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144 行
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UniGLTF;
using UniGLTF.Extensions.VRMC_materials_mtoon;
using UniJSON;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UniVRM10
/// <summary>
/// Migration Target: VRM file with "VRM/UnlitTransparentZWrite" material exported with UniVRM v0.43 or lower.
/// 過去の UniVRM の "VRM/UnlitTransparentZWrite" シェーダをマイグレーションする.
/// 他の Unlit シェーダと違い、VRMC_materials_mtoon を用いてマイグレーションする.
/// </summary>
internal static class MigrationUnlitTransparentZWriteMaterial
private const int MaxRenderQueueOffset = 9; // NOTE: vrm-1.0 spec
private const string Unity0XShaderName = "VRM/UnlitTransparentZWrite";
private const int Unity0XDefaultRenderQueue = 2501;
public static bool Migrate(glTF gltf, IReadOnlyList<JsonNode> vrm0XMaterials)
var anyMigrated = false;
var mapper = GetRenderQueueMapper(vrm0XMaterials);
for (var materialIdx = 0; materialIdx < gltf.materials.Count; ++materialIdx)
var newMaterial = Migrate(vrm0XMaterials[materialIdx], gltf.materials[materialIdx].name, mapper);
if (newMaterial != null)
// NOTE: UnlitTransparentZWrite の場合は、名前を引き継いで、glTFMaterial を上書きする.
gltf.materials[materialIdx] = newMaterial;
anyMigrated = true;
catch (Exception ex)
return anyMigrated;
private static Dictionary<int, int> GetRenderQueueMapper(IReadOnlyList<JsonNode> vrm0XMaterials)
var renderQueueSet = new SortedSet<int>();
foreach (var vrm0XMaterial in vrm0XMaterials)
var renderQueue = MigrationMaterialUtil.GetRenderQueue(vrm0XMaterial);
if (renderQueue.HasValue && renderQueue.Value != -1)
var mapper = new Dictionary<int, int>();
var currentQueueOffset = 0;
foreach (var queue in renderQueueSet)
mapper.Add(queue, currentQueueOffset);
currentQueueOffset = Mathf.Min(currentQueueOffset + 1, MaxRenderQueueOffset);
return mapper;
catch (Exception ex)
return new Dictionary<int, int>();
private static glTFMaterial Migrate(JsonNode vrm0XMaterial, string materialName, Dictionary<int, int> renderQueueMapper)
if (MigrationMaterialUtil.GetShaderName(vrm0XMaterial) != Unity0XShaderName)
return null;
var baseColorFactor = MigrationMaterialUtil.GetBaseColorFactor(vrm0XMaterial);
var baseColorTexture = MigrationMaterialUtil.GetBaseColorTexture(vrm0XMaterial);
var emissiveTexture = new glTFMaterialEmissiveTextureInfo
index = baseColorTexture.index,
extensions = baseColorTexture.extensions,
var renderQueue = MigrationMaterialUtil.GetRenderQueue(vrm0XMaterial) ?? Unity0XDefaultRenderQueue;
var renderQueueOffset = renderQueueMapper.ContainsKey(renderQueue) ? renderQueueMapper[renderQueue] : 0;
var mtoonMaterial = new glTFMaterial
name = materialName,
extensions = new glTFExtensionExport().Add(
new ArraySegment<byte>(glTF_KHR_materials_unlit.Raw)
pbrMetallicRoughness = new glTFPbrMetallicRoughness
baseColorFactor = new[] { 0f, 0f, 0f, baseColorFactor[3] }, // black + _Color.a
baseColorTexture = baseColorTexture, // _MainTex
metallicFactor = 0f,
roughnessFactor = 1f,
alphaMode = "BLEND",
alphaCutoff = 0.5f,
doubleSided = false,
emissiveFactor = new[] { baseColorFactor[0], baseColorFactor[1], baseColorFactor[2] }, // _Color.rgb
emissiveTexture = emissiveTexture,
var mtoon10 = new VRMC_materials_mtoon
SpecVersion = Vrm10Exporter.MTOON_SPEC_VERSION,
TransparentWithZWrite = true, // transparent with zWrite
RenderQueueOffsetNumber = renderQueueOffset,
ShadeColorFactor = new[] { 0f, 0f, 0f }, // black
OutlineWidthMode = OutlineWidthMode.none // disable outline
UniGLTF.Extensions.VRMC_materials_mtoon.GltfSerializer.SerializeTo(ref mtoonMaterial.extensions,
return mtoonMaterial;
catch (Exception)
Debug.LogWarning($"Migration failed in VRM/UnlitTransparentZWrite material: {materialName}");
return null;