using System; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UniGLTF; using VrmLib; using System.Collections.Generic; using UniGLTF.Utils; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEngine; namespace UniVRM10 { public class Vrm10ImportData { UniGLTF.GltfData m_data; public UniGLTF.GltfData Data => m_data; public UniGLTF.glTF Gltf => m_data.GLTF; public string AssetVersion => Gltf.asset.version; public string AssetMinVersion => Gltf.asset.minVersion; public string AssetGenerator => Gltf.asset.generator; public string AssetCopyright => Gltf.asset.copyright; public int NodeCount => Gltf.nodes.Count; public int TextureCount => Gltf.textures.Count; public int SkinCount => Gltf.skins.Count; public int MeshCount => Gltf.meshes.Count; public UniGLTF.Extensions.VRMC_vrm.VRMC_vrm gltfVrm; public UniGLTF.Extensions.VRMC_springBone.VRMC_springBone gltfVrmSpringBone; /// /// for import /// /// /// public Vrm10ImportData(UniGLTF.GltfData data) { m_data = data; if (UniGLTF.Extensions.VRMC_vrm.GltfDeserializer.TryGet(Gltf.extensions, out UniGLTF.Extensions.VRMC_vrm.VRMC_vrm vrm)) { gltfVrm = vrm; } if (UniGLTF.Extensions.VRMC_springBone.GltfDeserializer.TryGet(Gltf.extensions, out UniGLTF.Extensions.VRMC_springBone.VRMC_springBone springBone)) { gltfVrmSpringBone = springBone; } } public NativeArray GetBufferBytes(UniGLTF.glTFBuffer buffer) { int index = Gltf.buffers.IndexOf(buffer); if (index != 0) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } return m_data.Bin; } public NativeArray GetBufferBytes(UniGLTF.glTFBufferView bufferView) { if (!bufferView.buffer.TryGetValidIndex(Gltf.buffers.Count, out int bufferViewBufferIndex)) { throw new Exception(); } return GetBufferBytes(Gltf.buffers[bufferViewBufferIndex]); } static NativeArray RestoreSparseAccessorUInt16(INativeArrayManager arrayManager, NativeArray bytes, int accessorCount, NativeArray indicesBytes, NativeArray valuesBytes) where T : struct { var stride = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)); if (bytes.Length == 0) { bytes = arrayManager.CreateNativeArray(accessorCount * stride); } var dst = bytes.Reinterpret(1); var indices = indicesBytes.Reinterpret(1); var values = valuesBytes.Reinterpret(1); for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; ++i) { var index = indices[i]; var value = values[i]; dst[index] = value; } return bytes; } static NativeArray RestoreSparseAccessorUInt32(INativeArrayManager arrayManager, NativeArray bytes, int accessorCount, NativeArray indicesBytes, NativeArray valuesBytes) where T : struct { var stride = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)); if (bytes.Length == 0) { bytes = arrayManager.CreateNativeArray(accessorCount * stride); } var dst = bytes.Reinterpret(1); var indices = indicesBytes.Reinterpret(1); var values = valuesBytes.Reinterpret(1); for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; ++i) { var index = indices[i]; var value = values[i]; dst[index] = value; } return bytes; } public NativeArray GetAccessorBytes(int accessorIndex) { var accessor = Gltf.accessors[accessorIndex]; var sparse = accessor.sparse; NativeArray bytes = default; if (accessor.bufferView.TryGetValidIndex(Gltf.bufferViews.Count, out int bufferViewIndex)) { var view = Gltf.bufferViews[bufferViewIndex]; if (view.buffer.TryGetValidIndex(Gltf.buffers.Count, out int bufferIndex)) { var buffer = m_data.Bin; var byteSize = accessor.CalcByteSize(); bytes = m_data.Bin.GetSubArray(view.byteOffset, view.byteLength).GetSubArray(accessor.byteOffset.GetValueOrDefault(), byteSize); } } if (sparse != null) { if (!sparse.indices.bufferView.TryGetValidIndex(Gltf.bufferViews.Count, out int sparseIndicesBufferViewIndex)) { throw new Exception(); } var sparseIndexView = Gltf.bufferViews[sparseIndicesBufferViewIndex]; var sparseIndexBin = GetBufferBytes(sparseIndexView); var sparseIndexBytes = sparseIndexBin .GetSubArray(sparseIndexView.byteOffset, sparseIndexView.byteLength) .GetSubArray(sparse.indices.byteOffset, ((AccessorValueType)sparse.indices.componentType).ByteSize() * sparse.count) ; if (!sparse.values.bufferView.TryGetValidIndex(Gltf.bufferViews.Count, out int sparseValuesBufferViewIndex)) { throw new Exception(); } var sparseValueView = Gltf.bufferViews[sparseValuesBufferViewIndex]; var sparseValueBin = GetBufferBytes(sparseValueView); var sparseValueBytes = sparseValueBin .GetSubArray(sparseValueView.byteOffset, sparseValueView.byteLength) .GetSubArray(sparse.values.byteOffset, accessor.GetStride() * sparse.count); ; if (sparse.indices.componentType == (UniGLTF.glComponentType)AccessorValueType.UNSIGNED_SHORT && accessor.componentType == (UniGLTF.glComponentType)AccessorValueType.FLOAT && accessor.type == "VEC3") { return RestoreSparseAccessorUInt16(m_data.NativeArrayManager, bytes, accessor.count, sparseIndexBytes, sparseValueBytes); } if (sparse.indices.componentType == (UniGLTF.glComponentType)AccessorValueType.UNSIGNED_INT && accessor.componentType == (UniGLTF.glComponentType)AccessorValueType.FLOAT && accessor.type == "VEC3") { return RestoreSparseAccessorUInt32(m_data.NativeArrayManager, bytes, accessor.count, sparseIndexBytes, sparseValueBytes); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } else { if (bytes.Length == 0) { // sparse and all value is zero return m_data.NativeArrayManager.CreateNativeArray(accessor.GetStride() * accessor.count); } return bytes; } } public bool TryCreateAccessor(int accessorIndex, out BufferAccessor ba) { if (accessorIndex < 0 || accessorIndex >= Gltf.accessors.Count) { ba = default; return false; } var accessor = Gltf.accessors[accessorIndex]; var bytes = GetAccessorBytes(accessorIndex); var vectorType = CachedEnum.Parse(accessor.type, ignoreCase: true); ba = new BufferAccessor(m_data.NativeArrayManager, bytes, (AccessorValueType)accessor.componentType, vectorType, accessor.count); return true; } public BufferAccessor CreateAccessor(int accessorIndex) { if (TryCreateAccessor(accessorIndex, out BufferAccessor ba)) { return ba; } else { return null; } } /// /// submeshのindexが連続した領域に格納されているかを確認する /// bool AccessorsIsContinuous(int[] accessorIndices) { var firstAccessor = Gltf.accessors[accessorIndices[0]]; var firstView = Gltf.bufferViews[firstAccessor.bufferView.Value]; var start = firstView.byteOffset + firstAccessor.byteOffset; var pos = start; foreach (var i in accessorIndices) { var current = Gltf.accessors[i]; if (current.type != "SCALAR") { throw new ArgumentException($"accessor.type: {current.type}"); } if (firstAccessor.componentType != current.componentType) { return false; } var view = Gltf.bufferViews[current.bufferView.Value]; if (pos != view.byteOffset + current.byteOffset) { return false; } var begin = view.byteOffset + current.byteOffset; var byteLength = current.CalcByteSize(); pos += byteLength; } return true; } /// /// Gltfの Primitive[] の indices をひとまとめにした /// IndexBuffer を返す。 /// public BufferAccessor CreateAccessor(int[] accessorIndices) { var totalCount = accessorIndices.Sum(x => Gltf.accessors[x].count); if (AccessorsIsContinuous(accessorIndices)) { // IndexBufferが連続して格納されている => Slice でいける var firstAccessor = Gltf.accessors[accessorIndices[0]]; var firstView = Gltf.bufferViews[firstAccessor.bufferView.Value]; var start = firstView.byteOffset + firstAccessor.byteOffset.GetValueOrDefault(); if (!firstView.buffer.TryGetValidIndex(Gltf.buffers.Count, out int firstViewBufferIndex)) { throw new Exception(); } var buffer = Gltf.buffers[firstViewBufferIndex]; var bin = GetBufferBytes(buffer); var bytes = bin.GetSubArray(start, totalCount * firstAccessor.GetStride()); return new BufferAccessor(m_data.NativeArrayManager, bytes, (AccessorValueType)firstAccessor.componentType, CachedEnum.Parse(firstAccessor.type, ignoreCase: true), totalCount); } else { // IndexBufferが連続して格納されていない => Int[] を作り直す using (var indices = new NativeArray(totalCount * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)), Allocator.Persistent)) { var span = indices.Reinterpret(1); var offset = 0; foreach (var accessorIndex in accessorIndices) { var accessor = Gltf.accessors[accessorIndex]; if (accessor.type != "SCALAR") { throw new ArgumentException($"accessor.type: {accessor.type}"); } var view = Gltf.bufferViews[accessor.bufferView.Value]; if (!view.buffer.TryGetValidIndex(Gltf.buffers.Count, out int viewBufferIndex)) { throw new Exception(); } var buffer = Gltf.buffers[viewBufferIndex]; var bin = GetBufferBytes(buffer); var start = view.byteOffset + accessor.byteOffset.GetValueOrDefault(); var bytes = bin.GetSubArray(start, accessor.count * accessor.GetStride()); var dst = indices.Reinterpret(1).GetSubArray(offset, accessor.count); offset += accessor.count; switch ((AccessorValueType)accessor.componentType) { case AccessorValueType.UNSIGNED_BYTE: { var src = bytes; for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; ++i) { // byte to int dst[i] = src[i]; } } break; case AccessorValueType.UNSIGNED_SHORT: { var src = bytes.Reinterpret(1); for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; ++i) { // ushort to int dst[i] = src[i]; } } break; case AccessorValueType.UNSIGNED_INT: { NativeArray.Copy(bytes, dst.Reinterpret(Marshal.SizeOf())); } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException($"accessor.componentType: {accessor.componentType}"); } } return new BufferAccessor(m_data.NativeArrayManager, indices, AccessorValueType.UNSIGNED_INT, AccessorVectorType.SCALAR, totalCount); } } } public void CreateBufferAccessorAndAdd(int accessorIndex, VertexBuffer b, string key) { var a = CreateAccessor(accessorIndex); if (a != null) { b.Add(key, a); } } public Node CreateNode(int index) { var x = Gltf.nodes[index]; var node = new Node(; if (x.matrix != null) { if (x.matrix.Length != 16) throw new Exception("matrix member is not 16"); if (x.translation != null && x.translation.Length > 0) throw new Exception("matrix with translation"); if (x.rotation != null && x.rotation.Length > 0) throw new Exception("matrix with rotation"); if (x.scale != null && x.scale.Length > 0) throw new Exception("matrix with scale"); var m = UnityExtensions.MatrixFromArray(x.matrix); node.SetLocalMatrix(m, true); } else { if (x.translation != null && x.translation.Length == 3) { node.LocalTranslation = x.translation.ToVector3(); } if (x.rotation != null && x.rotation.Length == 4) { node.LocalRotation = x.rotation.ToQuaternion(); } if (x.scale != null && x.scale.Length == 3) { node.LocalScaling = x.scale.ToVector3(; } } return node; } public IEnumerable GetChildNodeIndices(int i) { var gltfNode = Gltf.nodes[i]; if (gltfNode.children != null) { foreach (var j in gltfNode.children) { yield return j; } } } public Skin CreateSkin(int index, List nodes) { var x = Gltf.skins[index]; BufferAccessor inverseMatrices = null; if (x.inverseBindMatrices != -1) { inverseMatrices = CreateAccessor(x.inverseBindMatrices); } var skin = new Skin { InverseMatrices = inverseMatrices, Joints = x.joints.Select(y => nodes[y]).ToList(), }; if (x.skeleton != -1) // TODO: proto to int { skin.Root = nodes[x.skeleton]; } return skin; } public MeshGroup CreateMesh(int index) { var x = Gltf.meshes[index]; var group = x.FromGltf(this); return group; } public (int, int) GetNodeMeshSkin(int index) { var x = Gltf.nodes[index]; int meshIndex = -1; if (x.mesh.TryGetValidIndex(Gltf.meshes.Count, out int mi)) { meshIndex = mi; } int skinIndex = -1; if (, out int si)) { skinIndex = si; } return (meshIndex, skinIndex); } } }