主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
142 行
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142 行
5.1 KiB
using System;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations;
public struct AimDragJob : IAnimationJob
public struct Settings
[Range(0.0f, 10f)]
public float stiffness;
[Range(0.0f, 180f)]
public float maxAngle;
[Range(-1.0f, 1.0f)]
public float dragWeight;
[Range(-1.0f, 1.0f)]
public float rollWeight;
[Range(0, 10)]
public int rollDelay;
public Vector3 dragPivot;
public Vector3 rollPivot;
public struct EditorSettings
// The non job reference types
public Transform weaponHandBone;
public Transform weaponBone;
public Transform applyResultOn;
// All the value types
public Settings settings;
public bool HasValidData()
return weaponHandBone != null & weaponBone != null & applyResultOn != null;
TransformStreamHandle m_Effectorhandle;
TransformStreamHandle m_WeaponPivot;
TransformSceneHandle m_WeaponHandResult;
bool m_AimDirectionInitialized;
NativeQueue<Quaternion> m_DragHistory;
float m_CurrentYaw;
float m_CurrentPitch;
public Settings settings;
public CharAnimState animState;
public bool Setup(Animator animator, EditorSettings editorSettings, float deltaTime, NativeQueue<Quaternion> dragHistory)
if (!editorSettings.HasValidData())
return false;
settings = editorSettings.settings;
m_Effectorhandle = animator.BindStreamTransform(editorSettings.weaponHandBone);
m_WeaponPivot = animator.BindStreamTransform(editorSettings.weaponBone);
m_WeaponHandResult = animator.BindSceneTransform(editorSettings.applyResultOn);
m_DragHistory = dragHistory;
return true;
public void Update(Vector3 target, Settings settings, CharAnimState animationState, AnimationScriptPlayable playable)
var job = playable.GetJobData<AimDragJob>();
job.settings = settings;
job.animState = animationState;
public void ProcessRootMotion(AnimationStream stream) { }
public void ProcessAnimation(AnimationStream stream)
if (!m_AimDirectionInitialized)
m_CurrentYaw = animState.aimYaw;
m_CurrentPitch = animState.aimPitch;
m_AimDirectionInitialized = true;
// TODO: (sunek) Get rid of stuttering
var t = settings.stiffness * stream.deltaTime;
m_CurrentYaw = Mathf.LerpAngle(m_CurrentYaw, animState.aimYaw, t);
m_CurrentPitch = Mathf.LerpAngle(m_CurrentPitch, animState.aimPitch, t);
var deltaYaw = Mathf.DeltaAngle(animState.aimYaw, m_CurrentYaw);
var deltaPitch = Mathf.DeltaAngle(animState.aimPitch, m_CurrentPitch);
var deltaRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-deltaPitch, deltaYaw, 0));
var angle = Quaternion.Angle(Quaternion.identity, deltaRotation);
if (angle > settings.maxAngle)
t = settings.maxAngle / angle;
m_CurrentYaw = Mathf.LerpAngle(animState.aimYaw, m_CurrentYaw, t);
m_CurrentPitch = Mathf.LerpAngle(animState.aimPitch, m_CurrentPitch, t);
deltaYaw = Mathf.DeltaAngle(animState.aimYaw, m_CurrentYaw);
deltaPitch = Mathf.DeltaAngle(animState.aimPitch, m_CurrentPitch);
deltaRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-deltaPitch, deltaYaw, 0));
if (m_DragHistory.Count <= settings.rollDelay)
var drag = Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped(Quaternion.identity, deltaRotation, settings.dragWeight);
var roll = m_DragHistory.Count < settings.rollDelay + 1 ? m_DragHistory.Peek() : m_DragHistory.Dequeue();
roll = Quaternion.SlerpUnclamped(Quaternion.identity, new Quaternion(0f, roll.y, 0f, roll.w), settings.rollWeight);
var handPosition = m_Effectorhandle.GetPosition(stream);
var handRotation = m_Effectorhandle.GetRotation(stream);
var weaponPivotPosition = m_WeaponPivot.GetPosition(stream);
var weaponPivotRotation = m_WeaponPivot.GetRotation(stream);
var dragPivot = weaponPivotRotation * settings.dragPivot;
var rollPivot = weaponPivotRotation * settings.rollPivot;
var dragPivotDelta = handPosition - (weaponPivotPosition + dragPivot);
var rollPivotDelta = handPosition - (weaponPivotPosition + rollPivot);
var handOffset = drag * dragPivotDelta;
handOffset = handOffset - dragPivotDelta;
var rollOffset = roll * rollPivotDelta;
rollOffset = rollOffset - rollPivotDelta;
handPosition = handPosition + handOffset + rollOffset;
handRotation = drag * handRotation * roll;
m_WeaponHandResult.SetPosition(stream, handPosition);
m_WeaponHandResult.SetRotation(stream, handRotation);