using System; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityStandardAssets.Utility { public class WaypointProgressTracker : MonoBehaviour { // This script can be used with any object that is supposed to follow a // route marked out by waypoints. // This script manages the amount to look ahead along the route, // and keeps track of progress and laps. [SerializeField] private WaypointCircuit circuit = null; // A reference to the waypoint-based route we should follow [SerializeField] private float lookAheadForTargetOffset = 5; // The offset ahead along the route that the we will aim for [SerializeField] private float lookAheadForTargetFactor = .1f; // A multiplier adding distance ahead along the route to aim for, based on current speed [SerializeField] private float lookAheadForSpeedOffset = 10; // The offset ahead only the route for speed adjustments (applied as the rotation of the waypoint target transform) [SerializeField] private float lookAheadForSpeedFactor = .2f; // A multiplier adding distance ahead along the route for speed adjustments [SerializeField] private ProgressStyle progressStyle = ProgressStyle.SmoothAlongRoute; // whether to update the position smoothly along the route (good for curved paths) or just when we reach each waypoint. [SerializeField] private float pointToPointThreshold = 4; // proximity to waypoint which must be reached to switch target to next waypoint : only used in PointToPoint mode. public enum ProgressStyle { SmoothAlongRoute, PointToPoint, } // these are public, readable by other objects - i.e. for an AI to know where to head! public WaypointCircuit.RoutePoint targetPoint { get; private set; } public WaypointCircuit.RoutePoint speedPoint { get; private set; } public WaypointCircuit.RoutePoint progressPoint { get; private set; } public Transform target; private float progressDistance; // The progress round the route, used in smooth mode. private int progressNum; // the current waypoint number, used in point-to-point mode. private Vector3 lastPosition; // Used to calculate current speed (since we may not have a rigidbody component) private float speed; // current speed of this object (calculated from delta since last frame) // setup script properties private void Start() { // we use a transform to represent the point to aim for, and the point which // is considered for upcoming changes-of-speed. This allows this component // to communicate this information to the AI without requiring further dependencies. // You can manually create a transform and assign it to this component *and* the AI, // then this component will update it, and the AI can read it. if (target == null) { target = new GameObject(name + " Waypoint Target").transform; } Reset(); } // reset the object to sensible values public void Reset() { progressDistance = 0; progressNum = 0; if (progressStyle == ProgressStyle.PointToPoint) { target.position = circuit.Waypoints[progressNum].position; target.rotation = circuit.Waypoints[progressNum].rotation; } } private void Update() { if (progressStyle == ProgressStyle.SmoothAlongRoute) { // determine the position we should currently be aiming for // (this is different to the current progress position, it is a a certain amount ahead along the route) // we use lerp as a simple way of smoothing out the speed over time. if (Time.deltaTime > 0) { speed = Mathf.Lerp(speed, (lastPosition - transform.position).magnitude/Time.deltaTime, Time.deltaTime); } target.position = circuit.GetRoutePoint(progressDistance + lookAheadForTargetOffset + lookAheadForTargetFactor*speed) .position; target.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation( circuit.GetRoutePoint(progressDistance + lookAheadForSpeedOffset + lookAheadForSpeedFactor*speed) .direction); // get our current progress along the route progressPoint = circuit.GetRoutePoint(progressDistance); Vector3 progressDelta = progressPoint.position - transform.position; if (Vector3.Dot(progressDelta, progressPoint.direction) < 0) { progressDistance += progressDelta.magnitude*0.5f; } lastPosition = transform.position; } else { // point to point mode. Just increase the waypoint if we're close enough: Vector3 targetDelta = target.position - transform.position; if (targetDelta.magnitude < pointToPointThreshold) { progressNum = (progressNum + 1)%circuit.Waypoints.Length; } target.position = circuit.Waypoints[progressNum].position; target.rotation = circuit.Waypoints[progressNum].rotation; // get our current progress along the route progressPoint = circuit.GetRoutePoint(progressDistance); Vector3 progressDelta = progressPoint.position - transform.position; if (Vector3.Dot(progressDelta, progressPoint.direction) < 0) { progressDistance += progressDelta.magnitude; } lastPosition = transform.position; } } private void OnDrawGizmos() { if (Application.isPlaying) { Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.position, target.position); Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(circuit.GetRoutePosition(progressDistance), 1); Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Gizmos.DrawLine(target.position, target.position + target.forward); } } } }