using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEngine; public class ChatSystemServer { // TODO : The integration is annoying because we don't have a proper permanent place for player // info (world is destroyed for each level). We should try to make this smoother public ChatSystemServer(Dictionary clients, NetworkServer networkServer) { m_Clients = clients; m_NetworkServer = networkServer; } public void ResetChatTime() { m_StartTime = Game.Clock.ElapsedMilliseconds; } char[] _msgBuf = new char[256]; public void SendChatAnnouncement(string message) { var c = Mathf.Min(256, message.Length); message.CopyTo(0, _msgBuf, 0, c); SendChatAnnouncement(new CharBufView(_msgBuf, c)); } char[] _buf = new char[256]; public void SendChatAnnouncement(CharBufView message) { var time = (Game.Clock.ElapsedMilliseconds - m_StartTime) / 1000; var minutes = (int)time / 60; var seconds = (int)time % 60; var formatted_length = StringFormatter.Write(ref _buf, 0, "[{0}:{1:00}] {2}", minutes, seconds, message); m_NetworkServer.QueueEventBroadcast((ushort)GameNetworkEvents.EventType.Chat, true, (ref NetworkWriter writer) => { writer.WriteString("message", _buf, formatted_length, 256, NetworkWriter.OverrunBehaviour.WarnAndTrunc); }); } public void ReceiveMessage(ServerGameLoop.ClientInfo from, string message) { ChatMessageType type; ServerGameLoop.ClientInfo target; var time = (Game.Clock.ElapsedMilliseconds - m_StartTime) / 1000; var minutes = time / 60; var seconds = time % 60; var text = ParseMessage(from, message, out type, out target); if (type == ChatMessageType.Whisper) { if (target != null) { var fromLine = string.Format("[{0}:{1:00}] [From {2}] {3}", minutes, seconds, from.playerSettings.playerName, text); SendChatMessage(, fromLine); var toLine = string.Format("[{0}:{1:00}] [To {2}] {3}", minutes, seconds, target.playerSettings.playerName, text); SendChatMessage(, toLine); } else SendChatMessage(, string.Format(" Player not found")); } else if(type == ChatMessageType.All || type == ChatMessageType.Team) { var marker = type == ChatMessageType.All ? "[All] " : ""; var friendly = string.Format("[{0}:{1:00}] {2}{3} {4}", minutes, seconds, marker, from.playerSettings.playerName, text); var hostile = string.Format("[{0}:{1:00}] {2}{3} {4}", minutes, seconds, marker, from.playerSettings.playerName, text); var fromTeamIndex = from.player != null ? from.player.teamIndex : -1; foreach (var pair in m_Clients) { var targetTeamIndex = pair.Value.player != null ? pair.Value.player.teamIndex : -1; if(fromTeamIndex == targetTeamIndex) SendChatMessage(pair.Key, friendly); else if(type == ChatMessageType.All) SendChatMessage(pair.Key, hostile); } } } string ParseMessage(ServerGameLoop.ClientInfo from, string message, out ChatMessageType type, out ServerGameLoop.ClientInfo target) { type = ChatMessageType.All; target = null; var match = m_CommandRegex.Match(message); if (match.Success) { var command = match.Groups[1].Value.ToLower(); var actualMessage = match.Groups[2].Value; switch (command) { case "t": case "team": type = ChatMessageType.Team; return match.Groups[2].Value; case "w": case "whisper": var match2 = m_TargetRegex.Match(actualMessage); if (match2.Success) { type = ChatMessageType.Whisper; // try to find client var name = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(match2.Groups[1].Value) ? match2.Groups[1].Value : match2.Groups[2].Value; foreach (var pair in m_Clients) { if (pair.Value.playerSettings.playerName.Equals(name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { target = pair.Value; m_ReplyTracker[target] = from; return match2.Groups[3].Value; } } } return actualMessage; case "r": case "reply": if (m_ReplyTracker.TryGetValue(from, out target)) { type = ChatMessageType.Whisper; m_ReplyTracker[target] = from; } return actualMessage; case "a": case "all": default: return actualMessage; } } return message; } public void SendChatMessage(int clientId, string message) { m_NetworkServer.QueueEvent(clientId, (ushort)GameNetworkEvents.EventType.Chat, true, (ref NetworkWriter writer) => { writer.WriteString("message", message, 256); }); } long m_StartTime; //Regex m_CommandRegex = new Regex(@"^[/|\\]([^\s]*)\s*(.*)\s*"); Regex m_CommandRegex = new Regex(@"^/(\w+)\s+(.*)"); // e.g. "/all hey" Regex m_TargetRegex = new Regex(@"^(?:""(.*)""|([^\s]*))\s*(.+)"); // e.g. "some user" hey there Dictionary m_Clients; Dictionary m_ReplyTracker = new Dictionary(); NetworkServer m_NetworkServer; }