using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; using System.Net.Sockets; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.Networking.Types; using UnityEngine.Profiling; public class UNETTransport : INetworkTransport { public int hostId { get { return m_HostId; } } public bool Init(int port = 0, int maxConnections = 16) { var config = new UnityEngine.Networking.GlobalConfig(); config.ThreadAwakeTimeout = 1; UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport.Init(config); m_ReadBuffer = new byte[NetworkConfig.maxPackageSize + 1024]; m_ConnectionConfig = new ConnectionConfig(); m_ConnectionConfig.SendDelay = 0; m_ChannelUnreliable = m_ConnectionConfig.AddChannel(QosType.Unreliable); m_Topology = new HostTopology(m_ConnectionConfig, maxConnections); if (UnityEngine.Debug.isDebugBuild && m_isNetworkSimuationActive) m_HostId = NetworkTransport.AddHostWithSimulator(m_Topology, 1, 300, port); else m_HostId = NetworkTransport.AddHost(m_Topology, port); if (m_HostId != -1 && port != 0) { GameDebug.Log("Listening on " + string.Join(", ", NetworkUtils.GetLocalInterfaceAddresses()) + " on port " + port); } return m_HostId != -1; } public void Shutdown() { if (m_HostId != -1) { NetworkTransport.RemoveHost(m_HostId); m_HostId = -1; } } public int Connect(string address, int port) { IPAddress[] ipAddresses; try { ipAddresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(address); } catch (System.Exception e) { GameDebug.Log("Unable to resolve " + address + ". " + e.Message); return 0; } if (ipAddresses.Length < 1) { GameDebug.Log("Unable to resolve " + address + ". Host not found"); return 0; } // TODO (petera) do we want to do round-robin? var ip = ipAddresses[0].ToString(); byte error; if (UnityEngine.Debug.isDebugBuild && m_isNetworkSimuationActive) { var simulationConfig = new ConnectionSimulatorConfig(48, 50, 48, 50, 10); return NetworkTransport.ConnectWithSimulator(m_HostId, ip, port, 0, out error, simulationConfig); } else return NetworkTransport.Connect(m_HostId, ip, port, 0, out error); } public void Disconnect(int connectionId) { byte error; NetworkTransport.Disconnect(m_HostId, connectionId, out error); } public int Update() { return 0; } public bool NextEvent(ref TransportEvent res) { GameDebug.Assert(m_HostId > -1, "Trying to update transport with no host id"); Profiler.BeginSample("UNETTransform.ReadData()"); int connectionId; int channelId; int receivedSize; byte error; var ne = NetworkTransport.ReceiveFromHost(m_HostId, out connectionId, out channelId, m_ReadBuffer, m_ReadBuffer.Length, out receivedSize, out error); switch (ne) { default: case UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType.Nothing: Profiler.EndSample(); return false; case UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType.ConnectEvent: { string address; int port; NetworkID network; NodeID dstNode; NetworkTransport.GetConnectionInfo(m_HostId, connectionId, out address, out port, out network, out dstNode, out error); GameDebug.Log("Incoming connection: " + connectionId + " (from " + address + ":" + port + ")"); res.type = TransportEvent.Type.Connect; res.connectionId = connectionId; break; } case UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType.DisconnectEvent: res.type = TransportEvent.Type.Disconnect; res.connectionId = connectionId; break; case UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType.DataEvent: res.type = TransportEvent.Type.Data; = m_ReadBuffer; res.dataSize = receivedSize; res.connectionId = connectionId; break; } Profiler.EndSample(); return true; } public void SendData(int connectionId, byte[] data, int sendSize) { Profiler.BeginSample("UNETTransform.SendData()"); byte error; if(!NetworkTransport.Send(m_HostId, connectionId, m_ChannelUnreliable, data, sendSize, out error)) GameDebug.Log("Error while sending data to connection : " + connectionId + "(error : " + (NetworkError)error + ")"); Profiler.EndSample(); } public string GetConnectionDescription(int connectionId) { string address; int port; NetworkID network; NodeID dstNode; byte error; NetworkTransport.GetConnectionInfo(m_HostId, connectionId, out address, out port, out network, out dstNode, out error); return "UNET: " + address + ":" + port; } byte[] m_ReadBuffer; bool m_isNetworkSimuationActive = false; ConnectionConfig m_ConnectionConfig; HostTopology m_Topology; int m_HostId = -1; int m_ChannelUnreliable; }