using System; using System.Linq; using Unity.MegaCity.Traffic; using Unity.NetCode; using Unity.Networking.Transport; using UnityEngine; namespace Unity.MegaCity.UI { /// /// Save bool parameters such as SkipMenu or QuitAfterFlyover, /// These parameters are reading during the execution. /// These parameters can be writing using command line. /// public class ExecutionOptions { public bool SkipMenu { get; } public bool QuitAfterFlyover { get; } public bool IsThinClient => TargetThinClientWorldCount > 0; public NetworkEndpoint UserSpecifiedEndpoint { get; } public int TargetThinClientWorldCount { get; } public int MaxCarCount { get; } public ExecutionOptions(bool skipMenu, bool quitAfterFlyover, NetworkEndpoint userSpecifiedEndpoint, int targetThinClientWorldCount, int maxCarCount) { Console.WriteLine($"Creating execution options: skipMenu {skipMenu}, quitAfterFlyover {quitAfterFlyover}"); SkipMenu = skipMenu; QuitAfterFlyover = quitAfterFlyover; UserSpecifiedEndpoint = userSpecifiedEndpoint; TargetThinClientWorldCount = targetThinClientWorldCount; MaxCarCount = maxCarCount; } } /// /// This is a execution code to run via command line, /// This writes if the execution should skip the menu and close the execution after flyover the scene. /// public static class ModeBootstrap { private const string RunFlyoverAndExitSwitch = "--run-flyover-and-exit"; private const string ThinClientsEnabled = "--enable-thin-clients"; private const string MaxCars = "--max-cars"; private const string MultiversePort = "-port"; private const string MultiverseServerIp = ""; public static ExecutionOptions Options => m_Options ??= CreateOptions(); private static ExecutionOptions m_Options; private static ExecutionOptions CreateOptions() { var commandLineArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); var isAutomatedFlyOver = commandLineArgs.Contains(RunFlyoverAndExitSwitch); ParseThinClientArgs(commandLineArgs, out var userSpecifiedEndpoint, out var userSpecifiedNumThinClients); ParseMaxCarCountArgs(commandLineArgs, out var maxCarCount); ParseMultiverseEndpoint(commandLineArgs, out userSpecifiedEndpoint); return new ExecutionOptions(isAutomatedFlyOver, isAutomatedFlyOver, userSpecifiedEndpoint, userSpecifiedNumThinClients, maxCarCount); } private static void ParseThinClientArgs(string[] commandLineArgs, out NetworkEndpoint userSpecifiedEndpoint, out int userSpecifiedNumThinClients) { var hardcodedFallbackAddress = NetCodeBootstrap.MegaCityServerIp; userSpecifiedEndpoint = hardcodedFallbackAddress; userSpecifiedNumThinClients = 0; var indexOfThinClientCount = Array.IndexOf(commandLineArgs, ThinClientsEnabled); var hasThinClientSpecified = indexOfThinClientCount != -1; if (!Application.isBatchMode) { if (hasThinClientSpecified) Debug.LogWarning( $"Warning: Commandline arg {ThinClientsEnabled} specified, but not running headless!"); } // No ThinClientsEnabled arg specified. ThinClients are disabled. if (!hasThinClientSpecified) return; var indexOfEndpointString = indexOfThinClientCount + 1; if (indexOfEndpointString < commandLineArgs.Length) { var endpointString = commandLineArgs[indexOfEndpointString]; var port = ClientServerBootstrap.AutoConnectPort != 0 ? ClientServerBootstrap.AutoConnectPort : hardcodedFallbackAddress.Port; if (!NetworkEndpoint.TryParse(endpointString, port, out userSpecifiedEndpoint, NetworkFamily.Ipv4)) { Debug.LogError( $"Cannot parse commandline arg {indexOfEndpointString} '{endpointString}' as NetworkEndpoint (for arg '{ThinClientsEnabled}')! Using hardcoded address '{hardcodedFallbackAddress}' instead! Note that NetworkEndpoint.TryParse does not support passing in a port! The port is therefore hardcoded to '{port}'!"); userSpecifiedEndpoint = hardcodedFallbackAddress; } } else Debug.LogError( $"Expecting an endpoint after commandline arg '{ThinClientsEnabled}' but there was none!"); var indexOfCountString = indexOfThinClientCount + 2; if (indexOfCountString < commandLineArgs.Length) { var countString = commandLineArgs[indexOfCountString]; if (!int.TryParse(countString, out userSpecifiedNumThinClients)) Debug.LogError( $"Cannot parse commandline arg {indexOfCountString} '{countString}' as int count (for arg '{ThinClientsEnabled}')!"); } else Debug.LogError( $"Expecting an int after commandline arg '{ThinClientsEnabled}' (after the endpoint) but there was none!"); Debug.Log( $"ThinClients enabled via commandline arg '{ThinClientsEnabled}': User-specified address '{userSpecifiedEndpoint}' and thin client count: '{userSpecifiedNumThinClients}'."); } private static void ParseMaxCarCountArgs(string[] commandLineArgs, out int maxCarCount) { maxCarCount = -1; var indexOfMaxCarCount = Array.IndexOf(commandLineArgs, MaxCars); // No MaxCars arg specified. Leaving default. if (indexOfMaxCarCount == -1) return; var indexOfMaxCarInt = indexOfMaxCarCount + 1; if (indexOfMaxCarInt >= commandLineArgs.Length) { Debug.LogError($"Expecting an int after commandline arg '{MaxCars}' but there was none!"); return; } var maxCarString = commandLineArgs[indexOfMaxCarInt]; if (!int.TryParse(maxCarString, out maxCarCount)) { Debug.LogError( $"Cannot parse commandline arg {indexOfMaxCarInt} '{maxCarString}' as int (for arg '{MaxCars}')! Leaving existing value."); return; } Debug.Log( $"Successfully parsed commandline arg {indexOfMaxCarCount} '{maxCarString}' as int '{maxCarCount}' (for arg '{MaxCars}')!"); } private static void ParseMultiverseEndpoint(string[] commandlineArgs, out NetworkEndpoint multiverseEndpoint) { var hardcodedFallbackAddress = NetCodeBootstrap.MegaCityServerIp; multiverseEndpoint = hardcodedFallbackAddress; if (commandlineArgs.Length < 1) return; var indexOfPort = Array.IndexOf(commandlineArgs, MultiversePort); if (indexOfPort != -1 && indexOfPort < commandlineArgs.Length) { var portString = commandlineArgs[indexOfPort + 1]; if (!ushort.TryParse(portString, out var portShort)) { Debug.LogError($"Cannot parse -port arg: {portString} not a ushort!"); return; } if (!NetworkEndpoint.TryParse(MultiverseServerIp, portShort, out multiverseEndpoint, NetworkFamily.Ipv4)) { Debug.LogError( $"Cannot parse ip : port - '{MultiverseServerIp}: {portShort}' as NetworkEndpoint (for arg '{MultiversePort}')! Using hardcoded address '{hardcodedFallbackAddress}' instead!"); } Debug.Log( $"Using {MultiversePort} arg. Starting server in Multiverse Mode on {multiverseEndpoint.Address}"); } else { #if !UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogWarning($"Expecting a port after commandline arg '{MultiversePort}' but there was none!"); #endif } } } }