Megacity demo game for UOS
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

142 行
4.3 KiB

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
namespace Unity.MegaCity.UI
public enum ECharacterClass
public class CharacterData : ScriptableObject
public string m_CharacterName;
public ECharacterClass m_Class;
public Sprite m_PortraitImage;
public class CharacterListEntryController
Label m_NameLabel;
public void SetVisualElement(VisualElement visualElement)
m_NameLabel = visualElement.Q<Label>("Name");
public void SetCharacterData(CharacterData characterData)
m_NameLabel.text = characterData.m_CharacterName;
public class CharacterListController
// UXML template for list entries
VisualTreeAsset m_ListEntryTemplate;
// UI element references
ListView m_CharacterList;
Label m_CharClassLabel;
Label m_CharNameLabel;
public void InitializeCharacterList(VisualElement root, VisualTreeAsset listElementTemplate)
// Store a reference to the template for the list entries
m_ListEntryTemplate = listElementTemplate;
// Store a reference to the character list element
m_CharacterList = root.Q<ListView>("List");
// Store references to the selected character info elements
m_CharClassLabel = root.Q<Label>("CharacterClass");
m_CharNameLabel = root.Q<Label>("Name");
// Register to get a callback when an item is selected
m_CharacterList.onSelectionChange += OnCharacterSelected;
List<CharacterData> m_AllCharacters = new()
m_CharacterName = "1111",
m_CharacterName = "122111",
void EnumerateAllCharacters()
m_AllCharacters = new()
m_CharacterName = "1111",
m_CharacterName = "122111",
void FillCharacterList()
// Set up a make item function for a list entry
m_CharacterList.makeItem = () =>
// Instantiate the UXML template for the entry
var newListEntry = m_ListEntryTemplate.Instantiate();
// Instantiate a controller for the data
var newListEntryLogic = new CharacterListEntryController();
// Assign the controller script to the visual element
newListEntry.userData = newListEntryLogic;
// Initialize the controller script
// Return the root of the instantiated visual tree
return newListEntry;
// Set up bind function for a specific list entry
m_CharacterList.bindItem = (item, index) =>
(item.userData as CharacterListEntryController).SetCharacterData(m_AllCharacters[index]);
// Set a fixed item height
m_CharacterList.fixedItemHeight = 45;
// Set the actual item's source list/array
m_CharacterList.itemsSource = m_AllCharacters;
void OnCharacterSelected(IEnumerable<object> selectedItems)
// Get the currently selected item directly from the ListView
var selectedCharacter = m_CharacterList.selectedItem as CharacterData;
// Fill in character details
m_CharClassLabel.text = selectedCharacter.m_Class.ToString();
m_CharNameLabel.text = selectedCharacter.m_CharacterName;