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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
public class LightProbesVolumeSettings : MonoBehaviour
public float horizontalSpacing = 2.0f;
public float verticalSpacing = 2.0f;
public float OffsetFomFloor = 0.5f;
public int numberOfLayers = 2;
public bool FillVolume = false;
public bool FollowFloor = true;
public bool discardInsideGeometry;
public bool drawDebug = false;
private void OnEnable()
var boxCollider = GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
boxCollider.isTrigger = true;
public void Populate()
//avoid division by 0
horizontalSpacing = Mathf.Max(horizontalSpacing, 0.01f);
verticalSpacing = Mathf.Max(horizontalSpacing, 0.01f);
Collider col = gameObject.GetComponent<Collider>();
if (col == null) Debug.Log("Col not found", col);
//Check if there is already a lightprobegroup component
// if there is destroy it
LightProbeGroup oldLightprobes = gameObject.GetComponent<LightProbeGroup>();
if (oldLightprobes != null)
// Get the col bounds
Bounds bbox = col.bounds;
gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().enabled = false;
//Store bounds
float minX = bbox.min.x;
float minY = bbox.min.y;
float minZ = bbox.min.z;
float maxX = bbox.max.x;
float maxY = bbox.max.y;
float maxZ = bbox.max.z;
// Now go through in a grid and attempt to place a light probe using raycasting
float xCount = (maxX - minX)/horizontalSpacing;
float zCount = (maxZ - minZ) / horizontalSpacing;
float ycount = (maxY - minY) / verticalSpacing;
float startxoffset = ((maxX - minX) - Mathf.FloorToInt(xCount) * horizontalSpacing) / 2;
float startzoffset = ((maxZ - minZ) - Mathf.FloorToInt(zCount) * horizontalSpacing) / 2;
//if lightprobe count fits exactly in bounds, I know the probes at the maximum bounds will be rejected, so add offset
if (startxoffset == 0)
startxoffset = horizontalSpacing / 2;
if (startzoffset == 0)
startzoffset = horizontalSpacing / 2;
List<Vector3> VertPositions = new List<Vector3>();
for (int z = 0; z < zCount; z++)
for (int x = 0; x < xCount; x++)
//RaycastHit hit;
RaycastHit[] hits;
Ray ray = new Ray();
ray.origin = new Vector3(startxoffset + minX + x * horizontalSpacing, maxY + 1, startzoffset + minZ + z * horizontalSpacing);
ray.direction = -Vector3.up;
//if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, (maxY - minY) * 2,-1,QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore))
hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, (maxY - minY) * 2, -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
foreach(var hit in hits)
if (!hit.collider.gameObject.isStatic)
if (hit.point.y + OffsetFomFloor < maxY && hit.point.y + OffsetFomFloor > minY)
VertPositions.Add(hit.point + new Vector3(0, OffsetFomFloor, 0));
Debug.DrawRay(hit.point, -ray.direction * hit.distance, Color.red, (maxY - minY));
int maxLayer = FillVolume ? Mathf.FloorToInt(ycount) : numberOfLayers ;
for (int i = 1; i < maxLayer; i++)
if (hit.point.y + OffsetFomFloor + i * verticalSpacing < maxY && hit.point.y + OffsetFomFloor + verticalSpacing > minY)
VertPositions.Add(hit.point + new Vector3(0, OffsetFomFloor + i * verticalSpacing, 0));
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Tracing floor collisions", (z * x).ToString() + "/" + (zCount * xCount).ToString(), (float)(z * x) / (float)(zCount * xCount));
List<Vector3> validVertPositions = new List<Vector3>();
int j = 0;
if (discardInsideGeometry)
Vector3 insideTestPosition = gameObject.transform.position + gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().center + new Vector3(0,maxY/2,0);
Debug.DrawLine(insideTestPosition + Vector3.up, insideTestPosition - Vector3.up, Color.green, 5);
Debug.DrawLine(insideTestPosition + Vector3.right, insideTestPosition - Vector3.right, Color.green, 5);
Debug.DrawLine(insideTestPosition + Vector3.forward, insideTestPosition - Vector3.forward, Color.green, 5);
foreach (Vector3 positionCandidate in VertPositions)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Checking probes inside geometry", j.ToString() + "/" + VertPositions.Count, (float)j / (float)VertPositions.Count);
Ray forwardRay = new Ray(insideTestPosition, Vector3.Normalize(positionCandidate - insideTestPosition));
Ray backwardRay = new Ray(positionCandidate, Vector3.Normalize(insideTestPosition - positionCandidate));
RaycastHit[] hitsForward;
RaycastHit[] hitsBackward;
hitsForward = Physics.RaycastAll(forwardRay,Vector3.Distance(positionCandidate,insideTestPosition),-1,QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
hitsBackward = Physics.RaycastAll(backwardRay, Vector3.Distance(positionCandidate, insideTestPosition), -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
if (hitsForward.Length == hitsBackward.Length) validVertPositions.Add(positionCandidate);
else if (drawDebug)
Debug.DrawRay(backwardRay.origin, backwardRay.direction * Vector3.Distance(positionCandidate, insideTestPosition), Color.red, 5);
validVertPositions = VertPositions;
// Check if we have any hits
if (validVertPositions.Count < 1)
Debug.Log("no valid hit for "+ gameObject.name);
gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().enabled = true;
LightProbeGroup LPGroup = gameObject.AddComponent<LightProbeGroup>();
// Create lightprobe positions
Vector3[] ProbePos = new Vector3[validVertPositions.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < validVertPositions.Count; i++)
ProbePos[i] = gameObject.transform.InverseTransformPoint(validVertPositions[i]);
// Set new light probes
LPGroup.probePositions = ProbePos;
gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().enabled = true;
Debug.Log("Finished placing " + ProbePos.Length + " probes for " + gameObject.name);