using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using System.Collections; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; #endif public class LevelLightmapData : MonoBehaviour { [System.Serializable] public class SphericalHarmonics { public float[] coefficients = new float[27]; } [System.Serializable] public class RendererInfo { public Renderer renderer; public int lightmapIndex; public Vector4 lightmapOffsetScale; } [System.Serializable] public class LightingScenarioData { public RendererInfo[] rendererInfos; public Texture2D[] lightmaps; public Texture2D[] lightmapsDir; public LightmapsMode lightmapsMode; public SphericalHarmonics[] lightProbes; } [SerializeField] List lightingScenariosData = null; #if UNITY_EDITOR [SerializeField] public List lightingScenariosScenes; #endif [SerializeField] public int lightingScenariosCount; public bool clearCache; private List lightProbesRuntime = new List(); //TODO : enable logs only when verbose enabled public bool verbose = false; private void Start() { PrepareLightProbeArrays(); } private void PrepareLightProbeArrays() { for (int x = 0; x < lightingScenariosCount; x++) { lightProbesRuntime.Add(DeserializeLightProbes(x)); } } private SphericalHarmonicsL2[] DeserializeLightProbes(int index) { var sphericalHarmonicsArray = new SphericalHarmonicsL2[lightingScenariosData[index].lightProbes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < lightingScenariosData[index].lightProbes.Length; i++) { var sphericalHarmonics = new SphericalHarmonicsL2(); // j is coefficient for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { //k is channel ( r g b ) for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) { sphericalHarmonics[j, k] = lightingScenariosData[index].lightProbes[i].coefficients[j * 9 + k]; } } sphericalHarmonicsArray[i] = sphericalHarmonics; } return sphericalHarmonicsArray; } public void LoadLightingScenario(int index) { if (lightingScenariosData[index].lightmaps == null || lightingScenariosData[index].lightmaps.Length == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("No lightmaps stored in scenario "+index); return; } //DEMO: same lightmaps mode for all scenarios //LightmapSettings.lightmapsMode = lightingScenariosData[index].lightmapsMode; var newLightmaps = new LightmapData[lightingScenariosData[index].lightmaps.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < newLightmaps.Length; i++) { newLightmaps[i] = new LightmapData(); newLightmaps[i].lightmapColor = lightingScenariosData[index].lightmaps[i]; //Demo : always directional newLightmaps[i].lightmapDir = lightingScenariosData[index].lightmapsDir[i]; //DEMO:Always directional for demo /* if (lightingScenariosData[index].lightmapsMode != LightmapsMode.NonDirectional) { newLightmaps[i].lightmapDir = lightingScenariosData[index].lightmapsDir[i]; } */ } LoadLightProbes(index); ApplyRendererInfo(lightingScenariosData[index].rendererInfos); LightmapSettings.lightmaps = newLightmaps; } public void ApplyRendererInfo (RendererInfo[] infos) { for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++) { try { var info = infos[i]; info.renderer.lightmapIndex = infos[i].lightmapIndex; if (!info.renderer.isPartOfStaticBatch) { info.renderer.lightmapScaleOffset = infos[i].lightmapOffsetScale; } if (info.renderer.isPartOfStaticBatch && verbose == true) { Debug.Log("Object " + + " is part of static batch, skipping lightmap offset and scale."); } } catch { if (infos[i].renderer != null) Debug.LogWarning("Error in ApplyRendererInfo on " + infos[i]; else if (verbose == true) Debug.LogWarning("Null reference in ApplyRendererInfo"); } } } public void LoadLightProbes(int index) { if (Application.isEditor && !Application.isPlaying) { PrepareLightProbeArrays(); } try { LightmapSettings.lightProbes.bakedProbes = lightProbesRuntime[index]; } catch { Debug.LogWarning("Warning, error when trying to load lightprobes for scenario " + index); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR public void StoreLightmapInfos(int index) { Debug.Log("Storing data for lighting scenario " + index); if (UnityEditor.Lightmapping.giWorkflowMode != UnityEditor.Lightmapping.GIWorkflowMode.OnDemand) { Debug.LogError("ExtractLightmapData requires that you have baked you lightmaps and Auto mode is disabled."); return; } var newLightingScenarioData = new LightingScenarioData (); var newRendererInfos = new List(); var newLightmapsTextures = new List(); var newLightmapsTexturesDir = new List(); var newLightmapsMode = new LightmapsMode(); var newSphericalHarmonicsList = new List(); newLightmapsMode = LightmapSettings.lightmapsMode; GenerateLightmapInfo(gameObject, newRendererInfos, newLightmapsTextures, newLightmapsTexturesDir, newLightmapsMode); newLightingScenarioData.lightmapsMode = newLightmapsMode; newLightingScenarioData.lightmaps = newLightmapsTextures.ToArray(); if (newLightmapsMode != LightmapsMode.NonDirectional) { newLightingScenarioData.lightmapsDir = newLightmapsTexturesDir.ToArray(); } newLightingScenarioData.rendererInfos = newRendererInfos.ToArray(); var scene_LightProbes = new SphericalHarmonicsL2[LightmapSettings.lightProbes.bakedProbes.Length]; scene_LightProbes = LightmapSettings.lightProbes.bakedProbes; for (int i = 0; i < scene_LightProbes.Length; i++) { var SHCoeff = new SphericalHarmonics(); // j is coefficient for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { //k is channel ( r g b ) for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) { SHCoeff.coefficients[j*9+k] = scene_LightProbes[i][j, k]; } } newSphericalHarmonicsList.Add(SHCoeff); } newLightingScenarioData.lightProbes = newSphericalHarmonicsList.ToArray (); Debug.Log("Stored " + newLightingScenarioData.lightProbes.Length + " lightprobes" ); if (lightingScenariosData.Count < index+1) { lightingScenariosData.Insert(index, newLightingScenarioData); } else { lightingScenariosData[index] = newLightingScenarioData; } lightingScenariosCount = lightingScenariosData.Count; } static void GenerateLightmapInfo (GameObject root, List newRendererInfos, List newLightmapsLight, List newLightmapsDir, LightmapsMode newLightmapsMode ) { var renderers = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(MeshRenderer)); Debug.Log("stored info for "+renderers.Length+" meshrenderers"); foreach (MeshRenderer renderer in renderers) { if (renderer.lightmapIndex != -1) { RendererInfo info = new RendererInfo(); info.renderer = renderer; info.lightmapOffsetScale = renderer.lightmapScaleOffset; Texture2D lightmaplight = LightmapSettings.lightmaps[renderer.lightmapIndex].lightmapColor; info.lightmapIndex = newLightmapsLight.IndexOf(lightmaplight); if (info.lightmapIndex == -1) { info.lightmapIndex = newLightmapsLight.Count; newLightmapsLight.Add(lightmaplight); } if (newLightmapsMode != LightmapsMode.NonDirectional) { Texture2D lightmapdir = LightmapSettings.lightmaps[renderer.lightmapIndex].lightmapDir; info.lightmapIndex = newLightmapsDir.IndexOf(lightmapdir); if (info.lightmapIndex == -1) { info.lightmapIndex = newLightmapsDir.Count; newLightmapsDir.Add(lightmapdir); } } newRendererInfos.Add(info); } } } public void BuildLightingScenario(SceneAsset scenneAsset) { //Remove reference to LightingDataAsset so that Unity doesn't delete the previous bake Lightmapping.lightingDataAsset = null; Debug.Log("Baking" +; EditorSceneManager.OpenScene("Assets/Demo/" + + ".unity", OpenSceneMode.Additive); EditorSceneManager.SetActiveScene(EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath("Assets/Demo/" + + ".unity")); StartCoroutine(BuildLightingAsync(; } private IEnumerator BuildLightingAsync(string ScenarioName) { if ( clearCache ) Lightmapping.ClearDiskCache(); var newLightmapMode = new LightmapsMode(); newLightmapMode = LightmapSettings.lightmapsMode; Lightmapping.BakeAsync(); while (Lightmapping.isRunning) { yield return null; } Lightmapping.lightingDataAsset = null; EditorSceneManager.SaveScene(EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath("Assets/Demo/" + ScenarioName + ".unity")); EditorSceneManager.CloseScene(EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath("Assets/Demo/" + ScenarioName + ".unity"), true); LightmapSettings.lightmapsMode = newLightmapMode; } #endif }