您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
public struct BlendSpaceNode
public AnimationClip clip;
public Vector2 position;
public float speed;
public float weight;
public float clipLength;
public class BlendTree2dSimpleDirectional
public BlendTree2dSimpleDirectional(PlayableGraph graph, List<BlendSpaceNode> nodes)
m_Nodes = nodes;
var count = m_Nodes.Count;
m_Positions = new Vector2[count];
m_Clips = new AnimationClipPlayable[count];
m_Weights = new float[count];
m_Mixer = AnimationMixerPlayable.Create(graph, count);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
var node = m_Nodes[i];
var clip = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(graph, node.clip);
node.clipLength = node.clip.length;
m_Mixer.ConnectInput(i, clip, 0);
m_Clips[i] = clip;
m_Nodes[i] = node;
masterSpeed = 1f;
SetBlendPosition(new Vector2(0f, 0f));
public float SetBlendPosition(Vector2 position, bool updateGraph = true)
var count = m_Nodes.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
m_Positions[i] = m_Nodes[i].position;
CalculateWeights(m_Positions, ref m_Weights, position);
// Store results and calculate blendedClipLength
m_BlendedClipLength = 0f;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
var node = m_Nodes[i];
node.weight = m_Weights[i];
m_Nodes[i] = node;
m_BlendedClipLength += node.clipLength / m_Nodes[i].speed * node.weight;
GameDebug.Assert(m_BlendedClipLength > 0f, "blendedClipLength must be more that 0");
m_BlendedClipLength /= masterSpeed;
if (updateGraph)
return m_BlendedClipLength;
public void UpdateGraph()
for (var i = 0; i < m_Clips.Length; i++)
m_Mixer.SetInputWeight(i, m_Weights[i]);
m_Clips[i].SetSpeed(m_Nodes[i].clipLength / m_BlendedClipLength);
public void SetPhase(float phase)
for (var i = 0; i < m_Clips.Length; i++)
m_Clips[i].SetTime(phase * m_Clips[i].GetAnimationClip().length);
static void CalculateWeights(Vector2[] positionArray, ref float[] weightArray, Vector2 blendParam)
var count = positionArray.Length;
// Initialize all weights to 0
for (var i = 0; i < weightArray.Length; i++)
weightArray[i] = 0f;
// Handle fallback
if (count < 2)
if (count == 1)
weightArray[0] = 1;
var blendPosition = new Vector2(blendParam.x, blendParam.y);
// Handle special case when sampled ecactly in the middle
if (blendPosition == new Vector2(0f, 0f))
// If we have a center motion, give that one all the weight
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (positionArray[i] == Vector2.zero)
weightArray[i] = 1;
// Otherwise divide weight evenly
float sharedWeight = 1.0f / count;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
weightArray[i] = sharedWeight;
int indexA = -1;
int indexB = -1;
int indexCenter = -1;
float maxDotForNegCross = -100000.0f;
float maxDotForPosCross = -100000.0f;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (positionArray[i] == Vector2.zero)
if (indexCenter >= 0)
indexCenter = i;
// Vector2 posNormalized = Mathf.Normalize(positionArray[i]);
Vector2 posNormalized = positionArray[i].normalized;
var dot = Vector2.Dot(posNormalized, blendPosition);
var cross = posNormalized.x * blendPosition.y - posNormalized.y * blendPosition.x;
if (cross > 0f)
if (dot > maxDotForPosCross)
maxDotForPosCross = dot;
indexA = i;
if (dot > maxDotForNegCross)
maxDotForNegCross = dot;
indexB = i;
float centerWeight = 0;
if (indexA < 0 || indexB < 0)
// Fallback if sampling point is not inside a triangle
centerWeight = 1;
var a = positionArray[indexA];
var b = positionArray[indexB];
// Calculate weights using barycentric coordinates
// (formulas from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barycentric_coordinate_system_%28mathematics%29 )
float det = b.y * a.x - b.x * a.y; // Simplified from: (b.y-0)*(a.x-0) + (0-b.x)*(a.y-0);
// TODO: Is x and y used correctly below??
float wA = (b.y * blendParam.x - b.x * blendParam.y) / det; // Simplified from: ((b.y-0)*(l.x-0) + (0-b.x)*(l.y-0)) / det;
float wB = (a.x * blendParam.y - a.y * blendParam.x) / det; // Simplified from: ((0-a.y)*(l.x-0) + (a.x-0)*(l.y-0)) / det;
centerWeight = 1 - wA - wB;
// Clamp to be inside triangle
if (centerWeight < 0)
centerWeight = 0;
float sum = wA + wB;
wA /= sum;
wB /= sum;
else if (centerWeight > 1)
centerWeight = 1;
wA = 0;
wB = 0;
// Give weight to the two vertices on the periphery that are closest
weightArray[indexA] = wA;
weightArray[indexB] = wB;
if (indexCenter >= 0)
weightArray[indexCenter] = centerWeight;
// Give weight to all children when input is in the center
float sharedWeight = 1.0f / count;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
weightArray[i] += sharedWeight * centerWeight;
public Playable GetRootPlayable()
return m_Mixer;
AnimationClipPlayable[] m_Clips;
AnimationMixerPlayable m_Mixer;
List<BlendSpaceNode> m_Nodes;
Vector2[] m_Positions;
float[] m_Weights;
float m_BlendedClipLength;
public float masterSpeed;
public bool footIk;