using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.Netcode
/// Optimized class used for writing values into a byte stream
public struct FastBufferWriter : IDisposable
internal struct WriterHandle
internal unsafe byte* BufferPointer;
internal int Position;
internal int Length;
internal int Capacity;
internal int MaxCapacity;
internal Allocator Allocator;
internal bool BufferGrew;
internal int AllowedWriteMark;
internal bool InBitwiseContext;
internal unsafe WriterHandle* Handle;
private static byte[] s_ByteArrayCache = new byte[65535];
/// The current write position
public unsafe int Position
get => Handle->Position;
/// The current total buffer size
public unsafe int Capacity
get => Handle->Capacity;
/// The maximum possible total buffer size
public unsafe int MaxCapacity
get => Handle->MaxCapacity;
/// The total amount of bytes that have been written to the stream
public unsafe int Length
get => Handle->Position > Handle->Length ? Handle->Position : Handle->Length;
/// Gets a value indicating whether the writer has been initialized and a handle allocated.
public unsafe bool IsInitialized => Handle != null;
internal unsafe void CommitBitwiseWrites(int amount)
Handle->Position += amount;
Handle->InBitwiseContext = false;
/// Create a FastBufferWriter.
/// Size of the buffer to create
/// Allocator to use in creating it
/// Maximum size the buffer can grow to. If less than size, buffer cannot grow.
public unsafe FastBufferWriter(int size, Allocator allocator, int maxSize = -1)
// Allocating both the Handle struct and the buffer in a single allocation - sizeof(WriterHandle) + size
// The buffer for the initial allocation is the next block of memory after the handle itself.
// If the buffer grows, a new buffer will be allocated and the handle pointer pointed at the new location...
// The original buffer won't be deallocated until the writer is destroyed since it's part of the handle allocation.
Handle = (WriterHandle*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(WriterHandle) + size, UnsafeUtility.AlignOf(), allocator);
UnsafeUtility.MemSet(Handle, 0, sizeof(WriterHandle) + size);
Handle->BufferPointer = (byte*)(Handle + 1);
Handle->Position = 0;
Handle->Length = 0;
Handle->Capacity = size;
Handle->Allocator = allocator;
Handle->MaxCapacity = maxSize < size ? size : maxSize;
Handle->BufferGrew = false;
Handle->AllowedWriteMark = 0;
Handle->InBitwiseContext = false;
/// implementation that frees the allocated buffer
public unsafe void Dispose()
if (Handle->BufferGrew)
UnsafeUtility.Free(Handle->BufferPointer, Handle->Allocator);
UnsafeUtility.Free(Handle, Handle->Allocator);
Handle = null;
/// Move the write position in the stream.
/// Note that moving forward past the current length will extend the buffer's Length value even if you don't write.
/// Absolute value to move the position to, truncated to Capacity
public unsafe void Seek(int where)
// This avoids us having to synchronize length all the time.
// Writing things is a much more common operation than seeking
// or querying length. The length here is a high watermark of
// what's been written. So before we seek, if the current position
// is greater than the length, we update that watermark.
// When querying length later, we'll return whichever of the two
// values is greater, thus if we write past length, length increases
// because position increases, and if we seek backward, length remembers
// the position it was in.
// Seeking forward will not update the length.
where = Math.Min(where, Handle->Capacity);
if (Handle->Position > Handle->Length && where < Handle->Position)
Handle->Length = Handle->Position;
Handle->Position = where;
/// Truncate the stream by setting Length to the specified value.
/// If Position is greater than the specified value, it will be moved as well.
/// The value to truncate to. If -1, the current position will be used.
public unsafe void Truncate(int where = -1)
if (where == -1)
where = Position;
if (Handle->Position > where)
Handle->Position = where;
if (Handle->Length > where)
Handle->Length = where;
/// Retrieve a BitWriter to be able to perform bitwise operations on the buffer.
/// No bytewise operations can be performed on the buffer until bitWriter.Dispose() has been called.
/// At the end of the operation, FastBufferWriter will remain byte-aligned.
/// A BitWriter
public unsafe BitWriter EnterBitwiseContext()
Handle->InBitwiseContext = true;
return new BitWriter(this);
internal unsafe void Grow(int additionalSizeRequired)
var desiredSize = Handle->Capacity * 2;
while (desiredSize < Position + additionalSizeRequired)
desiredSize *= 2;
var newSize = Math.Min(desiredSize, Handle->MaxCapacity);
byte* newBuffer = (byte*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(newSize, UnsafeUtility.AlignOf(), Handle->Allocator);
UnsafeUtility.MemSet(newBuffer, 0, newSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(newBuffer, Handle->BufferPointer, Length);
if (Handle->BufferGrew)
UnsafeUtility.Free(Handle->BufferPointer, Handle->Allocator);
Handle->BufferGrew = true;
Handle->BufferPointer = newBuffer;
Handle->Capacity = newSize;
/// Allows faster serialization by batching bounds checking.
/// When you know you will be writing multiple fields back-to-back and you know the total size,
/// you can call TryBeginWrite() once on the total size, and then follow it with calls to
/// WriteValue() instead of WriteValueSafe() for faster serialization.
/// Unsafe write operations will throw OverflowException in editor and development builds if you
/// go past the point you've marked using TryBeginWrite(). In release builds, OverflowException will not be thrown
/// for performance reasons, since the point of using TryBeginWrite is to avoid bounds checking in the following
/// operations in release builds.
/// Amount of bytes to write
/// True if the write is allowed, false otherwise
/// If called while in a bitwise context
public unsafe bool TryBeginWrite(int bytes)
if (Handle->InBitwiseContext)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot use BufferWriter in bytewise mode while in a bitwise context.");
if (Handle->Position + bytes > Handle->Capacity)
if (Handle->Position + bytes > Handle->MaxCapacity)
return false;
if (Handle->Capacity < Handle->MaxCapacity)
return false;
Handle->AllowedWriteMark = Handle->Position + bytes;
return true;
/// Allows faster serialization by batching bounds checking.
/// When you know you will be writing multiple fields back-to-back and you know the total size,
/// you can call TryBeginWrite() once on the total size, and then follow it with calls to
/// WriteValue() instead of WriteValueSafe() for faster serialization.
/// Unsafe write operations will throw OverflowException in editor and development builds if you
/// go past the point you've marked using TryBeginWrite(). In release builds, OverflowException will not be thrown
/// for performance reasons, since the point of using TryBeginWrite is to avoid bounds checking in the following
/// operations in release builds. Instead, attempting to write past the marked position in release builds
/// will write to random memory and cause undefined behavior, likely including instability and crashes.
/// The value type to write
/// The value of the type `T` you want to write
/// True if the write is allowed, false otherwise
/// If called while in a bitwise context
public unsafe bool TryBeginWriteValue(in T value) where T : unmanaged
if (Handle->InBitwiseContext)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot use BufferWriter in bytewise mode while in a bitwise context.");
int len = sizeof(T);
if (Handle->Position + len > Handle->Capacity)
if (Handle->Position + len > Handle->MaxCapacity)
return false;
if (Handle->Capacity < Handle->MaxCapacity)
return false;
Handle->AllowedWriteMark = Handle->Position + len;
return true;
/// Internal version of TryBeginWrite.
/// Differs from TryBeginWrite only in that it won't ever move the AllowedWriteMark backward.
public unsafe bool TryBeginWriteInternal(int bytes)
if (Handle->InBitwiseContext)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot use BufferWriter in bytewise mode while in a bitwise context.");
if (Handle->Position + bytes > Handle->Capacity)
if (Handle->Position + bytes > Handle->MaxCapacity)
return false;
if (Handle->Capacity < Handle->MaxCapacity)
return false;
if (Handle->Position + bytes > Handle->AllowedWriteMark)
Handle->AllowedWriteMark = Handle->Position + bytes;
return true;
/// Returns an array representation of the underlying byte buffer.
/// !!Allocates a new array!!
public unsafe byte[] ToArray()
byte[] ret = new byte[Length];
fixed (byte* b = ret)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(b, Handle->BufferPointer, Length);
return ret;
/// Uses a static cached array to create an array segment with no allocations.
/// This array can only be used until the next time ToTempByteArray() is called on ANY FastBufferWriter,
/// as the cached buffer is shared by all of them and will be overwritten.
/// As such, this should be used with care.
internal unsafe ArraySegment ToTempByteArray()
var length = Length;
if (length > s_ByteArrayCache.Length)
return new ArraySegment(ToArray(), 0, length);
fixed (byte* b = s_ByteArrayCache)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(b, Handle->BufferPointer, length);
return new ArraySegment(s_ByteArrayCache, 0, length);
/// Gets a direct pointer to the underlying buffer
public unsafe byte* GetUnsafePtr()
return Handle->BufferPointer;
/// Gets a direct pointer to the underlying buffer at the current read position
public unsafe byte* GetUnsafePtrAtCurrentPosition()
return Handle->BufferPointer + Handle->Position;
/// Get the required size to write a string
/// The string to write
/// Whether or not to use one byte per character. This will only allow ASCII
public static int GetWriteSize(string s, bool oneByteChars = false)
return sizeof(int) + s.Length * (oneByteChars ? sizeof(byte) : sizeof(char));
/// Write an INetworkSerializable
/// The value to write
public void WriteNetworkSerializable(in T value) where T : INetworkSerializable
var bufferSerializer = new BufferSerializer(new BufferSerializerWriter(this));
/// Write an array of INetworkSerializables
/// The value to write
public void WriteNetworkSerializable(T[] array, int count = -1, int offset = 0) where T : INetworkSerializable
int sizeInTs = count != -1 ? count : array.Length - offset;
foreach (var item in array)
/// Writes a string
/// The string to write
/// Whether or not to use one byte per character. This will only allow ASCII
public unsafe void WriteValue(string s, bool oneByteChars = false)
int target = s.Length;
if (oneByteChars)
for (int i = 0; i < target; ++i)
fixed (char* native = s)
WriteBytes((byte*)native, target * sizeof(char));
/// Writes a string
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// The string to write
/// Whether or not to use one byte per character. This will only allow ASCII
public unsafe void WriteValueSafe(string s, bool oneByteChars = false)
if (Handle->InBitwiseContext)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot use BufferWriter in bytewise mode while in a bitwise context.");
int sizeInBytes = GetWriteSize(s, oneByteChars);
if (!TryBeginWriteInternal(sizeInBytes))
throw new OverflowException("Writing past the end of the buffer");
int target = s.Length;
if (oneByteChars)
for (int i = 0; i < target; ++i)
fixed (char* native = s)
WriteBytes((byte*)native, target * sizeof(char));
/// Get the required size to write an unmanaged array
/// The array to write
/// The amount of elements to write
/// Where in the array to start
public static unsafe int GetWriteSize(T[] array, int count = -1, int offset = 0) where T : unmanaged
int sizeInTs = count != -1 ? count : array.Length - offset;
int sizeInBytes = sizeInTs * sizeof(T);
return sizeof(int) + sizeInBytes;
/// Write a partial value. The specified number of bytes is written from the value and the rest is ignored.
/// Value to write
/// Number of bytes
/// Offset into the value to begin reading the bytes
public unsafe void WritePartialValue(T value, int bytesToWrite, int offsetBytes = 0) where T : unmanaged
if (Handle->InBitwiseContext)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot use BufferWriter in bytewise mode while in a bitwise context.");
if (Handle->Position + bytesToWrite > Handle->AllowedWriteMark)
throw new OverflowException($"Attempted to write without first calling {nameof(TryBeginWrite)}()");
byte* ptr = ((byte*)&value) + offsetBytes;
byte* bufferPointer = Handle->BufferPointer + Handle->Position;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(bufferPointer, ptr, bytesToWrite);
Handle->Position += bytesToWrite;
/// Write a byte to the stream.
/// Value to write
public unsafe void WriteByte(byte value)
if (Handle->InBitwiseContext)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot use BufferWriter in bytewise mode while in a bitwise context.");
if (Handle->Position + 1 > Handle->AllowedWriteMark)
throw new OverflowException($"Attempted to write without first calling {nameof(TryBeginWrite)}()");
Handle->BufferPointer[Handle->Position++] = value;
/// Write a byte to the stream.
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// Value to write
public unsafe void WriteByteSafe(byte value)
if (Handle->InBitwiseContext)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot use BufferWriter in bytewise mode while in a bitwise context.");
if (!TryBeginWriteInternal(1))
throw new OverflowException("Writing past the end of the buffer");
Handle->BufferPointer[Handle->Position++] = value;
/// Write multiple bytes to the stream
/// Value to write
/// Number of bytes to write
/// Offset into the buffer to begin writing
public unsafe void WriteBytes(byte* value, int size, int offset = 0)
if (Handle->InBitwiseContext)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot use BufferWriter in bytewise mode while in a bitwise context.");
if (Handle->Position + size > Handle->AllowedWriteMark)
throw new OverflowException($"Attempted to write without first calling {nameof(TryBeginWrite)}()");
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy((Handle->BufferPointer + Handle->Position), value + offset, size);
Handle->Position += size;
/// Write multiple bytes to the stream
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// Value to write
/// Number of bytes to write
/// Offset into the buffer to begin writing
public unsafe void WriteBytesSafe(byte* value, int size, int offset = 0)
if (Handle->InBitwiseContext)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot use BufferWriter in bytewise mode while in a bitwise context.");
if (!TryBeginWriteInternal(size))
throw new OverflowException("Writing past the end of the buffer");
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy((Handle->BufferPointer + Handle->Position), value + offset, size);
Handle->Position += size;
/// Write multiple bytes to the stream
/// Value to write
/// Number of bytes to write
/// Offset into the buffer to begin writing
public unsafe void WriteBytes(byte[] value, int size = -1, int offset = 0)
fixed (byte* ptr = value)
WriteBytes(ptr, size == -1 ? value.Length : size, offset);
/// Write multiple bytes to the stream
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// Value to write
/// Number of bytes to write
/// Offset into the buffer to begin writing
public unsafe void WriteBytesSafe(byte[] value, int size = -1, int offset = 0)
fixed (byte* ptr = value)
WriteBytesSafe(ptr, size == -1 ? value.Length : size, offset);
/// Copy the contents of this writer into another writer.
/// The contents will be copied from the beginning of this writer to its current position.
/// They will be copied to the other writer starting at the other writer's current position.
/// Writer to copy to
public unsafe void CopyTo(FastBufferWriter other)
other.WriteBytes(Handle->BufferPointer, Handle->Position);
/// Copy the contents of another writer into this writer.
/// The contents will be copied from the beginning of the other writer to its current position.
/// They will be copied to this writer starting at this writer's current position.
/// Writer to copy to
public unsafe void CopyFrom(FastBufferWriter other)
WriteBytes(other.Handle->BufferPointer, other.Handle->Position);
/// Get the write size for any general unmanaged value
/// The ForStructs value here makes this the lowest-priority overload so other versions
/// will be prioritized over this if they match
public static unsafe int GetWriteSize(in T value, ForStructs unused = default) where T : unmanaged
return sizeof(T);
/// Get the write size for a FixedString
public static int GetWriteSize(in T value)
where T : unmanaged, INativeList, IUTF8Bytes
return value.Length + sizeof(int);
/// Get the size required to write an unmanaged value of type T
public static unsafe int GetWriteSize() where T : unmanaged
return sizeof(T);
internal unsafe void WriteUnmanaged(in T value) where T : unmanaged
fixed (T* ptr = &value)
byte* bytes = (byte*)ptr;
WriteBytes(bytes, sizeof(T));
internal unsafe void WriteUnmanagedSafe(in T value) where T : unmanaged
fixed (T* ptr = &value)
byte* bytes = (byte*)ptr;
WriteBytesSafe(bytes, sizeof(T));
internal unsafe void WriteUnmanaged(T[] value) where T : unmanaged
fixed (T* ptr = value)
byte* bytes = (byte*)ptr;
WriteBytes(bytes, sizeof(T) * value.Length);
internal unsafe void WriteUnmanagedSafe(T[] value) where T : unmanaged
fixed (T* ptr = value)
byte* bytes = (byte*)ptr;
WriteBytesSafe(bytes, sizeof(T) * value.Length);
/// This empty struct exists to allow overloading WriteValue based on generic constraints.
/// At the bytecode level, constraints aren't included in the method signature, so if multiple
/// methods exist with the same signature, it causes a compile error because they would end up
/// being emitted as the same method, even if the constraints are different.
/// Adding an empty struct with a default value gives them different signatures in the bytecode,
/// which then allows the compiler to do overload resolution based on the generic constraints
/// without the user having to pass the struct in themselves.
public struct ForPrimitives
/// This empty struct exists to allow overloading WriteValue based on generic constraints.
/// At the bytecode level, constraints aren't included in the method signature, so if multiple
/// methods exist with the same signature, it causes a compile error because they would end up
/// being emitted as the same method, even if the constraints are different.
/// Adding an empty struct with a default value gives them different signatures in the bytecode,
/// which then allows the compiler to do overload resolution based on the generic constraints
/// without the user having to pass the struct in themselves.
public struct ForEnums
/// This empty struct exists to allow overloading WriteValue based on generic constraints.
/// At the bytecode level, constraints aren't included in the method signature, so if multiple
/// methods exist with the same signature, it causes a compile error because they would end up
/// being emitted as the same method, even if the constraints are different.
/// Adding an empty struct with a default value gives them different signatures in the bytecode,
/// which then allows the compiler to do overload resolution based on the generic constraints
/// without the user having to pass the struct in themselves.
public struct ForStructs
/// This empty struct exists to allow overloading WriteValue based on generic constraints.
/// At the bytecode level, constraints aren't included in the method signature, so if multiple
/// methods exist with the same signature, it causes a compile error because they would end up
/// being emitted as the same method, even if the constraints are different.
/// Adding an empty struct with a default value gives them different signatures in the bytecode,
/// which then allows the compiler to do overload resolution based on the generic constraints
/// without the user having to pass the struct in themselves.
public struct ForNetworkSerializable
/// This empty struct exists to allow overloading WriteValue based on generic constraints.
/// At the bytecode level, constraints aren't included in the method signature, so if multiple
/// methods exist with the same signature, it causes a compile error because they would end up
/// being emitted as the same method, even if the constraints are different.
/// Adding an empty struct with a default value gives them different signatures in the bytecode,
/// which then allows the compiler to do overload resolution based on the generic constraints
/// without the user having to pass the struct in themselves.
public struct ForFixedStrings
/// Write a NetworkSerializable value
/// The value to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValue(in T value, ForNetworkSerializable unused = default) where T : INetworkSerializable => WriteNetworkSerializable(value);
/// Write a NetworkSerializable array
/// The values to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValue(T[] value, ForNetworkSerializable unused = default) where T : INetworkSerializable => WriteNetworkSerializable(value);
/// Write a NetworkSerializable value
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// The value to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValueSafe(in T value, ForNetworkSerializable unused = default) where T : INetworkSerializable => WriteNetworkSerializable(value);
/// Write a NetworkSerializable array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// The values to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValueSafe(T[] value, ForNetworkSerializable unused = default) where T : INetworkSerializable => WriteNetworkSerializable(value);
/// Write a struct
/// The value to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValue(in T value, ForStructs unused = default) where T : unmanaged, INetworkSerializeByMemcpy => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a struct array
/// The values to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValue(T[] value, ForStructs unused = default) where T : unmanaged, INetworkSerializeByMemcpy => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a struct
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// The value to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValueSafe(in T value, ForStructs unused = default) where T : unmanaged, INetworkSerializeByMemcpy => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a struct array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// The values to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValueSafe(T[] value, ForStructs unused = default) where T : unmanaged, INetworkSerializeByMemcpy => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a primitive value (int, bool, etc)
/// Accepts any value that implements the given interfaces, but is not guaranteed to work correctly
/// on values that are not primitives.
/// The value to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValue(in T value, ForPrimitives unused = default) where T : unmanaged, IComparable, IConvertible, IComparable, IEquatable => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a primitive value array (int, bool, etc)
/// Accepts any value that implements the given interfaces, but is not guaranteed to work correctly
/// on values that are not primitives.
/// The values to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValue(T[] value, ForPrimitives unused = default) where T : unmanaged, IComparable, IConvertible, IComparable, IEquatable => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a primitive value (int, bool, etc)
/// Accepts any value that implements the given interfaces, but is not guaranteed to work correctly
/// on values that are not primitives.
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// The value to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValueSafe(in T value, ForPrimitives unused = default) where T : unmanaged, IComparable, IConvertible, IComparable, IEquatable => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a primitive value (int, bool, etc)
/// Accepts any value that implements the given interfaces, but is not guaranteed to work correctly
/// on values that are not primitives.
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// The value to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValueSafe(T[] value, ForPrimitives unused = default) where T : unmanaged, IComparable, IConvertible, IComparable, IEquatable => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write an enum value
/// The value to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValue(in T value, ForEnums unused = default) where T : unmanaged, Enum => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write an enum array
/// The values to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValue(T[] value, ForEnums unused = default) where T : unmanaged, Enum => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write an enum value
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// The value to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValueSafe(in T value, ForEnums unused = default) where T : unmanaged, Enum => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write an enum array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// The values to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValueSafe(T[] value, ForEnums unused = default) where T : unmanaged, Enum => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Vector2
/// the value to write
public void WriteValue(in Vector2 value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Vector2 array
/// the values to write
public void WriteValue(Vector2[] value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Vector3
/// the value to write
public void WriteValue(in Vector3 value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Vector3 array
/// the values to write
public void WriteValue(Vector3[] value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Vector2Int
/// the value to write
public void WriteValue(in Vector2Int value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Vector2Int array
/// the values to write
public void WriteValue(Vector2Int[] value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Vector3Int
/// the value to write
public void WriteValue(in Vector3Int value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Vector3Int array
/// the value to write
public void WriteValue(Vector3Int[] value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Vector4
/// the value to write
public void WriteValue(in Vector4 value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Vector4
/// the values to write
public void WriteValue(Vector4[] value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Quaternion
/// the value to write
public void WriteValue(in Quaternion value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Quaternion array
/// the values to write
public void WriteValue(Quaternion[] value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Color
/// the value to write
public void WriteValue(in Color value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Color array
/// the values to write
public void WriteValue(Color[] value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Color32
/// the value to write
public void WriteValue(in Color32 value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Color32 array
/// the values to write
public void WriteValue(Color32[] value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Ray
/// the value to write
public void WriteValue(in Ray value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Ray array
/// the values to write
public void WriteValue(Ray[] value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Ray2D
/// the value to write
public void WriteValue(in Ray2D value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Ray2D array
/// the values to write
public void WriteValue(Ray2D[] value) => WriteUnmanaged(value);
/// Write a Vector2
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the value to write
public void WriteValueSafe(in Vector2 value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Vector2 array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the values to write
public void WriteValueSafe(Vector2[] value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Vector3
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the value to write
public void WriteValueSafe(in Vector3 value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Vector3 array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the values to write
public void WriteValueSafe(Vector3[] value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Vector2Int
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the value to write
public void WriteValueSafe(in Vector2Int value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Vector2Int array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the values to write
public void WriteValueSafe(Vector2Int[] value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Vector3Int
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the value to write
public void WriteValueSafe(in Vector3Int value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Vector3Int array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the values to write
public void WriteValueSafe(Vector3Int[] value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Vector4
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the value to write
public void WriteValueSafe(in Vector4 value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Vector4 array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the values to write
public void WriteValueSafe(Vector4[] value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Quaternion
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the value to write
public void WriteValueSafe(in Quaternion value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Quaternion array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the values to write
public void WriteValueSafe(Quaternion[] value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Color
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the value to write
public void WriteValueSafe(in Color value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Collor array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the values to write
public void WriteValueSafe(Color[] value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Color32
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the value to write
public void WriteValueSafe(in Color32 value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Color32 array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the values to write
public void WriteValueSafe(Color32[] value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Ray
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the value to write
public void WriteValueSafe(in Ray value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Ray array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the values to write
public void WriteValueSafe(Ray[] value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Ray2D
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the value to write
public void WriteValueSafe(in Ray2D value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
/// Write a Ray2D array
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the values to write
public void WriteValueSafe(Ray2D[] value) => WriteUnmanagedSafe(value);
// There are many FixedString types, but all of them share the interfaces INativeList and IUTF8Bytes.
// INativeList provides the Length property
// IUTF8Bytes provides GetUnsafePtr()
// Those two are necessary to serialize FixedStrings efficiently
// - otherwise we'd just be memcpying the whole thing even if
// most of it isn't used.
/// Write a FixedString value. Writes only the part of the string that's actually used.
/// When calling TryBeginWrite, ensure you calculate the write size correctly (preferably by calling
/// FastBufferWriter.GetWriteSize())
/// the value to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public unsafe void WriteValue(in T value, ForFixedStrings unused = default)
where T : unmanaged, INativeList, IUTF8Bytes
// This avoids a copy on the string, which could be costly for FixedString4096Bytes
// Otherwise, GetUnsafePtr() is an impure function call and will result in a copy
// for `in` parameters.
fixed (T* ptr = &value)
WriteBytes(ptr->GetUnsafePtr(), value.Length);
/// Write a FixedString value. Writes only the part of the string that's actually used.
/// "Safe" version - automatically performs bounds checking. Less efficient than bounds checking
/// for multiple writes at once by calling TryBeginWrite.
/// the value to write
/// An unused parameter used for enabling overload resolution based on generic constraints
/// The type being serialized
public void WriteValueSafe(in T value, ForFixedStrings unused = default)
where T : unmanaged, INativeList, IUTF8Bytes
if (!TryBeginWriteInternal(sizeof(int) + value.Length))
throw new OverflowException("Writing past the end of the buffer");