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title: 'Lost Crypt: 2D Sample Project'
title: 'Dragon Crashers: 2D Sample Project'
- heading: Get to know Dragon Crashers
text: This Unity 2D sample project is a vertical slice of a side-scrolling idle
RPG game that showcases how the suite of 2D tools can be combined with artwork
to make your vision a reality. To play the demo, select Dragon Crashers from
the top bar, followed by Load Game Menu.
- heading: Dragon Crashers resources
text: We are preparing content and tutorials based on this demo, which we will
share in future updates. Keep an eye on the Unity blog, social media and YouTube
linkText: Find more resources on our 2D tools website.
url: https://unity.com/unity/features/2dtools
- heading: 'Previous demo: Lost Crypt'
text: Lost Crypt is a 2D sample project that demonstrates how we solved common
visual challenges with 2D tools to recreate a side scrolling game platformer.
Discover more artistic capabilities made possible in this demo.
linkText: Read the blog.
url: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/12/18/download-our-new-2d-sample-project-lost-crypt/
- heading: 'Webinar: New 2D graphics features in Lost Crypt'
text: Our global content developer, Andy Touch, discusses the use of 2D lights,
shaders and post-processing in this project. The video of his live webinar,
as well as the ones shared below, might contain references to previous versions
of the tools and project, but their content remains relevant for Unity users
linkText: Watch the webinar
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRPW3H4X9PE
- heading: 'Presentation: Bringing 2D characters to life with 2D Animation'
text: "Games advocate Arturo Nu\xF1ez, explores the benefits and workflow of
the 2D Animation tool. His presentation at Unite Copenhagen 2019 shows how
to create 2D skeletal animation, such as the one used in Lost Crypt."
linkText: Watch the presentation
url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vap04-Py9QM
- heading: Lightning round of 2D tips
text: Why wait to get started? Find out how to work quickly and efficiently throughout
your entire 2D project with this compilation of handy tips.
linkText: Read the blog
url: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2021/02/09/a-lightning-round-of-great-tips-for-2d-games/
- heading: Got feedback?
text: Please reach out to us about Dragon Crashers, or any 2D tools, in the forums!
linkText: 'Unity Forums: 2D Section'
url: https://forum.unity.com/forums/2d.53/
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