我们创建了 Fontainebleau 演示来说明摄影photogrammetry流程和 LayeredLit 着色器的使用。
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

776 行
23 KiB

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consuming to produce in 3D\r sculpting \nsoftware. Don't use photogrammetry for
simple shapes \nlike a cube. Don\u2019t try to capture\r everything in the location,
\nthink in term of usable pieces. Select a subset that allows \nyou to reconstruct\r
the environment. Focus on quality \ninstead of quantity of captures.\r\nThe example
below shows identification of pieces of the \nenvironment that will provide a
toolkit of\r elements that \nwill allow you to build a game level with several
instanced \nassets:"
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Title: Assets selection
Body: "Remember that photogrammetry is best suited to objects \nthat are time consuming
to produce in 3D\r sculpting \nsoftware. Don't use photogrammetry for simple shapes
\nlike a cube. Don\u2019t try to capture\r everything in the location, \nthink
in term of usable pieces. Select a subset that allows \nyou to reconstruct\r the
environment. Focus on quality \ninstead of quantity of captures.\r\nThe example
below shows identification of pieces of the \nenvironment that will provide a
toolkit of\r elements that \nwill allow you to build a game level with several
instanced \nassets:"
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CameraName: FirstPersonCharacter
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