using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UniGLTF; using VRMShaders; namespace UniVRM10 { [Serializable] public readonly struct ExpressionKey : IEquatable, IComparable { /// /// Enum.ToString() のGC回避用キャッシュ /// private static readonly Dictionary PresetNameDictionary = new Dictionary(); /// /// ExpressionPreset と同名の名前を持つ独自に追加した Expression を区別するための prefix /// private static readonly string UnknownPresetPrefix = "Unknown_"; /// /// Preset of this ExpressionKey. /// public readonly ExpressionPreset Preset; /// /// Custom Name of this ExpressionKey. /// This works if Preset was Custom. /// public readonly string Name; /// /// Id for comparison of ExpressionKey. /// private readonly string _id; public bool IsBlink { get { switch (Preset) { case ExpressionPreset.blink: case ExpressionPreset.blinkLeft: case ExpressionPreset.blinkRight: return true; } return false; } } public bool IsLookAt { get { switch (Preset) { case ExpressionPreset.lookUp: case ExpressionPreset.lookDown: case ExpressionPreset.lookLeft: case ExpressionPreset.lookRight: return true; } return false; } } public bool IsMouth { get { switch (Preset) { case ExpressionPreset.aa: case ExpressionPreset.ih: case ExpressionPreset.ou: case case ExpressionPreset.oh: return true; } return false; } } public bool IsProcedual => IsBlink || IsLookAt || IsMouth; public ExpressionKey(ExpressionPreset preset, string customName = null) { Preset = preset; if (Preset != ExpressionPreset.custom) { if (PresetNameDictionary.ContainsKey((Preset))) { _id = Name = PresetNameDictionary[Preset]; } else { PresetNameDictionary.Add(Preset, Preset.ToString()); _id = Name = PresetNameDictionary[Preset]; } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customName)) { throw new ArgumentException("name is required for ExpressionPreset.Custom"); } _id = $"{UnknownPresetPrefix}{customName}"; Name = customName; } } public static ExpressionKey CreateCustom(String key) { return new ExpressionKey(ExpressionPreset.custom, key); } public static ExpressionKey CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset preset) { return new ExpressionKey(preset); } public static ExpressionKey Happy => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.happy); public static ExpressionKey Angry => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.angry); public static ExpressionKey Sad => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.sad); public static ExpressionKey Relaxed => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.relaxed); public static ExpressionKey Surprised => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.surprised); public static ExpressionKey Aa => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.aa); public static ExpressionKey Ih => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.ih); public static ExpressionKey Ou => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.ou); public static ExpressionKey Ee => CreateFromPreset(; public static ExpressionKey Oh => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.oh); public static ExpressionKey Blink => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.blink); public static ExpressionKey BlinkLeft => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.blinkLeft); public static ExpressionKey BlinkRight => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.blinkRight); public static ExpressionKey LookUp => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.lookUp); public static ExpressionKey LookDown => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.lookDown); public static ExpressionKey LookLeft => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.lookLeft); public static ExpressionKey LookRight => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.lookRight); public static ExpressionKey Neutral => CreateFromPreset(ExpressionPreset.neutral); public override string ToString() { return _id.Replace(UnknownPresetPrefix, ""); } public bool Equals(ExpressionKey other) { return _id == other._id; } public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj is ExpressionKey) { return Equals((ExpressionKey)obj); } else { return false; } } public override int GetHashCode() { return _id.GetHashCode(); } // public bool Match(VRM10Expression clip) // { // return this.Equals(CreateFromClip(clip)); // } public int CompareTo(ExpressionKey other) { if (Preset != other.Preset) { return Preset - other.Preset; } return 0; } public SubAssetKey SubAssetKey { get { return new SubAssetKey(typeof(VRM10Expression), this.ToString()); } } } }