该项目的目的是同时测试和演示来自 Unity DOTS 技术堆栈的多个新包。
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using Unity.Networking.Transport;
using Unity.Sample.Core;
public struct TransportEvent
public enum Type
public Type type;
public int connectionId;
public byte[] data;
public int dataSize;
public interface INetworkTransport
int Connect(string ip, int port);
void Disconnect(int connectionId);
bool NextEvent(ref TransportEvent e);
void SendData(int connectionId, byte[] data, int sendSize);
string GetConnectionDescription(int connectionId);
void Update();
void Shutdown();
public interface INetworkCallbacks
void OnConnect(int clientId);
void OnDisconnect(int clientId);
void OnEvent(int clientId, NetworkEvent info);
public enum NetworkMessage
// Shared messages
Events = 1 << 0,
// Server -> Client messages
ClientInfo = 1 << 1,
MapInfo = 1 << 2,
Snapshot = 1 << 3,
// Client -> Server messages
ClientConfig = 1 << 1,
Commands = 1 << 2,
FRAGMENT = 1 << 7, // Special flag used when package has been fragmented into several packages and needs reassembly
public static class NetworkConfig
[ConfigVar(Name = "net.stats", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Show net statistics")]
public static ConfigVar netStats;
[ConfigVar(Name = "net.printstats", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Print stats to console every N frame")]
public static ConfigVar netPrintStats;
[ConfigVar(Name = "net.debug", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Dump lots of debug info about network")]
public static ConfigVar netDebug;
[ConfigVar(Name = "server.port", DefaultValue = "7913", Description = "Port listened to by server")]
public static ConfigVar serverPort;
[ConfigVar(Name = "server.sqp_port", DefaultValue = "0", Description = "Port used for server query protocol. server.port + 1 if not set")]
public static ConfigVar serverSQPPort;
[ConfigVar(Name = "net.chokesendinterval", DefaultValue = "0.3", Description = "If connection is choked, send tiny keep alive packs at this interval")]
public static ConfigVar netChokeSendInterval;
// Increase this when you make a change to the protocol
public const uint protocolVersion = 3;
public const int defaultServerPort = 7913;
public static int sqpPortOffset = 10; // By default (if not specified) the SQP be at the server port + this number
public const int commandServerQueueSize = 32;
public const int maxFragments = 16;
public const int packageFragmentSize = NetworkParameterConstants.MTU - 128; // 128 is just a random safety distance to MTU
public const int maxPackageSize = maxFragments * packageFragmentSize;
// Number of serialized snapshots kept on server. Each server tick generate a snapshot.
public const int snapshotDeltaCacheSize = 128; // Number of snapshots to cache for deltas
// Size of client ack buffers. These buffers are used to keep track of ack'ed baselines
// from clients. Theoretically the 'right' size is snapshotDeltaCacheSize / (server.tickrate / client.updaterate)
// e.g. 128 / (60 / 20) = 128 / 3, but since client.updaterate <= server.tickrate we use
public const int clientAckCacheSize = snapshotDeltaCacheSize;
public const int maxEventDataSize = 512;
public const int maxCommandDataSize = 128;
public const int maxEntitySnapshotDataSize = 512;
public const int maxWorldSnapshotDataSize = 64 * 1024; // The entire world snapshot has to fit in this number of bytes
public readonly static System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
public readonly static float[] encoderPrecisionScales = new float[] { 1.0f, 10.0f, 100.0f, 1000.0f };
public readonly static float[] decoderPrecisionScales = new float[] { 1.0f, 0.1f, 0.01f, 0.001f };
// compression
public const NetworkCompression.IOStreamType ioStreamType = NetworkCompression.IOStreamType.Huffman; //TODO: make this dynamic
public const int maxFixedSchemaIds = 2;
public const int maxEventTypeSchemaIds = 8;
public const int maxEntityTypeSchemaIds = 40;
public const int networkClientQueueCommandSchemaId = 0;
public const int mapSchemaId = 1;
public const int firstEventTypeSchemaId = maxFixedSchemaIds;
public const int firstEntitySchemaId = maxFixedSchemaIds + maxEventTypeSchemaIds;
public const int maxSchemaIds = maxFixedSchemaIds + maxEventTypeSchemaIds + maxEntityTypeSchemaIds;
public const int maxFieldsPerSchema = 128;
public const int maxContextsPerField = 4;
public const int maxSkipContextsPerSchema = maxFieldsPerSchema / 4;
public const int maxContextsPerSchema = maxSkipContextsPerSchema + maxFieldsPerSchema * maxContextsPerField;
public const int miscContext = 0;
public const int baseSequenceContext = 1;
public const int baseSequence1Context = 2;
public const int baseSequence2Context = 3;
public const int serverTimeContext = 4;
public const int schemaCountContext = 5;
public const int schemaTypeIdContext = 6;
public const int spawnCountContext = 7;
public const int idContext = 8;
public const int spawnTypeIdContext = 9;
public const int despawnCountContext = 10;
public const int updateCountContext = 11;
public const int commandTimeContext = 12;
public const int eventCountContext = 13;
public const int eventTypeIdContext = 14;
public const int skipContext = 15;
public const int firstSchemaContext = 16;
public const int maxContexts = firstSchemaContext + maxSchemaIds * maxContextsPerSchema;