# com.unity.metacity-sdk ## Introduction Unity Metacity SDK is a package that empower creators to build virtual worlds and share with each other. Create your template and publish to Unity Metacity Platform. ## Requirements 1. Only China released Unity Editor versions are supported. - 2019.4.40f1c2 (Windows version only) - 2020.3.39f1c1 and later 2020 versions - 2021.3.12f1c2 and later 2021 versions 2. [Unity CloudEditor](https://cloudeditor.unity.cn/project) --- ## Terms and definitions - DS: DedicatedServer - Platform: [Unity Metacity service](https://metacity.unity.cn) - Launcher: The Unity client executable ## How to use 1. Install this package from git(link_to_paste_here) 2. Add `SyncController` to your start scene 3. Send/Handle SyncController message at proper time - ## How to test locally ## How to integrate with existing projects ## How to start from an empty project ## MessageTypes ## SDK version 1.0.0