# About <package name> samples The <package name> package includes samples of <name of Asset type, Model, Prefabs, and/or other GameObjects in the package>. For more information, see <xref to topic in the Unity Manual>. > **Note**: Here is an example for reference only. Do not include it in the final documentation file. > *The Timeline Examples package includes examples of Timeline Assets, Timeline Instances, animation, GameObjects, and scripts that illustrate how to use Unity's Timeline. For more information, see Unity's Timeline in the Unity Manual. For licensing and usage, see Package Licensing.* > **Note**: For packages that are not yet released, see the Confluence page [Documenting experimental, pre-release, and deprecated packages](https://confluence.unity3d.com/display/DOCS/Documenting+experimental%2C+pre-release%2C+and+deprecated+packages) and refer to the appropriate section for your package's compatibility status for guidance on which installation instructions to include. Remember to remove or hide these instructions when the package is ready for release. When the package is at the Release Candidate or Released stage, use the Installation section below. ## Installation To install this package, follow the instructions in the [Package Manager documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-ui-install.html). >**Note**: This section begins with a cross-reference to the official Unity Manual topic on how to install packages. If the package requires special installation instructions, include these steps below: In addition, you need to install the following resources: - **<name of resource 1>**: To install, open **Window** > **<name of menu item>**. The resource appears <at this location>. - ... etc. --> ## Package contents The following table describes the package folder structure: |**Location**|**Description**| |---|---| |*MyFolderName*|Contains <describe what the folder contains>.| |*MyFolderName/MyFileName*|Contains <describe what the file represents or implements>.| # Using <package name> To use the <sample-name>, make sure you have already [imported the sample](#Installation) into your Project. Then you can ...