using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEditor; namespace JBooth.VertexPainterPro { // Allow the user to create brush objects as assets in an editor folder [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Vertex Painter Brush/Blend Normal Brush", fileName="VertexNormalBlend_brush")] public class BlendNormalsBrush : VertexPainterCustomBrush { public GameObject target; // return a bitmask of channels in use, so Channels.Colors | Channels.UV0 if you affect those channels with your brush.. // This will force the channels to be initialized before your brush is applied.. public override Channels GetChannels() { return Channels.Normals; } // preview color for the brush, if we care to provide one public override Color GetPreviewColor() { return Color.yellow; } // return the data that will be provided to our stamping function, in this case the brush data above.. public override object GetBrushObject() { return target; } // draw any custom GUI we want for this brush in the editor public override void DrawGUI() { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); target = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Blend With", target, typeof(GameObject),true); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { if (target == null) { streams = null; } else { streams = target.GetComponentsInChildren(); } } } VertexInstanceStream[] streams; bool didHit; Vector3 normal; Vector4 tangent; public override void BeginApplyStroke(Ray ray) { Vector3 bary =; VertexInstanceStream stream = null; didHit = false; Mesh best = null; int triangle = 0; float distance = float.MaxValue; if (streams != null) { for (int i = 0; i < streams.Length; ++i) { Matrix4x4 mtx = streams[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix; Mesh msh = streams[i].GetComponent().sharedMesh; RaycastHit hit; RXLookingGlass.IntersectRayMesh(ray, msh, mtx, out hit); if (hit.distance < distance) { distance = hit.distance; bary = hit.barycentricCoordinate; best = msh; triangle = hit.triangleIndex; stream = streams[i]; didHit = true; } } } if (didHit && best != null) { var triangles = best.triangles; int i0 = triangles[triangle]; int i1 = triangles[triangle+1]; int i2 = triangles[triangle+2]; normal = stream.GetSafeNormal(i0) * bary.x + stream.GetSafeNormal(i1) * bary.y + stream.GetSafeNormal(i2) * bary.z; tangent = stream.GetSafeTangent(i0) * bary.x + stream.GetSafeTangent(i1) * bary.y + stream.GetSafeTangent(i2) * bary.z; } } void LerpFunc(PaintJob j, int idx, ref object val, float r) { if (didHit) {[idx] = Vector3.Lerp([idx], normal, r);[idx] = Vector4.Lerp([idx], tangent, r); } } public override VertexPainterWindow.Lerper GetLerper() { return LerpFunc; } } }