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using System.Collections;
using Unity.MegaCity.UI;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Unity.MegaCity.Utils
/// <summary>
/// Takes ModeBootstrap that allows set parameters for the end of the path.
/// PlayableDirector is used to read when the camera Cinemachine completes the animation.
/// If the animation is completed, the execution is Stopped.
/// </summary>
public class QuitOnEndOfPath : MonoBehaviour
#pragma warning disable 0649
[SerializeField] ModeBootstrap bootstrap;
[SerializeField] Cinemachine.CinemachineSmoothPath path;
[SerializeField] Cinemachine.CinemachineDollyCart track;
[SerializeField] float secondsBeforeQuitting = 2f;
private bool RequestForQuit = false;
#pragma warning restore 0649
void Awake() => enabled = bootstrap.Options.QuitAfterFlyover;
private void Update()
if (Mathf.Abs(path.PathLength - track.m_Position) < 0.2f && !RequestForQuit)
RequestForQuit = true;
IEnumerator OnFlythroughStopped()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(secondsBeforeQuitting);