using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine; namespace HDRPSamples { [System.Serializable] public class BasicWind : VolumeComponent { [Header("General Parameters")] public FloatParameter attenuation = new FloatParameter(1.0f); [Header("Noise Parameters")] [Tooltip("Texture used for wind turbulence")] public TextureParameter noiseTexture = new TextureParameter(null); [Tooltip("Size of one world tiling patch of the Noise Texture, for bending trees")] public FloatParameter flexNoiseWorldSize = new FloatParameter(175.0f); [Tooltip("Size of one world tiling patch of the Noise Texture, for leaf shivering")] public FloatParameter shiverNoiseWorldSize = new FloatParameter(10.0f); [Header("Gust Parameters")] [Tooltip("Texture used for wind gusts")] public TextureParameter gustMaskTexture = new TextureParameter(null); [Tooltip("Size of one world tiling patch of the Gust Texture, for leaf shivering")] public FloatParameter gustWorldSize = new FloatParameter(600.0f); [Tooltip("Wind Gust Speed in Kilometers per hour")] public FloatParameter gustSpeed = new FloatParameter(50.0f); [Tooltip("Wind Gust Influence on trees")] public FloatParameter gustScale = new FloatParameter(1.0f); } }