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using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class AnimationImport : AssetPostprocessor
// TODO: Setup with importer version, so increments will reimport all animations
void OnPreprocessAnimation()
var modelImporter = assetImporter as ModelImporter;
// TODO: Apply scriptable object rule (or something), rather than hard coded path
if (!modelImporter.assetPath.StartsWith("Assets/Animation/"))
// Our game has a lot of fast movement and for this humanoid will solve a bit better with more keyframes to work with.
// So we over sample and rely on the on compression to take out unwanted keys
modelImporter.humanoidOversampling = ModelImporterHumanoidOversampling.X2;
var defaultClipMap = new Dictionary<string, ModelImporterClipAnimation>();
foreach (var clip in modelImporter.defaultClipAnimations)
defaultClipMap.Add(clip.name, clip);
// TODO: Ensure all FBX takes exist as Unity clips
// Ensure all Clips the come from FBX Takes (name rule) inherit frame range from the Take
var clips = modelImporter.clipAnimations;
foreach (var clip in clips)
if (defaultClipMap.ContainsKey(clip.name))
clip.firstFrame = defaultClipMap[clip.name].firstFrame;
clip.lastFrame = defaultClipMap[clip.name].lastFrame;
modelImporter.clipAnimations = clips;