本演示项目在Unity for Android Build中启用部分华为HMS和AGC服务,对应的类和函数的名称和用法相同。
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This package enables parts of Hms Core service in Unity for Android Build, which is implemented by wrapping Hms SDK. Name and usage of corresponding classes and functions are the same. You can write code by referring Hms SDK document. But still there are some differences during development. We highly recommend downloading example project as a reference.

There are 4 Kits included.


Before doing this step, you need to create HMS Account and project according to the HMS document.

In this step, we will setup build environment for building Android apk with HMS SDK. After finish the following preparation.

1. Enable AndroidManifest.xml

Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Android(icon) -> Publishing Settings -> Build

enable `Custom Main Manifest`

We should enable AndroidManifest when we use push or location sdk.

If Unity Version is 2019.2 or before, there is not AndroidManifest checkbox, but you can put AndroidManifest.xml under Assets/Plugins/Android.

2. Enable project gradle

Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Android(icon) -> Publishing Settings -> Build

enable `Custom Base Gradle Template`

If unity version is 2019.2 or before, you should add implement and other configuration on MainGradleTemplate.

3. Enable app gradle

Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Android(icon) -> Publishing Settings -> Build

enable `Custom Launcher Gradle Template`

If unity version is 2019.2 or before, you should add implement and other configuration on MainGradleTemplate.

4. Enable unity library gradle

Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Android(icon) -> Publishing Settings -> Build

enable `Custom Main Gradle Template`

5. Signature

Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Android(icon) -> Publishing Settings -> Keystore Manager

Keytore... -> create new

We should enter password when you open unity, otherwise We cannot build. We donnot need add signature on gradle

6. Package name

Edit -> Project Settings -> Player

package name is `com.${Company Name}.${Product Name}`

7. Agconnect-services.json

We should put json under `Assets/Plugins/Android`

We must generate agconnect-services.json if we use analytic, push or location sdk. Reference Link to create agconnect-services.json

8. Get activity

For getting the activity, you can use the following code. Common.GetActivity()


There are corresponding example scene in example project for all 4 Kits. For test, you need to build it onto Android mobile build by HMS. Make sure you have created HMS account and project. Then, you can change the configuration and test different functions.


In example project, corresponding scene is Assets/HuaweiHmsDemo/Scenes/HmsAdsSampleScene.unity and code is Assets/HuaweiHmsDemo/demo/test/ads/AdsTest.cs.


In example project, corresponding scene is Assets/HuaweiHmsDemo/Scenes/HmsAnalyticSampleScene.unity and code is Assets/HuaweiHmsDemo/demo/test/AnalyticTest.cs.

Analytic initialize must initialize on onCreate of the first activity . You can extend the UnityPlayerActivity file, and put java file on Plugins/Android.

public class HmsAnalyticActivity extends UnityPlayerActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        HiAnalyticsTools.enableLog();//analytic initialize

Then you should set activity of AndroidManifest.xml

    <activity android:name="com.hms.hms_analytic_activity.HmsAnalyticActivity"
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
        <meta-data android:name="unityplayer.UnityActivity" android:value="true" />

if you initialize analytic, you should add analytic implentment on mainTemplate.gradle


In example project, corresponding scene is Assets/HuaweiHmsDemo/Scenes/HmsPushSampleScene.unity and code is Assets/HuaweiHmsDemo/demo/test/PushTest.cs.

We must set service.

  1. Implement interface IPushServiceListener
  2. Get Receiver by method PushListenerRegister.RegisterListener
  3. add to AndroidManifest.xml
            <action android:name="com.huawei.push.action.MESSAGING_EVENT"/>

android:name is fixed.


We should add implentment com.android.support:appcompat-v7:28.0.0 to launcherTemplate In example project, corresponding scene is Assets/HuaweiHmsDemo/Scenes/HmsLocationSampleScene.unity and code is Assets/HuaweiHmsDemo/demo/test/location/LocationTest.cs.

We must set receiver.


  1. Implement interface IBroadcastReceiver
  2. Get Receiver by method BroadcastRegister.CreateLocationReceiver
  3. add to AndroidManifest.xml
            <action android:name=`${Your action name}` />

android:name is fixed.

You can set value of action android:name. But the value should be the same as the parameter of intent.setAction.


  1. Implement interface IBroadcastReceiver
  2. Get Receiver by method BroadcastRegister.CreateGeoFenceReceiver
  3. add to AndroidManifest.xml
            <action android:name=`${Your action name}` />

android:name is fixed.

You can set value of action android:name. But the value should be the same as the parameter of intent.setAction.