本演示项目在Unity for Android Build中启用部分华为HMS和AGC服务,对应的类和函数的名称和用法相同。
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

155 行
6.5 KiB

using System.Collections;
using HuaweiService;
using HuaweiService.RemoteConfig;
using UnityEngine;
namespace HuaweiServiceDemo
public class RemoteConfigTest : Test<RemoteConfigTest>
private AGConnectConfig config;
public static bool develporMode;
public override void RegisterEvent(TestEvent registerEvent)
registerEvent("set xml Value", SetXmlValue);
registerEvent("set map Value", SetMapValue);
registerEvent("Get Cloud Settings", GetCloudSettings);
registerEvent("Get Cloud Settings work next time", GetCloudSettingsWorkNextTime);
registerEvent("Get Cloud Settings - 5 mins", GetCloudSettingsFiveMins);
registerEvent("Switch Developer Mode", SetDeveloperMode);
registerEvent("Clear Cache", ClearCache);
registerEvent("Get Value Source", GetAllValueWithSource);
public void SetXmlValue()
// get instatance of AGConnectConfig
config = AGConnectConfig.getInstance();
// get config resId of xml file
int configId = AndroidUtil.GetId(new Context(), "xml", "remote_config");
// Sets a default value for a parameter.
public void SetMapValue()
config = AGConnectConfig.getInstance();
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("test2", "true");
map.put("test3", 222);
map.put("test4", 666.456);
map.put("test5", "fromMap");
// Sets a default value for a parameter.
// fetch cloud setting, add success listener and failure listener
public void GetCloudSettings()
config = AGConnectConfig.getInstance();
config.fetch().addOnSuccessListener(new HmsSuccessListener<ConfigValues>((ConfigValues configValues) =>
// Applies parameter values
TestTip.Inst.ShowText("activity success");
// Checks whether the ConfigValues object contains a requested key.
TestTip.Inst.ShowText($"configValues contains {configValues.containKey("CloudBool")}");
// Returns the value of type for a key.
TestTip.Inst.ShowText($"configValues as string {configValues.getValueAsString("CloudString")}");
TestTip.Inst.ShowText($"configValues as byte first byte {configValues.getValueAsByteArray("CloudByte")[0]}");
TestTip.Inst.ShowText($"configValues as long {configValues.getValueAsLong("CloudLong").longValue()}");
TestTip.Inst.ShowText($"configValues as double {configValues.getValueAsDouble("CloudDouble").doubleValue()}");
TestTip.Inst.ShowText($"configValues as bool {configValues.getValueAsBoolean("CloudBool").booleanValue()}");
.addOnFailureListener(new HmsFailureListener((Exception e) =>
TestTip.Inst.ShowText("activity failure " + e.toString());
// apply the config value laste fetched
public void GetCloudSettingsWorkNextTime()
config = AGConnectConfig.getInstance();
ConfigValues configValues = config.loadLastFetched();
config.fetch().addOnSuccessListener(new HmsSuccessListener<ConfigValues>((ConfigValues o) =>
TestTip.Inst.ShowText("activity success");
.addOnFailureListener(new HmsFailureListener((Exception e) =>
TestTip.Inst.ShowText("activity failure " + e.toString());
// Fetches latest parameter values from the cloud at a custom interval.
// If the method is called within an interval, cached data is returned.
public void GetCloudSettingsFiveMins()
config = AGConnectConfig.getInstance();
config.fetch(300).addOnSuccessListener(new HmsSuccessListener<ConfigValues>((ConfigValues configValues) =>
TestTip.Inst.ShowText("activity success");
.addOnFailureListener(new HmsFailureListener((Exception e) =>
TestTip.Inst.ShowText("activity failure " + e.toString());
// Enables the developer mode,
// in which the number of times that the app fetches data from Remote
// Configuration is not limited, and traffic control is still performed over the cloud.
public void SetDeveloperMode()
config = AGConnectConfig.getInstance();
develporMode = !develporMode;
TestTip.Inst.ShowText($"set developer mode to {develporMode}");
// Clears all cached data,
// including the data fetched from Remote Configuration and the default values passed.
public void ClearCache()
config = AGConnectConfig.getInstance();
TestTip.Inst.ShowText("Cache is cleared.");
// get all configs, print key and value pair
private void showAllValues()
config = AGConnectConfig.getInstance();
Map map = config.getMergedAll();
var keySet = map.keySet();
var keyArray = keySet.toArray();
foreach (var key in keyArray)
TestTip.Inst.ShowText($"{key}: {map.getOrDefault(key, "default")}");
// get all configs, print key and the source of a key.
private void GetAllValueWithSource()
config = AGConnectConfig.getInstance();
Map map = config.getMergedAll();
var keySet = map.keySet();
var keyArray = keySet.toArray();
foreach (var key in keyArray)
TestTip.Inst.ShowText($"{key}: {config.getSource(key)}");