using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; // Utility class for interpolating values. Usage // // var ival = new Interpolator(0.0f, Interpolator.CurveType.Linear) // ival.MoveTo(10.0f, 0.5f); // interpolate from 0 to 10 in 0.5 secs // // ival.GetValue(); // gets current value // // ival.SetValue(12.0f); // force value and stop animation // // Ideas for more curve types: public class Interpolator { public enum CurveType { Linear, SmoothDeparture, SmoothArrival, SmoothStep } public float targetValue { get { return m_TargetValue; } } public Interpolator(float startValue, CurveType type) { m_Type = type; SetValue(startValue); } public void SetValue(float value) { m_StartValue = value; m_TargetValue = value; m_StartTime = 0; m_TargetTime = 0; } public void MoveTo(float target, float time) { m_StartValue = GetValue(); m_TargetValue = target; m_StartTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; m_TargetTime = m_StartTime + time; } public bool IsMoving() { return Time.realtimeSinceStartup < m_TargetTime; } public float Direction() { return Mathf.Sign(m_TargetTime - m_StartValue); } public void Stop() { m_StartValue = m_TargetValue = GetValue(); m_TargetTime = 0; m_StartTime = 0; } public float GetValue() { float now = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; float timeToLive = m_TargetTime - now; if (timeToLive <= 0.0f) return m_TargetValue; float t = (now - m_StartTime) / (m_TargetTime - m_StartTime); switch (m_Type) { default: case CurveType.Linear: return m_StartValue + (m_TargetValue - m_StartValue) * t; case CurveType.SmoothArrival: var s = 1.0f - t; return m_StartValue + (m_TargetValue - m_StartValue) * (1.0f - s * s * s * s); case CurveType.SmoothDeparture: return m_StartValue + (m_TargetValue - m_StartValue) * t * t * t * t; case CurveType.SmoothStep: return m_StartValue + (m_TargetValue - m_StartValue) * t * t * (3.0f - 2.0f * t); } } CurveType m_Type; float m_StartTime; float m_StartValue; float m_TargetTime; float m_TargetValue; }