnityTransport are now dynamically-sized. This means that there shouldn't be any need anymore to tweak the 'Max Send Queue Size' value. In fact, this field is now removed from the inspector and will not be serialized anymore. It is still possible to set it manually using the MaxSendQueueSize property, but it is not recommended to do so aside from some specific needs (e.g. limiting the amount of memory used by the send queues in very constrained environments). (#2212)
  • As a consequence of the above change, the UnityTransport.InitialMaxSendQueueSize field is now deprecated. There is no default value anymore since send queues are dynamically-sized. (#2212)
  • The debug simulator in UnityTransport is now non-deterministic. Its random number generator used to be seeded with a constant value, leading to the same pattern of packet drops, delays, and jitter in every run. (#2196)
  • NetworkVariable<> now supports managed INetworkSerializable types, as well as other managed types with serialization/deserialization delegates registered to UserNetworkVariableSerialization<T>.WriteValue and UserNetworkVariableSerialization<T>.ReadValue (#2219)
  • NetworkVariable<> and BufferSerializer<BufferSerializerReader> now deserialize INetworkSerializable types in-place, rather than constructing new ones. (#2219)


  • Fixed NetworkManager.ApprovalTimeout will not timeout due to slower client synchronization times as it now uses the added NetworkManager.IsApproved flag to determined if the client has been approved or not.(#2261)
  • Fixed issue caused when changing ownership of objects hidden to some clients (#2242)
  • Fixed issue where an in-scene placed NetworkObject would not invoke NetworkBehaviour.OnNetworkSpawn if the GameObject was disabled when it was despawned. (#2239)
  • Fixed issue where clients were not rebuilding the NetworkConfig hash value for each unique connection request. (#2226)
  • Fixed the issue where player objects were not taking the DontDestroyWithOwner property into consideration when a client disconnected. (#2225)
  • Fixed issue where SceneEventProgress would not complete if a client late joins while it is still in progress. (#2222)
  • Fixed issue where SceneEventProgress would not complete if a client disconnects. (#2222)
  • Fixed issues with detecting if a SceneEventProgress has timed out. (#2222)
  • Fixed issue #1924 where UnityTransport would fail to restart after a first failure (even if what caused the initial failure was addressed). (#2220)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkTransform.SetStateServerRpc and NetworkTransform.SetStateClientRpc were not honoring local vs world space settings when applying the position and rotation. (#2203)
  • Fixed ILPP TypeLoadException on WebGL on MacOS Editor and potentially other platforms. (#2199)
  • Implicit conversion of NetworkObjectReference to GameObject will now return null instead of throwing an exception if the referenced object could not be found (i.e., was already despawned) (#2158)
  • Fixed warning resulting from a stray NetworkAnimator.meta file (#2153)
  • Fixed Connection Approval Timeout not working client side. (#2164)
  • Fixed issue where the WorldPositionStays parenting parameter was not being synchronized with clients. (#2146)
  • Fixed issue where parented in-scene placed NetworkObjects would fail for late joining clients. (#2146)
  • Fixed issue where scale was not being synchronized which caused issues with nested parenting and scale when WorldPositionStays was true. (#2146)
  • Fixed issue with NetworkTransform.ApplyTransformToNetworkStateWithInfo where it was not honoring axis sync settings when NetworkTransformState.IsTeleportingNextFrame was true. (#2146)
  • Fixed issue with NetworkTransform.TryCommitTransformToServer where it was not honoring the InLocalSpace setting. (#2146)
  • Fixed ClientRpcs always reporting in the profiler view as going to all clients, even when limited to a subset of clients by ClientRpcParams. (#2144)
  • Fixed RPC codegen failing to choose the correct extension methods for FastBufferReader and FastBufferWriter when the parameters were a generic type (i.e., List) and extensions for multiple instantiations of that type have been defined (i.e., List and List) (#2142)
  • Fixed the issue where running a server (i.e. not host) the second player would not receive updates (unless a third player joined). (#2127)
  • Fixed issue where late-joining client transition synchronization could fail when more than one transition was occurring.(#2127)
  • Fixed throwing an exception in OnNetworkUpdate causing other OnNetworkUpdate calls to not be executed. (#1739)
  • Fixed synchronization when Time.timeScale is set to 0. This changes timing update to use unscaled deltatime. Now network updates rate are independent from the local time scale. (#2171)
  • Fixed not sending all NetworkVariables to all clients when a client connects to a server. (#1987)
  • Fixed IsOwner/IsOwnedByServer being wrong on the server after calling RemoveOwnership (#2211)

[1.0.2] - 2022-09-12


  • Fixed issue where NetworkTransform was not honoring the InLocalSpace property on the authority side during OnNetworkSpawn. (#2170)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkTransform was not ending extrapolation for the previous state causing non-authoritative instances to become out of synch. (#2170)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkTransform was not continuing to interpolate for the remainder of the associated tick period. (#2170)
  • Fixed issue during NetworkTransform.OnNetworkSpawn for non-authoritative instances where it was initializing interpolators with the replicated network state which now only contains the transform deltas that occurred during a network tick and not the entire transform state. (#2170)

[1.0.1] - 2022-08-23


  • Changed version to 1.0.1. (#2131)
  • Updated dependency on com.unity.transport to 1.2.0. (#2129)
  • When using UnityTransport, reliable payloads are now allowed to exceed the configured 'Max Payload Size'. Unreliable payloads remain bounded by this setting. (#2081)
  • Performance improvements for cases with large number of NetworkObjects, by not iterating over all unchanged NetworkObjects


  • Fixed an issue where reading/writing more than 8 bits at a time with BitReader/BitWriter would write/read from the wrong place, returning and incorrect result. (#2130)
  • Fixed issue with the internal NetworkTransformState.m_Bitset flag not getting cleared upon the next tick advancement. (#2110)
  • Fixed interpolation issue with NetworkTransform.Teleport. (#2110)
  • Fixed issue where the authoritative side was interpolating its transform. (#2110)
  • Fixed Owner-written NetworkVariable infinitely write themselves (#2109)
  • Fixed NetworkList issue that showed when inserting at the very end of a NetworkList (#2099)
  • Fixed issue where a client owner of a NetworkVariable with both owner read and write permissions would not update the server side when changed. (#2097)
  • Fixed issue when attempting to spawn a parent GameObject, with NetworkObject component attached, that has one or more child GameObjects, that are inactive in the hierarchy, with NetworkBehaviour components it will no longer attempt to spawn the associated NetworkBehaviour(s) or invoke ownership changed notifications but will log a warning message. (#2096)
  • Fixed an issue where destroying a NetworkBehaviour would not deregister it from the parent NetworkObject, leading to exceptions when the parent was later destroyed. (#2091)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkObject.NetworkHide was despawning and destroying, as opposed to only despawning, in-scene placed NetworkObjects. (#2086)
  • Fixed NetworkAnimator synchronizing transitions twice due to it detecting the change in animation state once a transition is started by a trigger. (#2084)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkAnimator would not synchronize a looping animation for late joining clients if it was at the very end of its loop. (#2076)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkAnimator was not removing its subscription from OnClientConnectedCallback when despawned during the shutdown sequence. (#2074)
  • Fixed IsServer and IsClient being set to false before object despawn during the shutdown sequence. (#2074)
  • Fixed NetworkList Value event on the server. PreviousValue is now set correctly when a new value is set through property setter. (#2067)
  • Fixed NetworkLists not populating on client. NetworkList now uses the most recent list as opposed to the list at the end of previous frame, when sending full updates to dynamically spawned NetworkObject. The difference in behaviour is required as scene management spawns those objects at a different time in the frame, relative to updates. (#2062)

[1.0.0] - 2022-06-27


  • Changed version to 1.0.0. (#2046)

[1.0.0-pre.10] - 2022-06-21


  • Added a new OnTransportFailure callback to NetworkManager. This callback is invoked when the manager's NetworkTransport encounters an unrecoverable error. Transport failures also cause the NetworkManager to shut down. Currently, this is only used by UnityTransport to signal a timeout of its connection to the Unity Relay servers. (#1994)
  • Added NetworkEvent.TransportFailure, which can be used by implementations of NetworkTransport to signal to NetworkManager that an unrecoverable error was encountered. (#1994)
  • Added test to ensure a warning occurs when nesting NetworkObjects in a NetworkPrefab (#1969)
  • Added NetworkManager.RemoveNetworkPrefab(...) to remove a prefab from the prefabs list (#1950)


  • Updated UnityTransport dependency on com.unity.transport to 1.1.0. (#2025)
  • (API Breaking) ConnectionApprovalCallback is no longer an event and will not allow more than 1 handler registered at a time. Also, ConnectionApprovalCallback is now an Action<> taking a ConnectionApprovalRequest and a ConnectionApprovalResponse that the client code must fill (#1972) (#2002)



  • Fixed issue where dynamically spawned NetworkObjects could throw an exception if the scene of origin handle was zero (0) and the NetworkObject was already spawned. (#2017)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkObject.Observers was not being cleared when despawned. (#2009)
  • Fixed NetworkAnimator could not run in the server authoritative mode. (#2003)
  • Fixed issue where late joining clients would get a soft synchronization error if any in-scene placed NetworkObjects were parented under another NetworkObject. (#1985)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkBehaviourReference would throw a type cast exception if using NetworkBehaviourReference.TryGet and the component type was not found. (#1984)
  • Fixed NetworkSceneManager was not sending scene event notifications for the currently active scene and any additively loaded scenes when loading a new scene in LoadSceneMode.Single mode. (#1975)
  • Fixed issue where one or more clients disconnecting during a scene event would cause LoadEventCompleted or UnloadEventCompleted to wait until the NetworkConfig.LoadSceneTimeOut period before being triggered. (#1973)
  • Fixed issues when multiple ConnectionApprovalCallbacks were registered (#1972)
  • Fixed a regression in serialization support: FixedString, Vector2Int, and Vector3Int types can now be used in NetworkVariables and RPCs again without requiring a ForceNetworkSerializeByMemcpy<> wrapper. (#1961)
  • Fixed generic types that inherit from NetworkBehaviour causing crashes at compile time. (#1976)
  • Fixed endless dialog boxes when adding a NetworkBehaviour to a NetworkManager or vice-versa. (#1947)
  • Fixed NetworkAnimator issue where it was only synchronizing parameters if the layer or state changed or was transitioning between states. (#1946)
  • Fixed NetworkAnimator issue where when it did detect a parameter had changed it would send all parameters as opposed to only the parameters that changed. (#1946)
  • Fixed NetworkAnimator issue where it was not always disposing the NativeArray that is allocated when spawned. (#1946)
  • Fixed NetworkAnimator issue where it was not taking the animation speed or state speed multiplier into consideration. (#1946)
  • Fixed NetworkAnimator issue where it was not properly synchronizing late joining clients if they joined while Animator was transitioning between states. (#1946)
  • Fixed NetworkAnimator issue where the server was not relaying changes to non-owner clients when a client was the owner. (#1946)
  • Fixed issue where the PacketLoss metric for tools would return the packet loss over a connection lifetime instead of a single frame. (#2004)

[1.0.0-pre.9] - 2022-05-10


  • Fixed Hosting again after failing to host now works correctly (#1938)
  • Fixed NetworkManager to cleanup connected client lists after stopping (#1945)
  • Fixed NetworkHide followed by NetworkShow on the same frame works correctly (#1940)

[1.0.0-pre.8] - 2022-04-27


  • unmanaged structs are no longer universally accepted as RPC parameters because some structs (i.e., structs with pointers in them, such as NativeList<T>) can't be supported by the default memcpy struct serializer. Structs that are intended to be serialized across the network must add INetworkSerializeByMemcpy to the interface list (i.e., struct Foo : INetworkSerializeByMemcpy). This interface is empty and just serves to mark the struct as compatible with memcpy serialization. For external structs you can't edit, you can pass them to RPCs by wrapping them in ForceNetworkSerializeByMemcpy<T>. (#1901)
  • Changed requirement to register in-scene placed NetworkObjects with NetworkManager in order to respawn them. In-scene placed NetworkObjects are now automatically tracked during runtime and no longer need to be registered as a NetworkPrefab. (#1898)


  • Removed SIPTransport (#1870)
  • Removed ClientNetworkTransform from the package samples and moved to Boss Room's Utilities package which can be found here (#1912)


  • Fixed issue where NetworkSceneManager did not synchronize despawned in-scene placed NetworkObjects. (#1898)
  • Fixed NetworkTransform generating false positive rotation delta checks when rolling over between 0 and 360 degrees. (#1890)
  • Fixed client throwing an exception if it has messages in the outbound queue when processing the NetworkEvent.Disconnect event and is using UTP. (#1884)
  • Fixed issue during client synchronization if 'ValidateSceneBeforeLoading' returned false it would halt the client synchronization process resulting in a client that was approved but not synchronized or fully connected with the server. (#1883)
  • Fixed an issue where UNetTransport.StartServer would return success even if the underlying transport failed to start (#854)
  • Passing generic types to RPCs no longer causes a native crash (#1901)
  • Fixed a compile failure when compiling against com.unity.nuget.mono-cecil >= 1.11.4 (#1920)
  • Fixed an issue where calling Shutdown on a NetworkManager that was already shut down would cause an immediate shutdown the next time it was started (basically the fix makes Shutdown idempotent). (#1877)

[1.0.0-pre.7] - 2022-04-06


  • Added editor only check prior to entering into play mode if the currently open and active scene is in the build list and if not displays a dialog box asking the user if they would like to automatically add it prior to entering into play mode. (#1828)
  • Added UnityTransport implementation and com.unity.transport package dependency (#1823)
  • Added NetworkVariableWritePermission to NetworkVariableBase and implemented Owner client writable netvars. (#1762)
  • UnityTransport settings can now be set programmatically. (#1845)
  • FastBufferWriter and Reader IsInitialized property. (#1859)
  • Prefabs can now be added to the network at runtime (i.e., from an addressable asset). If ForceSamePrefabs is false, this can happen after a connection has been formed. (#1882)
  • When ForceSamePrefabs is false, a configurable delay (default 1 second, configurable via NetworkConfig.SpawnTimeout) has been introduced to gracefully handle race conditions where a spawn call has been received for an object whose prefab is still being loaded. (#1882)


  • Changed NetcodeIntegrationTestHelpers to use UnityTransport (#1870)
  • Updated UnityTransport dependency on com.unity.transport to 1.0.0 (#1849)


  • Removed SnapshotSystem (#1852)
  • Removed com.unity.modules.animation, com.unity.modules.physics and com.unity.modules.physics2d dependencies from the package (#1812)
  • Removed com.unity.collections dependency from the package (#1849)


  • Fixed in-scene placed NetworkObjects not being found/ignored after a client disconnects and then reconnects. (#1850)
  • Fixed issue where UnityTransport send queues were not flushed when calling DisconnectLocalClient or DisconnectRemoteClient. (#1847)
  • Fixed NetworkBehaviour dependency verification check for an existing NetworkObject not searching from root parent transform relative GameObject. (#1841)
  • Fixed issue where entries were not being removed from the NetworkSpawnManager.OwnershipToObjectsTable. (#1838)
  • Fixed ClientRpcs would always send to all connected clients by default as opposed to only sending to the NetworkObject's Observers list by default. (#1836)
  • Fixed clarity for NetworkSceneManager client side notification when it receives a scene hash value that does not exist in its local hash table. (#1828)
  • Fixed client throws a key not found exception when it times out using UNet or UTP. (#1821)
  • Fixed network variable updates are no longer limited to 32,768 bytes when NetworkConfig.EnsureNetworkVariableLengthSafety is enabled. The limits are now determined by what the transport can send in a message. (#1811)
  • Fixed in-scene NetworkObjects get destroyed if a client fails to connect and shuts down the NetworkManager. (#1809)
  • Fixed user never being notified in the editor that a NetworkBehaviour requires a NetworkObject to function properly. (#1808)
  • Fixed PlayerObjects and dynamically spawned NetworkObjects not being added to the NetworkClient's OwnedObjects (#1801)
  • Fixed issue where NetworkManager would continue starting even if the NetworkTransport selected failed. (#1780)
  • Fixed issue when spawning new player if an already existing player exists it does not remove IsPlayer from the previous player (#1779)
  • Fixed lack of notification that NetworkManager and NetworkObject cannot be added to the same GameObject with in-editor notifications (#1777)
  • Fixed parenting warning printing for false positives (#1855)

[1.0.0-pre.6] - 2022-03-02


  • NetworkAnimator now properly synchrhonizes all animation layers as well as runtime-adjusted weighting between them (#1765)
  • Added first set of tests for NetworkAnimator - parameter syncing, trigger set / reset, override network animator (#1735)


  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the first client to connect to the server could see messages from the server as coming from itself. (#1683)
  • Fixed an issue where clients seemed to be able to send messages to ClientId 1, but these messages would actually still go to the server (id 0) instead of that client. (#1683)
  • Improved clarity of error messaging when a client attempts to send a message to a destination other than the server, which isn't allowed. (#1683)
  • Disallowed async keyword in RPCs (#1681)
  • Fixed an issue where Alpha release versions of Unity (version 2022.2.0a5 and later) will not compile due to the UNet Transport no longer existing (#1678)
  • Fixed messages larger than 64k being written with incorrectly truncated message size in header (#1686) (credit: @kaen)
  • Fixed overloading RPC methods causing collisions and failing on IL2CPP targets. (#1694)
  • Fixed spawn flow to propagate IsSceneObject down to children NetworkObjects, decouple implicit relationship between object spawning & IsSceneObject flag (#1685)
  • Fixed error when serializing ConnectionApprovalMessage with scene management disabled when one or more objects is hidden via the CheckObjectVisibility delegate (#1720)
  • Fixed CheckObjectVisibility delegate not being properly invoked for connecting clients when Scene Management is enabled. (#1680)
  • Fixed NetworkList to properly call INetworkSerializable's NetworkSerialize() method (#1682)
  • Fixed NetworkVariables containing more than 1300 bytes of data (such as large NetworkLists) no longer cause an OverflowException (the limit on data size is now whatever limit the chosen transport imposes on fragmented NetworkDelivery mechanisms) (#1725)
  • Fixed ServerRpcParams and ClientRpcParams must be the last parameter of an RPC in order to function properly. Added a compile-time check to ensure this is the case and trigger an error if they're placed elsewhere (#1721)
  • Fixed FastBufferReader being created with a length of 1 if provided an input of length 0 (#1724)
  • Fixed The NetworkConfig's checksum hash includes the NetworkTick so that clients with a different tickrate than the server are identified and not allowed to connect (#1728)
  • Fixed OwnedObjects not being properly modified when using ChangeOwnership (#1731)
  • Improved performance in NetworkAnimator (#1735)
  • Removed the "always sync" network animator (aka "autosend") parameters (#1746)
  • Fixed in-scene placed NetworkObjects not respawning after shutting down the NetworkManager and then starting it back up again (#1769)

[1.0.0-pre.5] - 2022-01-26


  • Added PreviousValue in NetworkListEvent, when Value has changed (#1528)


  • NetworkManager's GameObject is no longer allowed to be nested under one or more GameObject(s).(#1484)
  • NetworkManager DontDestroy property was removed and now NetworkManager always is migrated into the DontDestroyOnLoad scene. (#1484)'


  • Fixed network tick value sometimes being duplicated or skipped. (#1614)
  • Fixed The ClientNetworkTransform sample script to allow for owner changes at runtime. (#1606)
  • Fixed When the LogLevel is set to developer NetworkBehaviour generates warning messages when it should not (#1631)
  • Fixed NetworkTransport Initialize now can receive the associated NetworkManager instance to avoid using NetworkManager.Singleton in transport layer (#1677)
  • Fixed a bug where NetworkList.Contains value was inverted (#1363)

[1.0.0-pre.4] - 2021-01-04


  • Added com.unity.modules.physics and com.unity.modules.physics2d package dependencies (#1565)


  • Removed com.unity.modules.ai package dependency (#1565)
  • Removed FixedQueue, StreamExtensions, TypeExtensions (#1398)


  • Fixed in-scene NetworkObjects that are moved into the DDOL scene not getting restored to their original active state (enabled/disabled) after a full scene transition (#1354)
  • Fixed invalid IL code being generated when using this instead of this ref for the FastBufferReader/FastBufferWriter parameter of an extension method. (#1393)
  • Fixed an issue where if you are running as a server (not host) the LoadEventCompleted and UnloadEventCompleted events would fire early by the NetworkSceneManager (#1379)
  • Fixed a runtime error when sending an array of an INetworkSerializable type that's implemented as a struct (#1402)
  • NetworkConfig will no longer throw an OverflowException in GetConfig() when ForceSamePrefabs is enabled and the number of prefabs causes the config blob size to exceed 1300 bytes. (#1385)
  • Fixed NetworkVariable not calling NetworkSerialize on INetworkSerializable types (#1383)
  • Fixed NullReferenceException on ImportReferences call in NetworkBehaviourILPP (#1434)
  • Fixed NetworkObjects not being despawned before they are destroyed during shutdown for client, host, and server instances. (#1390)
  • Fixed KeyNotFound exception when removing ownership of a newly spawned NetworkObject that is already owned by the server. (#1500)
  • Fixed NetworkManager.LocalClient not being set when starting as a host. (#1511)
  • Fixed a few memory leak cases when shutting down NetworkManager during Incoming Message Queue processing. (#1323)
  • Fixed network tick value sometimes being duplicated or skipped. (#1614)


  • The SDK no longer limits message size to 64k. (The transport may still impose its own limits, but the SDK no longer does.) (#1384)
  • Updated com.unity.collections to 1.1.0 (#1451)
  • NetworkManager's GameObject is no longer allowed to be nested under one or more GameObject(s).(#1484)
  • NetworkManager DontDestroy property was removed and now NetworkManager always is migrated into the DontDestroyOnLoad scene. (#1484)

[1.0.0-pre.3] - 2021-10-22


  • ResetTrigger function to NetworkAnimator (#1327)


  • Overflow exception when syncing Animator state. (#1327)
  • Added try/catch around RPC calls, preventing exception from causing further RPC calls to fail (#1329)
  • Fixed an issue where ServerClientId and LocalClientId could have the same value, causing potential confusion, and also fixed an issue with the UNet where the server could be identified with two different values, one of which might be the same as LocalClientId, and the other of which would not.(#1368)
  • IL2CPP would not properly compile (#1359)

[1.0.0-pre.2] - 2021-10-19


  • Associated Known Issues for the 1.0.0-pre.1 release in the changelog


  • Updated label for 1.0.0-pre.1 changelog section

[1.0.0-pre.1] - 2021-10-19


  • Added ClientNetworkTransform sample to the SDK package (#1168)
  • Added Bootstrap sample to the SDK package (#1140)
  • Enhanced NetworkSceneManager implementation with additive scene loading capabilities (#1080, #955, #913)
    • NetworkSceneManager.OnSceneEvent provides improved scene event notificaitons
  • Enhanced NetworkTransform implementation with per axis/component based and threshold based state replication (#1042, #1055, #1061, #1084, #1101)
  • Added a jitter-resistent BufferedLinearInterpolator<T> for NetworkTransform (#1060)
  • Implemented NetworkPrefabHandler that provides support for object pooling and NetworkPrefab overrides (#1073, #1004, #977, #905,#749, #727)
  • Implemented auto NetworkObject transform parent synchronization at runtime over the network (#855)
  • Adopted Unity C# Coding Standards in the codebase with .editorconfig ruleset (#666, #670)
  • When a client tries to spawn a NetworkObject an exception is thrown to indicate unsupported behavior. (#981)
  • Added a NetworkTime and NetworkTickSystem which allows for improved control over time and ticks. (#845)
  • Added a OnNetworkDespawn function to NetworkObject which gets called when a NetworkObject gets despawned and can be overriden. (#865)
  • Added SnapshotSystem that would allow variables and spawn/despawn messages to be sent in blocks (#805, #852, #862, #963, #1012, #1013, #1021, #1040, #1062, #1064, #1083, #1091, #1111, #1129, #1166, #1192)
    • Disabled by default for now, except spawn/despawn messages
    • Will leverage unreliable messages with eventual consistency
  • NetworkBehaviour and NetworkObject's NetworkManager instances can now be overriden (#762)
  • Added metrics reporting for the new network profiler if the Multiplayer Tools package is present (#1104, #1089, #1096, #1086, #1072, #1058, #960, #897, #891, #878)
  • NetworkBehaviour.IsSpawned a quick (and stable) way to determine if the associated NetworkObject is spawned (#1190)
  • Added NetworkRigidbody and NetworkRigidbody2D components to support networking Rigidbody and Rigidbody2D components (#1202, #1175)
  • Added NetworkObjectReference and NetworkBehaviourReference structs which allow to sending NetworkObject/Behaviours over RPCs/NetworkVariables (#1173)
  • Added NetworkAnimator component to support networking Animator component (#1281, #872)


  • Bumped minimum Unity version, renamed package as "Unity Netcode for GameObjects", replaced MLAPI namespace and its variants with Unity.Netcode namespace and per asm-def variants (#1007, #1009, #1015, #1017, #1019, #1025, #1026, #1065)
    • Minimum Unity version:
      • 2019.4 → 2020.3+
    • Package rename:
      • Display name: MLAPI Networking LibraryNetcode for GameObjects
      • Name: com.unity.multiplayer.mlapicom.unity.netcode.gameobjects
      • Updated package description
    • All MLAPI.x namespaces are replaced with Unity.Netcode
      • MLAPI.MessagingUnity.Netcode
      • MLAPI.ConnectionUnity.Netcode
      • MLAPI.LoggingUnity.Netcode
      • MLAPI.SceneManagementUnity.Netcode
      • and other MLAPI.x variants to Unity.Netcode
    • All assembly definitions are renamed with Unity.Netcode.x variants
      • Unity.Multiplayer.MLAPI.RuntimeUnity.Netcode.Runtime
      • Unity.Multiplayer.MLAPI.EditorUnity.Netcode.Editor
      • and other Unity.Multiplayer.MLAPI.x variants to Unity.Netcode.x variants
  • Renamed Prototyping namespace and assembly definition to Components (#1145)
  • Changed NetworkObject.Despawn(bool destroy) API to default to destroy = true for better usability (#1217)
  • Scene registration in NetworkManager is now replaced by Build Setttings → Scenes in Build List (#1080)
  • NetworkSceneManager.SwitchScene has been replaced by NetworkSceneManager.LoadScene (#955)
  • NetworkManager, NetworkConfig, and NetworkSceneManager scene registration replaced with scenes in build list (#1080)
  • GlobalObjectIdHash replaced PrefabHash and PrefabHashGenerator for stability and consistency (#698)
  • NetworkStart has been renamed to OnNetworkSpawn. (#865)
  • Network variable cleanup - eliminated shared mode, variables are server-authoritative (#1059, #1074)
  • NetworkManager and other systems are no longer singletons/statics (#696, #705, #706, #737, #738, #739, #746, #747, #763, #765, #766, #783, #784, #785, #786, #787, #788)
  • Changed INetworkSerializable.NetworkSerialize method signature to use BufferSerializer<T> instead of NetworkSerializer (#1187)
  • Changed CustomMessagingManager's methods to use FastBufferWriter and FastBufferReader instead of Stream (#1187)
  • Reduced internal runtime allocations by removing LINQ calls and replacing managed lists/arrays with native collections (#1196)


  • Removed NetworkNavMeshAgent (#1150)
  • Removed NetworkDictionary, NetworkSet (#1149)
  • Removed NetworkVariableSettings (#1097)
  • Removed predefined NetworkVariable<T> types (#1093)
    • Removed NetworkVariableBool, NetworkVariableByte, NetworkVariableSByte, NetworkVariableUShort, NetworkVariableShort, NetworkVariableUInt, NetworkVariableInt, NetworkVariableULong, NetworkVariableLong, NetworkVariableFloat, NetworkVariableDouble, NetworkVariableVector2, NetworkVariableVector3, NetworkVariableVector4, NetworkVariableColor, NetworkVariableColor32, NetworkVariableRay, NetworkVariableQuaternion
  • Removed NetworkChannel and MultiplexTransportAdapter (#1133)
  • Removed ILPP backend for 2019.4, minimum required version is 2020.3+ (#895)
  • NetworkManager.NetworkConfig had the following properties removed: (#1080)
    • Scene Registrations no longer exists
    • Allow Runtime Scene Changes was no longer needed and was removed
  • Removed the NetworkObject.Spawn payload parameter (#1005)
  • Removed ProfilerCounter, the original MLAPI network profiler, and the built-in network profiler module (2020.3). A replacement can now be found in the Multiplayer Tools package. (#1048)
  • Removed UNet RelayTransport and related relay functionality in UNetTransport (#1081)
  • Removed UpdateStage parameter from ServerRpcSendParams and ClientRpcSendParams (#1187)
  • Removed NetworkBuffer, NetworkWriter, NetworkReader, NetworkSerializer, PooledNetworkBuffer, PooledNetworkWriter, and PooledNetworkReader (#1187)
  • Removed EnableNetworkVariable in NetworkConfig, it is always enabled now (#1179)
  • Removed NetworkTransform's FixedSendsPerSecond, AssumeSyncedSends, InterpolateServer, ExtrapolatePosition, MaxSendsToExtrapolate, Channel, EnableNonProvokedResendChecks, DistanceSendrate (#1060) (#826) (#1042, #1055, #1061, #1084, #1101)
  • Removed NetworkManager's StopServer(), StopClient() and StopHost() methods and replaced with single NetworkManager.Shutdown() method for all (#1108)


  • Fixed ServerRpc ownership check to Debug.LogError instead of Debug.LogWarning (#1126)
  • Fixed NetworkObject.OwnerClientId property changing before NetworkBehaviour.OnGainedOwnership() callback (#1092)
  • Fixed NetworkBehaviourILPP to iterate over all types in an assembly (#803)
  • Fixed cross-asmdef RPC ILPP by importing types into external assemblies (#678)
  • Fixed NetworkManager shutdown when quitting the application or switching scenes (#1011)
    • Now NetworkManager shutdowns correctly and despawns existing NetworkObjects
  • Fixed Only one PlayerPrefab can be selected on NetworkManager inspector UI in the editor (#676)
  • Fixed connection approval not being triggered for host (#675)
  • Fixed various situations where messages could be processed in an invalid order, resulting in errors (#948, #1187, #1218)
  • Fixed NetworkVariables being default-initialized on the client instead of being initialized with the desired value (#1266)
  • Improved runtime performance and reduced GC pressure (#1187)
  • Fixed #915 - clients are receiving data from objects not visible to them (#1099)
  • Fixed NetworkTransform's "late join" issues, NetworkTransform now uses NetworkVariables instead of RPCs (#826)
  • Throw an exception for silent failure when a client tries to get another player's PlayerObject, it is now only allowed on the server-side (#844)

Known Issues

  • NetworkVariable does not serialize INetworkSerializable types through their NetworkSerialize implementation
  • NetworkObjects marked as DontDestroyOnLoad are disabled during some network scene transitions
  • NetworkTransform interpolates from the origin when switching Local Space synchronization
  • Exceptions thrown in OnNetworkSpawn user code for an object will prevent the callback in other objects
  • Cannot send an array of INetworkSerializable in RPCs
  • ILPP generation fails with special characters in project path

[0.2.0] - 2021-06-03

WIP version increment to pass package validation checks. Changelog & final version number TBD.

[0.1.1] - 2021-06-01

This is hotfix v0.1.1 for the initial experimental Unity MLAPI Package.


  • Fixed issue with the Unity Registry package version missing some fixes from the v0.1.0 release.

[0.1.0] - 2021-03-23

This is the initial experimental Unity MLAPI Package, v0.1.0.


  • Refactored a new standard for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) in MLAPI which provides increased performance, significantly reduced boilerplate code, and extensibility for future-proofed code. MLAPI RPC includes ServerRpc and ClientRpc to execute logic on the server and client-side. This provides a single performant unified RPC solution, replacing MLAPI Convenience and Performance RPC (see here).
  • Added standarized serialization types, including built-in and custom serialization flows. See RFC #2 for details.
  • INetworkSerializable interface replaces IBitWritable.
  • Added NetworkSerializer..., which is the main aggregator that implements serialization code for built-in supported types and holds NetworkReader and NetworkWriter instances internally.
  • Added a Network Update Loop infrastructure that aids Netcode systems to update (such as RPC queue and transport) outside of the standard MonoBehaviour event cycle. See RFC #8 and the following details:
    • It uses Unity's low-level Player Loop API and allows for registering INetworkUpdateSystems with NetworkUpdate methods to be executed at specific NetworkUpdateStages, which may also be before or after MonoBehaviour-driven game logic execution.
    • You will typically interact with NetworkUpdateLoop for registration and INetworkUpdateSystem for implementation.
    • NetworkVariables are now tick-based using the NetworkTickSystem, tracking time through network interactions and syncs.
  • Added message batching to handle consecutive RPC requests sent to the same client. RpcBatcher sends batches based on requests from the RpcQueueProcessing, by batch size threshold or immediately.
  • GitHub 494: Added a constraint to allow one NetworkObject per GameObject, set through the DisallowMultipleComponent attribute.
  • Integrated MLAPI with the Unity Profiler for versions 2020.2 and later:
    • Added new profiler modules for MLAPI that report important network data.
    • Attached the profiler to a remote player to view network data over the wire.
  • A test project is available for building and experimenting with MLAPI features. This project is available in the MLAPI GitHub testproject folder.
  • Added a MLAPI Community Contributions new GitHub repository to accept extensions from the MLAPI community. Current extensions include moved MLAPI features for lag compensation (useful for Server Authoritative actions) and TrackedObject.


  • GitHub 520: MLAPI now uses the Unity Package Manager for installation management.
  • Added functionality and usability to NetworkVariable, previously called NetworkVar. Updates enhance options and fully replace the need for SyncedVars.
  • GitHub 507: Reimplemented NetworkAnimator, which synchronizes animation states for networked objects.
  • GitHub 444 and 455: Channels are now represented as bytes instead of strings.

For users of previous versions of MLAPI, this release renames APIs due to refactoring. All obsolete marked APIs have been removed as per GitHub 513 and GitHub 514.

Previous MLAPI Versions V 0.1.0 Name
NetworkingManager NetworkManager
NetworkedObject NetworkObject
NetworkedBehaviour NetworkBehaviour
NetworkedClient NetworkClient
NetworkedPrefab NetworkPrefab
NetworkedVar NetworkVariable
NetworkedTransform NetworkTransform
NetworkedAnimator NetworkAnimator
NetworkedAnimatorEditor NetworkAnimatorEditor
NetworkedNavMeshAgent NetworkNavMeshAgent
SpawnManager NetworkSpawnManager
BitStream NetworkBuffer
BitReader NetworkReader
BitWriter NetworkWriter
NetEventType NetworkEventType
ChannelType NetworkDelivery
Channel NetworkChannel
Transport NetworkTransport
NetworkedDictionary NetworkDictionary
NetworkedList NetworkList
NetworkedSet NetworkSet
MLAPIConstants NetworkConstants
UnetTransport UNetTransport


  • GitHub 460: Fixed an issue for RPC where the host-server was not receiving RPCs from the host-client and vice versa without the loopback flag set in NetworkingManager.
  • Fixed an issue where data in the Profiler was incorrectly aggregated and drawn, which caused the profiler data to increment indefinitely instead of resetting each frame.
  • Fixed an issue the client soft-synced causing PlayMode client-only scene transition issues, caused when running the client in the editor and the host as a release build. Users may have encountered a soft sync of NetworkedInstanceId issues in the SpawnManager.ClientCollectSoftSyncSceneObjectSweep method.
  • GitHub 458: Fixed serialization issues in NetworkList and NetworkDictionary when running in Server mode.
  • GitHub 498: Fixed numerical precision issues to prevent not a number (NaN) quaternions.
  • GitHub 438: Fixed booleans by reaching or writing bytes instead of bits.
  • GitHub 519: Fixed an issue where calling Shutdown() before making NetworkManager.Singleton = null is null on NetworkManager.OnDestroy().


With a new release of MLAPI in Unity, some features have been removed:

  • SyncVars have been removed from MLAPI. Use NetworkVariables in place of this functionality.
  • GitHub 527: Lag compensation systems and TrackedObject have moved to the new MLAPI Community Contributions repo.
  • GitHub 509: Encryption has been removed from MLAPI. The Encryption option in NetworkConfig on the NetworkingManager is not available in this release. This change will not block game creation or running. A current replacement for this functionality is not available, and may be developed in future releases. See the following changes:
    • Removed SecuritySendFlags from all APIs.
    • Removed encryption, cryptography, and certificate configurations from APIs including NetworkManager and NetworkConfig.
    • Removed "hail handshake", including NetworkManager implementation and NetworkConstants entries.
    • Modified RpcQueue and RpcBatcher internals to remove encryption and authentication from reading and writing.
  • Removed the previous MLAPI Profiler editor window from Unity versions 2020.2 and later.
  • Removed previous MLAPI Convenience and Performance RPC APIs with the new standard RPC API. See RFC #1 for details.
  • GitHub 520: Removed the MLAPI Installer.

Known Issues

  • NetworkNavMeshAgent does not synchronize mesh data, Agent Size, Steering, Obstacle Avoidance, or Path Finding settings. It only synchronizes the destination and velocity, not the path to the destination.
  • For RPC, methods with a ClientRpc or ServerRpc suffix which are not marked with [ServerRpc] or [ClientRpc] will cause a compiler error.
  • For NetworkAnimator, Animator Overrides are not supported. Triggers do not work.
  • For NetworkVariable, the NetworkDictionary List and Set must use the reliableSequenced channel.
  • NetworkObjectss are supported but when spawning a prefab with nested child network objects you have to manually call spawn on them
  • NetworkTransform have the following issues:
    • Replicated objects may have jitter.
    • The owner is always authoritative about the object's position.
    • Scale is not synchronized.
  • Connection Approval is not called on the host client.
  • For NamedMessages, always use NetworkBuffer as the underlying stream for sending named and unnamed messages.
  • For NetworkManager, connection management is limited. Use IsServer, IsClient, IsConnectedClient, or other code to check if MLAPI connected correctly.

[0.0.1-preview.1] - 2020-12-20

This was an internally-only-used version of the Unity MLAPI Package