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namespace Unity.Animation
using Burst;
using Mathematics;
using DataFlowGraph;
using Profiling;
using Entities;
public class TwoBoneIKNode
: NodeDefinition<TwoBoneIKNode.Data, TwoBoneIKNode.SimPorts, TwoBoneIKNode.KernelData, TwoBoneIKNode.KernelDefs, TwoBoneIKNode.Kernel>
, IMsgHandler<BlobAssetReference<RigDefinition>>
, IMsgHandler<TwoBoneIKNode.TwoBoneIKData>
public struct SimPorts : ISimulationPortDefinition
public MessageInput<TwoBoneIKNode, BlobAssetReference<RigDefinition>> RigDefinition;
public MessageInput<TwoBoneIKNode, TwoBoneIKData> TwoBoneIKSetup;
const float k_SqEpsilon = 1e-8f;
static readonly ProfilerMarker k_ProfileMarker = new ProfilerMarker("Animation.TwoBoneIKNode");
public struct KernelDefs : IKernelPortDefinition
public DataInput<TwoBoneIKNode, Buffer<float>> Input;
public DataOutput<TwoBoneIKNode, Buffer<float>> Output;
public DataInput<TwoBoneIKNode, float> Weight;
public DataInput<TwoBoneIKNode, float> TargetPositionWeight;
public DataInput<TwoBoneIKNode, float> TargetRotationWeight;
public DataInput<TwoBoneIKNode, float> HintWeight;
public struct Data : INodeData
public struct TwoBoneIKData
public int Root;
public int Mid;
public int Tip;
public int Target;
public int Hint;
public int WeightChannelIdx;
public RigidTransform TargetOffset;
public float2 LimbLengths;
public static readonly TwoBoneIKData Null = new TwoBoneIKData
Root = -1, Mid = -1, Tip = -1, Target = -1, Hint = -1, TargetOffset = RigidTransform.identity,
LimbLengths = float2.zero, WeightChannelIdx = -1,
public struct KernelData : IKernelData
public BlobAssetReference<RigDefinition> RigDefinition;
public ProfilerMarker ProfilerMarker;
public TwoBoneIKData IKData;
public struct Kernel : IGraphKernel<KernelData, KernelDefs>
public void Execute(RenderContext ctx, KernelData data, ref KernelDefs ports)
var output = ctx.Resolve(ref ports.Output);
output.CopyFrom(ctx.Resolve(in ports.Input));
var weightValue = ctx.Resolve(ports.Weight);
if (weightValue > 0f)
var stream = AnimationStreamProvider.Create(data.RigDefinition, output);
if (stream.IsNull)
// Use the curve value if defined
if (data.IKData.WeightChannelIdx != -1)
weightValue *= stream.GetFloat(data.IKData.WeightChannelIdx);
weightValue = math.clamp(weightValue, 0f, 1f);
var targetPositionWeightValue = ctx.Resolve(ports.TargetPositionWeight);
var targetRotationWeightValue = ctx.Resolve(ports.TargetRotationWeight);
var hintWeightValue = ctx.Resolve(ports.HintWeight);
float3 aPos = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.IKData.Root);
float3 bPos = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.IKData.Mid);
float3 cPos = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.IKData.Tip);
stream.GetLocalToRigTR(data.IKData.Target, out float3 targetPos, out quaternion targetRot);
float3 tPos = math.lerp(cPos, targetPos + data.IKData.TargetOffset.pos, targetPositionWeightValue * weightValue);
quaternion tRot = math.nlerp(stream.GetLocalToRigRotation(data.IKData.Tip), math.mul(targetRot, data.IKData.TargetOffset.rot), targetRotationWeightValue * weightValue);
float hintWeight = hintWeightValue * weightValue;
bool hasHint = data.IKData.Hint > -1 && hintWeight > 0f;
float3 ab = bPos - aPos;
float3 bc = cPos - bPos;
float3 ac = cPos - aPos;
float3 at = tPos - aPos;
float oldAbcAngle = TriangleAngle(math.length(ac), data.IKData.LimbLengths);
float newAbcAngle = TriangleAngle(math.length(at), data.IKData.LimbLengths);
// Bend normal strategy is to take whatever has been provided in the animation
// stream to minimize configuration changes, however if this is collinear
// try computing a bend normal given the desired target position.
// If this also fails, try resolving axis using hint if provided.
float3 axis = math.cross(ab, bc);
if (math.lengthsq(axis) < k_SqEpsilon)
axis = math.cross(at, bc);
if (math.lengthsq(axis) < k_SqEpsilon)
axis = hasHint ? math.cross(stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.IKData.Hint) - aPos, bc) : math.up();
axis = math.normalize(axis);
float a = 0.5f * (oldAbcAngle - newAbcAngle);
float sin = math.sin(a);
float cos = math.cos(a);
quaternion deltaRot = new quaternion(axis.x * sin, axis.y * sin, axis.z * sin, cos);
stream.SetLocalToRigRotation(data.IKData.Mid, math.mul(deltaRot, stream.GetLocalToRigRotation(data.IKData.Mid)));
cPos = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.IKData.Tip);
ac = cPos - aPos;
stream.SetLocalToRigRotation(data.IKData.Root, math.mul(mathex.fromTo(ac, at), stream.GetLocalToRigRotation(data.IKData.Root)));
if (hasHint)
float acLengthSq = math.lengthsq(ac);
if (acLengthSq > 0f)
bPos = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.IKData.Mid);
cPos = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.IKData.Tip);
ab = bPos - aPos;
ac = cPos - aPos;
float3 acNorm = ac / math.sqrt(acLengthSq);
float3 ah = stream.GetLocalToRigTranslation(data.IKData.Hint) - aPos;
float3 abProj = ab - acNorm * math.dot(ab, acNorm);
float3 ahProj = ah - acNorm * math.dot(ah, acNorm);
float maxReach = data.IKData.LimbLengths.x + data.IKData.LimbLengths.y;
if (math.lengthsq(abProj) > (maxReach * maxReach * 0.001f) && math.lengthsq(ahProj) > 0f)
quaternion hintRot = mathex.fromTo(abProj, ahProj);
hintRot.value.xyz *= hintWeight;
stream.SetLocalToRigRotation(data.IKData.Root, math.mul(hintRot, stream.GetLocalToRigRotation(data.IKData.Root)));
stream.SetLocalToRigRotation(data.IKData.Tip, tRot);
static float TriangleAngle(float aLen, float2 limbLengths)
float c = math.clamp((math.dot(limbLengths, limbLengths) - aLen * aLen) / (limbLengths.x * limbLengths.y) * 0.5f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
return math.acos(c);
public override void Init(InitContext ctx)
ref var kData = ref GetKernelData(ctx.Handle);
kData.ProfilerMarker = k_ProfileMarker;
kData.IKData = TwoBoneIKData.Null;
public void HandleMessage(in MessageContext ctx, in BlobAssetReference<RigDefinition> rigBindings)
GetKernelData(ctx.Handle).RigDefinition = rigBindings;
Set.SetBufferSize(ctx.Handle, (OutputPortID)KernelPorts.Output, Buffer<float>.SizeRequest(rigBindings.Value.Bindings.CurveCount));
public void HandleMessage(in MessageContext ctx, in TwoBoneIKData data)
GetKernelData(ctx.Handle).IKData = data;