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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.LowLevel;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.PlayerLoop;
namespace Unity.Entities
// Updating before or after an engine system guarantees it is in the same update phase as the dependency
// Update After a phase means in that pase but after all engine systems, Before a phase means in that phase but before all engine systems
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class UpdateBeforeAttribute : Attribute
public UpdateBeforeAttribute(Type systemType)
SystemType = systemType;
public Type SystemType { get; }
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class UpdateAfterAttribute : Attribute
public UpdateAfterAttribute(Type systemType)
SystemType = systemType;
public Type SystemType { get; }
// Updating in a group means all dependencies from that group are inherited. A system can be in multiple goups
// There is nothing preventing systems from being in multiple groups, it can be added if there is a use-case for it
public class UpdateInGroupAttribute : Attribute
public UpdateInGroupAttribute(Type groupType)
GroupType = groupType;
public Type GroupType { get; }
public static class ScriptBehaviourUpdateOrder
// Try to find a system of the specified type in the default playerloop and update the min / max insertion position
private static void UpdateInsertionPos(DependantBehavior target, Type dep, PlayerLoopSystem defaultPlayerLoop,
bool after)
var pos = 0;
foreach (var sys in defaultPlayerLoop.subSystemList)
if (sys.type == dep)
if (after)
pos += sys.subSystemList.Length;
if (target.MinInsertPos < pos)
target.MinInsertPos = pos;
if (target.MaxInsertPos == 0 || target.MaxInsertPos > pos)
target.MaxInsertPos = pos;
if (target.MinInsertPos < pos)
target.MinInsertPos = pos;
if (target.MaxInsertPos == 0 || target.MaxInsertPos > pos)
target.MaxInsertPos = pos;
var beginPos = pos;
var endPos = pos + sys.subSystemList.Length;
foreach (var subsys in sys.subSystemList)
if (subsys.type == dep)
if (after)
if (target.MinInsertPos < pos)
target.MinInsertPos = pos;
if (target.MaxInsertPos == 0 || target.MaxInsertPos > endPos)
target.MaxInsertPos = endPos;
if (target.MinInsertPos < beginPos)
target.MinInsertPos = beginPos;
if (target.MaxInsertPos == 0 || target.MaxInsertPos > pos)
target.MaxInsertPos = pos;
// System was not found
private static void AddDependencies(DependantBehavior targetSystem,
IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, DependantBehavior> dependencies,
IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, ScriptBehaviourGroup> allGroups, PlayerLoopSystem defaultPlayerLoop)
var target = targetSystem.Manager.GetType();
var attribs = target.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UpdateAfterAttribute), true);
foreach (var attr in attribs)
var attribDep = attr as UpdateAfterAttribute;
DependantBehavior otherSystem;
ScriptBehaviourGroup otherGroup;
if (dependencies.TryGetValue(attribDep.SystemType, out otherSystem))
else if (allGroups.TryGetValue(attribDep.SystemType, out otherGroup))
otherGroup.AddUpdateBeforeToAllChildBehaviours(targetSystem, dependencies);
UpdateInsertionPos(targetSystem, attribDep.SystemType, defaultPlayerLoop, true);
attribs = target.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UpdateBeforeAttribute), true);
foreach (var attr in attribs)
var attribDep = attr as UpdateBeforeAttribute;
DependantBehavior otherSystem;
ScriptBehaviourGroup otherGroup;
if (dependencies.TryGetValue(attribDep.SystemType, out otherSystem))
else if (allGroups.TryGetValue(attribDep.SystemType, out otherGroup))
otherGroup.AddUpdateAfterToAllChildBehaviours(targetSystem, dependencies);
UpdateInsertionPos(targetSystem, attribDep.SystemType, defaultPlayerLoop, false);
attribs = target.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UpdateInGroupAttribute), true);
foreach (var attr in attribs)
var attribDep = attr as UpdateInGroupAttribute;
ScriptBehaviourGroup group;
if (!allGroups.TryGetValue(attribDep.GroupType, out group))
DependantBehavior otherSystem;
ScriptBehaviourGroup otherGroup;
foreach (var dep in group.UpdateAfter)
if (dependencies.TryGetValue(dep, out otherSystem))
else if (allGroups.TryGetValue(dep, out otherGroup))
otherGroup.AddUpdateBeforeToAllChildBehaviours(targetSystem, dependencies);
UpdateInsertionPos(targetSystem, dep, defaultPlayerLoop, true);
foreach (var dep in group.UpdateBefore)
if (dependencies.TryGetValue(dep, out otherSystem))
else if (allGroups.TryGetValue(dep, out otherGroup))
otherGroup.AddUpdateAfterToAllChildBehaviours(targetSystem, dependencies);
UpdateInsertionPos(targetSystem, dep, defaultPlayerLoop, false);
private static void CollectGroups(IEnumerable<ScriptBehaviourManager> activeManagers,
out Dictionary<Type, ScriptBehaviourGroup> allGroups, out Dictionary<Type, DependantBehavior> dependencies)
allGroups = new Dictionary<Type, ScriptBehaviourGroup>();
dependencies = new Dictionary<Type, DependantBehavior>();
foreach (var manager in activeManagers)
var attribs = manager.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UpdateInGroupAttribute), true);
foreach (var attr in attribs)
var grp = attr as UpdateInGroupAttribute;
ScriptBehaviourGroup groupData;
if (!allGroups.TryGetValue(grp.GroupType, out groupData))
groupData = new ScriptBehaviourGroup(grp.GroupType, allGroups);
var dep = new DependantBehavior(manager);
dependencies.Add(manager.GetType(), dep);
private static Dictionary<Type, DependantBehavior> BuildSystemGraph(
IEnumerable<ScriptBehaviourManager> activeManagers, PlayerLoopSystem defaultPlayerLoop)
// Collect all groups and create empty dependency data
Dictionary<Type, ScriptBehaviourGroup> allGroups;
Dictionary<Type, DependantBehavior> dependencies;
CollectGroups(activeManagers, out allGroups, out dependencies);
// @TODO: apply additional sideloaded constraints here
// Apply the update before / after dependencies
foreach (var manager in dependencies)
// @TODO: need to deal with extracting dependencies for GenericProcessComponentSystem
AddDependencies(manager.Value, dependencies, allGroups, defaultPlayerLoop);
return dependencies;
private static void ValidateAndFixSystemGraph(Dictionary<Type, DependantBehavior> dependencyGraph)
// Check for simple over constraints on engine systems
foreach (var typeAndSystem in dependencyGraph)
var system = typeAndSystem.Value;
if (system.MinInsertPos > system.MaxInsertPos)
$"{system.Manager.GetType()} is over constrained with engine containts - ignoring dependencies");
system.MinInsertPos = system.MaxInsertPos = 0;
system.UnvalidatedSystemsUpdatingBefore = system.UpdateAfter.Count;
system.LongestSystemsUpdatingBeforeChain = 0;
system.LongestSystemsUpdatingAfterChain = 0;
// Check for circular dependencies, start with all systems updating first, mark all systems it updates after as having one more validated dep and start over
var progress = true;
while (progress)
progress = false;
foreach (var typeAndSystem in dependencyGraph)
var system = typeAndSystem.Value;
if (system.UnvalidatedSystemsUpdatingBefore != 0)
system.UnvalidatedSystemsUpdatingBefore = -1;
foreach (var nextInChain in system.UpdateBefore)
progress = true;
// If some systems were found to have circular dependencies, drop all of them. This is a bit over aggressive - but it only happens on badly setup dependency chains
foreach (var typeAndSystem in dependencyGraph)
var system = typeAndSystem.Value;
if (system.UnvalidatedSystemsUpdatingBefore <= 0)
$"{system.Manager.GetType()} is in a chain of circular dependencies - ignoring dependencies");
foreach (var after in system.UpdateAfter)
// Validate that the chains are not over constrained with combinations of system and engine dependencies
foreach (var typeAndSystem in dependencyGraph)
var system = typeAndSystem.Value;
if (system.UpdateBefore.Count == 0)
ValidateAndFixSingleChainMaxPos(system, dependencyGraph, system.MaxInsertPos);
if (system.UpdateAfter.Count == 0)
ValidateAndFixSingleChainMinPos(system, dependencyGraph, system.MinInsertPos);
private static void ValidateAndFixSingleChainMinPos(DependantBehavior system,
IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, DependantBehavior> dependencyGraph, int minInsertPos)
foreach (var nextInChain in system.UpdateBefore)
var nextSys = dependencyGraph[nextInChain];
if (system.LongestSystemsUpdatingBeforeChain >= nextSys.LongestSystemsUpdatingBeforeChain)
nextSys.LongestSystemsUpdatingBeforeChain = system.LongestSystemsUpdatingBeforeChain + 1;
if (nextSys.MinInsertPos < minInsertPos)
nextSys.MinInsertPos = minInsertPos;
if (nextSys.MaxInsertPos > 0 && nextSys.MaxInsertPos < nextSys.MinInsertPos)
$"{nextInChain} is over constrained with engine and system containts - ignoring dependencies");
nextSys.MaxInsertPos = nextSys.MinInsertPos;
ValidateAndFixSingleChainMinPos(nextSys, dependencyGraph, nextSys.MinInsertPos);
private static void ValidateAndFixSingleChainMaxPos(DependantBehavior system,
Dictionary<Type, DependantBehavior> dependencyGraph, int maxInsertPos)
foreach (var prevInChain in system.UpdateAfter)
var prevSys = dependencyGraph[prevInChain];
if (system.LongestSystemsUpdatingAfterChain >= prevSys.LongestSystemsUpdatingAfterChain)
prevSys.LongestSystemsUpdatingAfterChain = system.LongestSystemsUpdatingAfterChain + 1;
if (prevSys.MaxInsertPos == 0 || prevSys.MaxInsertPos > maxInsertPos)
prevSys.MaxInsertPos = maxInsertPos;
if (prevSys.MaxInsertPos > 0 && prevSys.MaxInsertPos < prevSys.MinInsertPos)
$"{prevInChain} is over constrained with engine and system containts - ignoring dependencies");
prevSys.MinInsertPos = prevSys.MaxInsertPos;
ValidateAndFixSingleChainMaxPos(prevSys, dependencyGraph, prevSys.MaxInsertPos);
private static void MarkSchedulingAndWaitingJobs(Dictionary<Type, DependantBehavior> dependencyGraph)
// @TODO: sync rules for read-only
var schedulers = new HashSet<DependantBehavior>();
foreach (var systemKeyValue in dependencyGraph)
var system = systemKeyValue.Value;
// @TODO: GenericProcessComponentSystem
// @TODO: attribute
if (!(system.Manager is JobComponentSystem))
system.spawnsJobs = true;
foreach (var systemKeyValue in dependencyGraph)
var system = systemKeyValue.Value;
// @TODO: attribute for sync
if ((system.Manager as ComponentSystem)?.ComponentGroups == null)
var waitComponent = new HashSet<int>();
foreach (var componentGroup in ((ComponentSystem) system.Manager).ComponentGroups)
foreach (var type in componentGroup.Types)
if (type.RequiresJobDependency)
foreach (var scheduler in schedulers)
if (!(scheduler.Manager is ComponentSystem))
// Check if the component groups overlaps
var scheduleComponent = new HashSet<int>();
foreach (var componentGroup in ((ComponentSystem) scheduler.Manager).ComponentGroups)
foreach (var type in componentGroup.Types)
if (type.RequiresJobDependency)
var overlap = false;
foreach (var waitComp in waitComponent)
if (!scheduleComponent.Contains(waitComp))
overlap = true;
if (!overlap)
system.WaitsForJobs = true;
private static PlayerLoopSystem InsertWorldManagersInPlayerLoop(PlayerLoopSystem defaultPlayerLoop,
params World[] worlds)
var systemList = new List<InsertionBucket>();
foreach (var world in worlds)
if (world.BehaviourManagers.Count() == 0)
systemList.AddRange(CreateSystemDependencyList(world.BehaviourManagers, defaultPlayerLoop));
var ecsPlayerLoop = CreatePlayerLoop(systemList, defaultPlayerLoop);
return ecsPlayerLoop;
internal static PlayerLoopSystem InsertManagersInPlayerLoop(IEnumerable<ScriptBehaviourManager> activeManagers,
PlayerLoopSystem defaultPlayerLoop)
if (activeManagers.Count() == 0)
return defaultPlayerLoop;
var list = CreateSystemDependencyList(activeManagers, defaultPlayerLoop);
return CreatePlayerLoop(list, defaultPlayerLoop);
private static List<InsertionBucket> CreateSystemDependencyList(
IEnumerable<ScriptBehaviourManager> activeManagers, PlayerLoopSystem defaultPlayerLoop)
var dependencyGraph = BuildSystemGraph(activeManagers, defaultPlayerLoop);
// Figure out which systems should be inserted early or late
var earlyUpdates = new HashSet<DependantBehavior>();
var normalUpdates = new HashSet<DependantBehavior>();
var lateUpdates = new HashSet<DependantBehavior>();
foreach (var dependency in dependencyGraph)
var system = dependency.Value;
if (system.spawnsJobs)
else if (system.WaitsForJobs)
var depsToAdd = new List<DependantBehavior>();
while (true)
foreach (var sys in earlyUpdates)
foreach (var depType in sys.UpdateAfter)
var depSys = dependencyGraph[depType];
if (normalUpdates.Remove(depSys) || lateUpdates.Remove(depSys))
if (depsToAdd.Count == 0)
foreach (var dep in depsToAdd)
while (true)
foreach (var sys in lateUpdates)
foreach (var depType in sys.UpdateBefore)
var depSys = dependencyGraph[depType];
if (normalUpdates.Remove(depSys))
if (depsToAdd.Count == 0)
foreach (var dep in depsToAdd)
var defaultPos = 0;
foreach (var sys in defaultPlayerLoop.subSystemList)
defaultPos += 1 + sys.subSystemList.Length;
if (sys.type == typeof(Update))
var insertionBucketDict = new Dictionary<int, InsertionBucket>();
// increase the number of dependencies allowed by 1, starting from 0 and add all systems with that many at the first or last possible pos
// bucket idx is insertion point << 2 | 0,1,2
// When adding propagate min or max through the chain
var processedChainLength = 0;
while (earlyUpdates.Count > 0 || lateUpdates.Count > 0)
foreach (var sys in earlyUpdates)
if (sys.LongestSystemsUpdatingBeforeChain != processedChainLength)
if (sys.MinInsertPos == 0)
sys.MinInsertPos = defaultPos;
sys.MaxInsertPos = sys.MinInsertPos;
foreach (var nextSys in sys.UpdateBefore)
if (dependencyGraph[nextSys].MinInsertPos < sys.MinInsertPos)
dependencyGraph[nextSys].MinInsertPos = sys.MinInsertPos;
foreach (var sys in lateUpdates)
if (sys.LongestSystemsUpdatingAfterChain != processedChainLength)
if (sys.MaxInsertPos == 0)
sys.MaxInsertPos = defaultPos;
sys.MinInsertPos = sys.MaxInsertPos;
foreach (var prevSys in sys.UpdateAfter)
if (dependencyGraph[prevSys].MaxInsertPos == 0 ||
dependencyGraph[prevSys].MaxInsertPos > sys.MaxInsertPos)
dependencyGraph[prevSys].MaxInsertPos = sys.MaxInsertPos;
foreach (var sys in depsToAdd)
var isLate = lateUpdates.Remove(sys);
var subIndex = isLate ? 2 : 0;
// Bucket to insert in is minPos == maxPos
var bucketIndex = (sys.MinInsertPos << 2) | subIndex;
InsertionBucket bucket;
if (!insertionBucketDict.TryGetValue(bucketIndex, out bucket))
bucket = new InsertionBucket
InsertPos = sys.MinInsertPos,
InsertSubPos = subIndex
insertionBucketDict.Add(bucketIndex, bucket);
processedChainLength = 0;
while (normalUpdates.Count > 0)
foreach (var sys in normalUpdates)
if (sys.LongestSystemsUpdatingBeforeChain != processedChainLength)
if (sys.MinInsertPos == 0)
sys.MinInsertPos = defaultPos;
sys.MaxInsertPos = sys.MinInsertPos;
foreach (var nextSys in sys.UpdateBefore)
if (dependencyGraph[nextSys].MinInsertPos < sys.MinInsertPos)
dependencyGraph[nextSys].MinInsertPos = sys.MinInsertPos;
foreach (var sys in depsToAdd)
const int subIndex = 1;
// Bucket to insert in is minPos == maxPos
var bucketIndex = (sys.MinInsertPos << 2) | subIndex;
InsertionBucket bucket;
if (!insertionBucketDict.TryGetValue(bucketIndex, out bucket))
bucket = new InsertionBucket();
bucket.InsertPos = sys.MinInsertPos;
bucket.InsertSubPos = subIndex;
insertionBucketDict.Add(bucketIndex, bucket);
return new List<InsertionBucket>(insertionBucketDict.Values);
private static PlayerLoopSystem CreatePlayerLoop(List<InsertionBucket> insertionBuckets,
PlayerLoopSystem defaultPlayerLoop)
// Insert the buckets at the appropriate place
var currentPos = 0;
var ecsPlayerLoop = new PlayerLoopSystem
subSystemList = new PlayerLoopSystem[defaultPlayerLoop.subSystemList.Length]
var currentBucket = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < defaultPlayerLoop.subSystemList.Length; ++i)
var firstPos = currentPos + 1;
var lastPos = firstPos + defaultPlayerLoop.subSystemList[i].subSystemList.Length;
// Find all new things to insert here
var systemsToInsert = 0;
foreach (var bucket in insertionBuckets)
if (bucket.InsertPos >= firstPos && bucket.InsertPos <= lastPos)
systemsToInsert += bucket.Systems.Count;
ecsPlayerLoop.subSystemList[i] = defaultPlayerLoop.subSystemList[i];
if (systemsToInsert > 0)
ecsPlayerLoop.subSystemList[i].subSystemList =
new PlayerLoopSystem[defaultPlayerLoop.subSystemList[i].subSystemList.Length + systemsToInsert];
var dstPos = 0;
for (var srcPos = 0;
srcPos < defaultPlayerLoop.subSystemList[i].subSystemList.Length;
++srcPos, ++dstPos)
while (currentBucket < insertionBuckets.Count &&
insertionBuckets[currentBucket].InsertPos <= firstPos + srcPos)
foreach (var insert in insertionBuckets[currentBucket].Systems)
ecsPlayerLoop.subSystemList[i].subSystemList[dstPos].type = insert.Manager.GetType();
var tmp = new DummyDelagateWrapper(insert.Manager);
ecsPlayerLoop.subSystemList[i].subSystemList[dstPos].updateDelegate = tmp.TriggerUpdate;
ecsPlayerLoop.subSystemList[i].subSystemList[dstPos] =
while (currentBucket < insertionBuckets.Count &&
insertionBuckets[currentBucket].InsertPos <= lastPos)
foreach (var insert in insertionBuckets[currentBucket].Systems)
ecsPlayerLoop.subSystemList[i].subSystemList[dstPos].type = insert.Manager.GetType();
var tmp = new DummyDelagateWrapper(insert.Manager);
ecsPlayerLoop.subSystemList[i].subSystemList[dstPos].updateDelegate = tmp.TriggerUpdate;
currentPos = lastPos;
return ecsPlayerLoop;
public static void UpdatePlayerLoop(params World[] worlds)
var defaultLoop = PlayerLoop.GetDefaultPlayerLoop();
if (worlds?.Length > 0)
var ecsLoop = InsertWorldManagersInPlayerLoop(defaultLoop, worlds.Where(x => x != null).ToArray());
public static PlayerLoopSystem CurrentPlayerLoop => currentPlayerLoop;
private static PlayerLoopSystem currentPlayerLoop;
private static void SetPlayerLoop(PlayerLoopSystem playerLoop)
currentPlayerLoop = playerLoop;
// FIXME: HACK! - mono 4.6 has problems invoking virtual methods as delegates from native, so wrap the invocation in a non-virtual class
internal class DummyDelagateWrapper
internal ScriptBehaviourManager Manager => m_Manager;
private readonly ScriptBehaviourManager m_Manager;
public DummyDelagateWrapper(ScriptBehaviourManager man)
m_Manager = man;
public void TriggerUpdate()
private class ScriptBehaviourGroup
private readonly List<ScriptBehaviourGroup> m_Groups = new List<ScriptBehaviourGroup>();
public readonly List<Type> Managers = new List<Type>();
public readonly HashSet<Type> UpdateAfter = new HashSet<Type>();
public readonly HashSet<Type> UpdateBefore = new HashSet<Type>();
private readonly Type m_GroupType;
private readonly List<ScriptBehaviourGroup> m_Parents = new List<ScriptBehaviourGroup>();
public ScriptBehaviourGroup(Type grpType, IDictionary<Type, ScriptBehaviourGroup> allGroups,
HashSet<Type> circularCheck = null)
m_GroupType = grpType;
var attribs = grpType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UpdateAfterAttribute), true);
foreach (var attr in attribs)
var attribDep = attr as UpdateAfterAttribute;
attribs = grpType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UpdateBeforeAttribute), true);
foreach (var attr in attribs)
var attribDep = attr as UpdateBeforeAttribute;
allGroups.Add(m_GroupType, this);
attribs = m_GroupType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(UpdateInGroupAttribute), true);
foreach (var attr in attribs)
if (circularCheck == null) circularCheck = new HashSet<Type> {m_GroupType};
var parentGrp = attr as UpdateInGroupAttribute;
if (!circularCheck.Add(parentGrp.GroupType))
// Found circular dependency
var msg = "Found circular chain in update groups involving: ";
var firstType = true;
foreach (var circularType in circularCheck)
msg += (firstType ? "" : ", ") + circularType;
firstType = false;
ScriptBehaviourGroup parentGroupData;
if (!allGroups.TryGetValue(parentGrp.GroupType, out parentGroupData))
parentGroupData = new ScriptBehaviourGroup(parentGrp.GroupType, allGroups, circularCheck);
foreach (var dep in parentGroupData.UpdateBefore)
foreach (var dep in parentGroupData.UpdateAfter)
public void AddUpdateBeforeToAllChildBehaviours(DependantBehavior target,
IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, DependantBehavior> dependencies)
var dep = target.Manager.GetType();
foreach (var manager in Managers)
DependantBehavior managerDep;
if (!dependencies.TryGetValue(manager, out managerDep))
foreach (var group in m_Groups)
group.AddUpdateBeforeToAllChildBehaviours(target, dependencies);
public void AddUpdateAfterToAllChildBehaviours(DependantBehavior target,
IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, DependantBehavior> dependencies)
var dep = target.Manager.GetType();
foreach (var manager in Managers)
DependantBehavior managerDep;
if (!dependencies.TryGetValue(manager, out managerDep))
foreach (var group in m_Groups)
group.AddUpdateAfterToAllChildBehaviours(target, dependencies);
private class DependantBehavior
public readonly ScriptBehaviourManager Manager;
public readonly HashSet<Type> UpdateAfter = new HashSet<Type>();
public readonly HashSet<Type> UpdateBefore = new HashSet<Type>();
public int LongestSystemsUpdatingAfterChain;
public int LongestSystemsUpdatingBeforeChain;
public int MaxInsertPos;
public int MinInsertPos;
public bool spawnsJobs;
public int UnvalidatedSystemsUpdatingBefore;
public bool WaitsForJobs;
public DependantBehavior(ScriptBehaviourManager man)
Manager = man;
MinInsertPos = 0;
MaxInsertPos = 0;
spawnsJobs = false;
WaitsForJobs = false;
UnvalidatedSystemsUpdatingBefore = 0;
LongestSystemsUpdatingBeforeChain = 0;
LongestSystemsUpdatingAfterChain = 0;
private class InsertionBucket : IComparable
public readonly List<DependantBehavior> Systems;
public int InsertPos;
public int InsertSubPos;
public InsertionBucket()
InsertPos = 0;
InsertSubPos = 0;
Systems = new List<DependantBehavior>();
public int CompareTo(object other)
var otherBucket = other as InsertionBucket;
if (InsertPos == otherBucket.InsertPos)
return InsertSubPos - otherBucket.InsertSubPos;
return InsertPos - otherBucket.InsertPos;