您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal;
public class SkeletonImporter : AssetPostprocessor
uint m_Version = 2;
public override uint GetVersion() {return m_Version;}
List<TwistConfig> m_TwistConfigs = new List<TwistConfig>();
List<FanConfig> m_FanConfigs = new List<FanConfig>();
List<TranslateScaleConfig> m_TranslateScaleConfigs = new List<TranslateScaleConfig>();
enum ComponentType
public class ComponentConfig
public List<TwistConfig> twistConfig = new List<TwistConfig>();
public List<FanConfig> fanConfig = new List<FanConfig>();
public List<TranslateScaleConfig> translateScaleConfig = new List<TranslateScaleConfig>();
public class TypeData
public string type = "";
public TypeData() {}
public TypeData(string type)
this.type = type;
public class TwistConfig
public string driver;
public string aimAxis = "";
public List<String> twistJoints = new List<String>();
public List<float> twistFactors = new List<float>();
public TwistConfig() {}
public TwistConfig(string driver, string aimAxis, List<String> twistJoints, List<float> twistFactors)
this.driver = driver;
this.aimAxis = aimAxis;
this.twistJoints = twistJoints;
this.twistFactors = twistFactors;
public class FanConfig
public string driverA;
public string driverB;
public string driven;
public FanConfig() {}
public FanConfig(string driverA, string driverB, string driven)
this.driverA = driverA;
this.driverB = driverB;
this.driven = driven;
public class TranslateScaleConfig
public string driver;
public string aimAxis = "";
public List<String> stretchBones = new List<String>();
public List<float> stretchFactors = new List<float>();
public List<float> scaleFactors = new List<float>();
public TranslateScaleConfig() {}
public TranslateScaleConfig(string driver, string aimAxis, List<String> stretchBones, List<float> stretchFactors, List<float> scaleFactors)
this.driver = driver;
this.aimAxis = aimAxis;
this.stretchBones = stretchBones;
this.stretchFactors = stretchFactors;
this.scaleFactors = scaleFactors;
void OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties(GameObject go, string[] propNames, System.Object[] values)
string stringValue;
for (int i = 0; i < propNames.Length; i++)
if (propNames[i] == "sampleGame_compData")
stringValue = values[i] as System.String;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue))
ComponentConfig componentConfig = new ComponentConfig();
componentConfig = JsonUtility.FromJson<ComponentConfig>(stringValue);
foreach (var twistConfig in componentConfig.twistConfig)
foreach (var fanConfig in componentConfig.fanConfig)
foreach (var translateScaleConfig in componentConfig.translateScaleConfig)
void OnPostprocessModel(GameObject root)
// Attempt to find skeleton root
var skeletonRoot = root.transform.Find("Skeleton");
// TODO: (sunek) Be able to setup skeleton within the editor and get rid of this?
if (skeletonRoot == null)
var animator = root.GetComponent<Animator>();
if (animator != null && animator.isHuman)
var hips = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips);
if (hips != null)
skeletonRoot = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips).parent;
if (skeletonRoot == null)
if (skeletonRoot.GetComponent<MeshFilter>() || skeletonRoot.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>() || skeletonRoot.GetComponent<Collider>())
var skeletonComponent = root.AddComponent<Skeleton>();
AddTwistComponents(root, m_TwistConfigs);
AddFanComponents(root, m_FanConfigs);
AddTranslateScaleComponents(root, m_TranslateScaleConfigs);
static void AddTwistComponents(GameObject root, List<TwistConfig> twistConfigs)
if (twistConfigs.Count == 0)
var twistComponent = root.AddComponent<Twist>();
for (var i = 0; i < twistConfigs.Count; i++)
var twistConfig = twistConfigs[i];
var twistChain = new Twist.TwistChain();
twistChain.driver = FindInChildren(root.transform, twistConfig.driver);
if (!twistChain.driver)
// TODO: Support variable axis
// switch (twistConfig.aimAxis)
// {
// case "X":
// twistComponent.aimAxis = Twist.AimAxis.X;
// break;
// case "Y":
// twistComponent.aimAxis = Twist.AimAxis.Y;
// break;
// case "Z":
// twistComponent.aimAxis = Twist.AimAxis.Z;
// break;
// default:
// twistComponent.aimAxis = Twist.AimAxis.X;
// break;
// }
twistChain.twistJoints = new List<Twist.TwistJoint>();
for (var j = 0; j < twistConfig.twistJoints.Count; j++)
var twistJoint = new Twist.TwistJoint();
twistJoint.joint = FindInChildren(root.transform, twistConfig.twistJoints[j]);
twistJoint.factor = twistConfig.twistFactors[j];
if (twistChain.HasValidData())
static void AddFanComponents(GameObject root, List<FanConfig> fanConfigs)
if (fanConfigs.Count == 0)
var fanComponent = root.AddComponent<Fan>();
for (var i = 0; i < fanConfigs.Count; i++)
var fanData = new Fan.FanData();
fanData.driven = FindInChildren(root.transform, fanConfigs[i].driven);
fanData.driverA = FindInChildren(root.transform, fanConfigs[i].driverA);
fanData.driverB = FindInChildren(root.transform, fanConfigs[i].driverB);
if (fanData.HasValidData())
static void AddTranslateScaleComponents(GameObject root, List<TranslateScaleConfig> translateScaleConfigs)
if (translateScaleConfigs.Count == 0)
var component = root.AddComponent<TranslateScale>();
for (var i = 0; i < translateScaleConfigs.Count; i++)
var config = translateScaleConfigs[i];
var chain = new TranslateScale.TranslateScaleChain();
chain.driver = FindInChildren(root.transform, config.driver);
if (!chain.driver)
chain.drivenJoints = new List<TranslateScale.Driven>();
for (var j = 0; j < config.stretchBones.Count; j++)
var driven = new TranslateScale.Driven();
driven.joint = FindInChildren(root.transform,config.stretchBones[j]);
driven.scaleFactor = config.scaleFactors[j];
driven.strectchFactor = config.stretchFactors[j];
if (chain.HasValidData())
static Transform FindInChildren(Transform parent, string name)
var result = parent.Find(name);
if (result != null)
return result;
foreach (Transform child in parent)
result = FindInChildren(child, name);
if (result != null)
return result;
return null;