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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using RequireComponent = UnityEngine.RequireComponent;
using SerializeField = UnityEngine.SerializeField;
using MonoBehaviour = UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour;
using DisallowMultipleComponent = UnityEngine.DisallowMultipleComponent;
using GameObject = UnityEngine.GameObject;
using Component = UnityEngine.Component;
namespace Unity.Entities
//@TODO: This should be fully implemented in C++ for efficiency
public abstract class ComponentDataWrapperBase : MonoBehaviour, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
internal abstract ComponentType GetComponentType();
internal abstract void UpdateComponentData(EntityManager manager, Entity entity);
internal abstract void UpdateSerializedData(EntityManager manager, Entity entity);
internal abstract int InsertSharedComponent(EntityManager manager);
internal abstract void UpdateSerializedData(EntityManager manager, int sharedComponentIndex);
internal bool CanSynchronizeWithEntityManager(out EntityManager entityManager, out Entity entity)
entityManager = null;
entity = Entity.Null;
var gameObjectEntity = GetComponent<GameObjectEntity>();
if (gameObjectEntity == null)
return false;
if (gameObjectEntity.EntityManager == null)
return false;
if (!gameObjectEntity.EntityManager.Exists(gameObjectEntity.Entity))
return false;
if (!gameObjectEntity.EntityManager.HasComponent(gameObjectEntity.Entity, GetComponentType()))
return false;
entityManager = gameObjectEntity.EntityManager;
entity = gameObjectEntity.Entity;
return true;
void OnValidate()
if (CanSynchronizeWithEntityManager(out var entityManager, out var entity))
UpdateComponentData(entityManager, entity);
public void OnBeforeSerialize()
if (CanSynchronizeWithEntityManager(out var entityManager, out var entity))
UpdateSerializedData(entityManager, entity);
public void OnAfterDeserialize() { }
internal sealed class WrappedComponentDataAttribute : PropertyAttribute
//@TODO: This should be fully implemented in C++ for efficiency
public class ComponentDataWrapper<T> : ComponentDataWrapperBase where T : struct, IComponentData
[SerializeField, WrappedComponentData]
T m_SerializedData;
public T Value
return m_SerializedData;
m_SerializedData = value;
if (CanSynchronizeWithEntityManager(out var entityManager, out var entity))
UpdateComponentData(entityManager, entity);
internal override ComponentType GetComponentType()
return ComponentType.Create<T>();
internal override void UpdateComponentData(EntityManager manager, Entity entity)
var typeIndex = TypeManager.GetTypeIndex<T>();
var componentType = ComponentType.FromTypeIndex(typeIndex);
if (componentType.IsZeroSized)
manager.SetComponentData(entity, m_SerializedData);
internal override void UpdateSerializedData(EntityManager manager, Entity entity)
var typeIndex = TypeManager.GetTypeIndex<T>();
var componentType = ComponentType.FromTypeIndex(typeIndex);
if (componentType.IsZeroSized)
m_SerializedData = manager.GetComponentData<T>(entity);
internal override int InsertSharedComponent(EntityManager manager)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal override void UpdateSerializedData(EntityManager manager, int sharedComponentIndex)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
//@TODO: This should be fully implemented in C++ for efficiency
public class SharedComponentDataWrapper<T> : ComponentDataWrapperBase where T : struct, ISharedComponentData
[SerializeField, WrappedComponentData]
T m_SerializedData;
public T Value
return m_SerializedData;
m_SerializedData = value;
if (CanSynchronizeWithEntityManager(out var entityManager, out var entity))
UpdateComponentData(entityManager, entity);
internal override ComponentType GetComponentType()
return ComponentType.Create<T>();
internal override void UpdateComponentData(EntityManager manager, Entity entity)
manager.SetSharedComponentData(entity, m_SerializedData);
internal override void UpdateSerializedData(EntityManager manager, Entity entity)
m_SerializedData = manager.GetSharedComponentData<T>(entity);
internal override int InsertSharedComponent(EntityManager manager)
return manager.m_SharedComponentManager.InsertSharedComponent(m_SerializedData);
internal override void UpdateSerializedData(EntityManager manager, int sharedComponentIndex)
m_SerializedData = manager.m_SharedComponentManager.GetSharedComponentData<T>(sharedComponentIndex);
public class GameObjectEntity : MonoBehaviour
public EntityManager EntityManager { get; private set; }
public Entity Entity { get; private set; }
//@TODO: Very wrong error messages when creating entity with empty ComponentType array?
public static Entity AddToEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager, GameObject gameObject)
ComponentType[] types;
Component[] components;
GetComponents(gameObject, true, out types, out components);
var archetype = entityManager.CreateArchetype(types);
var entity = CreateEntity(entityManager, archetype, components, types);
return entity;
static void GetComponents(GameObject gameObject, bool includeGameObjectComponents, out ComponentType[] types, out Component[] components)
components = gameObject.GetComponents<Component>();
var componentCount = 0;
if (includeGameObjectComponents)
var gameObjectEntityComponent = gameObject.GetComponent<GameObjectEntity>();
componentCount = gameObjectEntityComponent == null ? components.Length : components.Length - 1;
for (var i = 0; i != components.Length; i++)
if (components[i] is ComponentDataWrapperBase)
types = new ComponentType[componentCount];
var t = 0;
for (var i = 0; i != components.Length; i++)
var com = components[i];
var componentData = com as ComponentDataWrapperBase;
if (componentData != null)
types[t++] = componentData.GetComponentType();
else if (includeGameObjectComponents && !(com is GameObjectEntity))
types[t++] = com.GetType();
static Entity CreateEntity(EntityManager entityManager, EntityArchetype archetype, IReadOnlyList<Component> components, IReadOnlyList<ComponentType> types)
var entity = entityManager.CreateEntity(archetype);
var t = 0;
for (var i = 0; i != components.Count; i++)
var com = components[i];
var componentDataWrapper = com as ComponentDataWrapperBase;
if (componentDataWrapper != null)
componentDataWrapper.UpdateComponentData(entityManager, entity);
else if (!(com is GameObjectEntity))
entityManager.SetComponentObject(entity, types[t], com);
return entity;
public void OnEnable()
if (World.Active == null)
// * OnDisable (Serialize monobehaviours in temporary backup)
// * unload domain
// * load new domain
// * OnEnable (Deserialize monobehaviours in temporary backup)
// * mark entered playmode / load scene
// * OnDisable / OnDestroy
// * OnEnable (Loading object from scene...)
if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode)
// We are just gonna ignore this enter playmode reload.
// Can't see a situation where it would be useful to create something inbetween.
// But we really need to solve this at the root. The execution order is kind if crazy.
if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying)
// Debug.LogError("Loading GameObjectEntity in Playmode but there is no active World");
DefaultWorldInitialization.Initialize("Editor World", true);
EntityManager = World.Active.GetOrCreateManager<EntityManager>();
Entity = AddToEntityManager(EntityManager, gameObject);
public void OnDisable()
if (EntityManager != null && EntityManager.IsCreated && EntityManager.Exists(Entity))
EntityManager = null;
Entity = new Entity();