该项目的目的是同时测试和演示来自 Unity DOTS 技术堆栈的多个新包。
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using System;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Physics;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.NetCode;
using static CharacterControllerUtilities;
using static Unity.Physics.PhysicsStep;
public struct CharacterControllerComponentData : IComponentData
public float3 GroundProbeVector;
public float MaxSlope; // radians
public int MaxIterations;
public float CharacterMass;
public float SkinWidth;
public float ContactTolerance;
public int AffectsPhysicsBodies;
public float MaxMovementSpeed;
public struct CharacterControllerGroundSupportData : IComponentData
public float3 SurfaceNormal;
public float3 SurfaceVelocity;
public CharacterSupportState SupportedState;
public struct CharacterControllerMoveQuery : IComponentData
public float3 StartPosition;
public bool FollowGround;
public bool CheckSupport;
public struct CharacterControllerMoveResult : IComponentData
public float3 MoveResult;
public struct CharacterControllerVelocity : IComponentData
public float3 Velocity;
public struct CharacterControllerInitializationData : IComponentData
public float3 CapsuleCenter;
public float CapsuleRadius;
public float CapsuleHeight;
struct CharacterControllerCollider : ISystemStateComponentData
public BlobAssetReference<Unity.Physics.Collider> Collider;
public class CharacterControllerAuthoring : MonoBehaviour, IConvertGameObjectToEntity
// Gravity force applied to the character controller body
public float3 Gravity = Default.Gravity;
// Maximum slope angle character can overcome (in degrees)
public float MaxSlope = 60.0f;
// Maximum number of character controller solver iterations
public int MaxIterations = 10;
// Mass of the character (used for affecting other rigid bodies)
public float CharacterMass = 1.0f;
// Keep the character at this distance to planes (used for numerical stability)
public float SkinWidth = 0.02f;
// Anything in this distance to the character will be considered a potential contact
// when checking support
public float ContactTolerance = 0.1f;
// Whether to affect other rigid bodies
public int AffectsPhysicsBodies = 1;
// Maximum speed of movement at any given time
public float MaxMovementSpeed = 10.0f;
public float3 GroundProbeVector = new float3(0.0f, -0.1f, 0.0f);
public float3 CapsuleCenter = new float3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
public float CapsuleRadius = 0.5f;
public float CapsuleHeight = 2.0f;
void IConvertGameObjectToEntity.Convert(Entity entity, EntityManager dstManager, GameObjectConversionSystem conversionSystem)
if (enabled)
dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, new CharacterControllerComponentData
GroundProbeVector = GroundProbeVector,
MaxSlope = math.radians(MaxSlope),
MaxIterations = MaxIterations,
CharacterMass = CharacterMass,
SkinWidth = SkinWidth,
ContactTolerance = ContactTolerance,
AffectsPhysicsBodies = AffectsPhysicsBodies,
MaxMovementSpeed = MaxMovementSpeed
dstManager.AddComponentData(entity, new CharacterControllerInitializationData
CapsuleCenter = CapsuleCenter,
CapsuleHeight = CapsuleHeight,
CapsuleRadius = CapsuleRadius
dstManager.AddComponent(entity, typeof(CharacterControllerVelocity));
dstManager.AddComponent(entity, typeof(CharacterControllerMoveQuery));
dstManager.AddComponent(entity, typeof(CharacterControllerMoveResult));
dstManager.AddComponent(entity, typeof(CharacterControllerGroundSupportData));
public class CharacterControllerInitAndCleanupSystem : JobComponentSystem
protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
var ecb = new EntityCommandBuffer(Allocator.TempJob);
.ForEach((Entity e, ref CharacterControllerInitializationData initData) =>
var capsule = new CapsuleGeometry
Vertex0 = initData.CapsuleCenter + new float3(0, 0.5f * initData.CapsuleHeight - initData.CapsuleRadius, 0),
Vertex1 = initData.CapsuleCenter - new float3(0, 0.5f * initData.CapsuleHeight - initData.CapsuleRadius, 0),
Radius = initData.CapsuleRadius
var filter = new CollisionFilter { BelongsTo = 1, CollidesWith = 1, GroupIndex = 0 };
var collider = Unity.Physics.CapsuleCollider.Create(capsule, filter, new Unity.Physics.Material { Flags = new Unity.Physics.Material.MaterialFlags() });
ecb.AddComponent(e, new CharacterControllerCollider { Collider = collider });
.ForEach((Entity e, ref CharacterControllerCollider collider) =>
return inputDeps;