2 年前
共有 84 个文件被更改,包括 5569 次插入 和 0 次删除
25Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/Third Party
7Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/Third Party
* text=auto |
# Unity insists using LF for its text assets so prevent changing them to CRLF |
*.unity text eol=lf |
*.prefab text eol=lf |
*.asset text eol=lf |
*.meta text eol=lf |
*.json text eol=lf |
*.mat text eol=lf |
*.mesh text eol=lf |
*.txt text eol=lf |
# This .gitignore file should be placed at the root of your Unity project directory |
# Get latest from |
# A marker file of which existence is used to decide whether to run the first-launch experience or not. |
InitCodeMarker |
/[Tt]utorial [Dd]efaults/ |
# Packed templates go here |
upm-ci~/ |
upm-ci.log |
# Never ignore Asset meta data... |
!/[Aa]ssets/**/*.meta |
# User's project-specific settings implemented using Settings Manager |
/ProjectSettings/Packages |
# The rest are general best practices for Unity projects |
/.Editor/ |
/[Ll]ibrary/ |
/[Tt]emp/ |
/[Oo]bj/ |
/[Bb]uild/ |
/[Bb]uilds/ |
/[Ll]ogs/ |
/[Mm]emoryCaptures/ |
/[Vv]alidationSuiteResults/ |
# Project/user-specific settings using Settings Manager |
/ProjectSettings/Packages/ |
# UserSettings introduced in 2020.1 |
/UserSettings/ |
# Uncomment this line if you wish to ignore the asset store tools plugin |
/[Aa]ssets/AssetStoreTools* |
# Autogenerated Jetbrains Rider plugin |
[Aa]ssets/Plugins/Editor/JetBrains* |
# Rider |
.idea/ |
# Visual Studio cache directory |
.vs/ |
# Visual Studio Code settings directory |
.vscode/ |
# Gradle cache directory |
.gradle/ |
# Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files |
ExportedObj/ |
.consulo/ |
*.csproj |
*.unityproj |
*.sln |
*.suo |
*.tmp |
*.user |
*.userprefs |
*.pidb |
*.booproj |
*.svd |
*.pdb |
*.mdb |
*.opendb |
*.VC.db |
# Unity3D generated meta files |
*.pidb.meta |
*.pdb.meta |
*.mdb.meta |
# Unity3D generated file on crash reports |
sysinfo.txt |
# Builds |
*.apk |
*.unitypackage |
# Crashlytics generated file |
||| |
*.orig |
*.orig.meta |
# Ignore build reports |
/Assets/BuildReports* |
# Mac file setting |
.DS_Store |
# UPM Dynamic Template Starter Kit |
The purpose of this dynamic template starter kit is to provide the data structure and development guidelines for new dynamic templates meant for **Unity**. |
We hope you enjoy your experience. You can use **#devs-templates** on Slack to provide feedback or ask questions regarding your dynamic template development efforts. |
Unity Standards were introduced at the start of 2021.1 with sets of standards for packages. With 2021.2, Unity Standards now include [standards for project templates]( Compliance with these standards is **mandatory** before you can release a new template. For more information, see: |
* [Working with Unity Standards]( |
* [Validating against Unity Standards]( |
## Are you ready to add a dynamic template? |
The Dynamic Templates are a work-in-progress for the Unity Package Manager and, in that sense, there are a few criteria that must be met for your template to be considered on the template list at this time: |
- **Your code accesses public Unity C# APIs only.** If you have a native code component, it will need to ship with an official editor release. Internal API access might eventually be possible for Unity made packages, but not at this time. |
- **Your code doesn't require security, obfuscation, or conditional access control.** Anyone should be able to download your dynamic template and access the source code. |
- **You are willing to bleed with us a little!** Dynamic templates creation and editing as well as Packman is still in development, and therefore has a few rough edges that will require patience and workarounds. |
## Share your plans (Register) |
Dynamic templates will be available to our users through the Hub, and organized by categories _(2d, 3d, xv, ...)_. The purpose, name, category, and content of your template should first be discussed with the Production Management team, so that this information can be properly curated to match Unity's strategy. Please contact **@tim.hong** on _slack_ to start this conversation. |
This will help inform Product, Project, Release and Documentation Teams to coordinate between dependencies. It also allows shared awareness for the whole organization. |
We then can also track it in our directory listing. |
## Dynamic template Development Structure |
The dynamic template is a project itself, so it should be very straightforward to develop with. |
```none |
<Project Root> |
│ |
├── |
├── Assets |
│ ├─ Scenes |
│ │ └── SampleScene.unity |
├── ProjectSettings |
└── Packages |
├─ manifest.json |
└─ com.unity.template.mytemplate |
├── package.json |
├── Documentation~ |
├── |
├── Third Party |
├── |
└── Tests |
├── Editor |
└── EditorExampleTest.cs |
└── Runtime |
├── RuntimeTests.asmdef |
└── RuntimeExampleTest.cs |
``` |
## Develop your dynamic template |
The dynamic template is a Unity Editor project. As such, developing with it should be straightforward. There are two ways to set it up: |
#### Using the `Template Authoring Toolkit` package |
You can install the `Template Authoring Toolkit` package in a pre-existing Unity project to convert it to a Dynamic Template. Template Authoring Toolkit helps automate most of the steps described under the [Using the Template Starter Kit repository](#using-the-template-starter-kit-repository) section. |
Follow the installation instructions here to set up your template project: |
> Note: Template Authoring Toolkit package is in the early stages of development, please reach out on #devs-templates if you spot any issues or would like to suggest improvements. |
> |
#### Using the `Template Starter Kit` repository |
1. ##### Clone the `Template Starter Kit` repository locally |
In a console (or terminal) application, choose a place to clone the repository and perform the following : |
```git clone``` |
1. ##### Create a new repository for your package and clone to your desktop |
On Github.cds create a new repository with the name of your package (Example: "com.unity.template.platformer") |
In a console (or terminal) application, choose a place to clone the repository and perform the following : |
```git clone[your-package-name]``` |
1. ##### Copy the contents of the `Template Starter Kit` folder to your new package. |
Be careful not to copy the Template Starter Kit `.git` folder over. |
1. ##### Rename the template package |
Rename the folder `Package/com.unity.template.mytemplate` by replacing `mytemplate` with your own dynamic template's name. |
This will be the package used to define your dynamic template when publishing and should match the name of your repository on github.cds. |
You may be wondering why we include `com.unity.template.mytemplate` in the project's packages. This package will describe your dynamic template to our users, and will be the package when publishing your template. It will not be included in projects our users create from your template, but will be referenced so users can access template information such as documentation or license information. |
1. ##### Fill in your dynamic template's package information |
Update the following required fields in `Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/package.json`: |
- `name`: Dynamic template's package name, it should follow this naming convention: `com.unity.template.[your-template-name]` |
(Example: `com.unity.template.3d`) |
- `displayName`: Package user friendly display name. (Example: `First person shooter`). <br>__Note:__ Use a display name that will help users understand what your dynamic template is intended for. |
- `version`: Package version `X.Y.Z`, your project **must** adhere to [Semantic Versioning]( |
- `unity`: Minimum Unity Version your dynamic template is compatible with. (Example: `2018.3`) |
- `unityRelease`: Optional, specify a patch release your package is compatible with (Example: `0a8`) |
- `description`: This is the description for your template which will be displayed to the user to let them know what this template is for. This description shouldn't include anything version-specific and should stay pretty consistent across template versions. |
- `dependencies`: Specify the dependencies the template requires. If you add a package to your project, you should also add it here. We try to keep this list as lean as possible to avoid conflicts as much as possible. |
1. ##### Update **** |
The file should contain all pertinent information for template developers, such as: |
* Prerequisites |
* External tools or development libraries |
* Required installed Software |
`Note`: The Readme file at the root of the project should be the same as the one found in the template package folder. |
1. ##### Prepare your documentation |
Rename and update `Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/Documentation~/` documentation file. |
Use this documentation template to create preliminary, high-level documentation for the _development_ of your template's package. This document is meant to introduce other developers to the features and sample files included in your dynamic template. |
Your template's documentation will be made available online and in the editor during publishing to guide our users. |
1. ##### Update the changelog |
Update the changelog at `Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/` |
Every new feature or bug fix should have a trace in this file. For more details on the chosen changelog format, see [Keep a Changelog]( |
Changelogs will be made available online to inform users about the changes they can expect when downloading a dynamic template. As a consequence, the changelog content should be customer friendly and present clear, meaningful information. |
1. ##### Open your cloned project and develop! |
Start **Unity**, open your template project folder. Once opened, you can modify the project settings, the project assets and even the packages dependencies to suit your needs. Your dynamic template will contain all the content of your project. |
## Create an Experimental version |
Initial versions of templates **can** go through an experimental phase to gather feedback from users. Experimental indicates to users that this is a work in progress and it is expected to change in the future. Once the template has been in use for a while by users, and vetted by Unity's Release QA team, its `exp` tag can then be removed, and the template can join the ranks of official Unity templates. |
**Experimental** - ex: `"version" : "0.1.0"` or `"version": "1.2.0-exp"` |
Expectations of an experimental template: |
- Expected Package structure respected |
- Template loads in Unity Editor without errors |
- License file present in template package folder - With third party notices file if necessary |
## Make sure your dynamic template meets all legal requirements |
All templates are *required* to COMPLETE AND SUBMIT [THIS FORM]( to receive approval. It is a simple, streamlined form that tells legal if there are any potential issues that need to be addressed prior to publication. |
##### Update **Third Party** |
1. If your template includes third-party elements and its licenses are approved, then all the licenses must be added to the `Third Party` file in the template package folder. Simply duplicate the `Component Name/License Type/Provide License Details` section if you have more than one license. |
a. Concerning `[Provide License Details]` in the `Third Party`, a URL can work as long as it actually points to the reproduced license and the copyright information _(if applicable)_. |
1. If your package does not have third party elements, you can remove the `Third Party` file from your template package folder. |
## Adding tests to your template |
Tests you add to your template package will be automatically run in Yamato through CI to ensure your template continues to work as expected as the editor's codebase evolves, it is therefore important to invest in a good set of test |
You can add tests for your template in the project's `Assets/Tests` folder as you would any normal Unity project. It is advisable to also test your template's integrity so that frequent developers use doesn't change desirable static properties. |
You can manually run the tests in the Unity test runner. |
## Template CI |
Yamato job definitions can be found [here]( |
There are 3 yml files & jobs that are required to publish a template to candidates: |
- template-pack.yml |
- template-test.yml |
- template-publish.yml |
Unique to templates, `template-pack.yml` contains a pre-pack job called "Primed Artifacts". If configured correctly, this job will lauch the template in the specified editor version, and ensure the generated artifacts (`Library/Artifacts/**`, `Library/ArtifactDB`, `Library/SourceAssetDB`) are passed into the pack job. Ensure the `-projectPath` and artifact paths point to the template's root directory. |
CI will test your template on every commit on `Yamato`. |
This will validate that the template package as well as embedded packages (if any) have the right structure, have tests and do not create console logs when opened with Unity. |
The CI will also automatically test the template as it would be used by a user on multiple editor versions and OS. |
You might need to tweak the list of editors and OS you want to test the template on. For more information, please [go here]( |
`Note`: To make use of the CI, your repository must be added to Yamato. |
Log in to [Yamato]( and click on the Project + button on the top right. This will open a dialog asking for you to specify a git url and project name. |
## Trying out your template locally. |
If you want to test your template locally from a user's perspective, you will need to make it available to a Unity Editor. This can be accomplished by following these steps: |
1. Use upm-ci tools to test your template |
[How to Install UPM-CI]( |
1. **To run all your template tests** |
1. Open a console (or terminal) window and cd your way inside your template project folder |
```upm-ci template test -u 2020.3``` |
You can test against many versions of Unity with the -u parameter: |
- Testing on a specific version: use `-u 2019.1.0a13` |
- Testing on a latest release of a version: use `-u 2019.1` |
- Testing on the latest available trunk build: use `-u trunk` |
- Testing on a specific branch: use `-u team-name/my-branch` |
- Testing on a specific revision: use `-u 3de2277bb0e6` |
- Testing with an editor installed on your machine: use `-u /absolute/path/to/the/folder/containing/` |
By default, this will download the desired version of the editor in a .Editor folder created in the current working directory. |
1. **To test what a user would see** |
1. Open a console (or terminal) window and cd your way inside your template project folder |
```upm-ci template pack``` |
This will generate a folder /upm-ci~/templates/ containing a .tgz file of your converted template. |
1. Include the tarballed template package in Unity editor |
You can then copy the template's `tgz` package file in Unity in one of these paths to make it available in the editor when creating new projects: |
1. Mac: `<Unity Editor Root>/Contents/Resources/PackageManager/ProjectTemplates` |
1. Windows: `<Unity Editor Root>/Data/Resources/PackageManager/ProjectTemplates` |
1. Preview your dynamic template |
Open Unity Hub. Locate the editor to which you added your template to. |
When creating a new project, you should see your template in the templates list: |
![Template in new project](Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/Documentation~/images/template_in_new_project.png) |
Note: f you are launching the Unity editor without the hub, you will not see additional templates in the list. |
## Publishing your template for use in the Editor |
The first step to get your package published to production for public consumption is to send it to the candidates repository, where it can be evaluated by QA and Release Management. You can publish your template to the candidates repository through the added CI, which is the **recommended** approach. |
1. Once you are ready to publish a new version, say version `1.0.0`, you can add a git tag `rc-1.0.0` to the commit you want to publish. The CI will validate and then publish your template to `candidates`. |
1. Request that your template package be published to production by [filling out the following form]( |
1. Once your template is published to production, the last step is to create the Ono PR to include your template with a Unity Release, and have it be discovered in the Hub. To do so, create a branch that includes your template in `External/PackageManager/Editor/editor_installer.json` |
`Note`: You can retrieve a version of your template package as an artifact from CI pipelines following any commit made to your repository. This will allow you to easily test a change at any point during your development. |
## [USS-0009: Project template standards]( |
Set of standards for dynamic templates available on the Unity Hub. |
For validation details, see [Validating against Unity Standards]( |
## FAQ |
#### Can I inherit another package template? |
You cannot inherit from another package template. You can however use another package template as a starting point to create a new one. |
# Converting to public repository |
Any and all Unity software of any description (including components) (1) whose source is to be made available other than under a Unity source code license or (2) in respect of which a public announcement is to be made concerning its inner workings, may be licensed and released only upon the prior approval of Legal. |
The process for that is to access, complete, and submit this [FORM]( |
# For more information about the available options please visit: http://go/backstage (VPN required) |
apiVersion: |
kind: Component |
metadata: |
annotations: |
||| Unity-Technologies/Megacity-Sample |
||| dir:. |
name: Megacity-Sample |
description: "ECS sample" |
labels: |
costcenter: "5018" |
tags: |
- planned-public |
spec: |
type: library |
lifecycle: production |
owner: unity-technologies/samples---dots-animation |
# This file was added for TechDocs with Unity Backstage |
# For more information on the configuration below see |
site_name: Megacity-Sample |
repo_url: |
repo_name: GitHub |
docs_dir: docs |
edit_uri: "edit/main/docs/" |
strict: true |
plugins: |
- techdocs-core |
nav: |
- About TechDocs: "" |
- Introduction to Megacity-Sample: "" |
- Architecture and design: "" |
- Installing for local development: "" |
- Troubleshooting: "" |
- Runbook: "" |
packageName: |
name: NEW NAME |
description: translationMap |
icon: file://images/icon.png |
previewImage: file://images/preview.png |
category: Core |
buildPlatform: Windows |
renderPipeline: BuiltIn |
termsOfService: file://docs/terms-and-conditions.txt |
#extraFields: # (Optional) - A list of extra metadata that can be developer-defined as key/value pairs where value is always a string. |
# - name: ageGate |
# value: "12+" |
translationMap: |
description: |
en-US: "With this template, blablabla" |
zh-CN: "使用此模板,..." |
target_editor: |
version: 2019.4 |
test_editors: |
- version: 2019.4 |
#- version: 2020.1 |
#- version: 2020.2 |
#- version: trunk |
test_platforms: |
- name: win |
type: Unity::VM |
image: package-ci/win10:stable |
flavor: b1.large |
- name: mac |
type: Unity::VM::osx |
image: package-ci/mac:stable |
flavor: m1.mac |
#- name: ubuntu |
# type: Unity::VM |
# image: package-ci/ubuntu:stable |
# flavor: b1.large |
# Use if Linux instance with GPU required |
#- name: centos |
# type: Unity::VM::GPU |
# image: package-ci/centos:stable |
# flavor: b1.large |
--- |
prepack: |
name: Pre-Pack - Primed Artifacts |
agent: |
type: Unity::VM |
image: package-ci/win10:stable |
flavor: b1.large |
commands: |
- pip install unity-downloader-cli --index-url --upgrade |
- unity-downloader-cli -u {{target_editor.version}} -c editor -w |
- .\.Editor\Unity.exe -batchmode -quit |
artifacts: |
primed: |
paths: |
- "Library/Artifacts/**" |
- "Library/ArtifactDB" |
- "Library/SourceAssetDB" |
pack: |
name: Pack |
agent: |
type: Unity::VM |
image: package-ci/ubuntu:stable |
flavor: b1.large |
commands: |
- npm install upm-ci-utils@stable -g --registry |
- upm-ci template pack |
dependencies: |
- .yamato/upm-ci.yml#prepack |
artifacts: |
packages: |
paths: |
- "upm-ci~/**/*" |
{% for editor in test_editors %} |
{% for platform in test_platforms %} |
test_{{ }}_{{ editor.version }}: |
name : Test {{ editor.version }} on {{ }} |
agent: |
type: {{ platform.type }} |
image: {{ platform.image }} |
flavor: {{ platform.flavor}} |
commands: |
- npm install upm-ci-utils@stable -g --registry |
- {% if == "centos" %}DISPLAY=:0 {% endif %}upm-ci template test -u {{ editor.version }} --extra-create-project-arg="-upmNoDefaultPackages" |
artifacts: |
logs: |
paths: |
- "upm-ci~/test-results/**/*" |
dependencies: |
- .yamato/upm-ci.yml#pack |
{% endfor %} |
{% endfor %} |
test_trigger: |
name: Tests Trigger |
triggers: |
branches: |
only: |
- "master" |
- "dev" |
- "/staging-.*/" |
pull_requests: |
- targets: |
only: |
- "/.*/" |
dependencies: |
- .yamato/upm-ci.yml#pack |
{% for editor in test_editors %} |
{% for platform in test_platforms %} |
- .yamato/upm-ci.yml#test_{{}}_{{editor.version}} |
{% endfor %} |
{% endfor %} |
publish: |
name: Publish to Internal Registry |
agent: |
type: Unity::VM |
image: package-ci/win10:stable |
flavor: b1.large |
commands: |
- npm install upm-ci-utils@stable -g --registry |
- upm-ci template publish |
triggers: |
tags: |
only: |
- /^(r|R)(c|C)-\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-preview(\.\d+)?)?$/ |
artifacts: |
packages: |
paths: |
- "upm-ci~/packages/**/*" |
- "upm-ci~/templates/*.tgz" |
dependencies: |
- .yamato/upm-ci.yml#pack |
{% for editor in test_editors %} |
{% for platform in test_platforms %} |
- .yamato/upm-ci.yml#test_{{ }}_{{ editor.version }} |
{% endfor %} |
{% endfor %} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 9c53962885c2c4f449125a979d6ad240 |
folderAsset: yes |
DefaultImporter: |
externalObjects: {} |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
%YAML 1.1 |
%TAG !u!,2011: |
--- !u!29 &1 |
OcclusionCullingSettings: |
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_OcclusionBakeSettings: |
smallestOccluder: 5 |
smallestHole: 0.25 |
backfaceThreshold: 100 |
m_SceneGUID: 00000000000000000000000000000000 |
m_OcclusionCullingData: {fileID: 0} |
--- !u!104 &2 |
RenderSettings: |
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
serializedVersion: 9 |
m_Fog: 0 |
m_FogColor: {r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 0.5, a: 1} |
m_FogMode: 3 |
m_FogDensity: 0.01 |
m_LinearFogStart: 0 |
m_LinearFogEnd: 300 |
m_AmbientSkyColor: {r: 0.212, g: 0.227, b: 0.259, a: 1} |
m_AmbientEquatorColor: {r: 0.114, g: 0.125, b: 0.133, a: 1} |
m_AmbientGroundColor: {r: 0.047, g: 0.043, b: 0.035, a: 1} |
m_AmbientIntensity: 1 |
m_AmbientMode: 0 |
m_SubtractiveShadowColor: {r: 0.42, g: 0.478, b: 0.627, a: 1} |
m_SkyboxMaterial: {fileID: 10304, guid: 0000000000000000f000000000000000, type: 0} |
m_HaloStrength: 0.5 |
m_FlareStrength: 1 |
m_FlareFadeSpeed: 3 |
m_HaloTexture: {fileID: 0} |
m_SpotCookie: {fileID: 10001, guid: 0000000000000000e000000000000000, type: 0} |
m_DefaultReflectionMode: 0 |
m_DefaultReflectionResolution: 128 |
m_ReflectionBounces: 1 |
m_ReflectionIntensity: 1 |
m_CustomReflection: {fileID: 0} |
m_Sun: {fileID: 0} |
m_IndirectSpecularColor: {r: 0.44657898, g: 0.4964133, b: 0.5748178, a: 1} |
m_UseRadianceAmbientProbe: 0 |
--- !u!157 &3 |
LightmapSettings: |
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
serializedVersion: 11 |
m_GIWorkflowMode: 0 |
m_GISettings: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_BounceScale: 1 |
m_IndirectOutputScale: 1 |
m_AlbedoBoost: 1 |
m_TemporalCoherenceThreshold: 1 |
m_EnvironmentLightingMode: 0 |
m_EnableBakedLightmaps: 1 |
m_EnableRealtimeLightmaps: 0 |
m_LightmapEditorSettings: |
serializedVersion: 10 |
m_Resolution: 2 |
m_BakeResolution: 10 |
m_AtlasSize: 512 |
m_AO: 0 |
m_AOMaxDistance: 1 |
m_CompAOExponent: 1 |
m_CompAOExponentDirect: 0 |
m_Padding: 2 |
m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0} |
m_LightmapsBakeMode: 1 |
m_TextureCompression: 1 |
m_FinalGather: 0 |
m_FinalGatherFiltering: 1 |
m_FinalGatherRayCount: 256 |
m_ReflectionCompression: 2 |
m_MixedBakeMode: 2 |
m_BakeBackend: 1 |
m_PVRSampling: 1 |
m_PVRDirectSampleCount: 32 |
m_PVRSampleCount: 256 |
m_PVRBounces: 2 |
m_PVRFilterTypeDirect: 0 |
m_PVRFilterTypeIndirect: 0 |
m_PVRFilterTypeAO: 0 |
m_PVRFilteringMode: 1 |
m_PVRCulling: 1 |
m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusDirect: 1 |
m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusIndirect: 5 |
m_PVRFilteringGaussRadiusAO: 2 |
m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaDirect: 0.5 |
m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaIndirect: 2 |
m_PVRFilteringAtrousPositionSigmaAO: 1 |
m_ShowResolutionOverlay: 1 |
m_LightingDataAsset: {fileID: 0} |
m_UseShadowmask: 1 |
--- !u!196 &4 |
NavMeshSettings: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
m_BuildSettings: |
serializedVersion: 2 |
agentTypeID: 0 |
agentRadius: 0.5 |
agentHeight: 2 |
agentSlope: 45 |
agentClimb: 0.4 |
ledgeDropHeight: 0 |
maxJumpAcrossDistance: 0 |
minRegionArea: 2 |
manualCellSize: 0 |
cellSize: 0.16666667 |
manualTileSize: 0 |
tileSize: 256 |
accuratePlacement: 0 |
debug: |
m_Flags: 0 |
m_NavMeshData: {fileID: 0} |
--- !u!1 &170076733 |
GameObject: |
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} |
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} |
serializedVersion: 6 |
m_Component: |
- component: {fileID: 170076735} |
- component: {fileID: 170076734} |
m_Layer: 0 |
m_Name: Directional Light |
m_TagString: Untagged |
m_Icon: {fileID: 0} |
m_NavMeshLayer: 0 |
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0 |
m_IsActive: 1 |
--- !u!108 &170076734 |
Light: |
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 |
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} |
m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 0} |
m_GameObject: {fileID: 170076733} |
m_Enabled: 1 |
serializedVersion: 8 |
m_Type: 1 |
m_Color: {r: 1, g: 0.95686275, b: 0.8392157, a: 1} |
m_Intensity: 1 |
m_Range: 10 |
m_SpotAngle: 30 |
m_CookieSize: 10 |
m_Shadows: |
m_Type: 2 |
m_Resolution: -1 |
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||| |
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# Changelog |
All notable changes to this project template will be documented in this file. |
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( |
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( |
## [0.1.0] - 2020-10-09 |
### This is the first release of *Unity Package com.unity.template.mytemplate*. |
*Short description of this release* |
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>>> |
**_Project Template Documentation_** |
Use this template to create preliminary, high-level documentation meant to introduce users to the feature and the sample files included in this project template. When writing your documentation, do the following: |
1. Follow instructions in blockquotes. |
2. Replace angle brackets with the appropriate text. For example, replace "<template name>" with the official name of the project template. |
3. Delete sections that do not apply to your project template. For example, a template containing only sample files does not have a "Using <template name>" section, so this section can be removed. |
4. After documentation is completed, make sure you delete all instructions and examples in blockquotes including this preamble and its title: |
``` |
>>> |
Delete all of the text between pairs of blockquote markdown. |
>>> |
``` |
>>> |
# About <template name> |
>>> |
Name the heading of the first topic after the **displayName** of the project template as it appears in the template's manifest. Check with your Product Manager to ensure that the template is named correctly. |
This first topic includes a brief, high-level explanation of the project template and, if applicable, provides links to Unity Manual topics. |
>>> |
**_Example:_** |
>>> |
Here is an example for reference only. Do not include this in the final documentation file: |
*The First Persion Shooter project template includes examples of First Person Shooter assets, First Person Shooter Instances, animation, GameObjects, game mechanics and scripts that will help you get started quickly with creating your own first person shooter game.* |
>>> |
<a name="UsingProjectTemplate"></a> |
# Using <template name> |
>>> |
The contents of this section depends on the type of project template. |
* At a minimum, this section should include reference documentation that describes the assets, structure, and properties that makes up the project template's content. This reference documentation should include screen grabs (see how to add screens below), a list of assets or settings, an explanation of what each asset or setting does, and the default values of each asset or setting. |
* Ideally, this section should also include a workflow: a list of steps that the user can easily follow that demonstrates how to use the project template. This list of steps should include screen grabs (see how to add screens below) to better describe how to use the feature. |
For project templates that include sample files, this section may include detailed information on how the user can use these sample files. Workflow diagrams or illustrations could be included if deemed appropriate. |
## How to add images |
*(This section is for reference. Do not include in the final documentation file)* |
If the [Using <template name>](#UsingProjectTemplate) section includes screen grabs or diagrams, a link to the image must be added to this MD file, before or after the paragraph with the instruction or description that references the image. In addition, a caption should be added to the image link that includes the name of the screen or diagram. All images must be PNG files with underscores for spaces. No animated GIFs. |
An example is included below: |
![A cinematic in the Timeline Editor window.](images/example.png) |
Notice that the example screen shot is included in the images folder. All screen grabs and/or diagrams must be added and referenced from the images folder. |
For more on the Unity documentation standards for creating and adding screen grabs, see this confluence page: |
>>> |
# Technical details |
## Requirements |
>>> |
This subtopic includes a bullet list with the compatible versions of Unity. This subtopic may also include additional requirements or recommendations for 3rd party software or hardware. If you need to include references to non-Unity products, make sure you refer to these products correctly and that all references include the proper trademarks (tm or r) |
>>> |
This version of <template name> is compatible with the following versions of the Unity Editor: |
* 2018.3 and later (recommended) |
To use this project template, you must have the following 3rd party products: |
* <product name and version with trademark or registered trademark.> |
* <product name and version with trademark or registered trademark.> |
* <product name and version with trademark or registered trademark.> |
## Known limitations |
>>> |
This section lists the known limitations with this version of the project template. If there are no known limitations, or if the limitations are trivial, exclude this section. An example is provided. |
>>> |
<template name> template version <template version> includes the following known limitations: |
* <brief one-line description of first limitation.> |
* <brief one-line description of second limitation.> |
* <and so on> |
>>> |
*Example (For reference. Do not include in the final documentation file):* |
The First Person Shoot template version 1.0 has the following limitations:* |
* The First Person Shooter template does not support sound. |
* The First Person Shooter template's Recorder properties are not available in standalone players. |
* MP4 encoding is only available on Windows. |
>>> |
## Project template contents |
>>> |
This section includes the location of important files you want the user to know about. For example, if this project template containing user interface, models, and materials separated by groups, you may want to provide the folder location of each group. |
>>> |
The following table indicates the <describe the breakdown you used here>: |
|Location|Description| |
|---|---| |
|`<folder>`|Contains <describe what the folder contains>.| |
|`<file>`|Contains <describe what the file represents or implements>.| |
>>> |
*Example (For reference. Do not include in the final documentation file):* |
The following table indicates the root folder of each type of sample in this project template. Each sample's root folder contains its own folders: |
|Folder Location|Description| |
|---|---| |
|`WoodenCrate_Orange`|Root folder containing the assets for the orange crates.| |
|`Characters`|Root folder containing the assets and animators for the characters.| |
|`Levels`|Root folder containing scenes for the sample game's levels.| |
>>> |
## Document revision history |
>>> |
This section includes the revision history of the document. The revision history tracks when a document is created, edited, and updated. If you create or update a document, you must add a new row describing the revision. The Documentation Team also uses this table to track when a document is edited and its editing level. An example is provided: |
|Date|Reason| |
|---|---| |
|Sept 12, 2017|Unedited. Published to production.| |
|Sept 10, 2017|Document updated for project template version 1.1.<br>New features: <li>audio support for capturing MP4s.<li>Instructions on saving Recorder prefabs| |
|Sept 5, 2017|Limited edit by Documentation Team. Published to production.| |
|Aug 25, 2017|Document created. Matches project template version 1.0.| |
>>> |
[MyTemplate] copyright © [YEAR] Unity Technologies ApS |
Licensed under the Unity Companion License for Unity-dependent projects--see [Unity Companion License]( |
Unless expressly provided otherwise, the Software under this license is made available strictly on an “AS IS” BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Please review the license for details on these and other terms and conditions. |
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# Quality Report |
Use this file to outline the test strategy for this project template. |
## Version tested: [*package version*] |
## QA Owner: [*Add Name*] |
## UX Owner: [*Add Name*] |
## Test strategy |
*Use this section to describe how this feature was tested.* |
* A link to the Test Plan (Test Rails, other) |
* Results from the project template's editor and runtime test suite. |
* Link to automated test results (if any) |
* Manual test Results, [here's an example]( |
* Scenario test week outcome |
* etc. |
## Package Status |
Use this section to describe: |
* UX status/evaluation results |
* package stability |
* known bugs, issues |
* performance metrics, |
* etc |
In other words, a general feeling on the health of this project template. |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
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TextScriptImporter: |
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# UPM Project Template Starter Kit |
The purpose of this project template starter kit is to provide the data structure and development guidelines for new project templates meant for **Unity**. |
We hope you enjoy your experience. You can use **#devs-templates** on Slack to provide feedback or ask questions regarding your project template development efforts. |
## Are you ready to add a project template? |
The Project Templates are a work-in-progress for the Unity Package Manager and, in that sense, there are a few criteria that must be met for your project template to be considered on the template list at this time: |
- **Your code accesses public Unity C# APIs only.** If you have a native code component, it will need to ship with an official editor release. Internal API access might eventually be possible for Unity made packages, but not at this time. |
- **Your code doesn't require security, obfuscation, or conditional access control.** Anyone should be able to download your project template and access the source code. |
- **You are willing to bleed with us a little!** Project templates creation and editing as well as Packman is still in development, and therefore has a few rough edges that will require patience and workarounds. |
## Share your plans (Register) |
Project templates will be available to our user through the Hub, and organized by categories _(2d, 3d, xv, ...)_. In that sense, the purpose, name, category, and content of your template should first be discussed with the Production Management team, so that this information can be properly curated to match Unity's strategy. Please contact ** ** on _slack_ to start this conversation. |
Once Product Management has weighed in on your plans, please take a few minutes to [register your template using this page]( with your project template information. Simply add a new row to the table and fill in the required information. |
This will help inform Product, Project, Release and Documentation Teams to coordinate between dependencies. It also allows shared awareness for the whole organization. |
We then can also track it in our directory listing. |
## Project template Development Structure |
The project template is a project itself, so it should be very straightforward to develop with. |
```none |
<Project Root> |
│ |
├── |
├── Assets |
│ ├─ Scenes |
│ │ └── SampleScene.unity |
│ └─ Tests |
│ ├── Editor |
│ └── EditorExampleTest.cs |
│ └── Runtime |
│ ├── RuntimeTests.asmdef |
│ └── RuntimeExampleTest.cs |
├── ProjectSettings |
└── Packages |
├─ manifest.json |
└─ com.unity.template.mytemplate |
├── package.json |
├── Documentation~ |
├── |
├── Third Party |
└── |
``` |
## Develop your project template |
The project template is a Unity Editor project itself, as such, it should be very straightforward to develop with. Here's how to set it up: |
1. ##### Clone the `Template Starter Kit` repository locally |
In a console (or terminal) application, choose a place to clone the repository and perform the following : |
```git clone``` |
1. ##### Create a new repository for your package and clone to your desktop |
On Github.cds create a new repository with the name of your package (Example: "com.unity.template.platformer") |
In a console (or terminal) application, choose a place to clone the repository and perform the following : |
```git clone[your-package-name]``` |
1. ###### Copy the contents of the `Template Starter Kit` folder to your new package. Be careful not to copy the Template Starter Kit `.git` folder over. |
1. ##### Rename the template package |
Rename the folder `Package/com.unity.template.mytemplate` by replacing `mytemplate` with your own project template's name. |
This will be the package used to define your project template when publishing and should match the name of your repository on github.cds. |
You may be wondering why we include `com.unity.template.mytemplate` in the project's packages. This package will describe your project template to our users, and will be the package when publishing your template. It will not be included in projects our users create from your template, but will be referenced so users can access template information such as documentation or license information. |
1. ##### Fill in your project template's package information |
Update the following required fields in `Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/package.json`: |
- `name`: Project template's package name, it should follow this naming convention: `com.unity.template.[your-template-name]` |
(Example: `com.unity.template.3d`) |
- `displayName`: Package user friendly display name. (Example: `"First person shooter"`). <br>__Note:__ Use a display name that will help users understand what your project template is intended for. |
- `version`: Package version `X.Y.Z`, your project **must** adhere to [Semantic Versioning]( |
- `unity`: Minimum Unity Version your project template is compatible with. (Example: `2018.3`) |
- `description`: This is the description for your template which will be displayed to the user to let them know what this template is for. This description shouldn't include anything version-specific and should stay pretty consistent across template versions. |
- `dependencies`: Specify the dependencies the template requires. If you add a package to your project, you should also add it here. We try to keep this list as lean as possible to avoid conflicts as much as possible. |
1. ##### Update **** |
The file should contain all pertinent information for template developers, such as: |
* Prerequisites |
* External tools or development libraries |
* Required installed Software |
The Readme file at the root of the project should be the same as the one found in the template package folder. |
1. ##### Prepare your documentation |
Rename and update **Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/Documentation~/** documentation file. |
Use this documentation template to create preliminary, high-level documentation for the _development_ of your template's package. This document is meant to introduce other developers to the features and sample files included in your project template. |
Your template's documentation will be made available online and in the editor during publishing to guide our users. |
1. ##### Update the changelog |
**Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/**. |
Every new feature or bug fix should have a trace in this file. For more details on the chosen changelog format, see [Keep a Changelog]( |
Changelogs will be made available online to inform users about the changes they can expect when downloading a project template. As a consequence, the changelog content should be customer friendly and present clear, meaningful information. |
1. ##### Open your cloned project and develop! |
Start **Unity**, open your template project folder. Once opened, you can modify the project settings, the project assets and even the packages dependencies to suit your needs. Your project template will contain all the content of you project. |
## Create a Preview |
All initial versions of templates should first be tagged as `preview`. This indicates to our users that the template is a work in progress or newly created. Preview templates will be discoverable through the HUB, and will be clearly marked as **Preview** to set the proper expectations. Once the template has been in use for a while by users, and vetted by Unity's Release QA team, its `preview` tag can then be removed, and the template can join the ranks of official Unity templates. |
**Preview** - ex: `"version" : "1.2.0-preview"` |
Expectations of a preview template: |
- Expected Package structure respected |
- Template loads in Unity Editor without errors |
- License file present in template package folder - With third party notices file if necessary |
## Make sure your project template meets all legal requirements |
All templates are *required* to COMPLETE AND SUBMIT [THIS FORM]( to receive approval. It is a simple, streamlined form that tells legal if there are any potential issues that need to be addressed prior to publication. |
##### Update **Third Party** |
1. If your template includes third-party elements and its licenses are approved, then all the licenses must be added to the `Third Party` file in the template package folder. Simply duplicate the `Component Name/License Type/Provide License Details` section if you have more then one licenses. |
a. Concerning `[Provide License Details]` in the `Third Party`, a URL can work as long as it actually points to the reproduced license and the copyright information _(if applicable)_. |
1. If your package does not have third party elements, you can remove the `Third Party` file from your template package folder. |
## Adding tests to your template |
Tests you add to your template package will be automatically run in Yamato to ensure your template continues to work as expected as the editor's codebase evolves, it is therefore important to invest in a good set of test |
You can add tests for your template in the project's `Assets/Tests` folder as you would any normal Unity project. It is advisable to also test your template's integrity so that frequent developers use doesn't change desirable static properties. |
You can manually run the tests in the Unity test runner. |
## Template CI |
CI has been added to the project and it will test your template on every commit. |
This will validate that the template package as well as embedded packages (if any) have the right structure, have tests and do not create console logs when opened with Unity. The CI will also automatically test the template as it would be used by a user on multiple editor versions and OS. |
You might need to tweak the list of editors and OS you want to test the template on. For more information, please [go here]( |
To make use of the CI, your repository must be added to Yamato. |
Log in to Yamato ( and click on the Project + button on the top right. This will open a dialog asking for you to specify a git url and project name. |
## Trying out your template locally. |
If you want to test your template locally from a user's perspective, you will need to make it available to Unity. This can be accomplished by following these steps: |
1. Use upm-ci tools to test your template |
You need to make sure you have `Node.js` and `npm` _(install it from [here]( installed on your machine to package successfully, as the script calls `npm` under the hood for packaging and publishing. The script is tested with `node@v6.10.0` and `npm@3.10.10`. |
Install globally the upm-ci package: |
```npm install upm-ci-utils -g --registry``` |
A. To run all your template tests, open a console (or terminal) window and cd your way inside your template project folder |
```upm-ci template test -u 2018.3``` |
You can test against many versions of Unity with the -u parameter: |
- Testing on a specific version: use `-u 2019.1.0a13` |
- Testing on a latest release of a version: use `-u 2019.1` |
- Testing on the latest available trunk build: use `-u trunk` |
- Testing on a specific branch: use `-u team-name/my-branch` |
- Testing on a specific revision: use `-u 3de2277bb0e6` |
B. To test what a user would receive, open a console (or terminal) window and cd your way inside your template project folder |
```upm-ci template pack``` |
This will generate a folder /automation/templates/ containing a .tgz file of your converted template. |
1. Include the tarballed template package in Unity editor |
You can then copy the template's `tgz` package file in Unity in one of these paths to make it available in the editor when creating new projects: |
1. Mac: `<Unity Editor Root>/Contents/Resources/PackageManager/ProjectTemplates` |
1. Windows: `<Unity Editor Root>/Data/Resources/PackageManager/ProjectTemplates` |
1. Preview your project template |
Open Unity Hub. Locate the editor to which you added your template to. |
When creating a new project, you should see your template in the templates list: |
![Template in new project](Packages/com.unity.template.mytemplate/Documentation~/images/template_in_new_project.png) |
If you are launching the Unity editor without the hub, you will not see additional templates in the list. |
## Publishing your template for use in the Editor |
The first step to get your package published to production for public consumption is to send it to the staging repository, where it can be evaluated by QA and Release Management. You can publish your template to the staging repository through the added CI, which is the **recommended** approach. |
1. Once you are ready to publish a new version, say version `1.0.0-preview`, you can add a git tag `v1.0.0-preview` to the commit you want to publish. The CI will validate and then publish your project template to `staging`. |
1. Request that your template package be published to production by [filling out the following form]( |
1. Once your template is published to production, the last step is to create the Ono PR to include your template with a Unity Release, and have it be discovered in the Hub. To do so, create a branch that includes your template in ** External/PackageManager/Editor/editor_installer.json ** |
**Note:** You can retrieve a version of your template package as an artifact from CI pipelines following any commit made to your repository. This will allow you to easily test a change at any point during your development. |
## FAQ |
#### Can I inherit another package template? |
You cannot inherit from another package template. You can however use another package template as a starting point to create a new one. |
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using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEditor; |
using UnityEngine.TestTools; |
using NUnit.Framework; |
using System.Collections; |
class EditorExampleTest { |
[Test] |
public void EditorSampleTestSimplePasses() { |
// Use the Assert class to test conditions.
} |
// A UnityTest behaves like a coroutine in PlayMode
// and allows you to yield null to skip a frame in EditMode
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator EditorSampleTestWithEnumeratorPasses() { |
// Use the Assert class to test conditions.
// yield to skip a frame
yield return null; |
} |
} |
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using UnityEngine; |
using UnityEngine.TestTools; |
using NUnit.Framework; |
using System.Collections; |
namespace Tests |
{ |
public class RuntimeExampleTest |
{ |
[Test] |
public void RuntimeExampleTestSimplePasses() { |
// Use the Assert class to test conditions.
} |
// A UnityTest behaves like a coroutine in PlayMode
// and allows you to yield null to skip a frame in EditMode
[UnityTest] |
public IEnumerator RuntimeExampleTestWithEnumeratorPasses() { |
// Use the Assert class to test conditions.
// yield to skip a frame
yield return null; |
} |
} |
} |
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This package contains third-party software components governed by the license(s) indicated below: |
--------- |
Component Name: [provide component name] |
License Type: [Provide license type, i.e. "MIT", "Apache 2.0"] |
[Copyright © [year] [owner] ] |
[Link to component URL] |
[Provide License Details] |
--------- |
Component Name: [provide component name] |
License Type: [Provide license type, i.e. "MIT", "Apache 2.0"] |
[Copyright © [year] [owner] ] |
[Link to component URL] |
[Provide License Details] |
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