该项目的目的是同时测试和演示来自 Unity DOTS 技术堆栈的多个新包。
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

230 行
7.9 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Sample.Core;
public class PartRegistry
public struct PartRegistryData : IComponentData
public BlobAssetReference<PartRegistryBlob> Value;
public struct CategoryPartMapping
public int ShiftCount;
public int BitCount;
public struct LODLevel
public float EndDist;
public struct Rig
public int skeletonHash;
public struct PartEntry
public WeakAssetReference Asset;
// Conditions
public int CategoryId;
public int PartId;
public int LODFlags;
public int RigFlags;
public struct PartRegistryBlob
// TODO (mogens) for now we just organize in linear list. This needs to be optimized AND CORRECT DECISIONTREE LOGIC IMPLEMENTED
public BlobArray<PartEntry> Entries;
public BlobArray<CategoryPartMapping> CategoryPartMapping;
public BlobArray<LODLevel> LODLevels;
public BlobArray<Rig> Rigs;
public bool FindAsset(int channelId, int partId, int skeletonHash, int lod, ref WeakAssetReference result)
var rigFlag = 0xFFFF;
if (skeletonHash != 0)
rigFlag = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Rigs.Length; i++)
if (Rigs[i].skeletonHash == skeletonHash)
rigFlag = 1 << i;
for (int i = 0; i < Entries.Length; i++)
var entry = Entries[i];
if (entry.CategoryId != channelId)
if (entry.PartId != partId)
if ((entry.RigFlags & rigFlag) == 0)
var lodFlag = 1 << lod;
if ((entry.LODFlags & lodFlag) == 0)
result = entry.Asset;
return true;
return false;
public int GetCategoryCount()
return CategoryPartMapping.Length;
// // TODO (mogensh) should this be on PartRegistry editor resource (not blob)?
// public uint PackPartsList(NativeArray<int> parts)
// {
// GameDebug.Assert(parts.Length == CategoryPartMapping.Length,
// "GetParts requested with array of wrong size. CategoryPartMapping:{0} parts:{1}", CategoryPartMapping.Length, parts.Length);
// uint result = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < CategoryPartMapping.Length; i++)
// {
// if (parts[i] == 0)
// continue;
// var mapping = CategoryPartMapping[i];
// GameDebug.Assert(math.countbits(parts[i]) <= mapping.BitCount, "part id:{0} to big for bitcount. MaxBitcount:{1}. Current:{2}",
// parts[i], mapping.BitCount,math.countbits(parts[i]));
// var val = parts[i] << mapping.ShiftCount;
// result = result | (uint)val;
// }
// return result;
// }
// TODO (mogensh) remove when we only do conversion in editor (so we can use method in PartRegistryAsset)
public uint PackPartsList(int[] partIds)
GameDebug.Assert(partIds.Length >= CategoryPartMapping.Length,
"GetParts requested with array of wrong size. CategoryPartMapping:{0} parts:{1}", CategoryPartMapping.Length, partIds.Length);
uint result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < CategoryPartMapping.Length; i++)
var val = partIds[i] << CategoryPartMapping[i].ShiftCount;
result = result | (uint)val;
return result;
// TODO (mogensh) should this be on PartRegistry editor resource (not blob)?
public void UnpackPartsList(uint parts, NativeArray<int> partIds)
GameDebug.Assert(partIds.Length == CategoryPartMapping.Length,
"part list needs to be same size as category list. PartIds:{0}. Categories:{1}", partIds.Length, CategoryPartMapping.Length);
uint baseMask = 0xffffffff;
for (int i = 0; i < CategoryPartMapping.Length; i++)
var mapping = CategoryPartMapping[i];
if(mapping.BitCount == 0)
var partId = parts >> mapping.ShiftCount;
var mask = baseMask >> 32 - mapping.BitCount;
partIds[i] = (int)(partId & mask);
// public void FindParts(uint parts, ref WeakAssetReference rig, int lod, NativeArray<WeakAssetReference> assets)
// {
// GameDebug.Assert(assets.Length == CategoryPartMapping.Length,
// "Part requested with array of wrong size. CategoryPartMapping:{0} assets:{1}", CategoryPartMapping.Length, assets.Length);
// uint baseMask = 0xffffffff;
// for (int i = 0; i < CategoryPartMapping.Length; i++)
// {
// var mapping = CategoryPartMapping[i];
// if(mapping.BitCount == 0)
// continue;
// var partId = parts >> mapping.ShiftCount;
// var mask = baseMask >> 32 - mapping.BitCount;
// partId = partId & mask;
// if (partId == 0)
// {
// assets[i] = WeakAssetReference.Default;
// continue;
// }
// var asset = new WeakAssetReference();
// var found = FindAsset(i, (int)partId, ref rig, lod, ref asset);
// if (found)
// assets[i] = asset;
// }
// }
// // TODO (mogensh) Find place to store part registries
// private static Dictionary<WeakAssetReference, BlobAssetReference<PartRegistryBlob>> g_PartRegistries
// = new Dictionary<WeakAssetReference, BlobAssetReference<PartRegistryBlob>>();
// public static BlobAssetReference<PartRegistryBlob> GetPartRegistry(WeakAssetReference asset)
// {
// var registry = BlobAssetReference<PartRegistryBlob>.Null;
// if (g_PartRegistries.TryGetValue(asset, out registry))
// return registry;
// var path = GetBlobAssetPath(asset.ToGuidStr());
// GameDebug.Assert(File.Exists(path), "Can find file:" + path);
// registry = BlobAssetReference<PartRegistryBlob>.Create(File.ReadAllBytes(path));
// GameDebug.Log("Loaded registry");
// g_PartRegistries.Add(asset,registry);
// return registry;
// }
// static string GetBlobAssetPath(string guid)
// {
// return Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/BlobAssets/" + guid + ".blob";
// }
// TODO (mogensh) Find place to store part registries
private static Dictionary<Tuple<World,WeakAssetReference>, BlobAssetReference<PartRegistry.PartRegistryBlob>> g_PartRegistries
= new Dictionary<Tuple<World,WeakAssetReference>, BlobAssetReference<PartRegistry.PartRegistryBlob>>();
public static BlobAssetReference<PartRegistry.PartRegistryBlob> GetPartRegistry(World world, WeakAssetReference asset)
var tuple = new Tuple<World, WeakAssetReference>(world, asset);
var registry = BlobAssetReference<PartRegistry.PartRegistryBlob>.Null;
if (g_PartRegistries.TryGetValue(tuple, out registry))
return registry;
var entity = PrefabAssetManager.CreateEntity(world.EntityManager, asset);
var partRegistryData = world.EntityManager.GetComponentData<PartRegistryData>(entity);
registry = partRegistryData.Value;
// GameDebug.Log("Loaded registry");
return registry;