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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Unity.Assertions;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
namespace Unity.Entities.Serialization
public static class SerializeUtility
internal struct BufferPatchRecord
public int ChunkOffset;
public int AllocSizeBytes;
public static int CurrentFileFormatVersion = 6;
public static unsafe void DeserializeWorld(ExclusiveEntityTransaction manager, BinaryReader reader)
if (manager.ArchetypeManager.CountEntities() != 0)
throw new ArgumentException(
$"DeserializeWorld can only be used on completely empty EntityManager. Please create a new empty World and use EntityManager.MoveEntitiesFrom to move the loaded entities into the destination world instead.");
int storedVersion = reader.ReadInt();
if (storedVersion != CurrentFileFormatVersion)
throw new ArgumentException(
$"Attempting to read a entity scene stored in an old file format version (stored version : {storedVersion}, current version : {CurrentFileFormatVersion})");
var types = ReadTypeArray(reader);
var archetypes = ReadArchetypes(reader, types, manager, out var totalEntityCount);
int totalChunkCount = reader.ReadInt();
for (int i = 0; i < totalChunkCount; ++i)
var chunk = (Chunk*) UnsafeUtility.Malloc(Chunk.kChunkSize, 64, Allocator.Persistent);
reader.ReadBytes(chunk, Chunk.kChunkSize);
chunk->Archetype = archetypes[(int)chunk->Archetype].Archetype;
// Fixup the pointer to the shared component values
// todo: more generic way of fixing up pointers?
chunk->SharedComponentValueArray = (int*)((byte*)(chunk) + Chunk.GetSharedComponentOffset(chunk->Archetype->NumSharedComponents));
chunk->ChangeVersion = (uint*) ((byte*) chunk +
// Allocate additional heap memory for buffers that have overflown into the heap, and read their data.
int bufferAllocationCount = reader.ReadInt();
if (bufferAllocationCount > 0)
var bufferPatches = new NativeArray<BufferPatchRecord>(bufferAllocationCount, Allocator.Temp);
reader.ReadArray(bufferPatches, bufferPatches.Length);
// TODO: PERF: Batch malloc interface.
for (int pi = 0; pi < bufferAllocationCount; ++pi)
var target = (BufferHeader*)OffsetFromPointer(chunk->Buffer, bufferPatches[pi].ChunkOffset);
// TODO: Alignment
target->Pointer = (byte*) UnsafeUtility.Malloc(bufferPatches[pi].AllocSizeBytes, 8, Allocator.Persistent);
reader.ReadBytes(target->Pointer, bufferPatches[pi].AllocSizeBytes);
private static unsafe NativeArray<EntityArchetype> ReadArchetypes(BinaryReader reader, NativeArray<int> types, ExclusiveEntityTransaction entityManager,
out int totalEntityCount)
int archetypeCount = reader.ReadInt();
var archetypes = new NativeArray<EntityArchetype>(archetypeCount, Allocator.Temp);
var archetypeEntityCounts = new NativeArray<int>(archetypeCount, Allocator.Temp);
totalEntityCount = 0;
var tempComponentTypes = new NativeList<ComponentType>(Allocator.Temp);
for (int i = 0; i < archetypeCount; ++i)
totalEntityCount += archetypeEntityCounts[i] = reader.ReadInt();
int archetypeComponentTypeCount = reader.ReadInt();
for (int iType = 0; iType < archetypeComponentTypeCount; ++iType)
int typeIndex = types[reader.ReadInt()];
archetypes[i] = entityManager.CreateArchetype((ComponentType*) tempComponentTypes.GetUnsafePtr(),
return archetypes;
private static NativeArray<int> ReadTypeArray(BinaryReader reader)
int typeCount = reader.ReadInt();
var typeHashBuffer = new NativeArray<int>(typeCount, Allocator.Temp);
reader.ReadArray(typeHashBuffer, typeCount);
int nameBufferSize = reader.ReadInt();
var nameBuffer = new NativeArray<byte>(nameBufferSize, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
reader.ReadBytes(nameBuffer, nameBufferSize);
var types = new NativeArray<int>(typeCount, Allocator.Temp);
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < typeCount; ++i)
string typeName = StringFromNativeBytes(nameBuffer, offset);
var type = Type.GetType(typeName);
types[i] = TypeManager.GetTypeIndex(type);
if (typeHashBuffer[i] != TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(types[i]).FastEqualityTypeInfo.Hash)
throw new ArgumentException($"Type layout has changed: '{type.Name}'");
if (types[i] == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Unknown type '" + typeName + "'");
offset += typeName.Length + 1;
return types;
internal static unsafe void GetAllArchetypes(ArchetypeManager archetypeManager, out Dictionary<EntityArchetype, int> archetypeToIndex, out EntityArchetype[] archetypeArray)
var archetypeList = new List<EntityArchetype>();
var currentArcheType = archetypeManager.m_LastArchetype;
while (currentArcheType != null)
if (currentArcheType->EntityCount >= 0)
archetypeList.Add(new EntityArchetype{Archetype = currentArcheType});
currentArcheType = currentArcheType->PrevArchetype;
//todo: sort archetypes to get deterministic indices
archetypeToIndex = new Dictionary<EntityArchetype, int>();
for (int i = 0; i < archetypeList.Count; ++i)
archetypeArray = archetypeList.ToArray();
static unsafe void ClearUnusedChunkData(Chunk* chunk)
var arch = chunk->Archetype;
int bufferSize = Chunk.GetChunkBufferSize(arch->TypesCount, arch->NumSharedComponents);
byte* buffer = chunk->Buffer;
int count = chunk->Count;
for (int i = 0; i<arch->TypesCount-1; ++i)
int index = arch->TypeMemoryOrder[i];
int nextIndex = arch->TypeMemoryOrder[i + 1];
int startOffset = arch->Offsets[index] + count * arch->SizeOfs[index];
int endOffset = arch->Offsets[nextIndex];
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(buffer + startOffset, endOffset - startOffset);
int lastIndex = arch->TypeMemoryOrder[arch->TypesCount - 1];
int lastStartOffset = arch->Offsets[lastIndex] + count * arch->SizeOfs[lastIndex];
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(buffer + lastStartOffset, bufferSize - lastStartOffset);
public static unsafe void SerializeWorld(EntityManager entityManager, BinaryWriter writer, out int[] sharedComponentsToSerialize)
var archetypeManager = entityManager.ArchetypeManager;
GetAllArchetypes(archetypeManager, out var archetypeToIndex, out var archetypeArray);
var typeindices = new HashSet<int>();
foreach (var archetype in archetypeArray)
for (int iType = 0; iType < archetype.Archetype->TypesCount; ++iType)
var typeArray = typeindices.Select(index =>
var type = TypeManager.GetType(index);
var name = TypeManager.GetType(index).AssemblyQualifiedName;
var hash = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(index).FastEqualityTypeInfo.Hash;
return new
asciiName = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name)
}).OrderBy(t => t.name).ToArray();
int typeNameBufferSize = typeArray.Sum(t => t.asciiName.Length + 1);
foreach (var n in typeArray)
foreach(var n in typeArray)
var typeIndexMap = new Dictionary<int, int>();
for (int i = 0; i < typeArray.Length; ++i)
typeIndexMap[typeArray[i].index] = i;
WriteArchetypes(writer, archetypeArray, typeIndexMap);
//TODO: ensure chunks are defragged?
NativeArray<EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo> entityRemapInfos;
var bufferPatches = new NativeList<BufferPatchRecord>(128, Allocator.Temp);
var totalChunkCount = GenerateRemapInfo(entityManager, archetypeArray, out entityRemapInfos);
var tempChunk = (Chunk*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(Chunk.kChunkSize, 16, Allocator.Temp);
var sharedIndexToSerialize = new Dictionary<int, int>();
for(int archetypeIndex = 0; archetypeIndex < archetypeArray.Length; ++archetypeIndex)
var archetype = archetypeArray[archetypeIndex].Archetype;
for (var c = (Chunk*)archetype->ChunkList.Begin; c != archetype->ChunkList.End; c = (Chunk*)c->ChunkListNode.Next)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(tempChunk, c, Chunk.kChunkSize);
tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray = (int*)((byte*)(tempChunk) + Chunk.GetSharedComponentOffset(archetype->NumSharedComponents));
byte* tempChunkBuffer = tempChunk->Buffer;
// Find all buffer pointer locations and work out how much memory the deserializer must allocate on load.
for (int ti = 0; ti < archetype->TypesCount; ++ti)
int index = archetype->TypeMemoryOrder[ti];
if (!archetype->Types[index].IsBuffer)
int subArrayOffset = archetype->Offsets[index];
BufferHeader* header = (BufferHeader*) OffsetFromPointer(tempChunkBuffer, subArrayOffset);
int stride = archetype->SizeOfs[index];
int count = c->Count;
var ct = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(archetype->Types[index].TypeIndex);
for (int bi = 0; bi < count; ++bi)
if (header->Pointer != null)
header->Pointer = null;
bufferPatches.Add(new BufferPatchRecord
ChunkOffset = (int)(((byte*)header) - (byte*)tempChunkBuffer),
AllocSizeBytes = ct.ElementSize * header->Capacity,
header = (BufferHeader*)OffsetFromPointer(header, stride);
EntityRemapUtility.PatchEntities(archetype->ScalarEntityPatches, archetype->ScalarEntityPatchCount, archetype->BufferEntityPatches, archetype->BufferEntityPatchCount, tempChunkBuffer, tempChunk->Count, ref entityRemapInfos);
tempChunk->ChunkListNode.Next = null;
tempChunk->ChunkListNode.Prev = null;
tempChunk->ChunkListWithEmptySlotsNode.Next = null;
tempChunk->ChunkListWithEmptySlotsNode.Prev = null;
tempChunk->Archetype = (Archetype*) archetypeIndex;
if (archetype->NumManagedArrays != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Serialization of GameObject components is not supported for pure entity scenes");
for (int i = 0; i != archetype->NumSharedComponents; i++)
int sharedComponentIndex = tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i];
int newIndex;
if (tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i] != 0)
if (sharedIndexToSerialize.TryGetValue(sharedComponentIndex, out newIndex))
tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i] = newIndex;
// 0 is reserved for null types in shared components
newIndex = sharedIndexToSerialize.Count + 1;
sharedIndexToSerialize[sharedComponentIndex] = newIndex;
tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i] = newIndex;
writer.WriteBytes(tempChunk, Chunk.kChunkSize);
if (bufferPatches.Length > 0)
// Write heap backed data for each required patch.
// TODO: PERF: Investigate static-only deserialization could manage one block and mark in pointers somehow that they are not indiviual
for (int i = 0; i < bufferPatches.Length; ++i)
var patch = bufferPatches[i];
// NOTE that this reads the pointer from the original, unpatched chunk.
// We have nulled out the pointer in the serialized data above.
var header = (BufferHeader*)OffsetFromPointer(c->Buffer, patch.ChunkOffset);
writer.WriteBytes(header->Pointer, patch.AllocSizeBytes);
UnsafeUtility.Free(tempChunk, Allocator.Temp);
sharedComponentsToSerialize = new int[sharedIndexToSerialize.Count];
foreach (var i in sharedIndexToSerialize)
sharedComponentsToSerialize[i.Value - 1] = i.Key;
static unsafe byte* OffsetFromPointer(void* ptr, int offset)
return ((byte*)ptr) + offset;
static unsafe void WriteArchetypes(BinaryWriter writer, EntityArchetype[] archetypeArray, Dictionary<int, int> typeIndexMap)
foreach (var archetype in archetypeArray)
writer.Write(archetype.Archetype->TypesCount - 1);
for (int i = 1; i < archetype.Archetype->TypesCount; ++i)
var componentType = archetype.Archetype->Types[i];
static unsafe int GenerateRemapInfo(EntityManager entityManager, EntityArchetype[] archetypeArray, out NativeArray<EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo> entityRemapInfos)
int nextEntityId = 1; //0 is reserved for Entity.Null;
entityRemapInfos = new NativeArray<EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo>(entityManager.EntityCapacity, Allocator.Temp);
int totalChunkCount = 0;
for (int archetypeIndex = 0; archetypeIndex < archetypeArray.Length; ++archetypeIndex)
var archetype = archetypeArray[archetypeIndex].Archetype;
for (var c = (Chunk*)archetype->ChunkList.Begin; c != archetype->ChunkList.End; c = (Chunk*)c->ChunkListNode.Next)
for (int iEntity = 0; iEntity < c->Count; ++iEntity)
var entity = *(Entity*)ChunkDataUtility.GetComponentDataRO(c, iEntity, 0);
EntityRemapUtility.AddEntityRemapping(ref entityRemapInfos, entity, new Entity { Version = 0, Index = nextEntityId });
totalChunkCount += 1;
return totalChunkCount;
static unsafe string StringFromNativeBytes(NativeArray<byte> bytes, int offset = 0)
return new string((sbyte*)bytes.GetUnsafePtr() + offset);