static List<CustomDepthBuffer> s_Instances = new List<CustomDepthBuffer>(); |
public static RenderTexture GetTarget(string name) |
static CustomDepthBuffer GetInstance(string name) |
// we expect very few instances, optimize if it were to change
// we expect a very limited number of instances, optimize otherwise
return instance.target; |
return instance; |
public static RenderTexture GetTarget(string name) |
{ |
var instance = GetInstance(name); |
if (instance == null) |
return null; |
return instance.target; |
} |
// we expect very few instances, optimize if it were to change
foreach (var instance in s_Instances) |
{ |
if (instance.id == name) |
return instance.zBufferParams; |
} |
return Vector4.zero; |
var instance = GetInstance(name); |
if (instance == null) |
return Vector4.zero; |
return instance.zBufferParams; |
} |
class InstancingDataGenerationVisitor |
m_CmdBuffer.ClearRenderTarget(true, true, Color.black); |
var projectionMatrix = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(camera.projectionMatrix, true); |
m_ZBufferParams = GetZBufferParams(camera, projectionMatrix); |
var viewMatrix = camera.worldToCameraMatrix; |
var viewProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix; |
} |
} |
static Vector4 GetZBufferParams(Camera camera) |
static Vector4 GetZBufferParams(Camera camera, Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix) |
bool reverseZ = false; |
// http://www.humus.name/temp/Linearize%20depth.txt
if (true) |
{ |
float scale = projectionMatrix[2, 3] / (f * n) * (f - n); |
bool reverseZ = scale > 0; |
if (reverseZ) |
} |
{ |
} |
} |
void Update() |
{ |
m_ZBufferParams = GetZBufferParams(camera); |
UpdateCommandBuffer(camera); |
Graphics.ExecuteCommandBuffer(m_CmdBuffer); |
} |