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44 KiB

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Unity.Assertions;
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Jobs;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
namespace Unity.Entities
internal struct ComponentTypeInArchetype
public readonly int TypeIndex;
public readonly int BufferCapacity;
public bool IsBuffer => BufferCapacity >= 0;
public bool IsSystemStateComponent => TypeManager.IsSystemStateComponent(TypeIndex);
public bool IsSystemStateSharedComponent => TypeManager.IsSystemStateSharedComponent(TypeIndex);
public bool IsSharedComponent => TypeManager.IsSharedComponent(TypeIndex);
public bool IsZeroSized => TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(TypeIndex).IsZeroSized;
public ComponentTypeInArchetype(ComponentType type)
TypeIndex = type.TypeIndex;
BufferCapacity = type.BufferCapacity;
public static bool operator == (ComponentTypeInArchetype lhs, ComponentTypeInArchetype rhs)
return lhs.TypeIndex == rhs.TypeIndex && lhs.BufferCapacity == rhs.BufferCapacity;
public static bool operator != (ComponentTypeInArchetype lhs, ComponentTypeInArchetype rhs)
return lhs.TypeIndex != rhs.TypeIndex || lhs.BufferCapacity != rhs.BufferCapacity;
public static bool operator < (ComponentTypeInArchetype lhs, ComponentTypeInArchetype rhs)
return lhs.TypeIndex != rhs.TypeIndex
? lhs.TypeIndex < rhs.TypeIndex
: lhs.BufferCapacity < rhs.BufferCapacity;
public static bool operator > (ComponentTypeInArchetype lhs, ComponentTypeInArchetype rhs)
return lhs.TypeIndex != rhs.TypeIndex
? lhs.TypeIndex > rhs.TypeIndex
: lhs.BufferCapacity > rhs.BufferCapacity;
public static unsafe bool CompareArray(ComponentTypeInArchetype* type1, int typeCount1,
ComponentTypeInArchetype* type2, int typeCount2)
if (typeCount1 != typeCount2)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < typeCount1; ++i)
if (type1[i] != type2[i])
return false;
return true;
public ComponentType ToComponentType()
ComponentType type;
type.BufferCapacity = BufferCapacity;
type.TypeIndex = TypeIndex;
type.AccessModeType = ComponentType.AccessMode.ReadWrite;
return type;
public override string ToString()
return ToComponentType().ToString();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is ComponentTypeInArchetype) return (ComponentTypeInArchetype) obj == this;
return false;
public override int GetHashCode()
return (TypeIndex * 5819) ^ BufferCapacity;
internal unsafe struct Chunk
// NOTE: Order of the UnsafeLinkedListNode is required to be this in order
// to allow for casting & grabbing Chunk* from nodes...
public UnsafeLinkedListNode ChunkListNode; // 16 | 8
public UnsafeLinkedListNode ChunkListWithEmptySlotsNode; // 32 | 16
public Archetype* Archetype; // 40 | 20
public int* SharedComponentValueArray; // 48 | 24
// This is meant as read-only.
// ArchetypeManager.SetChunkCount should be used to change the count.
public int Count; // 52 | 28
public int Capacity; // 56 | 32
public int ManagedArrayIndex; // 60 | 36
public int Padding0; // 64 | 40
public uint* ChangeVersion; // 72 | 44
public void* Padding2; // 80 | 48
// Component data buffer
public fixed byte Buffer[4];
public const int kChunkSize = 16 * 1024;
public const int kMaximumEntitiesPerChunk = kChunkSize / 8;
public static int GetChunkBufferSize(int numComponents, int numSharedComponents)
var bufferSize = kChunkSize -
(sizeof(Chunk) - 4 + numSharedComponents * sizeof(int) + numComponents * sizeof(uint));
return bufferSize;
public static int GetSharedComponentOffset(int numSharedComponents)
return kChunkSize - numSharedComponents * sizeof(int);
public static int GetChangedComponentOffset(int numComponents, int numSharedComponents)
return GetSharedComponentOffset(numSharedComponents) - numComponents * sizeof(uint);
public bool MatchesFilter(MatchingArchetypes* match, ref ComponentGroupFilter filter)
if ((filter.Type & FilterType.SharedComponent) != 0)
var sharedComponentsInChunk = SharedComponentValueArray;
var filteredCount = filter.Shared.Count;
fixed (int* indexInComponentGroupPtr = filter.Shared.IndexInComponentGroup, sharedComponentIndexPtr =
for (var i = 0; i < filteredCount; ++i)
var indexInComponentGroup = indexInComponentGroupPtr[i];
var sharedComponentIndex = sharedComponentIndexPtr[i];
var componentIndexInArcheType = match->IndexInArchetype[indexInComponentGroup];
var componentIndexInChunk = match->Archetype->SharedComponentOffset[componentIndexInArcheType];
if (sharedComponentsInChunk[componentIndexInChunk] != sharedComponentIndex)
return false;
return true;
if ((filter.Type & FilterType.Changed) != 0)
var changedCount = filter.Changed.Count;
var requiredVersion = filter.RequiredChangeVersion;
fixed (int* indexInComponentGroupPtr = filter.Changed.IndexInComponentGroup)
for (var i = 0; i < changedCount; ++i)
var indexInArchetype = match->IndexInArchetype[indexInComponentGroupPtr[i]];
var changeVersion = ChangeVersion[indexInArchetype];
if (ChangeVersionUtility.DidChange(changeVersion, requiredVersion))
return true;
return false;
return true;
public int GetSharedComponentIndex(MatchingArchetypes* match, int indexInComponentGroup)
var sharedComponentsInChunk = SharedComponentValueArray;
var componentIndexInArcheType = match->IndexInArchetype[indexInComponentGroup];
var componentIndexInChunk = match->Archetype->SharedComponentOffset[componentIndexInArcheType];
return sharedComponentsInChunk[componentIndexInChunk];
internal unsafe struct Archetype
public UnsafeLinkedListNode ChunkList;
public UnsafeLinkedListNode ChunkListWithEmptySlots;
public ChunkListMap FreeChunksBySharedComponents;
public int EntityCount;
public int ChunkCapacity;
public int ChunkCount;
public ComponentTypeInArchetype* Types;
public int TypesCount;
// Index matches archetype types
public int* Offsets;
public int* SizeOfs;
// TypesCount indices into Types/Offsets/SizeOfs in the order that the
// components are laid out in memory.
public int* TypeMemoryOrder;
public int* ManagedArrayOffset;
public int NumManagedArrays;
public int* SharedComponentOffset;
public int NumSharedComponents;
public Archetype* PrevArchetype;
public Archetype* InstantiableArchetype;
public EntityRemapUtility.EntityPatchInfo* ScalarEntityPatches;
public int ScalarEntityPatchCount;
public EntityRemapUtility.BufferEntityPatchInfo* BufferEntityPatches;
public int BufferEntityPatchCount;
public bool SystemStateCleanupComplete;
public bool SystemStateCleanupNeeded;
public bool Disabled;
public bool Prefab;
internal unsafe class ArchetypeManager : IDisposable
private readonly UnsafeLinkedListNode* m_EmptyChunkPool;
private readonly SharedComponentDataManager m_SharedComponentManager;
private ChunkAllocator m_ArchetypeChunkAllocator;
internal Archetype* m_LastArchetype;
private ManagedArrayStorage[] m_ManagedArrays = new ManagedArrayStorage[1];
private NativeMultiHashMap<uint, IntPtr> m_TypeLookup;
// lastChunkWithSharedComponentsAllocatedInto is used to speed up allocations from the same archetype/
// shared component combination, if this chunk matches we can avoid searching through all chunks belonging
// to the archetype
private Chunk* lastChunkWithSharedComponentsAllocatedInto;
public ArchetypeManager(SharedComponentDataManager sharedComponentManager)
m_SharedComponentManager = sharedComponentManager;
m_TypeLookup = new NativeMultiHashMap<uint, IntPtr>(256, Allocator.Persistent);
m_EmptyChunkPool = (UnsafeLinkedListNode*) m_ArchetypeChunkAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(UnsafeLinkedListNode),
// Buffer should be 16 byte aligned to ensure component data layout itself can gurantee being aligned
var offset = UnsafeUtility.GetFieldOffset(typeof(Chunk).GetField("Buffer"));
Assert.IsTrue(offset % 16 == 0, "Chunk buffer must be 16 byte aligned");
public void Dispose()
// Move all chunks to become pooled chunks
while (m_LastArchetype != null)
while (!m_LastArchetype->ChunkList.IsEmpty)
var chunk = (Chunk*)m_LastArchetype->ChunkList.Begin;
SetChunkCount(chunk, 0);
m_LastArchetype = m_LastArchetype->PrevArchetype;
// And all pooled chunks
while (!m_EmptyChunkPool->IsEmpty)
var chunk = m_EmptyChunkPool->Begin;
UnsafeUtility.Free(chunk, Allocator.Persistent);
m_ManagedArrays = null;
private void DeallocateManagedArrayStorage(int index)
Assert.IsTrue(m_ManagedArrays[index].ManagedArray != null);
m_ManagedArrays[index].ManagedArray = null;
private int AllocateManagedArrayStorage(int length)
for (var i = 0; i < m_ManagedArrays.Length; i++)
if (m_ManagedArrays[i].ManagedArray == null)
m_ManagedArrays[i].ManagedArray = new object[length];
return i;
var oldLength = m_ManagedArrays.Length;
Array.Resize(ref m_ManagedArrays, m_ManagedArrays.Length * 2);
m_ManagedArrays[oldLength].ManagedArray = new object[length];
return oldLength;
public static void AssertArchetypeComponents(ComponentTypeInArchetype* types, int count)
if (count < 1)
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid component count");
if (types[0].TypeIndex == 0)
throw new ArgumentException($"Component type may not be null");
if (types[0].TypeIndex != TypeManager.GetTypeIndex<Entity>())
throw new ArgumentException($"The Entity ID must always be the first component");
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++)
if (types[i - 1].TypeIndex == types[i].TypeIndex)
throw new ArgumentException(
$"It is not allowed to have two components of the same type on the same entity. ({types[i - 1]} and {types[i]})");
public Archetype* GetExistingArchetype(ComponentTypeInArchetype* types, int count)
IntPtr typePtr;
NativeMultiHashMapIterator<uint> it;
if (!m_TypeLookup.TryGetFirstValue(GetHash(types, count), out typePtr, out it))
return null;
var type = (Archetype*) typePtr;
if (ComponentTypeInArchetype.CompareArray(type->Types, type->TypesCount, types, count))
return type;
} while (m_TypeLookup.TryGetNextValue(out typePtr, ref it));
return null;
private static uint GetHash(ComponentTypeInArchetype* types, int count)
var hash = HashUtility.Fletcher32((ushort*) types,
count * sizeof(ComponentTypeInArchetype) / sizeof(ushort));
return hash;
public Archetype* GetOrCreateArchetype(ComponentTypeInArchetype* types, int count,
EntityGroupManager groupManager)
var srcArchetype = GetOrCreateArchetypeInternal(types, count, groupManager);
var removedTypes = 0;
var prefabTypeIndex = TypeManager.GetTypeIndex<Prefab>();
for (var t = 0; t < srcArchetype->TypesCount; ++t)
var type = srcArchetype->Types[t];
var skip = type.IsSystemStateComponent || type.IsSystemStateSharedComponent || (type.TypeIndex == prefabTypeIndex);
if (skip)
types[t - removedTypes] = srcArchetype->Types[t];
srcArchetype->InstantiableArchetype = srcArchetype;
if (removedTypes > 0)
var instantiableArchetype = GetOrCreateArchetypeInternal(types, count-removedTypes, groupManager);
srcArchetype->InstantiableArchetype = instantiableArchetype;
instantiableArchetype->InstantiableArchetype = instantiableArchetype;
return srcArchetype;
private Archetype* GetOrCreateArchetypeInternal(ComponentTypeInArchetype* types, int count,
EntityGroupManager groupManager)
var type = GetExistingArchetype(types, count);
if (type != null)
return type;
AssertArchetypeComponents(types, count);
// This is a new archetype, allocate it and add it to the hash map
type = (Archetype*) m_ArchetypeChunkAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(Archetype), 8);
type->TypesCount = count;
type->Types =
(ComponentTypeInArchetype*) m_ArchetypeChunkAllocator.Construct(
sizeof(ComponentTypeInArchetype) * count, 4, types);
type->EntityCount = 0;
type->ChunkCount = 0;
type->NumSharedComponents = 0;
type->SharedComponentOffset = null;
var disabledTypeIndex = TypeManager.GetTypeIndex<Disabled>();
var prefabTypeIndex = TypeManager.GetTypeIndex<Prefab>();
type->Disabled = false;
type->Prefab = false;
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(types[i].TypeIndex).Category == TypeManager.TypeCategory.ISharedComponentData)
if (types[i].TypeIndex == disabledTypeIndex)
type->Disabled = true;
if (types[i].TypeIndex == prefabTypeIndex)
type->Prefab = true;
// Compute how many IComponentData types store Entities and need to be patched.
// Types can have more than one entity, which means that this count is not necessarily
// the same as the type count.
int scalarEntityPatchCount = 0;
int bufferEntityPatchCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var ct = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(types[i].TypeIndex);
var entityOffsets = ct.EntityOffsets;
if (entityOffsets == null)
if (ct.BufferCapacity >= 0)
bufferEntityPatchCount += entityOffsets.Length;
scalarEntityPatchCount += entityOffsets.Length;
var chunkDataSize = Chunk.GetChunkBufferSize(type->TypesCount, type->NumSharedComponents);
// FIXME: proper alignment
type->Offsets = (int*) m_ArchetypeChunkAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int) * count, 4);
type->SizeOfs = (int*) m_ArchetypeChunkAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int) * count, 4);
type->TypeMemoryOrder = (int*) m_ArchetypeChunkAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int) * count, 4);
type->ScalarEntityPatches = (EntityRemapUtility.EntityPatchInfo*) m_ArchetypeChunkAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(EntityRemapUtility.EntityPatchInfo) * scalarEntityPatchCount, 4);
type->ScalarEntityPatchCount = scalarEntityPatchCount;
type->BufferEntityPatches = (EntityRemapUtility.BufferEntityPatchInfo*) m_ArchetypeChunkAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(EntityRemapUtility.BufferEntityPatchInfo) * bufferEntityPatchCount, 4);
type->BufferEntityPatchCount = bufferEntityPatchCount;
var bytesPerInstance = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var cType = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(types[i].TypeIndex);
var sizeOf = cType.SizeInChunk; // Note that this includes internal capacity and header overhead for buffers.
type->SizeOfs[i] = sizeOf;
bytesPerInstance += sizeOf;
type->ChunkCapacity = chunkDataSize / bytesPerInstance;
if (bytesPerInstance > chunkDataSize)
throw new ArgumentException(
$"Entity archetype component data is too large. The maximum component data is {chunkDataSize} but the component data is {bytesPerInstance}");
Assert.IsTrue(Chunk.kMaximumEntitiesPerChunk >= type->ChunkCapacity);
// For serialization a stable ordering of the components in the
// chunk is desired. The type index is not stable, since it depends
// on the order in which types are added to the TypeManager.
// A permutation of the types ordered by a TypeManager-generated
// memory ordering is used instead.
var memoryOrderings = new NativeArray<UInt64>(count, Allocator.Temp);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
memoryOrderings[i] = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(types[i].TypeIndex).MemoryOrdering;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
int index = i;
while (index > 1 && memoryOrderings[i] < memoryOrderings[type->TypeMemoryOrder[index - 1]])
type->TypeMemoryOrder[index] = type->TypeMemoryOrder[index - 1];
type->TypeMemoryOrder[index] = i;
var usedBytes = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var index = type->TypeMemoryOrder[i];
var sizeOf = type->SizeOfs[index];
type->Offsets[index] = usedBytes;
usedBytes += sizeOf * type->ChunkCapacity;
type->NumManagedArrays = 0;
type->ManagedArrayOffset = null;
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(types[i].TypeIndex).Category == TypeManager.TypeCategory.Class)
if (type->NumManagedArrays > 0)
type->ManagedArrayOffset = (int*) m_ArchetypeChunkAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int) * count, 4);
var mi = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var cType = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(types[i].TypeIndex);
if (cType.Category == TypeManager.TypeCategory.Class)
type->ManagedArrayOffset[i] = mi++;
type->ManagedArrayOffset[i] = -1;
if (type->NumSharedComponents > 0)
type->SharedComponentOffset = (int*) m_ArchetypeChunkAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(int) * count, 4);
var mi = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var cType = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(types[i].TypeIndex);
if (cType.Category == TypeManager.TypeCategory.ISharedComponentData)
type->SharedComponentOffset[i] = mi++;
type->SharedComponentOffset[i] = -1;
// Fill in arrays of scalar and buffer entity patches
var scalarPatchInfo = type->ScalarEntityPatches;
var bufferPatchInfo = type->BufferEntityPatches;
for (var i = 0; i != count; i++)
var ct = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(types[i].TypeIndex);
var offsets = ct.EntityOffsets;
if (ct.BufferCapacity >= 0)
bufferPatchInfo = EntityRemapUtility.AppendBufferEntityPatches(bufferPatchInfo, offsets, type->Offsets[i], type->SizeOfs[i], ct.ElementSize);
scalarPatchInfo = EntityRemapUtility.AppendEntityPatches(scalarPatchInfo, offsets, type->Offsets[i], type->SizeOfs[i]);
type->ScalarEntityPatchCount = scalarEntityPatchCount;
type->BufferEntityPatchCount = bufferEntityPatchCount;
// Update the list of all created archetypes
type->PrevArchetype = m_LastArchetype;
m_LastArchetype = type;
m_TypeLookup.Add(GetHash(types, count), (IntPtr) type);
type->SystemStateCleanupComplete = ArchetypeSystemStateCleanupComplete(type);
type->SystemStateCleanupNeeded = ArchetypeSystemStateCleanupNeeded(type);
return type;
private bool ArchetypeSystemStateCleanupComplete(Archetype* archetype)
if (archetype->TypesCount == 2 && archetype->Types[1].TypeIndex == TypeManager.GetTypeIndex<CleanupEntity>()) return true;
return false;
private bool ArchetypeSystemStateCleanupNeeded(Archetype* archetype)
for (var t = 1; t < archetype->TypesCount; ++t)
var type = archetype->Types[t];
if (type.IsSystemStateComponent || type.IsSystemStateSharedComponent)
return true;
return false;
public static Chunk* GetChunkFromEmptySlotNode(UnsafeLinkedListNode* node)
return (Chunk*) (node - 1);
public void AddExistingChunk(Chunk* chunk)
var archetype = chunk->Archetype;
archetype->ChunkCount += 1;
archetype->EntityCount += chunk->Count;
for (var i = 0; i < archetype->NumSharedComponents; ++i)
if (chunk->Count < chunk->Capacity)
if (archetype->NumSharedComponents == 0)
public void ConstructChunk(Archetype* archetype, Chunk* chunk, int* sharedComponentDataIndices)
chunk->Archetype = archetype;
chunk->Count = 0;
chunk->Capacity = archetype->ChunkCapacity;
chunk->ChunkListNode = new UnsafeLinkedListNode();
chunk->ChunkListWithEmptySlotsNode = new UnsafeLinkedListNode();
var numSharedComponents = archetype->NumSharedComponents;
var numTypes = archetype->TypesCount;
var sharedComponentOffset = Chunk.GetSharedComponentOffset(numSharedComponents);
var changeVersionOffset = Chunk.GetChangedComponentOffset(numTypes, numSharedComponents);
chunk->SharedComponentValueArray = (int*) ((byte*) chunk + sharedComponentOffset);
chunk->ChangeVersion = (uint*) ((byte*) chunk + changeVersionOffset);
archetype->ChunkCount += 1;
Assert.IsTrue(chunk == (Chunk*) archetype->ChunkList.Back);
if (numSharedComponents == 0)
Assert.IsTrue(chunk == GetChunkFromEmptySlotNode(archetype->ChunkListWithEmptySlots.Back));
var sharedComponentValueArray = chunk->SharedComponentValueArray;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(sharedComponentValueArray, sharedComponentDataIndices, archetype->NumSharedComponents*sizeof(int));
for (var i = 0; i < archetype->NumSharedComponents; ++i)
var sharedComponentIndex = sharedComponentValueArray[i];
Assert.IsTrue(archetype->FreeChunksBySharedComponents.GetChunkWithEmptySlots(sharedComponentDataIndices, archetype->NumSharedComponents) != null);
if (archetype->NumManagedArrays > 0)
chunk->ManagedArrayIndex = AllocateManagedArrayStorage(archetype->NumManagedArrays * chunk->Capacity);
chunk->ManagedArrayIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < archetype->TypesCount; i++)
chunk->ChangeVersion[i] = 0;
private static bool ChunkHasSharedComponents(Chunk* chunk, int* sharedComponentDataIndices)
var sharedComponentValueArray = chunk->SharedComponentValueArray;
var numSharedComponents = chunk->Archetype->NumSharedComponents;
return UnsafeUtility.MemCmp(sharedComponentDataIndices, sharedComponentValueArray, numSharedComponents * sizeof(int)) == 0;
public Chunk* GetChunkWithEmptySlots(Archetype* archetype, int* sharedComponentDataIndices)
if (archetype->NumSharedComponents == 0)
if (!archetype->ChunkListWithEmptySlots.IsEmpty)
var chunk = GetChunkFromEmptySlotNode(archetype->ChunkListWithEmptySlots.Begin);
Assert.AreNotEqual(chunk->Count, chunk->Capacity);
return chunk;
var chunk = archetype->FreeChunksBySharedComponents.GetChunkWithEmptySlots(sharedComponentDataIndices,
if (chunk != null)
return chunk;
// Try existing archetype chunks
if (!archetype->ChunkListWithEmptySlots.IsEmpty)
if (lastChunkWithSharedComponentsAllocatedInto != null &&
lastChunkWithSharedComponentsAllocatedInto->Archetype == archetype &&
lastChunkWithSharedComponentsAllocatedInto->Count < lastChunkWithSharedComponentsAllocatedInto->Capacity)
if (ChunkHasSharedComponents(lastChunkWithSharedComponentsAllocatedInto, sharedComponentDataIndices))
return lastChunkWithSharedComponentsAllocatedInto;
if (archetype->NumSharedComponents == 0)
var chunk = GetChunkFromEmptySlotNode(archetype->ChunkListWithEmptySlots.Begin);
Assert.AreNotEqual(chunk->Count, chunk->Capacity);
return chunk;
Chunk* newChunk;
// Try empty chunk pool
if (m_EmptyChunkPool->IsEmpty)
// Allocate new chunk
newChunk = (Chunk*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(Chunk.kChunkSize, 64, Allocator.Persistent);
newChunk = (Chunk*) m_EmptyChunkPool->Begin;
ConstructChunk(archetype, newChunk, sharedComponentDataIndices);
if (archetype->NumSharedComponents > 0)
lastChunkWithSharedComponentsAllocatedInto = newChunk;
return newChunk;
public int AllocateIntoChunk(Chunk* chunk)
int outIndex;
var res = AllocateIntoChunk(chunk, 1, out outIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(1, res);
return outIndex;
public int AllocateIntoChunk(Chunk* chunk, int count, out int outIndex)
var allocatedCount = Math.Min(chunk->Capacity - chunk->Count, count);
outIndex = chunk->Count;
SetChunkCount(chunk, chunk->Count + allocatedCount);
chunk->Archetype->EntityCount += allocatedCount;
return allocatedCount;
public void SetChunkCount(Chunk* chunk, int newCount)
Assert.AreNotEqual(newCount, chunk->Count);
var capacity = chunk->Capacity;
// Chunk released to empty chunk pool
if (newCount == 0)
// Remove references to shared components
if (chunk->Archetype->NumSharedComponents > 0)
var sharedComponentValueArray = chunk->SharedComponentValueArray;
for (var i = 0; i < chunk->Archetype->NumSharedComponents; ++i)
if (chunk->ManagedArrayIndex != -1)
chunk->ManagedArrayIndex = -1;
chunk->Archetype->ChunkCount -= 1;
chunk->Archetype = null;
// Chunk is now full
else if (newCount == capacity)
// Chunk is no longer full
else if (chunk->Count == capacity)
Assert.IsTrue(newCount < chunk->Count);
if (chunk->Archetype->NumSharedComponents == 0)
chunk->Count = newCount;
public object GetManagedObject(Chunk* chunk, ComponentType type, int index)
var typeOfs = ChunkDataUtility.GetIndexInTypeArray(chunk->Archetype, type.TypeIndex);
if (typeOfs < 0 || chunk->Archetype->ManagedArrayOffset[typeOfs] < 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to get managed object for non existing component");
return GetManagedObject(chunk, typeOfs, index);
internal object GetManagedObject(Chunk* chunk, int type, int index)
var managedStart = chunk->Archetype->ManagedArrayOffset[type] * chunk->Capacity;
return m_ManagedArrays[chunk->ManagedArrayIndex].ManagedArray[index + managedStart];
public object[] GetManagedObjectRange(Chunk* chunk, int type, out int rangeStart, out int rangeLength)
rangeStart = chunk->Archetype->ManagedArrayOffset[type] * chunk->Capacity;
rangeLength = chunk->Count;
return m_ManagedArrays[chunk->ManagedArrayIndex].ManagedArray;
public void SetManagedObject(Chunk* chunk, int type, int index, object val)
var managedStart = chunk->Archetype->ManagedArrayOffset[type] * chunk->Capacity;
m_ManagedArrays[chunk->ManagedArrayIndex].ManagedArray[index + managedStart] = val;
public void SetManagedObject(Chunk* chunk, ComponentType type, int index, object val)
var typeOfs = ChunkDataUtility.GetIndexInTypeArray(chunk->Archetype, type.TypeIndex);
if (typeOfs < 0 || chunk->Archetype->ManagedArrayOffset[typeOfs] < 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Trying to set managed object for non existing component");
SetManagedObject(chunk, typeOfs, index, val);
public int CountEntities()
int entityCount = 0;
var archetype = m_LastArchetype;
while (archetype != null)
entityCount += archetype->EntityCount;
archetype = archetype->PrevArchetype;
return entityCount;
struct MoveChunksJob : IJob
public EntityDataManager* srcEntityDataManager;
public EntityDataManager* dstEntityDataManager;
public NativeArray<EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo> entityRemapping;
public void Execute()
dstEntityDataManager->AllocateEntitiesForRemapping(srcEntityDataManager, ref entityRemapping);
struct RemapChunk
public Chunk* chunk;
public Archetype* dstArchetype;
struct RemapChunksJob : IJobParallelFor
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo> entityRemapping;
[DeallocateOnJobCompletion] [ReadOnly] public NativeArray<RemapChunk> remapChunks;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<int> remapShared;
public EntityDataManager* dstEntityDataManager;
public void Execute(int index)
Chunk* chunk = remapChunks[index].chunk;
Archetype* dstArchetype = remapChunks[index].dstArchetype;
dstEntityDataManager->RemapChunk(dstArchetype, chunk, 0, chunk->Count, ref entityRemapping);
EntityRemapUtility.PatchEntities(dstArchetype->ScalarEntityPatches + 1, dstArchetype->ScalarEntityPatchCount - 1, dstArchetype->BufferEntityPatches, dstArchetype->BufferEntityPatchCount, chunk->Buffer, chunk->Count, ref entityRemapping);
chunk->Archetype = dstArchetype;
for (int i = 0; i < dstArchetype->NumSharedComponents; ++i)
var componentIndex = chunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i];
componentIndex = remapShared[componentIndex];
chunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i] = componentIndex;
struct RemapArchetype
public Archetype* srcArchetype;
public Archetype* dstArchetype;
struct RemapArchetypesJob : IJobParallelFor
[DeallocateOnJobCompletion] [ReadOnly] public NativeArray<RemapArchetype> remapArchetypes;
// This must be run after chunks have been remapped since FreeChunksBySharedComponents needs the shared component
// indices in the chunks to be remapped
public void Execute(int index)
var srcArchetype = remapArchetypes[index].srcArchetype;
var dstArchetype = remapArchetypes[index].dstArchetype;
UnsafeLinkedListNode.InsertListBefore(dstArchetype->ChunkList.End, &srcArchetype->ChunkList);
if (srcArchetype->NumSharedComponents == 0)
if (!srcArchetype->ChunkListWithEmptySlots.IsEmpty)
dstArchetype->EntityCount += srcArchetype->EntityCount;
dstArchetype->ChunkCount += srcArchetype->ChunkCount;
srcArchetype->EntityCount = 0;
srcArchetype->ChunkCount = 0;
public static void MoveChunks(EntityManager srcEntities, ArchetypeManager dstArchetypeManager,
EntityGroupManager dstGroupManager, EntityDataManager* dstEntityDataManager, SharedComponentDataManager dstSharedComponents, ComponentTypeInArchetype* componentTypeInArchetypeArray)
var srcArchetypeManager = srcEntities.ArchetypeManager;
var srcEntityDataManager = srcEntities.Entities;
var srcSharedComponents = srcEntities.m_SharedComponentManager;
var entityRemapping = new NativeArray<EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo>(srcEntityDataManager->Capacity, Allocator.TempJob);
var moveChunksJob = new MoveChunksJob
srcEntityDataManager = srcEntityDataManager,
dstEntityDataManager = dstEntityDataManager,
entityRemapping = entityRemapping
var samplerShared = CustomSampler.Create("MoveAllSharedComponents");
var remapShared = dstSharedComponents.MoveAllSharedComponents(srcSharedComponents, Allocator.TempJob);
Archetype* srcArchetype;
int chunkCount = 0;
int archetypeCount = 0;
srcArchetype = srcArchetypeManager.m_LastArchetype;
while (srcArchetype != null)
chunkCount += srcArchetype->ChunkCount;
srcArchetype = srcArchetype->PrevArchetype;
var remapChunks = new NativeArray<RemapChunk>(chunkCount, Allocator.TempJob);
var remapArchetypes = new NativeArray<RemapArchetype>(archetypeCount, Allocator.TempJob);
int chunkIndex = 0;
int archetypeIndex = 0;
srcArchetype = srcArchetypeManager.m_LastArchetype;
while (srcArchetype != null)
if (srcArchetype->ChunkCount != 0)
if (srcArchetype->NumManagedArrays != 0)
throw new ArgumentException("MoveEntitiesFrom is not supported with managed arrays");
// Make copy. GetOrCreateArchetype writes to type array.
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(componentTypeInArchetypeArray, srcArchetype->Types, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<ComponentTypeInArchetype>() * srcArchetype->TypesCount);
var dstArchetype = dstArchetypeManager.GetOrCreateArchetype(componentTypeInArchetypeArray, srcArchetype->TypesCount, dstGroupManager);
remapArchetypes[archetypeIndex] = new RemapArchetype {srcArchetype = srcArchetype, dstArchetype = dstArchetype};
for (var c = srcArchetype->ChunkList.Begin; c != srcArchetype->ChunkList.End; c = c->Next)
remapChunks[chunkIndex] = new RemapChunk { chunk = (Chunk*)c, dstArchetype = dstArchetype };
srcArchetype = srcArchetype->PrevArchetype;
var remapChunksJob = new RemapChunksJob
dstEntityDataManager = dstEntityDataManager,
remapChunks = remapChunks,
remapShared = remapShared,
entityRemapping = entityRemapping
}.Schedule(remapChunks.Length, 1, moveChunksJob);
var remapArchetypesJob = new RemapArchetypesJob
remapArchetypes = remapArchetypes
}.Schedule(archetypeIndex, 1, remapChunksJob);
public int CheckInternalConsistency()
var archetype = m_LastArchetype;
var totalCount = 0;
while (archetype != null)
var countInArchetype = 0;
var chunkCount = 0;
for (var c = archetype->ChunkList.Begin; c != archetype->ChunkList.End; c = c->Next)
var chunk = (Chunk*) c;
Assert.IsTrue(chunk->Archetype == archetype);
Assert.IsTrue(chunk->Capacity >= chunk->Count);
Assert.AreEqual(chunk->ChunkListWithEmptySlotsNode.IsInList, chunk->Capacity != chunk->Count);
countInArchetype += chunk->Count;
Assert.AreEqual(countInArchetype, archetype->EntityCount);
Assert.AreEqual(chunkCount, archetype->ChunkCount);
totalCount += countInArchetype;
archetype = archetype->PrevArchetype;
return totalCount;
internal SharedComponentDataManager GetSharedComponentDataManager()
return m_SharedComponentManager;
private struct ManagedArrayStorage
public object[] ManagedArray;