我们创建了 Fontainebleau 演示来说明摄影photogrammetry流程和 LayeredLit 着色器的使用。
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
namespace JBooth.VertexPainterPro
public class BakeAO : IVertexPainterUtility
public string GetName()
return "Ambient Occlusion";
public void OnGUI(PaintJob[] jobs)
var window = VertexPainterWindow.GetWindow<VertexPainterWindow>();
window.brushMode = (VertexPainterWindow.BrushTarget)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Target Channel", window.brushMode);
aoSamples = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Samples", aoSamples, 64, 1024);
aoRange = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("Range (Min, Max)", aoRange);
aoRange.x = Mathf.Max(aoRange.x, 0.0001f);
aoIntensity = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Intensity", aoIntensity, 0.25f, 4.0f);
bakeLighting = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Bake Lighting", bakeLighting);
if (bakeLighting)
aoLightAmbient = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Light Ambient", aoLightAmbient);
aoBakeMode = (AOBakeMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Mode", aoBakeMode);
if (GUILayout.Button("Bake"))
DoBakeAO(jobs, window);
public int aoSamples = 512;
public Vector2 aoRange = new Vector2(0.0001f, 1.5f);
public float aoIntensity = 2.0f;
public bool bakeLighting;
public Color aoLightAmbient = new Color(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 1);
public enum AOBakeMode
Replace = 0,
public AOBakeMode aoBakeMode = AOBakeMode.Replace;
RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
void ApplyAOLight(ref Color c, Light l, Vector3 pos, Vector3 n)
if (!l.isActiveAndEnabled)
Vector3 dir;
float intensity = l.intensity;
if (l.type == LightType.Directional)
dir = -l.transform.forward;
else if (l.type == LightType.Point)
dir = (l.transform.position - pos).normalized;
intensity *= Mathf.Clamp01((l.range - Vector3.Distance(l.transform.position, pos)) / l.range);
intensity *= Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Dot(n, dir));
c.r += l.color.r * intensity;
c.g += l.color.g * intensity;
c.b += l.color.b * intensity;
void DoBakeAO(PaintJob[] jobs, VertexPainterWindow window)
Light[] aoLights = null;
if (bakeLighting)
aoLights = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Light>();
int sample = 0;
int numVerts = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Length; ++i)
numVerts += jobs[i].verts.Length;
int numSamples = numVerts * aoSamples;
float oldFloat = window.floatBrushValue;
Color oldColor = window.brushColor;
int oldVal = window.brushValue;
// add temp colliders if needed
bool[] tempCollider = new bool[jobs.Length];
for (int jIdx = 0; jIdx < jobs.Length; ++jIdx)
PaintJob job = jobs[jIdx];
if (job.meshFilter.GetComponent<Collider>() == null)
tempCollider[jIdx] = true;
// do AO
for (int jIdx = 0; jIdx < jobs.Length; ++jIdx)
PaintJob job = jobs[jIdx];
// bake down the mesh so we take instance positions into account..
Mesh mesh = VertexPainterUtilities.BakeDownMesh(job.meshFilter.sharedMesh, job.stream);
Vector3[] verts = mesh.vertices;
if (mesh.normals == null || mesh.normals.Length == 0)
Vector3[] normals = mesh.normals;
window.brushValue = 255;
window.floatBrushValue = 1.0f;
window.brushColor = Color.white;
var val = window.GetBrushValue();
VertexPainterWindow.Lerper lerper = null;
VertexPainterWindow.Multiplier mult = null;
if (aoBakeMode == AOBakeMode.Replace)
lerper = window.GetLerper();
for (int i = 0; i < job.verts.Length; ++i)
lerper.Invoke(job, i, ref val, 1);
mult = window.GetMultiplier();
for (int i = 0; i<verts.Length; i++)
Vector3 norm = normals[i];
// to world space!
Vector3 v = job.meshFilter.transform.TransformPoint(verts[i]);
Vector3 n = job.meshFilter.transform.TransformPoint(verts[i] + norm);
Vector3 worldSpaceNormal = (n-v).normalized;
float totalOcclusion = 0;
// the slow part..
for (int j = 0; j < aoSamples; j++)
// random rotate around hemisphere
float rot = 180.0f;
float rot2 = rot / 2.0f;
float rotx = (( rot * Random.value ) - rot2);
float roty = (( rot * Random.value ) - rot2);
float rotz = (( rot * Random.value ) - rot2);
Vector3 dir = Quaternion.Euler( rotx, roty, rotz ) * Vector3.up;
Quaternion dirq = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, worldSpaceNormal);
Vector3 ray = dirq * dir;
Vector3 offset = Vector3.Reflect( ray, worldSpaceNormal );
// raycast
ray = ray * (aoRange.y/ray.magnitude);
if ( Physics.Linecast( v-(offset*0.1f), v + ray, out hit ) )
if ( hit.distance > aoRange.x )
totalOcclusion += Mathf.Clamp01( 1 - ( hit.distance / aoRange.y ) );
if (sample % 500 == 0)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Baking AO...", "Baking...", (float)sample / (float)numSamples);
totalOcclusion = Mathf.Clamp01( 1 - ((totalOcclusion*aoIntensity)/aoSamples) );
if (aoLights != null && aoLights.Length > 0)
Color c = aoLightAmbient;
for (int l = 0; l < aoLights.Length; ++l)
Light light = aoLights[l];
ApplyAOLight(ref c, light, v, n);
c.r *= totalOcclusion;
c.g *= totalOcclusion;
c.b *= totalOcclusion;
c.a = totalOcclusion;
window.brushColor = c;
// if we're lit and targeting a channel other than color, bake max intensity..
window.floatBrushValue = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(c.r, c.g), c.b) * totalOcclusion;
window.brushValue = (int)(window.floatBrushValue * 255);
window.brushColor.r = totalOcclusion;
window.brushColor.g = totalOcclusion;
window.brushColor.b = totalOcclusion;
window.brushColor.a = totalOcclusion;
window.floatBrushValue = totalOcclusion;
window.brushValue = (int)(totalOcclusion * 255);
val = window.GetBrushValue();
if (aoBakeMode == AOBakeMode.Replace)
lerper.Invoke(job, i, ref val, 1);
mult.Invoke(job.stream, i, ref val);
window.brushValue = oldVal;
window.floatBrushValue = oldFloat;
window.brushColor = oldColor;
// remove temp colliders
for (int jIdx = 0; jIdx < jobs.Length; ++jIdx)
if (tempCollider[jIdx] == true)
Collider c = jobs[jIdx].meshFilter.GetComponent<Collider>();
if (c != null)