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Laurenth 96b9f0c1 update local packages 5 年前
Editor update local packages 5 年前
Icons update local packages 5 年前
NaughtyAttributes update local packages 5 年前
Resources update local packages 5 年前
Runtime update local packages 5 年前
StarterAssets update local packages 5 年前
UI update local packages 5 年前
CHANGELOG.md update local packages 5 年前
CHANGELOG.md.meta update local packages 5 年前
Editor.meta update local packages 5 年前
Icons.meta update local packages 5 年前
LICENSE update local packages 5 年前
LICENSE.meta update local packages 5 年前
NaughtyAttributes.meta update local packages 5 年前
README.md update local packages 5 年前
README.md.meta update local packages 5 年前
Resources.meta update local packages 5 年前
Runtime.meta 4.8.0 package 6 年前
StarterAssets.meta update local packages 5 年前
UI.meta update local packages 5 年前
package.json update local packages 5 年前
package.json.meta 4.8.0 package 6 年前


Gameplay Ingredients for your Unity Games - A collection of scripts that ease simple tasks while making games and prototypes.

You can read Documentation at this address : https://peeweek.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gameplay-ingredients/


  • Unity 2019.3 (Older versions compatible with 2018.3 / 2019.1 / 2019.2)
  • Package Manager UI
  • (Optional : Command-line Git installed on your system, for example Git For Windows)

How to install

You can use a manual, local package installation if you need to alter the code locally or update the code base regularly.

Otherwise, you can perform a git referenced package in your manifset.json file : this option shall download and manage automatically the repository, with the drawback of being read-only.

Manual Version

  • Clone this repository somewhere of your liking
  • In your project, open the Window/Package Manager window and use the + button to select the Add Package from Disk... option.
  • Navigate to your repository folder and select the package.json file
  • The package shall be added as a local package

Git reference version

  • Ensure you have a Command Line Git Installed
  • With Unity 2019.3 closed, edit the Packages/manifest.json with a text editor
  • Append the line "net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients": "https://github.com/peeweek/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients.git#2019.3.0", under dependencies

You can check that the package was imported by looking at the project window, under Packages/ Hierarchy, there should be a Gameplay Ingredients hierarchy

Version / Tag Compatibility

Gameplay Ingredients comes at latest version with the following compatibility:

Unity 2019.3 : clone and check out the master branch at the tag 2019.3.1

Older Versions

  • Unity 2018.3 / 2018.4 : choose the tag 2018.3.0
  • Unity 2019.1 / 2019.2 : choose the tag 2019.1.2