您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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12 KiB

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public static class NetworkPrediction
public static uint PredictUint(uint numBaselines, uint t0, uint vi0, uint t1, uint vi1, uint t2, uint vi2, uint t, out bool predictionLikelyWrong)
predictionLikelyWrong = false;
if (numBaselines < 3)
return vi0;
//RUTODO: implement in integer instead of double!
GameDebug.Assert(t0 >= t1 && t1 >= t2);
double v0 = vi0;
double v1 = vi1;
double v2 = vi2;
double s0 = (t0 - t2) / (double)(t1 - t2);
double s = (t - t1) / (double)(t0 - t1);
double p0 = s0 * (v1 - v2) + v2;
double p = s * (v0 - v1) + v1;
uint r = vi0;
if (Abs(v0 - p0) < Abs(v0 - v1))
r = (uint)p;
predictionLikelyWrong = ((uint)p0 != vi0);
predictionLikelyWrong = (vi0 != vi1) && (vi1 != vi2);
//Console.Log("" + vi2 + ", " + vi1 + ", " + vi0 + ": " + r + ": " + vref + "(" + (int)(vref - r) + ")");
return r;
private static double Abs(double x)
return x < 0.0 ? -x : x;
// Predict snapshot from baselines. Returns true if prediction is different from baseline 0 (if it need to be automatically predicted next frame).
public static void PredictSnapshot(byte[] outputData, byte[] fieldsChangedPrediction, NetworkSchema schema, uint numBaselines, uint time0, byte[] baselineData0, uint time1, byte[] baselineData1, uint time2, byte[] baselineData2, uint time, byte fieldMask)
for (int i = 0, l = fieldsChangedPrediction.Length; i < l; ++i)
fieldsChangedPrediction[i] = 0;
if (numBaselines < 3)
System.Array.Copy(baselineData0, outputData, schema.GetByteSize());
var baselineStream0 = new ByteInputStream(baselineData0);
var baselineStream1 = new ByteInputStream(baselineData1);
var baselineStream2 = new ByteInputStream(baselineData2);
var outputStream = new ByteOutputStream(outputData);
for (int i = 0; i < schema.fields.Count; ++i)
GameDebug.Assert(schema.fields[i].byteOffset == baselineStream0.GetBytePosition());
GameDebug.Assert(schema.fields[i].byteOffset == baselineStream1.GetBytePosition());
GameDebug.Assert(schema.fields[i].byteOffset == baselineStream2.GetBytePosition());
var field = schema.fields[i];
byte fieldByteOffset = (byte)((uint)i >> 3);
byte fieldBitOffset = (byte)((uint)i & 0x7);
bool masked = (field.fieldMask & fieldMask) != 0;
switch (field.fieldType)
case NetworkSchema.FieldType.Bool:
uint baseline0 = baselineStream0.ReadUInt8();
uint baseline1 = baselineStream1.ReadUInt8();
uint baseline2 = baselineStream2.ReadUInt8();
uint prediction = baseline0;
if (!masked)
if (baseline0 != baseline1 && baseline1 != baseline2)
fieldsChangedPrediction[fieldByteOffset] |= (byte)(1 << fieldBitOffset);
case NetworkSchema.FieldType.UInt:
case NetworkSchema.FieldType.Int:
case NetworkSchema.FieldType.Float:
uint baseline0 = (uint)baselineStream0.ReadBits(field.bits);
uint baseline1 = (uint)baselineStream1.ReadBits(field.bits);
uint baseline2 = (uint)baselineStream2.ReadBits(field.bits);
uint prediction = baseline0;
if (!masked)
if (field.delta)
bool predictionLikelyWrong;
prediction = NetworkPrediction.PredictUint(numBaselines, time0, baseline0, time1, baseline1, time2, baseline2, time, out predictionLikelyWrong);
if (predictionLikelyWrong)
fieldsChangedPrediction[fieldByteOffset] |= (byte)(1 << fieldBitOffset);
if (baseline0 != baseline1 && baseline1 != baseline2)
fieldsChangedPrediction[fieldByteOffset] |= (byte)(1 << fieldBitOffset);
outputStream.WriteBits(prediction, field.bits); //RUTODO: fix this
case NetworkSchema.FieldType.Vector2:
uint bx0 = baselineStream0.ReadUInt32();
uint by0 = baselineStream0.ReadUInt32();
uint bx1 = baselineStream1.ReadUInt32();
uint by1 = baselineStream1.ReadUInt32();
uint bx2 = baselineStream2.ReadUInt32();
uint by2 = baselineStream2.ReadUInt32();
uint px = bx0;
uint py = by0;
if (!masked)
if (field.delta)
bool predictionLikelyWrongX;
bool predictionLikelyWrongY;
px = NetworkPrediction.PredictUint(numBaselines, time0, bx0, time1, bx1, time2, bx2, time, out predictionLikelyWrongX);
py = NetworkPrediction.PredictUint(numBaselines, time0, by0, time1, by1, time2, by2, time, out predictionLikelyWrongY);
if (predictionLikelyWrongX || predictionLikelyWrongY)
fieldsChangedPrediction[fieldByteOffset] |= (byte)(1 << fieldBitOffset);
if ((bx0 != bx1 || by0 != by1) && (bx1 != bx2 || by1 != by2))
fieldsChangedPrediction[fieldByteOffset] |= (byte)(1 << fieldBitOffset);
case NetworkSchema.FieldType.Vector3:
uint bx0 = baselineStream0.ReadUInt32();
uint by0 = baselineStream0.ReadUInt32();
uint bz0 = baselineStream0.ReadUInt32();
uint bx1 = baselineStream1.ReadUInt32();
uint by1 = baselineStream1.ReadUInt32();
uint bz1 = baselineStream1.ReadUInt32();
uint bx2 = baselineStream2.ReadUInt32();
uint by2 = baselineStream2.ReadUInt32();
uint bz2 = baselineStream2.ReadUInt32();
uint px = bx0;
uint py = by0;
uint pz = bz0;
if (!masked)
if (field.delta)
bool predictionLikelyWrongX;
bool predictionLikelyWrongY;
bool predictionLikelyWrongZ;
px = NetworkPrediction.PredictUint(numBaselines, time0, bx0, time1, bx1, time2, bx2, time, out predictionLikelyWrongX);
py = NetworkPrediction.PredictUint(numBaselines, time0, by0, time1, by1, time2, by2, time, out predictionLikelyWrongY);
pz = NetworkPrediction.PredictUint(numBaselines, time0, bz0, time1, bz1, time2, bz2, time, out predictionLikelyWrongZ);
if (predictionLikelyWrongX || predictionLikelyWrongY || predictionLikelyWrongZ)
fieldsChangedPrediction[fieldByteOffset] |= (byte)(1 << fieldBitOffset);
if ((bx0 != bx1 || by0 != by1 || bz0 != bz1) && (bx1 != bx2 || by1 != by2 || bz1 != bz2))
fieldsChangedPrediction[fieldByteOffset] |= (byte)(1 << fieldBitOffset);
case NetworkSchema.FieldType.Quaternion:
uint bx0 = baselineStream0.ReadUInt32();
uint by0 = baselineStream0.ReadUInt32();
uint bz0 = baselineStream0.ReadUInt32();
uint bw0 = baselineStream0.ReadUInt32();
uint bx1 = baselineStream1.ReadUInt32();
uint by1 = baselineStream1.ReadUInt32();
uint bz1 = baselineStream1.ReadUInt32();
uint bw1 = baselineStream1.ReadUInt32();
uint bx2 = baselineStream2.ReadUInt32();
uint by2 = baselineStream2.ReadUInt32();
uint bz2 = baselineStream2.ReadUInt32();
uint bw2 = baselineStream2.ReadUInt32();
uint px = bx0;
uint py = by0;
uint pz = bz0;
uint pw = bw0;
if (!masked)
if (field.delta)
bool predictionLikelyWrongX;
bool predictionLikelyWrongY;
bool predictionLikelyWrongZ;
bool predictionLikelyWrongW;
px = NetworkPrediction.PredictUint(numBaselines, time0, bx0, time1, bx1, time2, bx2, time, out predictionLikelyWrongX);
py = NetworkPrediction.PredictUint(numBaselines, time0, by0, time1, by1, time2, by2, time, out predictionLikelyWrongY);
pz = NetworkPrediction.PredictUint(numBaselines, time0, bz0, time1, bz1, time2, bz2, time, out predictionLikelyWrongZ);
pw = NetworkPrediction.PredictUint(numBaselines, time0, bw0, time1, bw1, time2, bw2, time, out predictionLikelyWrongW);
if (predictionLikelyWrongX || predictionLikelyWrongY || predictionLikelyWrongZ || predictionLikelyWrongW)
fieldsChangedPrediction[fieldByteOffset] |= (byte)(1 << fieldBitOffset);
if ((bx0 != bx1 || by0 != by1 || bz0 != bz1 || bw0 != bw1) && (bx1 != bx2 || by1 != by2 || bz1 != bz2 || bw1 != bw2))
fieldsChangedPrediction[fieldByteOffset] |= (byte)(1 << fieldBitOffset);
case NetworkSchema.FieldType.String:
case NetworkSchema.FieldType.ByteArray:
outputStream.CopyByteArray(ref baselineStream0, field.arraySize);
//TODO: predict me!
//fieldsChangedPrediction = 0;