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using System;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing
public enum AmbientOcclusionMode
public enum AmbientOcclusionQuality
public sealed class AmbientOcclusionModeParameter : ParameterOverride<AmbientOcclusionMode> {}
public sealed class AmbientOcclusionQualityParameter : ParameterOverride<AmbientOcclusionQuality> {}
[PostProcess(typeof(AmbientOcclusionRenderer), "Unity/Ambient Occlusion")]
public sealed class AmbientOcclusion : PostProcessEffectSettings
// Shared parameters
[Tooltip("The ambient occlusion method to use. \"MSVO\" is higher quality and faster on desktop & console platforms but requires compute shader support.")]
public AmbientOcclusionModeParameter mode = new AmbientOcclusionModeParameter { value = AmbientOcclusionMode.MultiScaleVolumetricObscurance };
[Range(0f, 4f), Tooltip("Degree of darkness added by ambient occlusion.")]
public FloatParameter intensity = new FloatParameter { value = 0f };
[ColorUsage(false), Tooltip("Custom color to use for the ambient occlusion.")]
public ColorParameter color = new ColorParameter { value = Color.black };
[Tooltip("Only affects ambient lighting. This mode is only available with the Deferred rendering path and HDR rendering. Objects rendered with the Forward rendering path won't get any ambient occlusion.")]
public BoolParameter ambientOnly = new BoolParameter { value = true };
// MSVO-only parameters
[Range(-8f, 0f)]
public FloatParameter noiseFilterTolerance = new FloatParameter { value = 0f }; // Hidden
[Range(-8f, -1f)]
public FloatParameter blurTolerance = new FloatParameter { value = -4.6f }; // Hidden
[Range(-12f, -1f)]
public FloatParameter upsampleTolerance = new FloatParameter { value = -12f }; // Hidden
[Range(1f, 10f), Tooltip("Modifies thickness of occluders. This increases dark areas but also introduces dark halo around objects.")]
public FloatParameter thicknessModifier = new FloatParameter { value = 1f };
// HDRP-only parameters
[Range(0f, 1f), Tooltip("")]
public FloatParameter directLightingStrength = new FloatParameter { value = 0f };
// SAO-only parameters
[Tooltip("Radius of sample points, which affects extent of darkened areas.")]
public FloatParameter radius = new FloatParameter { value = 0.25f };
[Tooltip("Number of sample points, which affects quality and performance. Lowest, Low & Medium passes are downsampled. High and Ultra are not and should only be used on high-end hardware.")]
public AmbientOcclusionQualityParameter quality = new AmbientOcclusionQualityParameter { value = AmbientOcclusionQuality.Medium };
// sample-game begin: added globalEnable
public static bool globalEnable = true;
// sample-game end
// SRPs can call this method without a context set (see HDRP)
// We need a better way to handle this than checking for a null context, context should
// never be null.
public override bool IsEnabledAndSupported(PostProcessRenderContext context)
// sample-game begin: added globalEnable
bool state = enabled.value
&& globalEnable
&& intensity.value > 0f;
// sample-game end
if (mode.value == AmbientOcclusionMode.ScalableAmbientObscurance)
state &= !RuntimeUtilities.scriptableRenderPipelineActive;
if (context != null)
state &= context.resources.shaders.scalableAO
&& context.resources.shaders.scalableAO.isSupported;
else if (mode.value == AmbientOcclusionMode.MultiScaleVolumetricObscurance)
#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
if (context != null)
state &= context.resources.shaders.multiScaleAO
&& context.resources.shaders.multiScaleAO.isSupported
&& context.resources.computeShaders.multiScaleAODownsample1
&& context.resources.computeShaders.multiScaleAODownsample2
&& context.resources.computeShaders.multiScaleAORender
&& context.resources.computeShaders.multiScaleAOUpsample;
state &= SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders
&& !RuntimeUtilities.isAndroidOpenGL
&& RenderTextureFormat.RFloat.IsSupported()
&& RenderTextureFormat.RHalf.IsSupported()
&& RenderTextureFormat.R8.IsSupported();
state = false;
return state;
public interface IAmbientOcclusionMethod
DepthTextureMode GetCameraFlags();
void RenderAfterOpaque(PostProcessRenderContext context);
void RenderAmbientOnly(PostProcessRenderContext context);
void CompositeAmbientOnly(PostProcessRenderContext context);
void Release();
public sealed class AmbientOcclusionRenderer : PostProcessEffectRenderer<AmbientOcclusion>
IAmbientOcclusionMethod[] m_Methods;
public override void Init()
if (m_Methods == null)
m_Methods = new IAmbientOcclusionMethod[]
new ScalableAO(settings),
new MultiScaleVO(settings),
public bool IsAmbientOnly(PostProcessRenderContext context)
var camera = context.camera;
return settings.ambientOnly.value
&& camera.actualRenderingPath == RenderingPath.DeferredShading
&& camera.allowHDR;
public IAmbientOcclusionMethod Get()
return m_Methods[(int)settings.mode.value];
public override DepthTextureMode GetCameraFlags()
return Get().GetCameraFlags();
public override void Release()
foreach (var m in m_Methods)
public ScalableAO GetScalableAO()
return (ScalableAO)m_Methods[(int)AmbientOcclusionMode.ScalableAmbientObscurance];
public MultiScaleVO GetMultiScaleVO()
return (MultiScaleVO)m_Methods[(int)AmbientOcclusionMode.MultiScaleVolumetricObscurance];
// Unused
public override void Render(PostProcessRenderContext context)