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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class BundledResourceManager {
[ConfigVar(Name = "resources.forcebundles", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Force use of bundles even in editor")]
static ConfigVar forceBundles;
[ConfigVar(Name = "resources.verbose", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Verbose logging about resources")]
static ConfigVar verbose;
private string GetBundlePath()
return Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + SimpleBundleManager.assetBundleFolder;
string bundlePath = SimpleBundleManager.GetRuntimeBundlePath();
return bundlePath;
public BundledResourceManager(string registryName)
bool useBundles = !Application.isEditor || forceBundles.IntValue > 0;
if (!useBundles)
string assetPath = "Assets/" + registryName + ".asset";
m_assetRegistryRoot = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<AssetRegistryRoot>(assetPath);
if (verbose.IntValue > 0)
GameDebug.Log("resource: loading resource: " + assetPath);
if (useBundles)
var bundlePath = GetBundlePath();
var assetPath = bundlePath + "/" + registryName;
m_assetRegistryRootBundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(assetPath);
if (verbose.IntValue > 0)
GameDebug.Log("resource: loading bundle: " + assetPath);
var registryRoots = m_assetRegistryRootBundle.LoadAllAssets<AssetRegistryRoot>();
if(registryRoots.Length == 1)
m_assetRegistryRoot = registryRoots[0];
GameDebug.LogError("Wrong number(" + registryRoots.Length + ") of registry roots in "+ registryName);
// Update asset registry map
if(m_assetRegistryRoot != null)
foreach(var registry in m_assetRegistryRoot.assetRegistries)
if(registry == null)
System.Type type = registry.GetType();
m_assetRegistryMap.Add(type, registry);
m_assetResourceFolder = registryName + "_Assets";
public void Shutdown()
foreach(var bundle in m_singleResourceBundles.Values)
// If we are in editor we may not have loaded these as bundles
if(bundle.bundle != null)
if(m_assetRegistryRootBundle != null)
m_assetRegistryRoot = null;
m_assetRegistryRootBundle = null;
m_assetResourceFolder = "";
public T GetResourceRegistry<T>() where T : ScriptableObject
ScriptableObject result = null;
m_assetRegistryMap.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out result);
return (T)result;
public Object LoadSingleAssetResource(string guid)
var def = new SingleResourceBundle();
if(m_singleResourceBundles.TryGetValue(guid, out def)) {
return def.asset;
def = new SingleResourceBundle();
var useBundles = !Application.isEditor || forceBundles.IntValue > 0;
var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
def.asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(UnityEngine.Object));
if (def.asset == null)
GameDebug.LogWarning("Failed to load resource " + guid + " at " + path);
if (verbose.IntValue > 0)
GameDebug.Log("resource: loading non-bundled asset " + path + "(" + guid + ")");
var bundlePath = GetBundlePath();
def.bundle = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(bundlePath + "/" + m_assetResourceFolder + "/" + guid);
if (verbose.IntValue > 0)
GameDebug.Log("resource: loading bundled asset: " + m_assetResourceFolder + "/" + guid);
var handles = def.bundle.LoadAllAssets();
if (handles.Length > 0)
def.asset = handles[0];
GameDebug.LogWarning("Failed to load resource " + guid);
m_singleResourceBundles.Add(guid, def);
return def.asset;
class SingleResourceBundle
public AssetBundle bundle;
public Object asset;
AssetRegistryRoot m_assetRegistryRoot;
AssetBundle m_assetRegistryRootBundle;
Dictionary<System.Type, ScriptableObject> m_assetRegistryMap = new Dictionary<System.Type, ScriptableObject>();
string m_assetResourceFolder = "";
Dictionary<string, SingleResourceBundle> m_singleResourceBundles = new Dictionary<string, SingleResourceBundle>();